Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 322 Meeting on a narrow road

Chapter 322 Meeting on a narrow road (2 more)
"Qinqin, the weather is getting colder and colder in the future, let Qingqing move out of your bedroom today, and Xiaoye move back to the bedroom."

Zuo Yao looked at her son with warning eyes.

"I let you go back for the sake of seeing Qinqin. If you do something you shouldn't do, let's see how I deal with you!"

Three black lines appeared on Bo Zhongye's forehead.

Mom really cares a lot.

"Mom, I see."

Bo Zhongye then said that he was going to work.

"Why are you going to work again?"

Didn't this guy swear that he would go back to work after Qinqin gave birth to a child? Why so fast?

Bo Zhongye told them that Qinqin was going to work in the shop, and his women had already gone to work. Could it be that he wanted to eat soft meals at home?

"Qinqin, isn't it good to rest at home? We won't worry if you go out to work."

Zhang Xiulan did not allow her to go, the child in her belly was her first great-grandson.

She cares more than anyone else.

"Grandma, my mother and Niu Feng are there. It's okay, grandma. If I stay at home all the time, I will be bored. Grandma, just promise me."

Feng Qinqin had been sitting next to Zhang Xiulan, and started acting like a baby while pulling her arm.

This was the first time Feng Qinqin acted like a baby to Zhang Xiulan, and she was still a little uncomfortable.

Feng Qinqin buried her head in Zhang Xiulan's armpit and couldn't get up, concealing her inner guilt.

Feng Qinqin wasn't the only one who was surprised, Zhang Xiulan was also very pleasantly surprised. She had always acted like a baby by her side, and now it was her grandson's turn. ah.

"Okay, okay, let you go, but you have to pay attention to your own body, we don't need you to make money, you and the children are the most important."

Feng Qinqin suddenly got up from her arm socket.

"Thank you grandma!"

As long as she can get her to work in the store, anything is fine.

After dinner, Bo Zhongye took her to the store first, and then to the company.

In the clothing store, Liu Ping and Niu Feng had already arrived, and it was Saturday again, and Niu Fang also came to help them.

Niu Feng brought her the decoration drawing of the branch and told her the actual situation of the decoration.

Feng Qinqin took a look and found that the decoration should be finished within 20 days.

"Let's go to the big shopping malls to have a look these few days. The hangers and decorations have to be bought, and the branch stores have to be opened before the new winter tops."

It's too late for them to wear autumn clothes, but winter clothes must be updated as soon as possible, and it will be a good start on the first day of the branch's opening.

"No need, I'll go with Fangfang, you don't have to worry about it."

There are a lot of people in the shopping mall, so he doesn't dare to take the pregnant young lady of the Bo family there, in case he gets hurt, he won't be able to tell.

"Why, I'm going. I'm just pregnant, and it's not like I can't do anything."

She insisted on going.

"Okay, let her go. Let's go together some time, just to buy some clothes for her. After a while, my belly will get bigger, and I can't wear the current clothes."

Feng Qinqin stuck out her tongue at Niu Feng, and took her mother's hand to act like a baby.

"It's still my mother knows me well. You don't even know that the clothes that Bo Zhongye bought for me are all clothes I wear now, and you don't buy me clothes for the future."

Feng Qinqin complained.

Liu Ping was already speechless about her daughter showing affection in disguise from time to time, but she saw that since her daughter and Bo Zhongye were together, she changed her clothes very diligently, and most of them were the latest styles.

Although this girl said she liked clothes, she was even more of a money addict. She was reluctant to spend so much money on clothes, and every time the time came, Bo Zhongye would buy her new clothes.

He is still complaining to her here, and he has convinced her.

"Okay, mom will buy it for you, don't complain."

Feng Qinqin looked at Fangfang who was recommending clothes to customers, and lowered her head to ask a question in her mother's ear.

"Mom, what do you think of Fangfang?"

Liu Ping was confused by her question.

What about Fangfang, she asked endlessly.

"Mom, if Fangfang becomes your daughter-in-law in the future, don't you worry?"

Feng Qinqin said with only two voices, if Niu Feng found out, he wouldn't have skinned her.

Liu Ping was asked by her now.

Fangfang is her daughter-in-law, that is to say, she is with Ah Xiao.

This, good is good, is this age is not a little too young.

This Fangfang is only in her freshman year, if she is with Ah Xiao, when will she be able to hug her grandson.

"Why do you ask that?"

Could it be that she has seen something, or is she trying to match up.

If it's just her daughter who wants to make a match, then she still thinks it's fine.

Not suitable.

"I think Fangfang likes my elder brother, and you know, my elder brother even gave Fangfang a mobile phone."

Feng Qinqin covered her mouth, her face full of mystery.


Liu Ping didn't know what to do now.

Fangfang likes Ah Xiao.

Why didn't she feel it.

Ah Xiao also gave Fang Fang a mobile phone, what does this mean?

Do you like it, or just because you want to give it away.

"Then what does your elder brother mean, have you asked?"

If Ah Xiao likes it, then she has no objection, after all, she is not Ah Xiao's biological mother, so she can only be used as a reference.

When mentioning this, Feng Qinqin felt that her elder brother was not up to the mark, what was wrong with Fangfang, her grades were excellent, she was pretty, and her personality was not unreasonable, she thought it was quite appropriate.

"Brother said he didn't have feelings for Fangfang, and I don't know if it's true, but I'm sure Fangfang has feelings for him. My brother said he would come over today. If you don't believe me, just take a look and see if I said anything. wrong."

talking.Feng Qinqin also winked at her mother.

Liu Ping took a step back when she saw it. She felt horrified.

Feng Xiao said that he came to accompany her for lunch today, and he really came at noon.

Since Feng Xiao, Niu Feng greeted him first.

"Brother Feng, you're here."

Feng Xiao responded.

Then he saw Niu Fang who was frozen in place.

Feng Xiao frowned and didn't bother with her. Anyway, she always avoided him, so he didn't go to greet her.

"Ah Xiao, come here."

Seeing her son coming, Liu Ping hurriedly called him over.

"Mom, it's time for dinner. Where do you and your sister want to go for dinner? Let me make a reservation first."

Feng Xiao walked over to them and sat down while talking.

"Mom, Mom, look at Fangfang's reaction."

Feng Qinqin pulled the corner of her mother's clothes and showed her.

Liu Ping didn't answer Feng Xiao's words, she first went to look at Fangfang who was not far away, it was really amazing.

Niu Feng and Ah Xiao both greeted each other just now, so it stands to reason that Fang Fang couldn't be treated as invisible.

Also, what's wrong with that blushing face who doesn't dare to look up, just wants to find a crack in the ground to get in?
"Fangfang, my elder brother wants to invite us to dinner, do you want to go? Come with us."

Feng Qinqin said deliberately, just to see Fangfang's embarrassment.

As soon as she heard her name, Niu Fang trembled all over, and she turned around in fright and looked over here.

"No, no need, Sister Qinqin, I'm going back to school later, and I have some things to do in the afternoon."

Niu Fang waved her hands again and again, turned around and ran away after speaking.

Feng Qinqin: "..."

Feng Xiao: "..."

Liu Ping: "..."

Niu Feng: "..."

Should this girl be so excited?

What is this doing?

Feng Xiao was even more speechless. He didn't do anything, but she ran away when she saw him. What's the matter?

"I'm sorry, Auntie, Brother Feng, Fangfang seems to have an event to attend this afternoon, and she probably feels embarrassed to refuse you, so she ran away in a hurry."

When Niu Feng said this, he also felt sorry for his younger sister. Judging from the recent situation, it was true that his younger sister fell in love with Feng Xiao at first sight, but he forced her not to face her own feelings.

Now Fang Fang hides when she sees Feng Xiao, which makes everyone more embarrassed.

Seeing this scene, Liu Ping didn't need to think too much. If the girl was hiding from someone, what could be the reason? She just didn't want to face it.

It seems that what Qinqin said is not wrong, this girl Fangfang likes Ah Xiao.

What a joy it is for my son to be liked by a girl, but the girl is a bit small.

"Ah, it's okay, then Xiaofeng, you can go have dinner with us."

"No, Auntie, I'll go back to school and have a look."

He was worried that Fangfang would go back like this, and he didn't know where she was hiding her sadness.

This matter is his fault, he should go back and have a look.

Liu Ping is not reluctant.

Niu Feng left soon.

Both Liu Ping and Feng Qinqin looked at Feng Xiao with strange eyes, those eyes that hated iron for nothing, they almost told him, Niu Fang, she likes you!

Unfortunately, people just don't know.

Liu Ping shook her head, and at the same time, she was also thinking about whether she hadn't taught him well in this aspect, so that he seemed passive and slow in this aspect.

"Okay, let's close the door and go out for dinner."

It seems that I should find a time to have a good chat with him, otherwise my son will have to be a bachelor if this continues.

Feng Qinqin insisted on eating bridge rice noodles.

"No, you can't eat it, it's not nutritious and it's not good for children."

Liu Ping would never let her eat it, and when Bo Zhongye was not around, if Bo Zhongye found out about this, he would definitely be angry.

"Mom, I just want to eat. Let me take a bite, okay?"

She is very hungry today, she just wants to eat bridge rice noodles.

In the end, the two of them still didn't push her hard, and took her to eat Guoqiao rice noodles.

Fortunately, Feng Xiao knew that a store was clean and the environment was good, so he took them there together.

Feng Xiao booked a private room, but unfortunately all the private rooms were reserved, so he could only find a place with fewer people around to sit down.

He ordered three bowls of cross-bridge rice noodles, and added a few side dishes. Feng Xiao couldn't get enough of a bowl of rice noodles, so before the dishes and rice noodles arrived, Feng Xiao went out to buy sesame seed cakes.

After Feng Xiao left, Feng Qinqin looked at her mother.

"Mom, you still need to talk to your elder brother. Look at him like this, how did he find a girlfriend? Do you think he really doesn't know or is he pretending not to know because he doesn't like Fangfang?"

"Okay, I'll talk to your elder brother later."

Soon, Feng Xiao came back with five sesame seed cakes, just as cross bridge rice noodles and vegetables were also delivered.

Feng Qinqin was eating beautifully, when a young woman was arguing with the manager.

"Hey, didn't I call you to set up a location? How do you give my location to others?"

"Sorry, miss, you must have made a wrong call. If you have a reserved box, we will definitely reserve it for you."

The quarrel between the two in the hall became more and more noisy, attracting many people to watch. Feng Qinqin also took a look, but was frightened.

Why does this person look so much like my mother?

Not to mention very similar, but there are seven or eight points.

"Mom, do you think that girl looks a lot like you?"

Liu Ping and Feng Xiao looked over at the same time. After seeing the person arguing with the manager, the former was surprised, while the latter was shocked.

Liu Ping took a look and found that they were very similar, but there are too many people who look alike in the world.

But Feng Xiao was much shocked when he saw it. This person was not someone else, but the 'Aunt Yang' that his father called, a girl who was only 23 years old, and she had already given birth to a son for her father.

"Miss, if you want to eat here, we will arrange a seat for you. If you are here to find fault, then I can only drive you away."

Yang Dan won't leave, she has been breastfeeding during this time, Feng Wenjun doesn't let her eat what she likes, only let her eat those foods that are easy to produce milk, she is almost starved to death.

"Okay, then find me a seat with fewer people, I don't like noisy people."

"Okay, I'll take you there."

 Babies, today's update is over, don't wait any longer.

  Babes, have you noticed that Qianqian may have to write Feng Xiao's scene first, because Qianqian can't help but want to torture Feng Wenjun severely, and really wants to see him betray his relatives, um, that's it.

  Kids, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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