Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 319 Let go of my hand!

Chapter 319 Let go of my hand! (2 more)
"Cheng Lan, Qin Xiangxiang, you are too courageous, you dare to hook up with my thin and light man!"

Bo Gently pulled Cheng Lan behind him who had just spoken, and glared at her angrily.

Damn it, it's fine to seduce other men, those men have nothing to do with her, she can just pretend that she can't see it, but now, the man who started to seduce her is coming, she is really courageous!

Seeing the arrogant little girl in front, Yi Zuo who was sitting in the car suddenly smiled.

This little girl is not angry, others really think she is a little sheep, and now she is really cute when she is angry.

Bo lightly raised his head and glanced at him, not very happy.

This man came ahead of time without telling her. Knowing that he was coming, she rushed over quickly, but she saw him talking to Cheng Lan here, and wanted to help her? !
Really pissed her off!

"Let me go of your hand!"

Bo Qingwei is really angry now, it’s really too much, why is it like this, if someone seduces you, you go up, then there will be more people who seduce him, and he will agree to everyone ? !

Seeing Qingqing so angry, Yi Zuo looked very happy.

He also agreed just now because he saw Qingqing behind him. He wanted to see the little girl's reaction, and sure enough, he was not disappointed.

When did Qingqing treat him like this? Every time I saw him, I was always happy, and I wanted to stick to his body. Today, I even shook off his hand and refused to let him touch it. Isn't it all because I care too much? Yet?

Bo Qingwei doesn't have so many twisted intestines, she just sees Brother Zuo treating other women and she is unhappy, very unhappy, not to mention these two rotten women who are so cheap that they don't know how many men have been raped After a while, Brother Zuo actually smiled at them both, can she not be angry? !
Bo Weiwei didn't care about him anymore, her pair of beautiful eyes were so cold, her tone of voice was even colder.

"Cheng Lan, Qin Xiangxiang, you two, let me see clearly. This is my thin and light man. If I see you two seducing her again, I will sell you to those dirty and smelly men in the ravine. The disgusting man I want to be my wife!"

Yi Zuo: "..."

He wanted to laugh so much after hearing the last sentence, what happened?

Cheng Lan and Qin Xiangxiang were already jealous of Bo Qingwei, but they couldn't afford to offend them. In the past two years in college, they were very happy to see that Bo Qingwei didn't have a boyfriend. One day, if Bo Qingwei had a boyfriend, they would definitely grab him!
In the end, the man who had no idea that Bo Qingwei turned out to be such a superb man, no one would be able to control it.

Especially Cheng Lan, who now hates Bo Qing even more. If she hadn't come over just now, this man might have left with her.

"Miss Bo, I just need his help with something. Why do you have to go online like this? Besides, even if he is your boyfriend, he still needs to socialize, right? You rely on yourself as a member of the Bo family." Don't you think it's unrespectable for the eldest lady to overwhelm your boyfriend?"

Cheng Lan's words were to sow discord, she wanted to tell Yi Zuo that Bo Qingwei is a woman with princess disease, and he doesn't have any face with such a woman.

Bo Qingwei and Yi Zuo quickly understood what she meant, and Bo Qingwei was so angry that she couldn't say a word. Where did she have a princess sickness, why did she restrict Brother Zuo's freedom, and when did she use the Bo family's big brother? The identity of the young lady is overwhelming Brother Zuo.

If they could use their identity as the young lady of the Bo family to overwhelm Brother Zuo, then they wouldn't wait until now to date!

Yi Zuo looked down on this girl, she was quite scheming, and knew where the man's weakness was, but what she didn't know was that Yi Zuo's weakness was not face, but lightness.

After finishing speaking, Cheng Lan observed Yi Zuo's face, she was the best at provoking the relationship between people, and worried that this man didn't hate Bo Qingqing, even if it didn't show on the surface, there must be a gap in his heart .

"Miss Bo, the most important thing for us as women is to give face to our men. Being a good wife and mother is what we women should do most."

Cheng Lan seemed to be speaking to Bo Qingqing, but actually she was speaking to Yi Zuo. She just wanted to tell Yi Zuo that she would be a good wife and mother in the future, and she would give him face and not Like Bo Qingwei, he doesn't pay attention to him at all.

Bo exhaled lightly and heavily, and finally laughed angrily.

"Are you finished?"

Bo Weiwei looked at her with a sneer in his eyes, and Cheng Lan felt a little guilty when she saw her, but she still nodded her head pretending to be calm.

"It's over, am I wrong?"

As soon as Cheng Lan finished speaking, Bo smiled lightly, and then his eyes turned cold instantly.

"Yes, you are right, but so what?"

Cheng Lan: "..."

Seeing that she had nothing to say, Bo took a step back and stood in front of Yizuo, with two thin white lotus root arms entwined around the man's neck like vines.

Bo turned his head slightly and looked at the two girls behind him, his eyes full of pride.

"I know that both of you are very virtuous and gentle, but, look, the person he is hugging now is me, not you. What's the use of being virtuous, don't you think so?"

When she said the last sentence, Bo Weiwei turned her head and gave Yi Zuo a smirk, and the hand wrapped around his neck pinched him hard on the shoulder.

Yi Zuo didn't seem to feel pain.

"Well, everything you say is right, and I like everything about you."

The translation is, no matter what you are, as long as this person is you, I like you.

He blushed at the words of brother Zuo's love, and Bo slightly lowered his head.

Really, why did you confess so unexpectedly, is there still someone around?

But, it's only interesting if someone is confessing.

Bo gently held back the shyness in his heart, squeezed his neck with his little hand, then turned his head to see two completely black faces.

"Have you read it? Did you hear it clearly? After reading it, if you hear it clearly, get out!"

They were not pleasing to the eyes before, and they spread the rumors in school that she looked down on her classmates because of her high vision. Now that they seduce Brother Zuo, Bo Qingwei became even more angry when she saw them.

Although Cheng Lan and Qin Xiangxiang were reluctant, they stamped their feet and left. Who told them not to have such a family background as Bo Qingqing.

Seeing them leave, Bo Qingqing gave Yi Zuo a hard look and growled.

"Put me down!"

If it weren't for the fact that there were people around, loud voices would embarrass him, she really wanted to have a big fight with him.

Yi Zuo didn't answer her, he opened the passenger seat with her in his arms and sat in, and then he also got into the driver's seat.

Bo Qingwei didn't look at him, sulking.

Seeing her pouting and getting angry, Yi Zuo found it really interesting. It seems that the two of them can't just get along with each other blindly, but also have to add some flavor.

"Really angry?"

Yi Zuo leaned over, bringing his face close to her eyes.

Bo gently turned his face away just not to look at him, let him talk to other women, let him talk to him, don't talk to her if you have the ability!
Seeing that she didn't speak, Yi Zuo first laughed in a low voice, and then laughed out loud.

In the end, the whole car was filled with his hearty laughter.

Bo turned her head slightly, and saw that he was about to lose his breath from laughing, and now she was really angry.

Is he so happy to see her angry?

"Hey, stop laughing!"

Bo gently went up and covered his mouth to prevent him from laughing.

Are you angry when you don't see her? !
"You know you're bullying me, and you flirted with other women just now!"

Bo muttered softly.

The more you think about it, the more you feel angry, "You tell me, if someone seduced you, you have to respond, right?"

Yi Zuo now knows that things are getting serious, he can't let Wei Qing think that he is a frivolous man!
"Are you sure I was flirting with that classmate of yours just now, not you?"

When he was talking, he saw Qingqing and said to Qingqing.

Bo Qingwei didn't understand what he said for a while, she was flirting with Cheng Lan, could it be her?
However, thinking about it carefully, Brother Zuo seemed to be really looking at her when he spoke.

Yi Zuo held her face in his hands, looked at her, and asked.

"Gently, what do you see in my eyes?"

Bo looked obediently, but didn't see anything.

"Can't you see that I only have eyes for you?"

Thin lightly: "..."


He really had only her in his eyes.

"Brother Zuo, when did you become so good at talking about love?"

She thought Brother Zuo couldn't talk about love?
Yi Zuo shrugged: "It's a man's instinct to talk about love, don't you know?"

Bo Qingwei was speechless.

Thinking of something, Bo Qingwei's complexion was a little uneasy.

"Have you confessed your love to Sister Wen Jing before?"

Yi Zuo's face turned pale.

Wen Jing, this name seems to be lingering in his life.

The elder brother asked, and the mother said, Qingqing is also asking now, and maybe Qingqing will mention it unintentionally in the future.

He knew that it was unintentional to say these words softly, but in his ears, something was different.

"Gently, no matter what kind of disputes we have in the future, I don't want to hear this name again. Wen Jing has disappeared in my world. From now on, my world will be you and no one else."

Yi Zuo didn't want to have a estrangement between the two because of Wen Jing in the future, and besides, he didn't want to mention that love affair that was originally a conspiracy.


Bo softly whispered, but his heart was filled with mixed feelings.

Why doesn't brother Zuo let her mention sister Wenjing? Is it because he cares too much?

"Okay, Qingqing, isn't your sister-in-law pregnant? As the child's future uncle, shouldn't we go buy something for the child?"

Yi Zuo didn't want to get entangled in this issue any longer, and just wanted to muddle through when he found a topic.

Bo Weiwei whispered again, and sat upright in the passenger seat, with his head down, listless.

She won't say any more in the future, brother Zuo is really too sensitive about sister Wen Jing's affairs.

 There is another update, it's still twelve o'clock, babies can watch it tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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