Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 318 You dare to hook up with my thin and light man!

Chapter 318 You dare to hook up with my thin and light man!
Bo Zhongye took her to see a few pairs of shoes. Fortunately, Feng Qinqin didn't have the habit of wearing high heels before, so now that she has changed so much all of a sudden, she doesn't have a big gap in her heart.

She looks just as good in jeans, except she can't wear skirts.

Feng Qinqin likes white shoes the most, so she basically chooses white shoes, only one or two pairs are red.

Holding the clothes and shoes, Feng Qinqin felt that she bought too many things today.

Bo Zhongye carried his clothes and shoes in his hands as if he didn't feel tired.

"Why didn't you ask Qiao Wu to come over recently? If he is here, you can relax a bit."

If she wants to help him take it, he won't.

Hearing she said Qiao Wu, Bo Zhongye frowned.

This Qiao Wu, he drove him to school again. Before, it was because he was stupid that he let him follow Qinqin, but now Qiao Wu is fine.

Qiao Wu is good-looking, although he is not as handsome as him, but he also knows such things as love for a long time, so it is impossible for him to let Qiao Wu come to accompany Qinqin.

"I can handle it. Besides, didn't you say let him go to school? So I let him go to school."

Go to school?

No, they were chatting a few days ago, he didn't say he was going to school,
I also said before that I wouldn't go to school, so why don't I tell her about it, and treat her as a friend.

No, when she goes back, she will call Qiao Wu and ask him what's going on.

Really, it's not like she wouldn't let him go to school.

"It's still early, let's go to the store and have a look."

Bo Zhongye had no objection, put the clothes and shoes in the trunk, turned around to take care of her and got into the car, only to find that the little girl had already sat in.

Bo Zhongye shook his head, this girl, really, didn't give him a chance to show off.

When the two came to the store, Liu Ping saw them coming, and quickly went to get a stool for her to sit on.

"Qinqin, didn't I tell you not to let you come over? I was thinking of going to see you at noon. Uh, why did you come here?"

The daughter is the first child of the Bo family, so she must take it very seriously, and she must not make any mistakes.

Seeing her mother's nervous appearance, Feng Qinqin couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Mom, you're too nervous. I'm only less than a month pregnant. What can happen?"

I don't feel pregnant at all except drowsiness.

As a result, everyone was nervous.

"How can you not be nervous, you are not allowed to come out and run around in the future, if you come out, you must have Xiaoye to accompany you, you know?"


Bo Zhongye came over and sat down beside her, and said.

"Mom, I've asked my dad for leave, and I won't go to work until Qinqin is born."

Hearing this, Liu Ping was stunned for a moment, this Bo Zhongye actually asked for leave to take care of Qinqin? !

This is quite good. Pregnant women are the most sensitive minds. When she was pregnant with Qinqin, there were only Feng Wenjun and A Xiao by her side. At that time, she ignored Feng Wenjun. If it wasn't for A Xiao who was by her side all day With her words, she is really likely to be depressed.

At this time, Bo Zhongye could ask for leave to stay with Qinqin at home, it was really intentional.

"Xiao Ye, the mood of pregnant women will be more abnormal, and Qinqin is spoiled by me again. If she acts like a spoiled child to you, you can see that she is still young and don't be as knowledgeable as her."

Feng Qinqin picked out her ears, and her mother was really serious, why did she always speak ill of her.

She often does it like a baby, but she has never done it before!
Can not wrong people.

Bo Zhongye thought of the little girl playing with his temper a few days ago, and he thought it was because the little girl got a little more tempered.

It seems that it has nothing to do with pregnancy.

"Mom, don't worry, I will accompany her well, but I have an idea to discuss with you."

The weather is slowly turning cold, and Qinqin is afraid of the cold. If she spends the winter here, she will be too cold. It happens that he is also on vacation during this time, so he wants to take her to the south for vacation in more than a month. Time to come back.

Hearing his plan, Feng Qinqin had no idea when he made the decision.

I didn't even discuss it with her.

"No, I won't go, I want to stay here!"

Before Liu Ping said anything, Feng Qinqin frowned and refused.

Her branch is about to open for business, and everything here still needs her, and she can't leave.

She also hoped that this clothing store could flourish in the future, so that everyone in Tongcheng would know her.

She didn't want everyone to say that Feng Qinqin was Bo Zhongye's woman when she went out, and she was just a clerk in a small clothing store with no abilities.

Although it is impossible to be called the other way around in this life, she should be called founder, general manager or female president when she is called by others.

So at this critical moment, she must not leave. It's not that she doesn't believe in Niu Feng, but she has to manage it by herself to have a sense of accomplishment.

Hearing her words, Bo Zhongye immediately frowned.

"When are you going to open a branch, why don't I know?"

Why is this girl doing things on her mind? What kind of branch is she opening while she is pregnant? Isn't she making trouble?

After being yelled at by him like this, Feng Qinqin was not happy, so she glanced at him and asked back.

"Why do I have to tell you what I do? Do you have to believe me every time you talk about a big project? Besides, I'm a small business. Why should I tell you?"

It's obvious that she looks down on her small shop. Her small shop is small, but she earns [-] to [-] a month.

If there is another branch in the future, and my mother will design clothes for her in the future, I believe the business will get better and better.

She doesn't have much ambition, as long as she can open branches all over Tongcheng.

"Nonsense, no way, stay at home these few months, take good care of the baby!"

Seeing that her son-in-law was so dark-faced and unable to utter a word, Liu Ping had no choice but to reprimand her daughter.

"No, I will go crazy at home. What should I do if I get depression? Besides, I checked the Internet, and I also asked Dr. Xu for advice. She said, it's okay, and exercising more is good for children. , as long as it’s not strenuous exercise.”

She is not a person who does not know how to measure, she has already planned before making a decision.

Bo Zhongye knew that she had added Dr. Xu's Wechat, and he also knew that pregnant women didn't have to stay at home, but she was so busy, and she had to go to the garment factory to look at the clothes, how could he feel at ease.

"If you come to the store to buy clothes, I agree, but you can't go shopping. Just let me come to open a branch store. I will definitely handle it well for you."

She wanted to branch out, let alone one, he could afford to open a hundred.

Feng Qinqin pouted and didn't want to talk. If she had known about it, she wouldn't have told him about it. Now that it's all over, she won't be allowed to do it.

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Niu Feng tried to speak.

"Master Bo, Qinqin, how about this, let me do the opening of the branch, and let Qinqin do it, I won't be polite, you can rest assured, Young Master Bo, I won't let her have trouble, If you insist on trapping her at home, she is so lively, aren't you embarrassing her?"

After Niu Feng finished speaking, Feng Qinqin nodded repeatedly, as if saying, look, Niu Feng still understands her.

Now Bo Zhongye was even more angry, Liu Ping gave him a look and refused to let him speak, so Bo Zhongye had no choice but to shut up.

"Okay, just follow what Niu Feng said. Xiao Ye, don't worry, are you still worried about Qinqin with me? I'm sure I can take good care of her."

Bo Zhongye sighed, what else could he say after his mother said so.

"Okay, I'll go to work tomorrow too."

She's not at home, he's a big man looking after the house?
Feng Qinqin thought the same way. She felt very sorry that he, a big man, stayed at home for eight or nine months because of her.

Outsiders know about him but don't know what to say about him.

The gate of Huayu College.

A luxury car was parked on the side of the road, attracting countless people to stop, and even many girls wanted to strike up a conversation.

Two girls who claimed to be very beautiful and temperament saw this Rolls-Royce worth 800 million, and a girl who just wanted to strike up a conversation was ruthlessly driven over.

"Hmph, just looking like that and wanting to strike up a conversation, without looking at my own virtues, Lan Lan, do you think she is as beautiful as me?"

Cheng Lan didn't know what she meant, but Qin Xiangxiang wasn't much prettier than her, and she wasn't as temperamental as her, so she was the first to strike up a conversation.

"She is not as beautiful as you, but she is not as beautiful as me."

As she spoke, Cheng Lan proudly lifted her chin.

We've been friends for so many years, and of course Qin Xiangxiang knows what's on her mind, but didn't all the men she wanted to hook up end up in her bed?
It doesn't matter if she is more beautiful than her, is she better in means?

"Then let's compare and see who the man sitting in the luxury car looks at first!"

"Okay, let's compare!"

In the car, Yi Zuo opened the window, looking at the school gate from time to time with his dark eyes.

He already knew that Qingqing was in class and would not be able to come out for a while, so he came here ahead of time, and he regretted it when he came, the female students came one after another.

He still doesn't know their small thoughts. For so many years in the shopping mall, there are too many women who take the initiative to send them here, and all of those women are much more experienced than them.

A group of female students who have not stepped into the society still want to use their bodies to seek benefits. How many of them not only lose their bodies in the end, but gain nothing in the end.

How could these inexperienced people fight against those men who have been in love for a long time, thinking that they would really divorce their wives and marry them back home.

It's ridiculous.

What's even more ridiculous is knowing that this is the case, but still flocking to it. It's nothing more than the possessive desire for money.

I just chased away a girl, this time it's good, here are two.

Looking at the two girls lying in front of the window, two different smells of rouge rushed towards his face, Yi Zuo frowned, and stepped back.

Cheng Lan and Qin Xiangxiang didn't expect the man in the car to be so handsome!

They thought that the men sitting in this kind of car were middle-aged men with fat heads and Mediterranean ears, but they didn't expect to meet such a handsome man today.

This is the legendary tall, rich and handsome. If nothing else, they are willing to have a one-night stand with him even if they don't give them money with this face.

Qin Xiangxiang straightened his hair first, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but in Yi Zuo's eyes, he was just a disgusting animal.

"Brother, my mobile phone is out of charge, can I use your mobile phone to make a call?"

Yi Zuo turned his head to look at her, and sneered.

"Your routine is outdated, think of a new trick."

Qin Xiangxiang's face was a little ugly when he was stunned by Yi Zuo's sarcastic remarks.

Of course she knew that this routine was outdated, but to her, it was not a routine, it was a hint, a hint to keep the door open for men.

Seeing that she was bullied back, Cheng Lan sneered, she had always had the upper hand, and she really thought that all men were interested in her.

"Sir, can I ask you a favor?"

Cheng Lan spoke with a smile, but there was a trace of embarrassment on her face, but she was smiling in her heart.

She knows that men have a heroic complex, especially this kind of status man, who likes to help beautiful women, as long as they pretend to be pitiful, they will fall for it.

Yi Zuo glanced behind her, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the two girls standing in front of the window looked dumbfounded.

This man is too handsome!

"Okay, what's the matter?"

Yi Zuo sat up straight, looked behind her and said.

Cheng Lan covered her mouth happily, just as she was about to say something, a force came from behind and pulled her shoulders abruptly.

"Cheng Lan, Qin Xiangxiang, you are too courageous, you dare to hook up with my thin and light man!"

 Qianqian has revisited Battle of Changsha again in the past few days. It is really a good TV series. At that time, Qianqian watched it because of Brother Hua and Yang Zi, but she was fascinated by Xue Junshan while watching it. , Qianqian thinks that the happiest person in it is Mr. Xiang, who has a husband who loves and loves very much. If the babies are in short supply, you can go and see.

  The second watch is still around 09:30, if you guys have free evaluation tickets, please think about it, hahahahaha
(End of this chapter)

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