Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 316 The Reason Wen Jing Left

Chapter 316 The Reason Wen Jing Left (2 More)
After being pushed by his wife, Bo Zhongye stopped talking.

No matter how much dissatisfaction there is in my heart, let's talk about it at night, who knows where he lives in the middle of the night.

After lunch, Bo Zhongye took care of Feng Qinqin to take a nap, and when he was about to lie down with her for a nap, he was dragged away by his mother.

"Come out for me, let Qinqin sleep well."

"Mom, I want to sleep with my wife. The doctor told me to spend time with her as much as possible. Also, I'm going to take a vacation in the future!"

Anyway, there are many men in the family, so he doesn't care, it's the same if he is there or not.

take a vacation?

Zuo Yao frowned, but after thinking about it, she should really spend time with Qinqin at home on vacation. Pregnant women are more emotionally disturbed, so it is better for her husband to be by her side.

"Okay, you can talk to your dad now and let Qinqin sleep here."

Feng Qinqin watched the two quarrel without saying a word. In the end, Bo Zhongye still couldn't win her mother-in-law, and went to the study to find her father.

After Bo Zhongye went, he was detained by his father.


Bo Zhongye and Bo Songyuan talked about the vacation, but Bo Songyuan smiled.

take a vacation?

This guy can't repair it for a few days, he can guarantee that within ten days, Yaoyao will definitely drive him to the company.

"Dad, you don't want to agree?"

Bo Songyuan shook his head.

He didn't want to agree. Even if his son didn't do anything, he could do it. He has two sons. Although they are not as good as the elder son, they can still manage the company well.

"How long did you rest?"

"Of course my son is born next year, I will go again."

Hearing this, Bo Songyuan snorted coldly, he still doesn't know what this kid is thinking, after the child is born, he still thinks about taking maternity leave.

"Okay, approved."

He wanted to see if this kid could stay at home successfully for a few days.

"Thank you Dad, I'm leaving then."

Saying that, Bo Zhongye was about to leave, but Bo Songyuan stopped him.

"Hold on."

Bo Zhongye stopped and glanced at his father.

"What's wrong dad?"

"Listen to your mother carefully, you know, you saw it today, no one will stand by you, so, boy, bear with it, and be careful not to be kicked out by your mother, I won't help you your."

Bo Zhongye: "..."

It's okay for his mother to reprimand him, but when he came to take a vacation, his father also reprimanded him.

won't help him?

He said it as if he had helped him before.

"Got it, I'm leaving."

Walking out of the study, he was about to go to the bedroom to sleep with his wife for a while, but was called away by his mother.

It was past four o'clock when Feng Qinqin woke up in the afternoon.

Looking at the watch, Feng Qinqin felt like crying.

She won't just sleep like a pig in the future, will she?

That's really scary.

After washing up, she came out of the bedroom, thinking that she could go to the store for a while, and tell her mother about her pregnancy, but as soon as she reached the corner of the stairs, she heard her mother's voice downstairs.

Mom is here?

And Lin Xiu's voice.

Feng Qinqin quickened her pace and went downstairs.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Bo Zhongye saw her coming down. Seeing her running so fast, Bo Zhongye was terrified, and immediately went up and hugged her without saying a word.

"Hey, what are you doing, put me down quickly."

Why is this man like this? So many people are watching, and they are all parents. He has a thick skin, but she is embarrassed.

"Don't move, run so fast in the future to see if I don't spank your ass."

Bo Zhongye said with a voice of only two people, and the big hand holding the girl's buttocks pinched it gently.

Feng Qinqin's eyes widened instantly: "!"

this man!

She turned her face away from looking at him.

Bo Zhongye carried her over and sent her to sit beside Liu Ping.

Several parents could see the scene just now, Zuo Yao blushed for her son, but his son had a thick skin, there was nothing he could do.

Seeing that they are in a good relationship, Liu Ping doesn't care about these small details.

Bo Zhongye went to the store this afternoon and told her about Qinqin's pregnancy, saying that she was a little lethargic and didn't know when she would wake up, so let her come over.

Her daughter's pregnancy is a big deal, so of course she has to come over and take a look.

"Qinqin, how do you feel about your body? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Feng Qinqin smiled, and patted her belly lightly.

"Mom, it's okay. If the doctor hadn't told me that I was pregnant, I wouldn't even know I had a little guy in my stomach."

Really, she didn't feel anything, but the drowsiness was evident on her body.

Liu Ping stepped forward and grabbed her hand, and gave her a look.

"This child, why are you so naughty, why are you patting your stomach?"

Feng Qinqin stuck out her tongue at her mother.

"Qinqin, congratulations, you are going to be a mother."

Lin Xiu, who had been sitting here without speaking, spoke.

Lin Xiu was worried that she was alone in the store, so he went to look at her, and then heard such good news.

He's going to be a grandfather.

Before I came, I told my son that my son was going to be an uncle, so he naturally wanted to come.

"Yes, Qinqin, you have to take good care of yourself, and you can tell me anything you want."

Lin Shishuo also said on the side.

Feng Qinqin's good mood was disturbed by the two father and son.

She let go of her mother's hand, leaned back on the back of the sofa, crossed her arms with her chest, and looked at the father and son in a leisurely manner.

"Whatever I want, my husband will give me. I don't need to ask others."

Lin Shishuo: "..."

Liu Ping pulled her daughter's arm, glared at her, and motioned her to stop saying such impolite words.

Feng Qinqin took her mother's hand and held her arm, as if she didn't see it, and smiled at her mother, that expression was as innocent as it could be.

"Mom, where is my elder brother? Why didn't you tell him why he didn't come?"

Looking at her daughter's eyes, how could Liu Ping be sure that her daughter asked this question on purpose.

Feng Qinqin asked that on purpose.

This Lin Shishuo really thought he was her big brother. Every time he spoke, he pretended to be her big brother. When did she admit it? There is only one big brother!
Of course, Lin Shishuo knew that Qinqin said this for him, so he frowned inadvertently. Now he was a little envious of Feng Xiao. The relationship between Feng Xiao and Qinqin was much deeper than that between him and Youyou.

"Ah Xiao, I haven't told him yet, you can call him tonight and tell him, he should come to see you tomorrow."

It's not easy for Liu Ping to play against her daughter, since she doesn't accept the Lin family, she shouldn't accept it, and she doesn't force it, but it seems that Qinqin should not let their father and son come over if they have something to do in the future.

Coming here is also to add to each other's troubles.

Feng Qinqin wanted to call her eldest brother right now, to drive the father and son away.

Bo Zhongye glanced at her helplessly, and let her bully Lin Xiu and his son, and the Bo family would not intervene. Lin Xiu and Lin Shishuo didn't do anything to Qinqin, so he didn't look like a father.

Bo Songyuan thought for a while, then asked Liu Ping.

"Family, Qinqin is pregnant. When is the wedding going to be held?"

If you want to do it before giving birth, you have to hurry up. Before Qinqin's belly is still big, you must get married within two months.

If you are doing it after giving birth, then don't worry.

The child came so suddenly that Liu Ping didn't know what to do.

"It depends on what the children want, they can do it whenever they want."

Anyway, the certificates have been obtained, and they can legally have children. As for the rest, the two children can do whatever they want.

Bo Zhongye had thought about having a wedding, but Feng Qinqin hadn't thought about it at all.

"Mom and Dad, I don't want to have a wedding. Let's talk about the wedding later."

It must be busy for a wedding, and her branch needs to be renovated, and then it will be officially opened. She really can't find time to get married in such a short period of time.

And she only gets married once in a lifetime, she doesn't want her wedding to be busy with other people, she just makes an appearance at the end, so it's too boring.

The most important thing is that when she has a son and a daughter, and then holds a wedding, her child can be a flower girl, so much love.

Bo Zhongye smiled at her, and raised his hand to touch her head.

"Just do what Qinqin said, and I think it's very good."

Both parties have said so, and the parents have nothing to say.

Liu Ping and the others didn't eat in the courtyard either. Feng Qinqin didn't want her mother to leave, but she was worried that the parents of the Bo family were overwhelmed, so she held back.

When Liu Ping went back, she was worried and talked a lot with Qinqin.

"Tell me what you want to eat in the future. Mom will bring it to you when it's ready. If you miss mom, call me. I'll definitely come. Don't run around, you understand?"

In the evening, Bo Qingwei was dragged by her mother to her elder brother's bedroom, where she lived with her sister-in-law.

There is nothing wrong with Bo Qingwei, of course she wants to live with her sister-in-law, and she can also whisper, just because she is afraid that her elder brother will punish him.

You see, she just came in, and the elder brother's eyes wanted to eat her up.

"Why are you staring!"

Zuo Yao yelled at her son, and then said softly.

"Qingan, you will live here to take care of your sister-in-law from now on. If you have something to do, tell me, your eldest brother cannot be allowed in, do you understand?"

Bo gently closed her eyes, and didn't look into her elder brother's eyes. It was better for her to listen to her mother.

Before leaving, Zuo Yao dragged her son away.

In the bedroom, two girls, Bo Qingwei and Feng Qinqin, laughed together.

"Sister-in-law, have you seen the expression on the elder brother's face? It's like he's constipated, ahahaha..."

It's funny even thinking about it lightly.

Feng Qinqin also bent over with a smile, and lay down with Qingqing.

"Oh, let's go to sleep."

Feng Qinqin could already think that Bo Zhongye should come over within two hours.

If you want him to sleep in the guest room alone, it is impossible,
So, now she doesn't chat with Qingqing anymore, it's true to go to bed quickly.

Bo Qingwei didn't think too much about it, thinking that her sister-in-law was prone to sleepiness because of a pregnant woman, so she didn't talk anymore, and went to sleep after turning off the bedside lamp.

Yi Family Courtyard.

After dinner, Yi Zuo didn't go back to work upstairs as usual, Yifeng and Ke Qian saw him as if he had something to say.

"Azuo, what's the matter?"

Ke Qian cared about her son the most. Seeing his son's worry, Ke Qian couldn't help it.

Yi Zuo looked up at his mother, and only said one thing.

"Mom, Wen Jing is back."

Ke Qian stood up immediately, her face turned pale in a flash.

Wenjing is back!
How could she come back? Didn't she promise her that she would never show up in Tongcheng again?

This child, she did her such a big favor, but in the end she broke her promise.

It's just that now that this one is back, what can Jean Qingqing do?

Her silly son, wouldn't she break up with Qingqing after seeing Wen Jing?

"Son, tell me, do you still have thoughts about Wen Jing, Wen Jing doesn't like you!"

Ke Qian was in such a hurry that she slipped her tongue.

Yi Zuo squinted his eyes, it seemed that his mother really knew what was going on here.

What else is he looking for? Just ask Mom.

"Mom, I have no idea about Wen Jing, but I want to know if Wen Jing's departure had something to do with you?"

My mother is not a cruel person, but she loves him too much and doesn't want him to suffer a little grievance. When he and Wen Jing fell in love, their parents probably checked out the eighteen generations of her ancestors.

Later, Wen Jing left suddenly. He thought it was because of his parents, but he didn't care about the reason because he was too sad.

It's time to know.

"Son, you better not know, you just need to know that the person Wen Jing loves is not you."

Yi Zuo: "Mom, today you have to make it clear with me, otherwise I might break up with Qingqing."

Hearing this, Ke Qian was terrified, but if she told the reason, her son might break up with Qingqing, what should she do?

  Babes, if you have free evaluation votes, please vote for Qianqian, remember five stars, today is the 25th, this month will be over, and it will expire soon.

  There are three more, it's about twelve o'clock, let's see it tomorrow morning, good night, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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