Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 329 Uncontrollable Feelings

Chapter 329 Uncontrollable Feelings (1 More)
After the police came, they inspected the crime scene and asked Niu Fang some questions. Niu Fang answered their questions on time.

The police took notes one by one.

"Okay, that's it for now. We will do our best to investigate when we go back, and we will definitely give you an explanation."

These few shops don't look simple, the young master of the Feng family is here to host them personally, this person is probably his girlfriend.

"Okay, sorry to trouble you."

The police waved their hands again and again.

"No trouble, no trouble, we will give you a result as soon as possible."

Feng Xiao led them away, and then returned to the store, where Niu Fang was packing up.

Feng Xiao thought for a while, called the housekeeping company, and got two staff members to come over and tidy up.

After making the phone call, Feng Xiao walked over and pulled her to sit on the small sofa.

Niu Fang was pulled over by him, so she obediently walked over and sat down.

"Brother Feng, thank you so much for today. I have only seen the police on TV since I grew up, and there are security guards and urban management. I am a little scared to see them."

It was quite embarrassing to say it, she was terrified when she saw the police coming over just now, as if she was the one who committed the crime.

Hearing this, Feng Xiao laughed softly.

"You are still too young to see the world. You will be fine in the future. There is nothing to be ashamed of."

Niu Fang laughed twice, thinking about the scene where she jumped on him as soon as he came in just now, Niu Fang's heart was beating wildly.

She seemed ashamed just now.

Brother Feng must be extremely embarrassed.

Niu Fang scolded herself countless times in her heart, and when she raised her head to look at Feng Xiao, her cheeks were already flushed.

"Brother Feng, why do you want to come here?"

"Oh, I have nothing to do today. I wanted to come and see Qinqin, but she wasn't here."

In fact, it's not that he's fine today, he's been fine all day, and suddenly thought about starting a game company to play.

"By the way, when will Qinqin come back?"

Hearing his question, Niu Fang smiled.

"Sister Qinqin finally went out once. She probably won't come back until Mr. Bo comes back."

Mr. Bo is in charge of Sister Qinqin. Every time she comes, she will see Mr. Bo here. The pressure is not normal. Maybe something happened today.

Thinking of his sister's mischievousness, Feng Xiao felt very helpless.

However, fortunately, my sister is not here this afternoon. If I were here, I don't know what would happen.

It seemed that Bo Zhongye was right to worry, there were too many uncontrollable factors outside, once encountered it would be fatal, so it's better not to come out to look at the store in the future.

"Brother Feng, sit here for a while, and I'll go and pack up."

Sister Qinqin and elder brother may not be able to clean up after a while when they come back, it is too messy.

As soon as Niu Fang stood up, Feng Xiao reached out and grabbed her arm.

"No, just sit down and rest for a while, I've already handed over someone, and I'll probably be back in a while."

In the early autumn weather, that is, wearing a layer of unlined clothing, Niu Fang can feel his warmth through a layer of fabric.

Niu Fang stared at the man who grabbed her hand, her face flushed very red.

Feng Xiao also noticed her impoliteness, and her father quickly let go of her arm, a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face.

"Sorry, I was excited at the moment, please sit down first."

After speaking, Feng Xiao let go of her arm, put his hands on his knees, his body was a little stiff.

Without the hot temperature on her arms, Niu Fang's heart sank to the bottom.

She walked over and sat down, keeping the same movements as him.

The atmosphere fell into embarrassment for a moment.

He didn't speak, and Niu Fang didn't know what to say, so she might as well pack up her things.

"Well, Brother Feng, why don't I go and pack my things."

Sitting with him, she always wanted to sneak a look at him, here are just the two of them, if she peeked, he would definitely see it.

Feng Xiao paused.

Just as he was about to say something, the person he called came over.

Two middle-aged women came over and asked.

"Did you call us to come and pack up?"

"Yes, it's here, please clean up here."

Feng Xiao stood up and glanced in Niu Fang's direction.

"Leave it to them first, and I'll take you out for a drink."

Feng Xiao took someone to a nearby cold drink shop and ordered two iced drinks.

Niu Fang had never been to such a high-end place before, so she felt a little embarrassed looking at her clothes.

She seemed a bit out of place with the place.

"Drink, I don't know what you want, see if you like it."

Based on what he knew about Fangfang, if he asked, she probably wouldn't know what she liked to drink.

Niu Fang picked up the cold drink and took a sip. It was cold and delicious.

"Brother Feng, drink well."

Seeing the surprised and satisfied smile on the girl's face, Feng Xiao felt a little shy.

It seems that he should find more opportunities to take her out in the future.

She seems to know too little. If she develops in the entertainment industry in the future, she will probably be laughed at.

"Fangfang, are you busy at school recently? I called you several times and didn't answer me?"

Feng Xiao knew that she was avoiding him, but he didn't know why she was avoiding him. Could it be because of low self-esteem?


Asked by him, she couldn't tell. She couldn't say that she was afraid of hearing his voice, or seeing him.

Ever since getting along with him in Juzhidao, she felt that Brother Feng was the most gentle man in the world, and he cared about others, unlike the three brothers of the Bo family and the young master of the Yi family, who always acted aloof and difficult to get close to. It's not an exaggeration to say that he is a gentleman, no matter how he looks like Brother Feng.

If she was an ordinary person, she would definitely let go of her girlish reserve and go after her.

But his family background is too powerful, even if she has the cheek to confess her love, the eldest brother will definitely scold her.

During this period of time, she has been thinking about what her elder brother said, don't think about him, but he still calls her, sometimes he answers and says a few words, sometimes he doesn't answer at all.

I didn't even know what to say.

These days, she has been restrained from missing him, but later found that the more she restrained, the more she seemed to miss him.

What made her even more helpless was that she always dreamed of him at night.

Waking up in the morning is about to break down.

Now he asked himself why he didn't answer his call, but she didn't dare to answer it.

"Well, military training, it's busy."

Niu Fang put one hand on her forehead, not daring to look at him, for fear that he would find out that she was lying.

You don't need to look to know that she is lying. It's not that he has no military training. When he calls her, he calls her when she is free.

And she didn't answer his calls several times, and she didn't reply when she saw him. It can't be said that she didn't have time.


Feng Xiao hummed lightly, but didn't expose her.

"If you have something to do in the future, you must remember to tell me. You see, I have nothing to do."

Niu Fang smiled embarrassingly and nodded.

Feng Xiao looked at her, shook his head, and didn't know what he did to make her so afraid of him.

Not long after being here, Niu Fang received a call from her elder brother.

"Fangfang, what's going on in the store, where are you!"

Niu Feng was in a hurry in the store. Seeing the mess in the store, there were two women packing things here, and his sister wasn't here, he was frightened to death.

I hurriedly called her, worried that she would be kidnapped.

"Brother, Brother Feng and I are drinking outside, please wait for me for a while, we will go back right away."

Niu Fang hung up the phone.

"Brother Feng, let's go first, brother and sister Qinqin are back."

In the store, Feng Qinqin looked at the messy room, and Feng Qinqin frowned tightly.

what happened?
"Lao Niu, have we offended anyone recently?"

No, they don't seem to have offended anyone.

Niu Feng thought about it.


"Strange, who could it be?"

, It cannot be said that there is no reason at all.

"Don't think about it for now, wait for Fangfang to come back and listen to what she has to say."

While speaking, Feng Xiao and Niu Fang came in from outside.

"Brother, are you here too?"

Seeing Feng Xiao's face turned, Feng Qinqin was very happy, um, and, when the incident happened just now, the eldest brother was also here.

So, is this a hero saving the beauty?

Feng Xiao walked to her side and nodded.

"Well, I have called the police, and the police have filed a case."

 There will be an update around 10:30.

(End of this chapter)

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