Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 314 Your Wife Is Beautiful

Chapter 314 Your Wife Is Beautiful (3 More)
"I was so excited just now."

Feng Qinqin scratched her hair in embarrassment, looked down at her lower abdomen, her eyes unconsciously radiated a maternal light.

Is there really a baby here?

She and her family Mr. Bo's baby.

Hearing what she said, Dr. Xu felt more relieved. After working as an obstetrician and gynecologist for so many years, it is quite common for girls to have abortions after they find out they are pregnant, so she is no stranger to it.

She just thought so when she saw the girl's first reaction. Now that she said she didn't want an abortion, Dr. Xu breathed a sigh of relief. This girl is so beautiful, and the child she gave birth must be very cute. It would be a pity if she didn't want it .

"Miss Feng, please sit down first."

Feng Qinqin quickly sat down, asked the doctor and said.

"Doctor Xu, how long have I been pregnant?"

"Exactly three weeks."

three weeks.

It was really conceived on the day they received the certificate.

At the same time, Bo Zhongye was in a daze in the office. He needed to discuss a cooperation at ten o'clock. Now he was resting for a while. After a while, the phone rang. The man frowned, picked up the phone and answered it.

"Gently, what's the matter?"

"Brother, come to the hospital quickly, sister-in-law is pregnant, come here quickly, we are in the Municipal People's Hospital."

Now all of Bo Zhongye's fatigue was gone.

What did you just say, Qinqin is pregnant?

is not it?
"Gently, repeat what you just said. Who do you think is pregnant?"

He really couldn't believe it.

Also, no, Qinqin's aunt who came here yesterday, why did she tell him that Qinqin is pregnant today?
Today is not April Fool's Day!

"Brother, sister-in-law is pregnant! How many sister-in-laws do I have? If other sister-in-laws are pregnant, why should I call you?"

Bo Weiwei knew that the eldest brother must be so happy that he couldn't believe his ears.

Now Bo Zhongye woke up completely.

Qinqin is really pregnant.

But how did the aunt yesterday explain it?
Thinking of a certain possibility, Bo Zhongye was startled, hung up the phone without saying a word, and ran out with the phone.

There must be nothing wrong with the child in Qinqin's stomach, otherwise he would be a sinner.

As soon as the door of the office was opened, Le Yuan looked over, saw that it was the president, stood up quickly, and reminded.

"President, the time has not come yet, and the person in charge of the other party has not come yet."

Why is the president so active today? The other party is not a big customer.

It was only then that Bo Zhongye remembered that there was still a cooperation to be discussed, but at this moment, he didn't have the heart to care about any cooperation.

"Call the vice president, you go with him, I have something urgent, let the vice president decide everything, don't call me."

Now nothing can prevent him from going to the hospital, seeing his wife, and seeing his children!
In the outpatient room, Feng Qinqin talked about the bleeding yesterday.

"Doctor, is there something wrong with my baby?"

She and Bo Zhongye did it several times the night before yesterday, and did it again at noon yesterday, it was too frequent, and that guy was full of energy, if he didn't think that his aunt was here last night, he wouldn't have let her go.

Looking at it now, it wasn't that I came to my aunt yesterday, but that I hurt the baby so badly.

God, there must be no trouble with the baby. The baby that was conceived with great difficulty, if something happened, she would really hate herself for the rest of her life.

Dr. Xu frowned. He just checked to see if he was pregnant. As for the baby's condition, he still needs to be checked.

"I'll make you a list, go check it out, and I'll see the result."

Feng Qinqin went to check with the list, Bo Qingqing had just been hung up, feeling depressed.

Seeing his sister-in-law coming out, Feng Qinqin hurried over.

"Sister-in-law, how is it? What did the doctor say?"

Feng Qinqin's heart is a little beating now, and she doesn't know the baby's health status yet.

"I'll go for an inspection first, and I'll know in a while."

"Sister-in-law, wait a while before you go. I've already called my elder brother, and I guess he's here by now."

For such a big event as a baby check-up, of course, you have to go with the expectant father, so that the sister-in-law will not face it alone.

"Uh, you already called your elder brother?"

Just because of her excitement, she didn't know when Qingqing came out. Since she had already called, she must be on her way. Maybe he was even more excited than Qingqing, and within a quarter of an hour, he would arrive.

No, she has to go for an examination first, she has to know the baby's condition first, and if something happens, she has to be prepared, so she can't make him worry.

"Gently, you can go with me, we will finish the inspection when your elder brother comes over."

She was really worried about the child's problems, so she could face it alone, and didn't want to disappoint him.

Bo Weiwei was stunned. Although he didn't understand what sister-in-law meant, he still went with her.

In the pregnancy examination room, Feng Qinqin was lying on the bed, Dr. Xu had already come over, and an unfamiliar instrument was operating on her lower abdomen, Feng Qinqin's palms were covered with cold sweat.

Seeing that her sister-in-law was flustered, Bo Weiwei took her hand with her little hand, and when she touched it, her hand was sweating.

Just now, Bo Qingwei didn't know why her sister-in-law didn't want her elder brother to come and check with her when she was outside, but now she knows a little bit.

Sister-in-law is worried about the health of the child.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, it's okay."

Bo softly comforted her.

Doctor Xu glanced at the two of them upon hearing Bo Qingqing's address.

It's really strange, my sister-in-law and sister-in-law came for the pregnancy test together, but why didn't they see their husband?
However, looking at the girl on the bed, her small face still looks so young. If she hadn't seen the result, it would be really hard to believe that such a young girl is already married.

Dr. Xu's eyes moved back to the screen.

The examination was finished soon, and Dr. Xu tidied her up and asked her to get up.

"Doctor, how is my baby?"

Feng Qinqin wiped off the adhesive on her stomach with a tissue, and asked while wiping.

Judging by Dr. Xu's reaction just now, there should be no problem.

"Well, it's not a big problem. Let's go out first."

As soon as the three of them came out of the pregnancy test room, Feng Qinqin and Bo Qingqing saw a familiar figure. They were so familiar with that back view, especially Feng Qinqin, who burst into tears after seeing Bo Zhongye.


After calling out, he realized that his voice was trembling.

This was the first time she called Bo Zhongye's husband in front of outsiders. It was very novel and exciting, but it still stirred her heart.

Bo Zhongye was also shivered by her husband's shout.

This is Qinqin's voice.

Bo Zhongye wanted to turn around, but found that his body was frozen, and his footsteps seemed to be filled with lead, and he couldn't move.

Seeing that they were so excited, Bo Qingwei and Dr. Xu couldn't help feeling a little funny, but also very warm.

Seeing that he didn't turn his head, Feng Qinqin knew that her Mr. Bo was so excited that she couldn't believe it.

If he doesn't come, then she can go over.

Feng Qinqin walked over, held his hand from behind, and then felt her Mr. Bo's body tremble suddenly, and then Bo Zhongye turned around.

The first thing I saw was the teary cheeks of my little wife, two lines of tears slipped from the little girl's eye sockets, Bo Zhongye wiped her tears with trembling hands, leaned over and kissed her little mouth, even speaking All voices trembled.

"Honey, we have a baby."

As soon as the words were finished, Bo Zhongye hugged Feng Qinqin and wrapped her in his arms.

Feng Qinqin also hugged him back, feeling his tighter and tighter strength, but she didn't stop him.

Bo Weiwei didn't know what was going on, but thought that the two were too excited to have a baby, and then took Dr. Xu to the outpatient room first, and gave them time to be alone.

The two hugged for a long time before Bo Zhongye let her go, bent down, and stroked her belly with his big hands. It was different from any time before, without any lust, only cherishing and hope.

Cherish Qinqin and hope for children.

"Why didn't you tell me in advance, where will you put me when you come alone?"

Such a big matter is a matter between the two of them. He doesn't want her to face it alone, which is too distressing.

Feng Qinqin lowered her head and whispered.

"I'm not sure either. Besides, didn't the doctor tell you everything last time? The chance of pregnancy is very small. I thought, maybe not. If I told you and it turned out not to be true, then you would be so disappointed. "

She already felt inferior about this matter. As a woman, not being able to conceive quickly made her feel that she was not a normal woman. What's more, she didn't want him to be hopeful and disappointed. It would be better not to let him know.

Bo Zhongye sighed, how could he not understand what she meant, but he couldn't be disappointed, did she want to endure this disappointment by herself?
"In the future, you are not allowed to carry everything by yourself, do you understand?"

If you can handle everything by yourself, what do you want him to do, as a display?
Feng Qinqin let out an oh.

"Let's ask the doctor first. I don't know anything about being a parent for the first time. You have to remember more later. I have a bad memory and can't remember."

Bo Zhongye shook his head, raised his hand to pinch her little face, and said with a smile.

"it is good."

He won't let her worry about anything in the future, as long as he can do everything.

Feng Qinqin pouted and dragged him into the outpatient room.

Doctor Xu had already seen another pregnant woman before waiting for this couple. Seeing them coming in, Doctor Xu smiled.

"Come here quickly."

Dr. Xu really likes this girl, she got married at a young age, and married so well, this man is not someone to be taken lightly at first glance.

However, looking at this man, why do you feel so familiar?
Seems like I've seen it somewhere.

Not a star, right?

Dr. Xu didn't ask any more questions, he took the checklist and said.

"Are you married? Are you her husband?"

Doctor Xu glanced at Bo Zhongye.

Bo Zhongye took care of his little girl and sat down first, then nodded to the doctor.

"Yes, I am her husband. How is my wife's health? Is there any problem?"

He should have become popular yesterday, and it's all his fault. He shouldn't have wanted her so many times regardless of her body. He's not worried about the child now, he just wants to know if his little girl's body is damaged.

Hearing the man's question, Dr. Xu smiled.

When other people's husbands know that their wives are pregnant, the first thing they will ask is how the baby is doing. This man is different, asking how his wife is doing?
Pregnancy is a woman's job, so what can happen.

"Your wife is fine, just a little hypoglycemia."

Hearing what the doctor said, Bo Zhongye breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, there is one thing that you should pay attention to in the future. You can't have intercourse in the first three months of pregnancy, but you seem to have a lot of intercourse recently. If you see red again, the child will be very dangerous."

Feng Qinqin's face turned red, she lowered her head and stopped talking, it was all his fault anyway, let him deal with it alone.

Bo Zhongye had nothing to say after being told.

Doctor Xu continued.

"It's normal for young people to be full of energy and blood. Your wife is also very beautiful. It's normal for you to be uncontrollable, but you can't do this again in the future."

Bo Qingqing couldn't help laughing, lowered her head to hide her smile.

The sister-in-law just moved into the compound, and the eldest brother must have made up for everything in the past two days.

But this doctor is also very cute, he speaks so directly, especially the sentence that praised her sister-in-law for her beauty, it's funny even thinking about it.

Bo Zhongye closed his eyes and just nodded his head.

(End of this chapter)

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