Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 317 Sneaking into the Bedroom

Chapter 317 Sneaking into the Bedroom (3 More)
It was half an hour after Ke Qian finished talking about everything.

After speaking, not only the speaker is sad, but also the listener is uncomfortable.

Yi Zuo didn't expect such a reason.

No wonder Wen Jing is so good at taking care of others, no wonder Wen Jing never said that she loves him, no wonder she spent all the money he gave her at that time, but he didn't see a new dress on her body, a new jewelry.

Thinking of the time when they were dating, Yi Zuo felt that she was not like his girlfriend, but more like a servant he bought with money.

After saying this, Ke Qian looked at her son carefully and tried to speak.

"Son, since the person Wen Jing likes is not you, no matter what the reason for her leaving in the first place, now that you are lighthearted, don't get involved with Wen Jing anymore, okay?"

This secret has been buried in her heart for so many years, and she thought she would never tell it again. After all, she also sympathized with the girl Wen Jing back then. If Wen Jing really liked her son, then she would definitely be willing, and she would I don't want my son to marry a girl he doesn't like just because he likes Qingqing.

However, the important thing is that Wen Jing doesn't like him.

Right now, her son has developed feelings for Qingqing, and she thought that this matter would never be brought up again, but the girl Wenjing came back by herself.

It's all right now, she talked about the matter, and she was worried that her son would go to Wen Jing, and then go after Wen Jing, so what should Qing Qing do?

However, she couldn't bear to lie and slander Wen Jing.

Yi Zuo bit the corner of his lips, and suddenly smiled, with a hint of bitterness in his smile.

Don't like him, really don't like him.

"Mom, I'm going back to rest."

Yi Zuo stood up and spoke to Ke Qian.


Ke Qian also stood up, seeing her son like this, she was not at ease.

Yi Zuo stopped in his tracks, did not turn around, and let out a heavy breath.

He knows what mom thinks.

"Mom, don't worry, I won't break up with Qingqing, and I don't have any thoughts about Wenjing, so don't worry, I'll go back to sleep first."

Yi Zuo said a series of words, and then went upstairs.

Back in the bedroom, Yi Zuo sat quietly on the bed for a long time, staring at the ground with a pair of dark eyes, thinking about the details of his relationship with Wen Jing in those years.

He still remembered Wen Jing's hesitation when he told her about getting married. It turned out that she never thought about marrying him.

How ridiculous.

Who can he blame?
Yi Zuo raised his head and took out a stack of photos from the last drawer of the bedside table.

The photos here were all taken when he was dating Wen Jing, but he felt very happy, but looking at each one now, Yi Zuo finds it ridiculous.

The man inside is smiling like an idiot, while the girl always has a flat expression, no, there is no expression at all.

It's no different than taking a graduation photo.

Yi Zuo never thought that a love affair in his youth turned out to be a joke, a conspiracy.

It's really embarrassing to say it.

The man took out a silver lighter from the head pocket of his trousers with his big hand, pressed the lighter with his slender hand, and a blazing flame ignited.

Yi Zuo took out the first photo, and the flame hit the photo, and after a while, a photo was scrapped like this.

Then one after another, all of them were burned in the ashtray, and none of them remained.

Looking at the ashes in the ashtray, Yi Zuo smiled.

That's okay, let's just leave it at that, he can't take it lightly, Wen Jing doesn't like him, and he doesn't owe her anything, so let this relationship end like this.

Early the next morning, when Feng Qinqin woke up, she was hugged by Bo Zhongye.

After opening his eyes, he realized that this was not their bedroom, but a guest room.

Feng Qinqin rubbed her sleepy eyes and recalled what happened last night.

Last night, she was thinking of waiting for him to come after she fell asleep lightly, but she didn't expect to fall asleep herself.

So he carried her over in the past?

Thinking of him secretly hugging her in the bedroom in the middle of the night, Feng Qinqin felt it was funny, she burrowed into his arms, hugged his waist with her little hands, buried her furry head on his chest, and put her little hands on his chest. His back slowly slid from top to bottom.

"I can't help it if you move again."

Bo Zhongye's whole body was hot from his touch, and his reaction in the morning became more and more intense.

Feng Qinqin naturally felt it, and was so frightened that she hurriedly got out of his arms.

Bo Zhongye held her body down, not letting her move.

"Don't move, let me hold you for a while, I didn't sleep well last night."

After being stuffed into this guest room by my mother last night, I have been itching in my heart. He has a wife but can't hug him. He is unyielding.

After finally waiting until he felt that the two girls were asleep, he sneaked back to the bedroom with the key and carried her over.

Thinking that it was his own room, he wanted to steal his wife like a thief.

What a crime he did.

After finally coming back here, this girl tossed her whole body into flames again. The important thing is that she can't put out the fire.

When he woke up in the morning, the man's voice was exceptionally nice. Hearing it sounded like music to Feng Qinqin's ears, and it also had a male-specific hoarseness, which was extraordinarily magnetic.

"Honey, you have a nice voice."

Feng Qinqin looked at him with admiration, his eyes were still squinting, and the fire on Bo Zhongye's body became more intense.

"Don't get angry, put away your wolf eyes."

Feng Qinqin curled her lips, lowered her head, and twisted the muscles on his chest fiercely.

Wolf eyes?

She doesn't have wolf eyes anymore, her eyes are so big and beautiful, she even said that she has wolf eyes, he usually looks at her like wolf eyes even now.

"are you hungry?"

Bo Zhongye touched her lower abdomen with his hands, stroking gently but without losing strength.

It's already 07:30, I woke up early today, Feng Qinqin is really hungry.

"Get up, I'll put on your clothes for you, you go back to the master bedroom to wash up first, don't let mom see you coming."

Feng Qinqin sat up, Bo Zhongye took the clothes and put them on for her, then carried her to the door and put on her shoes.

Feng Qinqin shivered suddenly.

"what happened?"

Could it be a cold?

Feng Qinqin sniffed.

"The weather is a little cold, I'm afraid of the cold."

Bo Zhongye was stunned.

It's only the beginning of September, and she's starting to get cold?
It was still winter when I met her, and she was cold at that time, but I didn't expect her to start to be cold in early autumn.

"You go back first, and I will accompany you to buy autumn clothes after breakfast."

Feng Qinqin nodded, it is indeed time to buy clothes at this time.

"Then I'll go back first, and you should hurry up."

After Feng Qinqin returned to the bedroom, Bo Qingqing was looking for her all over the room.

While looking for her, he muttered.

"Where did sister-in-law go? Why did she disappear as soon as she woke up?"

Feng Qinqin held back her laughter, being gentle was too real, she looked like an indifferent little girl, didn't she realize that she had already left?

Feng Qinqin called out from behind.

Bo Qingwei was looking for her in front of the toilet door, when she heard a voice from behind.

Bo Qingyuan turned her head abruptly, and then saw Feng Qinqin standing at the door.

"Sister-in-law, why are you so early? You scared me to death. I thought you were lost."

Bo gently patted his chest in a serious manner.

Seeing Qingqing's innocent appearance, Feng Qinqin didn't want to lie to her, but he couldn't taint Qingqing.

"Well, I got up early, and I went out first when you didn't get up."

Feng Qinqin really couldn't bear to instill such filthy thoughts into her.

Bo let out a soft oh, feeling that something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong. The clothes on sister-in-law were not from yesterday, but, yes, it's normal to change them again.

"Gently, I'll go wash up first. If you pack up, go out first."

Bo Qingwei obviously believed it, opened the bedroom door and walked out, closed the door before Bo Qingwei realized that something was wrong, not the clothes, but the person.

The sister-in-law has gone out, why hasn't she washed up yet, shouldn't she go out after washing up?
He glanced at the guest room inadvertently, and suddenly realized.

The elder brother probably stole his sister-in-law yesterday, right?

Don't think about it, it must be, otherwise, with the temperament of the eldest brother, he would have come to the bedroom to see his sister-in-law by now.

If you don't come to see my sister-in-law, there is only one possibility, that is, my eldest brother slept with my sister-in-law yesterday, and if he doesn't come out now, it's completely deceiving people.

Thinking about his sister-in-law's expression just now, Bo Qingwei further confirmed his thoughts.

Forget it, because her eldest brother treats her so well, she won't tell her mother about it.

During breakfast, Zuo Yao looked at her son, who had a resentful and dissatisfied look on his face. It seemed that he didn't sleep with Qinqin yesterday, otherwise he wouldn't have such an expression.

Bo Qingwei and Feng Qinqin were eating with their heads down, holding back their laughter, and so was their mother, who only looked at the surface and was completely deceived by her son.

After dinner, Bo Zhongye took Qinqin to buy autumn clothes. Bo Songyuan and Bo Bingzhong frowned. It wasn't cold yet, why did they start wearing autumn clothes?
"Qinqin, are you getting cold now?"

Zuo Yao knew that Qinqin's body was cold, but when did it start to get cold?
Feng Qinqin nodded embarrassedly.

"Mom, I'm just a little cold. I'm afraid my legs will freeze. I just need to buy some jeans to keep my legs from getting cold."

She had already started wearing long trousers and long sleeves at this time before.

Zuo Yao groaned, feeling a little distressed.

"Okay, then go out and buy more."

After breakfast, Feng Qinqin and Bo Zhongye went out.

The two went to the shopping mall, and Bo Zhongye took her to buy twenty pairs of jeans first.

Then the two went to the store to buy new autumn shirts and sweaters for the season.

After buying it, Feng Qinqin looked at herself wearing a skirt in the mirror, and her heart ached.

"I won't be able to wear skirts anymore."

It's really sad that girls can't wear skirts when others can.

Bo Zhongye hooked her waist from behind, rested his chin on her shoulder, and his hoarse voice rang in her ears.

"My wife looks just as good in jeans."

As he said that, Bo Zhongye's big hand was still stroking her lower abdomen up and down.

After being touched by him like this, Feng Qinqin looked at the shopping bags on the ground, then suddenly turned her head to look at the man behind her.

"It's broken, I seem to have bought too many jeans just now, and my stomach will get bigger and bigger in the future, so I won't be able to wear them in the future."

Twenty pairs of jeans would last her a long time.

Bo Zhongye thought it was a big deal.

It turned out that I bought too many clothes.

"Not much. If you wear one a day, it's not enough for a month."

Hearing his rich and powerful tone, Feng Qinqin pursed her mouth. She really thought she was a prodigal son. All of these twenty pairs of jeans were famous brands, and they were all haute couture. It was impossible to wear them once and not to wear them.

"Let's not talk about it, let's go buy a few more pairs of flat shoes, sandals are freezing feet."

Feng Qinqin looked down at her bare feet, each toe was so pretty, and the toenails were painted with bright red nail polish, a little red in the white, really exquisite.

Looking at these ten toes, Bo Zhongye thought that sometimes he would kiss her toes when he was in love.

Feng Qinqin looked up to see where would be the best place to buy shoes, she didn't know that the man beside her was already having dirty thoughts.

"Husband, let's go outside and have a look. There are too few shoes here."

Feng Qinqin turned around and saw Bo Zhongye's eyes staring at her toes.


Feng Qinqin is not happy anymore, what's so interesting about her toes, really.

Bo Zhongye suddenly came back to his senses, and said hello in a dull manner.

 The update is complete, good night, babies

(End of this chapter)

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