Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 323 Tit for Tat

Chapter 323 Tit for Tat (1 more)
Seeing the manager leading Yang Dan towards them, Feng Xiao couldn't help frowning.

Here, there are fewer people in their position. Feng Qinqin saw them coming over and glanced at them. She hated such people the most, and they would really play tricks.

Feng Qinqin glanced at her mouth, and continued to eat her cross-bridge rice noodles. She didn't know when she could eat it next time.

"Miss, you see that there is almost no one in this position. Let me wipe the chair for you."

With that said, the employee behind the manager pulled out the chair and wiped it for her.

Yang Dan glanced at the table in distaste, then looked at Feng Xiao's table, feeling unhappy all of a sudden.

The little hand pointed there.

"Didn't you say that there is no one here, are those three people pigs?"

As soon as Yang Dan finished speaking, the manager bit the corner of his lips. It wasn't that he was impatient and treated customers badly, but he couldn't offend other customers just because of this customer.

Feng Qinqin, who just took a bite of rice noodles, laughed angrily when she heard this sentence.

The manager can tolerate her because this is his shop, but why should she endure such a person as a consumer.

With a snap, Feng Qinqin dropped her chopsticks and stood up.

With Feng Qinqin's action, everyone's eyes turned to her.

Feng Xiao also got up quickly, wanting to pull his sister back, but Feng Qinqin had already walked towards Yang Dan.

Feng Xiao and Liu Ping were terrified. She was a pregnant woman, and the first three months were very important. If something broke out, she would be at a disadvantage. The two quickly walked over and stood by her side.

Feng Xiao didn't want to talk to this Yang Dan, so he only pulled Qin Qin to prevent them from conflicting.

"Qinqin, don't make trouble."

Liu Ping tugged at her daughter and persuaded her in a low voice.

Hey, this girl is also real, how can she scold others?

Feng Qinqin gave her mother a reassuring look, and then moved her eyes to Yang Dan's arrogant face again.

"Who did you just call a pig?"

There was a smile on the corner of Feng Qinqin's mouth, but that smile made people feel cold when they saw it.

The current Feng Qinqin seems to be possessed by Bo Zhongye, with a very strong aura.

No matter what, Yang Dan was just a 23-year-old girl, and she was frightened when she saw Feng Qinqin like this.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Feng Qinqin sneered, took another step forward, and asked again.

"Why, have the guts to say that you don't have the guts to admit it?"

I thought how brave she was, but in the end I gave her a look and got scared like this.

Yang Dan pretended to be calm and raised his chin.

"I mean you, what can you do to me?"

Anyway, she is Feng Wenjun's wife, she was too timid just now, she is Mrs Feng now, who dares to do anything to her?
"Look, look," Feng Qinqin folded his arms around his chest, laughing loudly, "What do you think I can do to a pig, don't you?"

"Count you acquainted!"

Yang Dan answered smoothly, but he didn't know that he had fallen into Feng Qinqin's trap.

Feng Qinqin smiled and walked back to her seat to continue eating. The manager and the staff behind him lowered their heads and smiled.

Only then did Yang Dan realize that he scolded himself.

Stepping on her high heels, she walked in front of Feng Qinqin, picked up the dishes on the table and was about to pat Feng Qinqin's face.



After a cry, there was another sound of a plate falling to the ground. Feng Qinqin looked up again and saw her eldest brother holding the woman's hand. The plate broke on the ground and the vegetables were scattered all over the floor.

Yang Dan looked at the other party fiercely, but after seeing Feng Xiao's face, he froze instantly.

"Ah Xiao, why are you here?"

Ah Xiao?

Hearing her address, Feng Qinqin and Liu Ping looked at Feng Xiao at the same time.

Feng Xiao was uncomfortable being watched by them, closed his eyes, let out a breath, and glanced at Yang Dan.

"Aunt Yang, you should go to another place to eat, this place is not suitable for you."

As soon as these words came out, Liu Ping narrowed her eyes, and Feng Qinqin's mouth was so wide that she could stuff an egg.

Aunt? !
The eldest brother actually called this woman who looked younger than him Auntie?

Feng Qinqin looked at the woman's expression again. Although she was a little reluctant, she still didn't lose her temper.

"Ah Xiao, I just want to eat Guoqiao rice noodles. I have been feeding your brother these days. Your father won't let me eat these things, so I want to come over and have some."

Yang Dan can get angry with anyone, but this person is Feng Wenjun's son, and Feng Wenjun has been saying that she and Feng Xiao should settle their relationship.

younger brother?your dad?
Feng Qinqin really doesn't know who this woman is, how could the eldest brother know such a woman, what is the relationship between this?

However, she didn't ask, Feng Qinqin had an intuition that the elder brother had something on his mind, and he was hiding something very important from them.

Feng Xiao didn't want to talk too much with her, nor did he want to have any contact with her.

"Then go eat, don't stay here."

"Ah, since we've met each other, let's eat together." Yang Dan was definitely not willing to give up such a good opportunity to get along, "Oh, is this your friend? I'm sorry just now, your brother was born not long ago, and your father I'm too busy with the company to take care of me, I'm almost depressed, and I have a bad temper, I apologize to your friend, I'm sorry."

Yang Dan really apologized to Feng Qinqin.

Feng Qinqin is not a fool, once she said she didn't understand, but twice she already knew the general idea.

So this woman is Feng Wenjun's woman, and she gave birth to Feng Wenjun's son?
Mom, it was horrible.

"No, my mother and my sister don't like to eat with outsiders, sorry, you'd better eat by yourself."

Hearing her talking about her younger brother, Feng Xiao wanted to shout back.

He has no brother!
It's a pity that the person in front of him is a woman, he can't bully a woman, right?

"Is this your mother? The woman who cuckolded your father?"

So it was Lin Xiu's illegitimate daughter who was arguing with her just now?

Feng Qinqin's hair exploded all of a sudden, she stood up abruptly, walked in front of her, and stared at her intently.

"Say what you just said again!"

A cold voice sounded in the hall, and Yang Dan shivered all over.


Feng Qinqin shouted again.

She can tolerate people saying that she is an illegitimate daughter, she doesn't care, but if anyone dares to speak ill of her mother, she will never tolerate it!
Yang Dan took a step back, so frightened that he almost fell down.

"Am I wrong? Your mother just behaves badly. Otherwise, how could Wenjun leave her? You are not Wenjun's daughter at all, are you?"

Yang Dan's voice trembled, and he took a step back every time he said a sentence, until Feng Qinqin forced her to the pillars in the hall, Yang Dan leaned against the pillars behind, and looked at her in horror.

"Qinqin, don't get excited, let her go first."

Liu Ping chased from behind and grabbed her daughter.

Seeing that Feng Qinqin was being held back, Yang Dan kicked her with his leg.

If she bullied this illegitimate daughter today, she can show off to Feng Wenjun when she gets home later, and give him a sigh of relief.

As a result, just as he stretched out his foot, he was kicked away by a huge force.

Feng Xiao stood in front of her, staring at her fiercely.

Yang Dan looked at the man in front of him, and it was he who kicked her away.

"Feng Xiao, who is your relative? Have you figured out the status!"

This Feng Xiao is really just like what Feng Wenjun said, he doesn't know right from wrong!

"I'm the one who can't tell the difference, right? Yang Dan, you'd better figure out your situation for me. You're just my dad's wife and have nothing to do with me?! If you bully my mom and Sister, if you say something that hurts their reputation, don't blame me for being rude, get out of here immediately!"

Don't think that she is a woman, and he will endure it. If he touches his bottom line, he will not give her face!
Yang Dan puffed his cheeks, staring at him with watery eyes, as if he was about to cry.


"You bully people!"

Yang Dan choked up his voice, and ran away.

An episode passed, and the three of them returned to the dinner table to eat.

The general manager came over, nodding and bowing.

"Sorry, sorry, we didn't expect such a customer, today is my treat, don't mind."

Feng Qinqin waved his hand and told him to leave, and it was not his fault.

After the general manager left, Feng Qinqin looked at his elder brother and asked.

"Brother, why didn't you tell me and Mom?"

Only then did Feng Qinqin remember that her elder brother said that he had something to do yesterday, but now it seems that it is a family matter.

Feng Wenjun is so old, isn't it enough to have a big brother and a son!
Feng Xiao picked up his chopsticks and ate in a muffled voice.

How should he tell them, Yang Dan is going to move to Feng's villa, and he will not see him when he looks up, except for them, no one will care about his feelings, but he doesn't want to let them be the only two people Worry.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Feng Qinqin didn't force it anymore.

After dinner, Feng Qinqin was picked up by Bo Zhongye, and Liu Ping left her son behind.

The two found a quiet tea room, and Liu Ping looked at the depressed child opposite.

Ever since she left the Feng family, she has seldom cared about her son. As a result, such a big thing happened now, and her son doesn't tell her.

"Ah Xiao, why didn't you tell me before, is this girl getting along well with you?"

When she went to the Feng family before, Ah Xiao was still young, he didn't know who his mother was, so he took her as his mother, but now that he is an adult, how can he accept someone younger than him? My stepmother, Feng Wenjun is simply too outrageous.

Feng Xiao held the exquisite teacup in his hand, not knowing what to say to his mother.

"Mom, she hasn't moved here yet, but my dad has already told me that she will move here in a few days."

It seems that conflicts are inevitable after moving here.

"how about you?"

I don't know how he got along with the girl just now, and I don't know what he thinks in his heart.

"Mom, no matter what I think about this matter, Dad will let them live in. After all, Dad won't let his son live outside."

Liu Ping frowned, not knowing how to comfort him.

Now her identity is also quite embarrassing.

"Mom, have you heard what my dad said about my mother?"

Liu Ping was stunned.

Now, even though she and Feng Wenjun have been under the same roof for 20 years, they haven't spoken much in between.

Feng Wenjun didn't tell her about Ah Xiao's mother either.

Seeing his mother's expression, Feng Xiao knew that his father probably hadn't told her.

"Oh, it's okay, Mom, I won't stay at home for long in the future, just sleep, and I won't have much interaction with her."

Liu Ping also felt uncomfortable, although Feng Xiao didn't ask about his biological mother before, but in his heart he still wanted to know.

"When I find a suitable time, I will talk to your father. If you want to know, I will ask for you."

A Xiao has been her son for so many years, she can't just take care of his life, but also pay attention to him psychologically.

"No need, Mom."

Feng Xiao didn't want his mother to go find his father, he knew how much his mother didn't want to face his father, what's more, they had already found their other half, so it was really not suitable for them to meet.

"Mom, don't worry about me. I'm an adult now, and I'm a big man again. Will I still be bullied?"

At worst, it's fine to go out early and return home late. That home is no longer his home. If he didn't want to guard his mother and sister's things, he would definitely move out.

Liu Ping sighed and shook her head.

"Don't worry, aside from other things, I'm also your father's friend, it's fine if we meet, you don't have to worry so much."

"Thank you mom."

"Silly son, you are my son, thank me for what you are doing."

 There is one more, about eleven o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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