Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 330 Dodging Cannot Solve Problems

Chapter 330 Dodging Cannot Solve Problems (2 More)
"Qinqin, have you offended anyone recently?"

Feng Xiao asked Qinqin.

This matter is not small, if it happens for the first time for no reason, then it will come for the second time.

Feng Qinqin was also puzzled.

She and Niu Feng are just clothes shoppers, so who can they offend?

"Fangfang, when did they come here?"

Niu Fang: "Not long after you and your elder brother left."

Hearing this, Feng Qinqin frowned.

Not long after she and Niu Feng left, this guy came to mess things up. What does this mean?
avoid them?

Or to give them a warning, or is this just random criminals finding a store to get revenge, and they just happened to be unlucky?

Feng Qinqin thought it was strange, just because she didn't come here until shortly after she and Niu Feng had left, it wasn't as simple as finding their shop at random.

More like a side warning.

"Brother, do you think it's because our store's business is so good that the surrounding clothing stores can't see it and want to teach me a lesson?"

That's all Feng Qinqin thought of.

She couldn't think of any other reason.

Feng Xiao thought it made sense, he hadn't thought of this level just now.

"Didn't Bo Zhongye arrange a bodyguard for you before, why haven't you seen him recently?"

Feng Xiao was talking about Qiao Wu. He was still very grateful to that man. He saved Qinqin's life, and it seemed very reliable.

"Oh, he went to school and hasn't come these days."

Feng Qinqin replied, but it seems that Bo Zhongye needs to find another powerful bodyguard for her. Now is not the time to be willful, she still has a child in her stomach.

While several people were talking, Bo Zhongye ran over from the outside with big strides.

"Qinqin, how are you?!"

Because to talk about the Rose Manor project, he took over the matter before, and now it is coming to an end, and some things must be done in person.

Today, he was in the company dealing with documents or going out to meet his partners. Because he wanted to come back to see her as soon as possible, he was worried that she would run out to play disobediently.

It's okay if it's normal, since he received a call from Zhenzhen's father, he has been extremely nervous, for fear that she will be hurt if she goes out.

Who knows, he didn't accompany her for a day, and received a message from Zhenzhen's father in the afternoon.

The content of the message is very simple: today is a meeting ceremony.

After receiving the information, Bo Zhongye left all his partners and ran over from the hotel, worried about what would happen to her.

It wasn't until seeing her sitting here that Bo Zhongye breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm fine, but the store was smashed down."

How could Bo Zhongye have the heart to see if the shop was smashed, as long as she wasn't injured.

After checking up and down to make sure she was not injured, Bo Zhongye hugged her tightly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, are you scared? I'll take you to the hospital."

Saying that, Bo Zhongye let go of her and bent over to hug her up.

Feng Qinqin pulled him to sit next to him, glanced at him, and said.

"I'm fine. Well, that's how it is. Niu Feng and I went out shopping, and shortly after we left, someone came and smashed the shop, so I wasn't there at all when it happened, so I wasn't injured."

Hearing this, Bo Zhongye squinted his eyes.

Therefore, they came here when Qinqin was not around, no wonder he would say to give a gift first.

Feng Qinqin noticed Bo Zhongye's absent-mindedness, and she asked.

"Husband, how do you know something happened in the store?"

No one here had called him, and it was far from the time he said he would come back.

How did he know about it.

And with the posture and expression he just came in, it seemed that he came all the way in a hurry, and asked her if she was okay as soon as she came in. Obviously, he didn't know about the accident in the store after he came, but he knew it before he came. up.

Bo Zhongye didn't answer her question, he will talk to her properly after he takes her back.

"Have you called the police?"

This time, Bo Zhongye calmed down a lot.

"Call the police, and the police have filed a case."

Feng Xiao answered him.

"Brother, are you and Niu Fang calling the police?"

Bo Zhongye turned his face to look at Feng Xiao.

Feeling a little uncomfortable being called big brother by him, Feng Xiao moved his body.

"Well, I called the police."

"Brother, you went to the police station with Niu Fang and said that today was just a joke between friends. We will not pursue this matter."

As soon as these words came out, everyone gave him puzzled looks, Feng Qinqin's eyes narrowed slightly, and his puzzlement became even worse.

Feng Xiao even yelled at him angrily.

"Bo Zhongye, what do you mean?!"

After such a big incident happened to Qinqin, he actually said let it go, is this what a man should say? !
Besides, the prince of his majestic Bo family, is he still afraid that these little bastards will fail!

If they come once, they forget the past, and then they will come again. The next time they come, it will not be as simple as smashing the store!

Feng Qinqin also looked at Bo Zhongye, waiting for his answer.

Bo Zhongye got up, bent down and picked her up.

Feng Qinqin quickly hooked his neck and didn't speak.

There are so many people here, she doesn't want to make noise with him and embarrass him.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I will deal with this matter, just take Niu Fang to withdraw the case."

After finishing speaking, regardless of Feng Xiao's eyes full of anger, he turned to look at Niu Feng.

"Niu Feng, I'll leave all the branch affairs here to you in the future. She won't come here again a year ago."

With that said, he strode out with the girl in his arms.

In the car, Feng Qinqin let him fasten her seat belt, but she didn't say a word.

Bo Zhongye glanced at her, closed his eyes, and finally started the car and drove out without saying anything.

Bo Zhongye kept driving, and Feng Qinqin waited for him to stop and give her an explanation.

The car finally stopped near the Bo family compound, Bo Zhongye had to be careful everywhere now, he would not stay in places that were not very safe.

After turning off the ignition, Bo Zhongye looked at the girl in the passenger seat.

Feng Qinqin's complexion was very bad, she just didn't understand why he compromised with the bad guys.

She knew how much Bo Zhongye cherished her, but today's incident made her very disappointed.

"Are you angry?"

Feng Qinqin looked at the front without meowing at him, but asked in a cold voice.

"Give me a reason not to be angry."

She was really disappointed that he just let those bad guys go without reason.


"Don't call me wife, I'm not your wife!"

As soon as Bo Zhongye finished speaking, Feng Qinqin turned back.

There is no one else here, and she doesn't need to save face for him!
Bo Zhongye sighed and reached out to shake her hand.

Feng Qinqin wanted to break free, but still couldn't escape from his clutches.

"Qinqin, can you listen to my explanation?"

Bo Zhongye was helpless, if it wasn't because he was not sincere, he would not have let her suffer such a big grievance, but he was also sure that he would never give them a second chance to hurt Qinqin.

"Did I gag you from talking?"

She came back with him, isn't it just to listen to his explanation, otherwise she would have told her elder brother not to go to the police station to withdraw the case.

"Qinqin, you should read this first."

With that said, Bo Zhongye transferred to the message from Zhenzhen's father, and handed her the phone.

Feng Qinqin took it hesitantly, not quite understanding what he meant.

After seeing these two pieces of information that were not very connected, the clever Feng Qinqin found a connection.

After finishing reading, Feng Qinqin put down her phone and slowly raised her head.

"So, the person who came to make trouble today is not because I offended someone, but because you know him?"

Bo Zhongye nodded, his voice was weak.

"This man is Zhenzhen's father. After Zhenzhen passed away, he changed his ways to discredit my company in front of outsiders, and spent a lot of money trying to put me to death, but he failed."

"I don't know where he got the news of your pregnancy. His purpose is very simple. He violated my bottom line and did everything that made me miserable."

Feng Qinqin narrowed her eyes.

Is this man a lunatic?

Looking at the above message, it was the second day that Bo Zhongye decided to take another vacation.

"Is that why you're taking another vacation?"

Hearing this, Bo Zhongye nodded.

Having said that, Feng Qinqin understood everything.

No wonder Bo Zhongye would let Qiao Wu come back again, no wonder he repeatedly emphasized not to let her go out.

However, she can't stay at home forever.

Dodging doesn't solve the problem.

 Update ends today.

  Kids, good night

(End of this chapter)

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