Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 320 The Feng Family Will Not Be Peaceful

Chapter 320 The Feng Family Will Not Be Peaceful (3 More)
Yi Zuo took Bo Qingwei to buy some children's clothes and toys and came to Bo's compound.

When I came back, everyone was there. I have been busy with work for the past two days and have not had time to congratulate my eldest brother and sister-in-law.

This afternoon Feng Qinqin also called Feng Xiao. At this moment, the living room was almost filled with the gifts Feng Xiao brought.

"Grandparents, uncles and aunts."

After Yi Zuo came in, he first greeted the elders in the family, and then sat on the sofa with Bo Qingqing.

"Brother Feng, you're here. My sister-in-law was still talking about you yesterday."

Feng Xiao is also a relative of sister-in-law.

Just look at the presents brought over, she seemed to remember that Lin Xiu and his son didn't take anything when they came yesterday.

It's not that not taking anything means treating my sister-in-law badly, but it's different under such a comparison.

Brother Feng seemed more concerned.

"You can't blame me. I still want to ask her. I'm about to become an uncle, but she didn't tell me until today! Gentle, do you think your sister-in-law is too much!"

This girl received a call from her younger sister today and told him that she was going to be an uncle!

Feng Xiao jumped up happily at that moment.

He didn't expect that he would become an uncle so soon!

He came over after receiving the call. Before coming here, he thought it was too boring to be so empty-handed. The baby in Qinqin's belly was his first nephew, so how could he do it without some gifts.

Originally, he wanted to buy three or four things, but when he arrived at the mall, he saw children's clothes, shoes, and toys, and he wanted to buy them all. After buying, he called a worker. The personnel were transported by carts.

"Besides, you said that I brought so many things here, and she even quarreled with me because of too many presents. Tell me softly, is she going too far?"

Thin smiled lightly.

"Brother Feng, let me tell you, I was the first person to know that my sister-in-law was pregnant, hahaha..."

Feng Xiao suddenly had nothing to say, what else could he say, he was complaining here, but Wei Wei was here to show off to him, he had no friends at all.

Zuo Yao ordered Mama Zhang and Mama Wang to pack up all the presents brought by Feng Xiao and Yi Zuo.

It seems to be preparing a baby room.

Before eating, Feng Xiao and Feng Qinqin talked about giving Niu Fang a mobile phone.

Feng Qinqin was overwhelmed with surprise, her heart of gossip was burning.

"Brother, tell me the truth, are you interested in Fangfang?"

They even started giving gifts!

My brother is still quite smart.

Confused by his sister's question, Feng Xiao didn't know how to answer.

He probably has no interest in Fangfang, he just thinks she is quite pitiful. He lost his mother at a young age and can still think about his elder brother. From her affairs, he thought of himself and Qinqin, so he treated Fangfang I am a little more concerned about things, but I can't say that this is because I like Fangfang.

"You really don't like her?"

Feng Qinqin didn't believe it, but she went there with the intention of finding her sister-in-law.

She thought there was hope, but her elder brother didn't mean it.

Feng Xiao nodded.

He really didn't mean that, but he didn't understand what Fangfang meant by always avoiding him?

"Qinqin, I think you should take care of Fangfang's affairs in the future. I don't know what's going on. Let me call her. She either answered and said she didn't need my help, or she didn't answer. I I think she might think I'm a man, so she doesn't like to communicate with me, and it's not convenient."

"Or just tell me what she has to do in the future if you don't have time, and I'll do it for you."

According to the eldest brother's narration, it was Fangfang who was avoiding him.

But there are two reasons why a girl hides from a man, one is because she hates it, and the other is because she likes it.

When she was playing on the island, she knew very well that Fangfang didn't hate her elder brother.

If you don't hate it, do you like it?
She seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

Just now I thought that my eldest brother was enlightened, but now it seems that he is not enlightened at all.

It seems that she still needs her help.

"Okay, I'll tell you if Fangfang has anything to do in the future. Just help her with it. I won't help her. I really don't have time."

Step by step, she still doesn't believe it. With her help, the marriage between eldest brother and Fangfang will definitely come true.

"Okay, then I'll go first."

"I can't go. I finally came here. You have to have a meal with me here before you can go."

It's been a long time since I had dinner with my brother.

"No, I still have some things to do when I go back. Tomorrow, I'll go to your store at noon tomorrow and pick you up for dinner with Mom."

Hearing his words, Feng Qinqin frowned.

This is the first time I heard my eldest brother say that he has something to do.

"Brother, what's the matter, it's already 06:30 in the evening."

Surely it's not a company matter, so it's a private matter?
The smile on Feng Xiao's face froze, then he smiled and raised his hand to stroke her hair.

"It's just a little personal matter, it's nothing, you take good care of yourself, I'll go first, I will definitely pick you up for dinner tomorrow."

With that said, Feng Xiao stood up and was about to leave.

Seeing that he was going to leave, Zuo Yao definitely couldn't let him go.

"Ah Xiao, why are you leaving? Stay here and have a meal with Qinqin before leaving."

This is Feng Xiao's first visit to Bo's house. Feng Xiao's identity is different from Lin Shishuo's. Qinqin has feelings for him. Although he is not his own brother, he is closer than his own brother.

Feng Xiao smiled at Zuo Yao.

"Auntie, I really have something to do, so I can't stay here any longer. Next time, next time I come, I will definitely be here to accompany Qinqin more."

Seeing that he really wanted to leave, Zuo Yao didn't have the nerve to stay any longer.

"Okay, then next time you come, you must stay here for a while."

After dinner, Feng Qinqin was taken away by Bo Zhongye a long time ago, Bo Qingqing was blind when she opened her eyes, she chose not to see.

When the two returned to the guest room, Feng Qinqin was lying in Bo Zhongye's arms. Thinking of how her eldest brother insisted on leaving today, she was a little worried.

The eldest brother has always loved her very much, if it is not something urgent, it is impossible not to accompany her to eat here.

Something must have happened.

"Husband, what do you think my elder brother can do?"

He doesn't do anything other than play games.

Bo Zhongye rubbed her hair and comforted her.

"You just think too much, so your eldest brother can't have a problem. Besides, he can't solve it as a big man."

Feng Qinqin was very worried, and her intuition told her that there must be something wrong, but her eldest brother just refused to tell her.

"Okay, didn't it mean that I will go to the store to see you tomorrow, and then you can ask him if you are not. You are pregnant now, you need to rest more, don't worry about these things, huh?"


As Feng Qinqin said, she burrowed into his arms again, found a comfortable position, and fell asleep after a while.

The Feng family villa two hours ago.

After Feng Xiao left Bo's house, he returned home. As soon as he got home, he saw his father waiting for him at home.

Feng Xiao paused and walked over.


Feng Wenjun pointed to the sofa opposite and asked him to sit down.

After Feng Xiao sat down, he spoke first.

"Dad, when do you plan to let their mother and son come over?"

Feng Wenjun glanced at him and asked in disbelief.

"You mean you're willing to let them live in?"

Didn't I have to think about it before, so I thought about it so soon?

Feng Xiao smiled and looked up at his father.

"No matter how long I think about it, you will let them live in. Since the final result is the same, there is no need for me to delay."

Feng Xiao also thought he was ridiculous.

How long has his mother been away, only half a year, and his father already had a son with a woman outside. That is his father's son, and he will naturally come back. Can he stop it?
He doesn't know now how long he can stay in this house, maybe within half a year, he will be kicked out by his father.

"Ah Xiao, it's good that you can understand father."

He was right, whether he objected or not, his son would come back.

It is impossible for him to let his children live outside, and he is not in his seventies and eighties, so it is impossible for him to have no women in the future.

"Dad, since I agreed so readily, I hope you can agree to one condition, Dad."

Feng Wenjun was instantly alert.

"At most [-]% of the shares, no more."

A Xiao was worried that it would be difficult to gain a foothold in the Feng family in the future, so it was certain that he wanted some shares.

When his father said this, Lin Shishuo was speechless.


Father only has shares in his eyes, right?
"Dad, I don't want your stuff. You worked hard for it yourself. It has nothing to do with me. My request is something else."


Is there anything more important than a stake?
"I hope that your wife and son can't touch my mother and my sister's room after they come here, and they can't touch the things inside. I'm ugly to say, if they touch my mother and my sister's things, this Home may not be peaceful in the future."

 Updated today.

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(End of this chapter)

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