Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 315 Sleeping in the guest room from now on

Chapter 315 Sleeping in the guest room from now on (1 more)
The doctor was talking there, Bo Zhongye just kept nodding his head, Feng Qinqin hooked his head and didn't say a word, didn't look up, his face was so red that he was about to bleed.

Doctor education is over.What's rare is that Young Master Bo didn't refute a word. If Dr. Xu knew that he was training the prince of Tongcheng, he wouldn't be so shocked.

Seeing that the doctor finished speaking, Bo Zhongye asked his own question.

"Doctor, my wife found out that it was difficult to conceive, and her uterus was a little injured. We wanted to give her a rest. We didn't expect her to be pregnant so soon. Her body hasn't been well-raised yet. Pregnancy is not good for her. Is there any harm to your body?"

This is what Bo Zhongye is most concerned about. He doesn't want Qinqin's body to be hollowed out because of this child.

Dr. Xu also saw the results just now and discovered this problem.

"It should be fine. Your wife has been recuperating for more than half a year, right?"

Bo Zhongye thought for a while, and it was more than half a year.

Listening to the conversation between the eldest brother and the doctor, Bo Weiwei was stunned. No wonder, no wonder the eldest brother and sister-in-law were so excited outside just now. She thought they were so happy because they became parents for the first time. Now it seems that it is not only It's because of being a parent for the first time.

"Well, that's not a big problem. Although it's not easy for her to get pregnant, isn't she also pregnant? This is your blessing."

Dr. Xu also somewhat understood the behavior of the girl just now.

Seems like a loving couple.

Hearing what the doctor said, Bo Zhongye breathed a sigh of relief, and asked some pregnancy precautions.

Dr. Xu may be in a good mood, but also at this time there are no pregnant women coming. He talked with Bo Zhongye for more than half an hour, and Bo Zhongye listened very seriously.

Bo Qingwei had never seen her elder brother listen to anyone so seriously, he almost took out a small notebook and wrote them down.

Going to see my sister-in-law again, she also looks very serious.

"Finally, pregnant women have abnormal emotions and may lose their temper for no reason. As a husband, you have to be patient and don't dislike her. Also, try to spend as much time as possible with her. She is easy to be lonely. It's also more sensitive, so try to think about her as much as possible."

Bo Zhongye nodded, it seems that he needs to go back and buy some books to read carefully.

On the way back, Bo Qingqing drove back by herself first, and she was going home to announce the good news.

In the Bentley, Bo Zhongye carefully fastened her seat belt, and stared straight at her belly.

The big hand also touched it.

"Honey, I thought I would be a father next year."

The news came so suddenly that he still hasn't recovered from it.

Feng Qinqin was the first to react from the joy. Looking at her man's silly actions and what he said, her face was filled with a happy smile, and her small hand covered his big hand, but the man's hand was too big, she couldn't It couldn't wrap it around, and could only rub it on the back of his hand.

"I was supposed to be a father next year, so the little guy will definitely not come out this year."

Feng Qinqin deliberately misinterpreted his meaning.

Bo Zhongye also echoed her.

"Yes, everything my wife says is right, and I will be a father next year."

In another eight or nine months, he will have a child.

Although many people think that he is excellent and his life is perfect, but he didn't feel that his life was complete until this time.

In the future, he will be a person with children, which is more fulfilling than when he negotiated the first project.

Feng Qinqin was speechless after what he said. This guy really listened to the doctor and asked him to follow her. He even wanted to follow her.


Feng Qinqin grabbed his neck, buried her small head in front of his chest, took out a small hand and unbuttoned his suit, stretched it out like this, and fumbled around his chest.

The girl's voice was very soft, a little gentler than before, especially her husband.

In the past, it was only because he coerced and lured her to call, but today he has called him twice.


Bo Zhongye also called her, Feng Qinqin raised his head suddenly, his eyes were smiling, not to mention how happy he was.

However, how can such a happy thing make the two of them happy, you must tell your family.

"Husband, should we go back to the compound and tell our grandparents and parents, or go to the store and talk to mom first?"

Feng Qinqin wanted to tell her mother first, but logically speaking, she had to tell the Bo family first.

Bo Zhongye knew what she was thinking, so he didn't care, anyway, as long as he knew, he could do other things according to her ideas.

"Let's go to the store and talk to our mother, she must be very happy."

If Liu Ping found out that she was pregnant, she would definitely be very happy.

Feng Qinqin puffed her cheeks, thought for a while, and said.

"Well, let's go home. Grandpa, grandma and parents must be waiting impatiently. It's the same to go to the store and tell mom after going home for dinner."

Now that you are married, you are a member of the Bo family, so you should think about them more.

"Fool, if we want to go to my mother first, we will go first. Grandparents and parents won't mind."

The little girl was always thinking of him, and Bo Zhongye was also very sorry.

It doesn't matter who knows first, as long as she is happy.

Feng Qinqin pursed her lips.

"Forget it, let's go home and go to Mom's in the afternoon, let's go."

Not at this moment.

Bo Zhongye stroked her long hair, took her hand off his neck, and asked her to return to the passenger seat and sit down.

The two finally returned to the Bo family compound.

In the courtyard, everyone in the family was already going crazy with joy.

Bo Qingqing told everyone the news as soon as he came back, Zhang Xiulan and Bo Bingzhong were so happy that they were speechless immediately.

They are old, half of their bodies have stepped into the coffin, and they left without knowing when. They just thought that they could see the birth of their great-grandson, and now there is hope.

Before Feng Qinqin and Bo Zhongye came back, Zhang Xiulan kept holding his wife's withered hand, and asked Bo Bingzhong several times if it was true. Thoughts are the same as hers.

As soon as Bo Zhongye and Feng Qinqin walked into the living room, Zuo Yao greeted them first.

As soon as Zuo Yao came over, she knocked her son away with all her strength, reached out and grabbed her daughter-in-law's hand, pulled her while talking, ignoring Bao Zhongye who was behind her.

"Qinqin, what did the doctor say? Did you say anything? Are you in good health?"

Seeing that everyone was sitting on the sofa in the living room, waiting for them to come back, especially the grandparents, their eyes were fixed on her stomach.

Feng Qinqin glanced at Bo lightly, and then saw Bo Qingwei's smiling face.

Well, this guy must have said it.

"Mom, there's nothing serious, the doctor said it's all right."

Sitting on the sofa with Zuo Yao, Zuo Yao's eyes kept staring at her stomach, and even touched her stomach.

Feng Qinqin held back her laughter and let her mother-in-law touch her belly.

"Qinqin, why don't you tell us when you feel pregnant, so we can go with you."

After listening to Gentle's narration, the old people felt very distressed.

This girl didn't tell them anything, she didn't even tell them about her physical condition, and went to check it by herself. Isn't this child distressing?
Feng Qinqin smiled embarrassedly and said.

"It's okay, Mom, I just went to check it out, it's fine, and Qingqing is with me."

Zuo Yao raised her hand and stroked her hair.

"You won't be allowed to do this in the future, you know?"

Feng Qinqin nodded, definitely not in the future.

Zuo Yao hurriedly asked Mama Zhang and Mama Wang to cook.

"Qinqin, what do you want to eat, do you have morning sickness or something?"

Feng Qinqin shook her head, she didn't have morning sickness, but if she wanted to eat something, it would be broccoli.

"Wang Ma, you go to the nearby supermarket to buy now, Zhang Ma, you go to cook first."

Feng Qinqin didn't pretentiously refuse to let Wang Ma buy it, anyway, it's useless if she said it.

During cooking, Zuo Yao remembered what the doctor said to her daughter, and gave her son an unhappy look.

"Come here for me!"

Zuo Yao's voice was neither soft nor heavy, but everyone knew that she was really angry. Feng Qinqin didn't know the reason and couldn't intervene, so Bo Zhongye could only walk over resignedly and sat down beside his mother.


Zuo Yao glared at him, her face full of hostility.

"Tell me, what good things have you done? Huh?"

Bo Zhongye didn't speak, although he knew in his heart that it was his sister who told his mother, he didn't even glance at his sister.

"Mom, I didn't know that my wife was pregnant. If I knew, I wouldn't do it."

Don't say it was his mother who told him, he regretted it himself, but it's useless to regret.

"I don't know. As a man, you don't know that your woman is pregnant, and you let her go to the hospital for an examination alone. Are you ashamed to use this as an excuse?"

Zuo Yao was furious. The child is fine. What should I do if something happens? I always knew that my son has no restraint in sex, but she is her own son no matter what. Of course she is for her son, but she is not partial to him now. It's time.

Compared with a grandson and a son, it must be the grandson who is more important.

Just now I couldn't understand why my mother-in-law was angry, but now she understood, her face turned red, and she didn't dare to raise her head anymore.

Bo Zhongye was also speechless by his mother.

"Mom, I know, I won't do it in the future."

Zuo Yao rolled his eyes at him, and if there was any future, he would directly break his leg!

Now that Zuo Yao was admonishing him, no one in the family spoke for him, but his grandparents, who always loved him very much, chose to silence at this time.

"There is no more. From today on, you will sleep in the guest room and let Qingqing and Qinqin live together. It happens that the two of you can talk easily."

Bo Zhongye is in a hurry now.

How could his woman sleep with someone else!

Let him sleep in the guest room?

He is a man with a daughter-in-law. It is a joke not to let him sleep with his wife, but to let him sleep in the guest room.

"Mom, I told you I won't do it anymore."

"No, no, no, we didn't know what you were doing in the bedroom once you two entered the room. I don't believe your promise!"

Zuo Yao didn't believe him [-], she would be a ghost if she believed in him.

Bo Zhongye was helpless, what's the matter?

"Mom, if you are like this, then I will take Qinqin back to live in Taoyuan Garden, and you really can't control me."


Zuo Yao was so angry that she couldn't speak, this guy really did it.

"Okay, then you also need to have the ability to take Qinqin away from here."

Zuo Yao got into a fight with her son, let's see who beats whom!
Uh, Feng Qinqin was a little confused watching the conversation between their mother and son.

It was fine just now, why did it start arguing?
"Mom, if we don't leave, just follow what you said, I live with Qingqing, don't be angry."

Although she also wanted to live with Mr. Bo, she couldn't disobey her mother-in-law's wishes. Besides, the other elders in the family didn't say a word, obviously to support her mother-in-law.


Bo Zhongye immediately refuted.

Feng Qinqin arched his arm with her arm, not letting him speak.

"Mom, what he said doesn't count, I have the final say."

As he spoke, he pushed Bo Zhongye's arm again to prevent him from speaking. He really didn't have the slightest sense of sight.

 Two more about 09:30
(End of this chapter)

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