Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 321 Morning Sickness

Chapter 321 Morning Sickness (1 More)
Perhaps in the eyes of his father, what he valued most was shares.

But he forgot that not everyone valued the same as him.

He has nothing left, and he only has his father, mother and sister left. He may not want anything, but he must keep the room of his mother and sister.

He didn't know what kind of person the other party was, but her father's son was still young, so he wouldn't pose any threat to her now.

But that woman is different, maybe she will give him a bad blow as soon as she arrives.

Fortunately, he doesn't care about power and is not keen on it, so it doesn't matter.

Feng Wenjun didn't expect that his son would make such a request.

He always knew that his son didn't care about the company.

"Ah Xiao, after your Auntie Yang came, she lived with me in the master bedroom. She has no reason to go to your mother's room. Your younger brother is only two months old, so he won't do anything to their room. If If you are worried, I can lock their rooms in the future, and no one will go in except you and the maid who goes in to clean them every day, do you think it is okay?"

Feng Xiao nodded, he had no opinion, so what if he had an opinion, it was all in vain.

"Dad, if you have nothing else to do, then I'll go first."

It's ridiculous for father and son to get along like this.

It should be said that his life is a ridiculous existence.

I don't know who his mother is, and the only father who is related to him by blood is not close to him. On the contrary, the one who is not related by blood treats him very well.

If he could, he wanted to live with his mother, and he didn't want to come back to this family.

But if he leaves, my father will really have no relatives. The Aunt Yang that my father is talking about doesn't know what is going on. If he is a liar, my father will be really pitiful. What belongs to mother and younger sister cannot be taken away by their mother and son.

Feng Wenjun looked at his son, he knew that his son hated him and hated him for not giving him a complete family, but people in this world are selfish, he would not think of others like Lin Xiu, he admitted, He is a complete selfish ghost.

But so what, people only live this life, and they should make profits for themselves. He doesn't think there is anything wrong with him, he can only say that as his son, Ah Xiao is unlucky, because he was not reincarnated into a good family.

"Ah Xiao, thank you for your cooperation. Father will remember. Father hopes that you and your Aunt Yang can live in harmony in the future. This is the only request I have for you."

Hearing this, Feng Xiao smiled.

Before they came over, they began to favor the people over there.

When he was young, he didn't remember anything, so he was raised by a woman who was not his mother. Fortunately, his mother was very kind to him, and she was not a bad person. Now, when he grew up, he said that he wanted him to be reconciled with another woman Getting along with each other, he really wanted to ask, in Feng Wenjun's heart, is he his son?

"Dad, I will not take the initiative to conflict with Aunt Yang, but if she does something that violates my bottom line, I hope you will not blindly favor her."

In this family, his mother and sister's things are his bottom line, and he will fight desperately with anyone who dares to touch them.

"Dad, when I was young, I cooperated with you to get along with my mother. It was you who didn't keep her, and didn't leave me a good mother. Now, what I want to tell you is that this family also has my share. I hope you can be with me." That Aunt Yang made it clear that I don’t want anything, it’s because people like me don’t want anything, so being ruthless is the most terrible thing, not only you, I also hope that we can get along peacefully in the future, I think you understand me mean."

Feng Xiao's attitude shocked Feng Wenjun. It was rare for his son to speak so seriously. It seemed that he really had feelings for Liu Ping and Feng Qinqin.

"Ah Xiao, they are not your relatives. On the contrary, the one who will live in is your real brother. Don't mess up the relationship."

Hearing his father's words, Feng Xiao sneered, and the corner of his mouth curved into an evil arc, completely different from the gentle and refined Feng Xiao before.

"Brother? I don't have a brother."

The smile in Feng Xiao's eyes turned cold instantly.

"I, Feng Xiao, have no younger brother. I only have one younger sister. Dad, you never told me who my mother is, so I think Liu Ping is my biological mother. She treats me well. She is my mother. Qinqin is also the only one in this life. Brothers and sisters, I think you are the one who messed up the relationship, not me."

After finishing speaking, Feng Xiao stopped listening to him and went upstairs to rest.

After Feng Xiao left, Feng Wenjun realized that maybe he really shouldn't take Yang Dan to Feng's villa, and discuss with her about buying a new apartment tomorrow, so he can move there together, so as to save the family from troubles in the future.

The next morning, Feng Qinqin woke up from Bo Zhongye's arms, it should be said that she was tossed up.

As soon as she woke up, her stomach was churning violently. Feng Qinqin didn't bother to change her clothes, put on her slippers and ran to the bathroom to vomit.

Bo Zhongye was awakened by her movement, and when he opened his eyes, he saw her running into the bathroom.

Without saying a word, the man ran in after her before he even had time to put on his shoes.

As soon as he entered, he saw the girl vomited on the washstand. Bo Zhongye hurried over, supported the arm holding her with one hand, and patted her back with the other.

After vomiting for a while, Feng Qinqin didn't spit out anything. She didn't eat anything in the early morning, so she couldn't even vomit.

Feng Qinqin tilted her head back and lay her pillow on the man's shoulder, feeling extremely tired.

"I'm so uncomfortable, I thought I didn't have morning sickness, and I was slapped in the face a few days after I was happy."

It was really a slap in the face.

Bo Zhongye frowned, bent over and gently hugged her, carried her to the big bed with steady steps, leaned over and the man kissed her on the small mouth, without any sign of disgust.

Feng Qinqin: "?!"

Isn't this person too dirty?

"I just threw up and haven't brushed my teeth yet?"

The girl's eyelashes blinked and blinked, staring at him for a moment, but in his eyes there was no disgust, only pampering.

Feng Qinqin's heart was suddenly full, sour and sweet.

"Husband, I will tell my mother later that we should live together in the future. I just said that I have reacted now, and I am more afraid of the cold, and I need your care. I think my mother will definitely agree."

It's not a problem to be sneaky like this every day.

When Bo Zhongye heard this, he was overjoyed.

Why didn't he think of this method? Qinqin is afraid of the cold, so he always hugs her to sleep.

This reason is simply very sufficient.

"Wife, you are simply amazing. We will tell Mom when we go downstairs in a while, and she will definitely agree. If you don't agree, you can pretend to vomit and say that you are cold."

Thinking of not having to steal his wife secretly in the future, Bo Zhongye couldn't be happier.

When she went downstairs, it happened that the meal was ready, and Wang Ma specially prepared egg custard and kiwi fruit juice for her.

"Thank you, Mama Wang."

Since coming here, Wang Ma has taken good care of her, probably because she got along with her before.

It's really because Wang Ma liked this girl very much because she had been in Taoyuan Garden before, and now she has become their eldest and young mistress, so can she take good care of her?

"Eldest young mistress, no thanks, no thanks, you can tell me whatever you want to eat in the future, although it's not as delicious as yours, but I will try my best to make it better."

To be honest, all the skills of her and Mama Zhang combined are not as good as Feng Qinqin's.

Feng Qinqin was embarrassed by what she said.

Bo Zhongye first brought her some kiwi fruit juice.

"Wang Mama and Zhang Mama are old people, especially Zhang Mama, who used to take care of me. She knows the precautions for pregnant women and what to eat. You can ask her if you don't understand anything."

Zuo Yao and Feng Qinqin were talking.

Feng Qinqin knew about this, and even Bo Zhongwen was raised by Zhang Ma, let alone other things.

"Okay Mom, I will."

At this moment, Bo Zhongye pinched her thigh with his hand.

Feng Qinqin hurriedly went to look at him, and the latter gave her a look. Feng Qinqin understood instantly, closed his eyes, and turned his head to stare at the kiwi juice in front of him, feeling that it was not as delicious as before.

This was promised well in the guest room, but it would still be embarrassing to say it in front of so many people.

"Well, Mom, I want to discuss something with you."

Feng Qinqin lowered her head and bit her straw, not daring to look up at Zuo Yao.

Zuo Yao saw that she was afraid to speak, so she said with a smile.

"Talk to me directly about anything, and I will definitely do it for you if you can. Needless to say, if you don't discuss it, why are you so polite?"

Feng Qinqin scratched her head unwillingly, she really couldn't say it, if she said something, the whole family would definitely think that she was impatiently lonely.

"Mom, it's like this. Isn't the weather turning cold now? Qinqin is afraid of the cold, and Qinqin vomited for a long time this morning. I really don't trust her, so I think I will live with Qinqin in the future alright."

Bo Zhongye saw that she was embarrassed to say it, so it was the same for him.

When he said this, Zuo Yao and others knew what it meant.

"Qinqin, is that what you mean, or what he means?"

Zuo Yao asked.

Feng Qinqin tilted her head, not knowing how to answer, but before she could speak, her stomach churned, she clutched her chest and ran out.

As soon as Feng Qinqin left, Bo Zhongye also ran out.

As soon as the two left, the rest of the people were all stunned.

This reaction is too big.

Zuo Yao slowly turned to her daughter and asked.

"Gently, when did your sister-in-law start to have morning sickness, why did she react so badly?"

Bo Qingwei was also questioned. On the surface, it seemed that her sister-in-law lived with her, but in fact she didn't. She didn't know what symptoms her sister-in-law had.

If she made a mistake, and her sister-in-law came out later and it was different from what she said, wouldn't that be revealing?

After thinking about it, Bo replied softly.

"Mom, it seems that this morning, she vomited for a while when she got up."

When Bo Bingzhong and Zhang Xiulan saw this situation, it seemed unreasonable to refuse their request.


Bo Bingzhong looked at Zuo Yao.

Zuo Yao quickly put down the chopsticks in her hand and called out to her father.

"Let's let Xiaoye and Qinqin take care of this matter. Qinqin is pregnant, so it's better for Xiaoye to take care of her."

His father said so, so Zuo Yao naturally couldn't object.

in the bathroom.

Feng Qinqin vomited for a while, and Bo Zhongye hugged her.

"Honey, you acted so well, just now I saw the expressions of the people at the dinner table so nervous."

Feng Qinqin gave him a supercilious look, acting like a fool.

"I really want to vomit, please think about it, okay?"

Is this man a fool?

If she was acting, she would go into the bathroom and there would be no audience. Does she still need to act?

This is embarrassing.

"Are you okay? I'll get you some water to rinse your mouth."

Feng Qinqin nodded, feeling really uncomfortable that there was no taste in her mouth.

After rinsing her mouth, Feng Qinqin felt better.

When the two returned to the dinner table, Zuo Yao saw that Feng Qinqin's face turned pale.

Bo Zhongye helped Qinqin sit down, and handed her the unfinished kiwi juice.

"Qinqin, when did you start to react?"

"Mom, this morning."

Hearing his sister-in-law's answer, Bo gently heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately, she is smarter. If the sister-in-law said it was yesterday, she could say that she didn't notice it.

Well, she's just that smart.

 The second watch is around 10:30. Recently, Qianqian will try to move the time forward, and keep the babies waiting every day. I am really sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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