Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 331 Threat

Chapter 331 Threat (1 more)
Bo Zhongye also knew that dodging was not a matter, and he only allowed them to hurt Qinqin this time.

"Then what are you going to do? I can't stay at home all the time."

She's going to get depression!
Besides, this matter has to be resolved. After the child is born, should he stay at home like her?

This is impossible.

She does not allow her child to live such a useless life.

Of course Bo Zhongye would not let her and their children stay at home like this and cannot go out.

"Qinqin, I'll take care of this matter, and they won't have the chance to hurt you and your children again."

Feng Qinqin was helpless.

When encountering such a thing, she was also very powerless, and she couldn't blame Bo Zhongye.

Really dead, her parents must have hatred in their hearts, can she argue with a dead person?
It's really not as good as Bo Zhongye having an ex-girlfriend or something, at least a living person, she can still go up and compete with her, but what's the matter now.

"Well, I don't blame you anymore, you have to deal with this matter, but try not to hurt them as much as possible."

Feng Qinqin thought about it, but still thought it would be better to send them away.

It's just that the pain of bereavement is likely to drive them crazy.

Feng Qinqin really doesn't understand that love in this world is good, but it's not like dying for a man who doesn't love you.

And she committed suicide, the more Feng Qinqin thought about it, the more she felt worthless.

If the man she likes also likes her, it is worthwhile for her to die for him, but what is going on now is simply incomprehensible.

Anyway, she won't die because of a man who doesn't love her. Life is not only about lovers, but also relatives.

After committing suicide like this, Bo Zhongye remembered her, but her parents' life was worse than death. In her opinion, it was not worth it at all.

"Okay, I see. I'll take you home first, and leave this matter to me."

at the same time.

In a dilapidated one-story house in the suburbs of Tongcheng, an old man sat in the center of the main hall. There were two young men on both sides. They were undoubtedly the two people who caused trouble in Fengqinqin's shop this afternoon.

On the other side of the main hall, an unconscious woman was lying on a bed.

"Uncle, the matter has been settled, when shall we go next time?"

Liu Boan, Zhenzhen's father raised his hand to stop it.

"No, I'll just wait for Bo Zhongye to come over."

Liu Bo'an already knew that Bo Zhongye would not do anything to him, so what if he called the police, but in the end the lawsuit was withdrawn.

Bo Zhongye, you owe us everything in this life.


Ji Yun didn't know when he walked in and walked to the center.

Liu Boan glanced at her, but didn't speak.

Ji Yun walked in front of him, sweating anxiously.

"Uncle, don't you do the thing of hitting a pebble against a rock again?"

Who is Bo Zhongye, who doesn't know in Tongcheng?
In these years, only his uncle dared to oppose him openly.

Before, he was just making troubles, but now he has started to think about Bo Zhongye's wife.

"Hitting an egg against a rock? So what, I have nothing. If you are barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, at most you will lose your life."

Zhenzhen is his only child, Zhenzhen is gone, what else does he expect?
Ji Yun opened his mouth, not knowing how to persuade him.

Zhenzhen couldn't be all Bo Zhongye's fault, although these years, like her uncle, she blamed Zhenzhen's death on Bo Zhongye, but how much did she have to do with Bo Zhongye in fact.

If you blame him, blame him for speaking too sharply.

But as Yi Zuo said, there are many people who like Bo Zhongye and his confession. Does he have to deal with each one and explain them?
Bo Zhongye's identity was there, so it was impossible to pay attention to it.

For so many years, the reason why she hated Bo Zhongye like her uncle was also a kind of spiritual sustenance. Could it be that she should blame Zhenzhen?

However, although she hated Bo Zhongye, she hadn't really done anything to him, not because she was afraid of him, but because she really had no reason to do anything.

"Uncle, Zhenzhen has already left, and you only have one life, but have you ever thought about what to do if you are gone and your aunt is lying on the bed alone?"

Not just my aunt, but also the two people who made trouble this afternoon. Once my uncle passes away, Bo Zhongye will never give anyone face again. Those who helped uncle will be severely retaliated by Bo Zhongye. No one will take care of my aunt in the future. she is gone.

Ji Yun was right, if Liu Boan passed away, Bo Zhongye would have no scruples.

"Uncle, Zhenzhen is gone, but I'm still here. My job has been stabilized. As long as my uncle and aunt don't dislike me, I will take good care of you for Zhenzhen in the future."

Zhenzhen is her best friend, and there is only Zhenzhen in her uncle's family.

Bo Zhongye just found her and said that he would find her a job in the capital, which would be enough for her to take care of her uncle and aunt in the future, but the premise was that she would take her uncle and aunt to the capital and not come back if there was nothing to do.

"Uncle, my parents are both in Kyoto, and there are good doctors in Kyoto. We can ask them to show my aunt when we arrive."

This is the best way, Bo Zhongye thought of everything.

However, Ji Yun also knew that it was not easy to let her uncle go, and it was even more impossible to let him leave with her willingly.


"No, I won't leave, my goal has not been achieved yet!"

What Ji Yun said is reasonable, but we have to wait until after he is dead.

As for the wife, it was already like this anyway.

Ji Yun knew that she couldn't explain it, but for the sake of truth, she had to take them away.

In the past, the reason why Bo Zhongye was not as knowledgeable as his uncle was, but it did not mean that he had no bottom line.

And she knew very well that Bo Zhongye's bottom line was his wife, otherwise he would have never looked for her before, but this time he directly ordered her to die.

"Whether they go to Kyoto or to prison is up to you."

This was the last sentence Bo Zhongye said to her.

So, she has no choice.

"Uncle, think about it, you have lived a bad life for her all these years, and you only want to avenge her, but have you ever thought that this is not what she wants, and she is already very sorry for you, Don't you want her to die without worry?"

Zhenzhen left like this, the most sorry people are her uncle and aunt. Less than a month after Zhenzhen left, her aunt went crazy, and finally lay in bed and never got up again. Now she is in a state of confusion.

Zhenzhen walked so freely, but she didn't expect what would happen to her parents?
If her uncle still persists, she can only take strong measures.

"Uncle, in three days, after three days, I hope you and aunt can go with me."

Liu Boan looked at her and squinted his eyes.

"Are you threatening me?"

He is an old man who has nothing, is he still afraid of her threat?

Ji Yun sighed and spoke slowly.

"Uncle, I'm not threatening you, I'm doing it for your own good. I can't just sit and watch you get revenge by Bo Zhongye."

If that's the case, she's really sorry.

"Uncle, you can pack your things in these three days. We will go to Kyoto in three days."

Before Ji Yun left, he glanced at the two young men in the room and signaled them to come out.

After coming out of the house, Ji Yun didn't mince words with them either.

"In the future, if uncle asks you to do things, try not to do it as much as possible. Also, tell your relatives and friends not to listen to uncle. Some people are not something you can offend."

She had to make them quit.

"It's okay, uncle said, this is what they owe uncle, and they will not retaliate."

Ji Yun looked at them as if he was looking at two idiots.

"Won't take revenge? When you get rid of other people's children, when he wants to take revenge on you, let alone you, your whole family, even a single child, will be buried for his children, I believe If you don't believe me, you can go and find out if Bo Zhongye from Tongcheng is a man to be provoked."

That's all for this.

Really, I did my best.

Now she can only pinch off those who can do things for her uncle, so as to stop his action.

After Ji Yun left, the two looked at each other and began to hesitate.

If what Ji Yun said is true, then they really can't do things for their uncle anymore.

It's true that the uncle is their real uncle, and they are willing to do things for him, but this does not mean that they will disregard the safety of their family members.

It seems that they can't do it anymore.

 Second watch around 10:30
(End of this chapter)

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