Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 327 Retaliation

Chapter 327 Retaliation (1 more)
Yi Zuo came to look for Wen Jing with Qing Qing behind his back, he couldn't say so many useless words to her.

Wen Jing was also shocked by his words.

He let her leave Tongcheng just to make Qingqing feel at ease.

If that's the case, then there's nothing to refuse, and she doesn't want money.

When she left, she had already taken several million from Zuo Yao. She must have lied when she said that she wanted to pay back the money. She would not be able to earn so much in this life, but it was impossible for her to ask for their money anymore.

"I know what you mean. I will take my parents and leave, but it's okay to pay. I already have a job, and the money I earn is enough. What's more, my parents also have labor force. I will follow your Please leave as soon as possible.”

Originally, she planned to go back today and tell her parents that she was going to break up with Jiang Linhui. Such a man was really not what she wanted, but she didn't expect to meet Yi Zuo.

It just so happened that she could take her parents away, and Tongcheng was her sad place.

Wen Jing agreed so readily, Yi Zuo also felt embarrassed.

Since she doesn't want money, he won't give it. They have already broken up, and he has no obligation to take care of her affairs. If this matter is found out later, she will definitely misunderstand.

It's not that Wei Wei cares about his money, but the matter itself.

"Wen Jing, I know it's a bit difficult to do so, thank you for understanding."

Tongcheng is not a place where Yizuo is alone. He has no right to drive away a person, and he has no right to drive away his ex-girlfriend for his own happiness.

Wen Jing smiled, then waved her hand.

"It's okay. I was going to leave too. I just happened to be able to do you a favor before I left. It can be regarded as my repayment for your family's help to me."

"I didn't do anything, but why didn't you tell me the reason back then, maybe I will help you."

After all, it is a human life.

Hearing what he said, Wen Jing suddenly smiled.

Tell him the truth?
How can I tell the truth?

She is a stranger to him, who would be so kind to help a stranger?

She begged many people, but the money she got was less than one percent of the operation fee.

No one will know her despair at the time.

She couldn't watch the people she loved die because they had no money for medical treatment.

It was her luck to meet Yi Zuo, she could only hold him firmly, use the safest method, become his girlfriend, and use his money to extend the life of her lover.

She didn't dare to bet, she couldn't guarantee how Yi Zuo would react after she told the truth.

Because to a large extent he would think she was a liar.

"Sorry, I didn't find out."

Wen Jing smiled.

He didn't owe her anything.

Yi Zuo looked at the time, it was getting late.

He can't stay too long.

"Wen Jing, don't tell anyone about our meeting today, just pretend that we have never met, and I have never told you these words."

Wen Jing understood, she nodded.

"Don't worry, we haven't met today, I will leave as soon as possible."

"Thank you."

After Yi Zuo left, Wen Jing finished the rest of the barbecue, took one last look at the place, smiled in relief, and then left too.

She will never come to this place again.

Yi Zuo didn't expect Wen Jing to move so fast, and she left Tongcheng with her family the next afternoon.

Feeling sorry after all, Yi Zuo ordered Zhao Yu to find a job in the city where An Wenjing was.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

The branch store has almost been renovated, and there are some decorations in the store that should be almost ready.

"Little lunatic, my aunt and I will go to see it tomorrow. Look at the entrance of the store. Do you think it is better to buy a lion or a few window models?"

The current store is in a rush to open, so there are no models near the windows or outside, just some small items for decoration.

Feng Qinqin looked at the decoration picture in the store, imagined it in his mind, and then pointed in front of the two glass windows.

"Three window models are placed in each of these two positions. Also, don't buy the same model for this one. The three are purer little girls, and the remaining three are more mature."

Niu Feng nodded.

"What about in front of the door?"

Feng Qinqin thought for a while, "Let's get two pots of iron trees, and let's see how the iron trees bloom."

Niu Feng: "..."

"Can you be more serious?"

Feng Qinqin shrugged.

"I'm serious."

Where is she not serious, there will be iron trees in front of many shops.

Well, she's serious.

"What kind of style do you plan to decorate, and still look like this store?"

Feng Qinqin shook her head.

"No, let's experience other styles this time, and you will see how tall you are!"

Having said so much, Feng Qinqin still wanted to go by herself.

"Old Niu, look, my husband is not here today, and he will pick me up in the evening. You can take me with you today."

Someone who had been following her was finally called away by her father today to discuss business.

Finally freed from the shackles, she must go out today.


Niu Feng rejected her without even thinking about it.

Let her go to the mall together, unless he doesn't want to live anymore.

Feng Qinqin rolled her eyes, she really wanted to slap him on the face.

But now she has to please him.

"Lao Niu, I definitely won't tell my Mr. Bo, and he won't come to pick me up until six o'clock in the afternoon. If you don't tell me about this matter, no one will know."

Feng Qinqin blinked and looked at him with a playful smile.

Niu Feng also looked at her with a playful smile.

The two laughed at the same time.

Niu Feng: "No!"

Feng Qinqin: "..."

The smile in his eyes disappeared instantly.

"No fun!"

Niu Feng shrugged his shoulders. If you are not interesting, be boring. It is better than lifeless.

If Bo Zhongye knew that he took the little lunatic to the bustling shopping mall, Bo Zhongye would definitely kill him.

"You still wait here obediently. Whatever you want to buy, my aunt and I will buy it for you. When the decoration is finished, if you are not satisfied, I can let them redecorate."

Feng Qinqin wanted to curse.

"I promise I won't tell him. He won't know. Even if he knows, he won't dare to do anything to you."

Feng Qinqin continued to work hard, she really wanted to go out.

Niu Feng glanced at her.

"In the past, I still believed in you, but now, you are a pregnant woman, and your husband doesn't dare to move a finger."

Feng Qinqin: "..."

Without such a thing, she didn't care about Bo Zhongye because she didn't want to. She really thought she was afraid of him.

Niu Feng didn't believe it, Feng Qinqin's obedient appearance in front of Bo Zhongye these past few days, he couldn't believe that what the little lunatic said was her decision at home.

"Who was it last time? Once Bo Zhongye said that you can't walk out of this store, someone bowed their heads and confessed."

Feng Qinqin closed her eyes, she didn't want to talk anymore.

That's because she gave him face outside, well, at home, she always has the final say.

"I don't care. I finally got a chance to go out today. I have to go out. Don't follow me if you have the ability. I will go out by myself."

Soft is not enough, she will come hard.

"Then I'll call your husband."

Treat hard with hard.

Who wouldn't.

Feng Qinqin shrugged indifferently.

"Hit it, I think it's he who came sooner or I who left here sooner."

Niu Feng was helpless.

How could he have such an ancestor?

In the end, Niu Feng still didn't win her over and agreed to go to the store with her.

Today there were only the two of them in the store, and they wanted to close the store, but Niu Fang came over.

Knowing that they were going out, Niu Fang stayed to look at the shop.

After Feng Qinqin and Niu Feng left, two young men came out from the shop.

The two sides looked at each other and nodded.

Niu Fang was sitting on the small sofa in the store, watching entertainment news on her mobile phone, waiting for the arrival of customers.

After swiping four or five entertainment news, she didn't wait for a guest.

Niu Fang put down her phone and stretched.

"There are so few people today."

"Isn't the person already here?"

As soon as the words were finished, a man's voice came from the door, and Niu Fang shuddered and looked outside.

Seeing that there were two young men in ragged clothes, Niu Fang was frightened all of a sudden, and couldn't get up while sitting on the sofa.

"You, who are you?"

How could there be such a person? She also came from the countryside. At first glance, the two of them were hooligans.

"You don't care who we are, and you can't stop us from doing anything, smash it!"

 Aww, brother and sister-in-law took Qianqian out to play, and they haven’t come home yet, so let’s add so much first.

(End of this chapter)

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