Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 328 Brother Feng, Why Did You Come!

Chapter 328 Brother Feng, Why Did You Come! (2 more)
As soon as the two men came over, they quickly smashed everything in the store.

Niu Fang had never seen such a scene before, and she didn't even dare to call the police. If she did, these two men would definitely not let her go.

Fortunately, some well-meaning person shouted outside that the police were coming. The two men got scared and smashed their last vase, and they left.

After the two men left, Niu Fang was so frightened that she fell down on the sofa, her hands shaking while holding the phone.

Trembling, she found her elder brother's cell phone number and wanted to call it, but thinking that Sister Qinqin was still pregnant, if she found out, she would definitely come back immediately, so she couldn't be in a hurry.

Niu Fang forced herself to calm down, and the two of them went away for a while and would never come back again.

At this time, some regular customers in the store came to help her clean up.

"Did you offend anyone?"

Niu Fang shook her head, she didn't know, she wasn't the boss here, but, according to the character of sister Qinqin and elder brother, she wouldn't offend anyone, even if she did, the other party knew about the relationship between sister Qinqin and Bo Zhongye The relationship will not come over so blatantly.

"what happened?"

The two girls were talking when Feng Xiao's voice came from behind.

As soon as she heard Feng Xiao's voice, Niu Fang's body froze immediately. This voice was like a catalyst for her lacrimal glands, arousing all her grievances.

Niu Fang turned around, and when she saw Feng Xiao, she threw away the clothes in her hand and ran towards him.

"Brother Feng!"

Niu Fang stepped forward and hugged his body, jumped with her legs, tightly wrapped around his thin waist, buried her head in the hollow of his neck, and burst into tears.

"Oh, Brother Feng, you scared me to death!" Niu Fang cried out of breath, and hugged the man tightly and did not let go.

"Scared me to death, Brother Feng, why did you come here? Couldn't you have come earlier?"

While Niu Fang was crying, she beat Feng Xiao's back vigorously with her small hands.

Feng Xiao was stunned by her beating.

Except for the fact that my sister hugged his neck and cried bitterly when she was a child, she didn't hug him when she grew up, and being hugged by a girl who wasn't very close like this, Feng Xiao really didn't exist anymore.

"Okay, okay, Fangfang, it's okay, come on, let's sit down first."

Feng Xiao's hands were hanging on his sides, and his body was stiff and motionless.


Niu Fang was crying uncontrollably, hanging on his body just didn't mean to get off.

The girl who had just come to help her pack her things came over and smiled.

"Sir, please coax your girlfriend well, she must have been frightened just now."

She saw the scene of throwing things inside, so she yelled outside the door.

Feng Xiao: "?"

female, girlfriend?
"Okay, since your boyfriend is here, I'm leaving, but you should take her to the doctor to see if she is scared."

The latter sentence was obviously addressed to Feng Xiao.

Niu Fang, who was still crying on Feng Xiao's shoulder, stopped crying when she heard the girl say that Feng Xiao was her boyfriend, and the teardrops on her eyelashes fell with the trembling of her eyelashes.

The other party seems to have misunderstood.

However, this misunderstanding made her very happy.

She didn't want to explain, she just didn't want to explain, she was crying so hard, she didn't hear it!
If Niu Fang didn't explain, Feng Xiao couldn't explain it even more, which made Fang Fang very embarrassed.

"OK, thanks."

After the girl left, Niu Fang was stuck on him.

She was terrified, and she sought support.

Niu Fang couldn't get down, and Feng Xiao was too embarrassed to put her down, so he could only put his fists on her lap, hugged her to sit on the sofa.

Put on the sofa by him, Niu Fang lowered her head and wiped her tears.

Feng Xiao picked up the tissue on the counter and handed it to her.

"What's going on, how did the store become like this? Did you call the police?"

Niu Fang shook her head, she didn't dare.

"They came very quickly and smashed them very quickly, I dare not."

Feng Xiao raised his hand and touched her forehead, comforting her.

"Okay, don't be afraid, I'm here, I'll call the police immediately and ask someone to investigate."

As he said that, Feng Xiao was about to make a call with his mobile phone, "By the way, why is it just you, Qinqin and your elder brother?"

"They're out shopping."

Feng Xiao immediately called the police.

After making the phone call, Feng Xiao looked at her and asked.

"How are you? Did you get hurt just now? I'll take you to the hospital for a checkup after the police arrive in a while."

Niu Fang was taken aback for a moment.

It's such a trivial matter that I still need to go to the hospital. Before she had a cold and a fever, she just took a little medicine.

She was frightened, but the two men did not hurt her.

"No need, Brother Feng. Although those two men are fierce, they smashed things as soon as they came in. They didn't mean to hit me."

If she had been beaten, she would have been beaten to the ground by now.

Hearing this, Feng Xiao squinted his eyes.

Come in and smash things?

how could this be?

If there is a grudge, shouldn't people be beaten up too?

"Did they say anything?"

Niu Fang thought for a while, and recounted their original words.

Feng Xiao was even more puzzled, so there was no reason?

 Aww, today's update is over. I'm exhausted from going out today. Qianqian is going to sleep first. Good night.

(End of this chapter)

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