Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 332 Talking Chapter

Chapter 332 Conversation (2 more)
Three days later, Ji Yun still forcibly took Liu Boan away.

The day before he left, Ji Yun came to the Bo family compound and called Feng Qinqin with the mobile phone number he got from Yi Zuo.

After receiving her call, Feng Qinqin didn't want to go because she was worried that she would be bad for her. If it was before, she definitely wouldn't mind. She has a mouth to scold her, and she has tricks to fight her, but not anymore.

She worried about prenatal education if she cursed, and even less dared to do it.

But Ji Yun said not to let Bo Zhongye know, she didn't need to be stingy and tell Bo Zhongye.

So, I had to call Qiao Wu and ask him to go with her.

Walking to the door of the Bo family compound with Qiao Wu, Feng Qinqin asked him to stand in a corner where others could not see.

"Xiao Wu, you are waiting for me here. If she is against me, you have to come here as soon as possible."

Feng Qinqin looked at the distance and asked.

"Is this position okay?"

Feng Qinqin never thought that one day she would be so cautious that she would come out to meet someone and ask someone to accompany her and hug her in secret.

Joe Five nodded.

"Madam, don't worry, this distance is just right, don't worry, if she makes a move, I will definitely rush over immediately."

Hearing Qiao Wu's tone of assurance, Feng Qinqin was a little embarrassed.

She seems to be too sensitive.

"Okay, then I'll go."

When Ji Yun came over and saw that she had already come, he was a little surprised.

She thought Feng Qinqin would put on airs and make her wait a while, but she came earlier than herself.

But if Ji Yun knew that Feng Qinqin came early because he had to prepare in advance, he would have laughed.

Seeing her coming, Feng Qinqin pointed to a bench not far away.

"Let's sit and talk."

She is pregnant and cannot stand for a long time, and she doesn't know how long Ji Yun will chat with her.

Ji Yun walked over with her and sat down.

This position happened to be facing away from Qiao Wu, and the distance was very close.

Feng Qinqin didn't play around with her either, and the two of them didn't know each other well, so they couldn't catch up with her.

"Why did you come to see me?"

Ji Yun also knew that she definitely didn't want to talk to him too much, and she didn't Solo, so she got straight to the point.

"Mrs. Bo, I think you already know who I am?"

Last time on Bo Zhongye's birthday, she made such a fuss, she must have asked Bo Zhongye when she went back.

Feng Qinqin nodded, of course she knew, otherwise she would not have met a strange woman.

"So, what is the purpose of your coming today?"

Now that you're here, you must know why.

"I and Zhenzhen's parents will leave tomorrow and go to Kyoto. Maybe we won't come back in the future."

Hearing this, Feng Qinqin narrowed his eyes.

This is what her family Mr. Bo meant.

"What are you telling me about this?"

There is always a reason for coming here for no reason.

She couldn't believe that Ji Yun came here just to tell her about it.

Ji Yun smiled, and turned to look at the girl beside him.

No, it should be a woman.

Small cherry mouth, tall and small nose bridge, standard oval face, giving people a classical beauty overall.

It's no wonder that Bo Zhongye likes her. A standard beauty is beyond real. It seems that men are all visual animals.

"The purpose of my coming is very simple. I just want to tell you that no one will threaten you in the future. I hope that when the real father comes back in the future, if you hurt you, you can say good things in front of Bo Zhongye. Don't let him He embarrasses Zhenzhen's father."

Feng Qinqin didn't reply.

It is impossible for her to be so unprincipled, and it is impossible for her to let others bully her but forgive her without principle.

"Mrs. Bo, we are all women, and we can leave some room for each other. Zhenzhen's approach is very extreme. Her father shouldn't keep causing trouble with Bo Zhongye, but please see that you and Zhenzhen both like it." For Bo Zhongye's sake, give her parents a little help, I can assure you that I will try my best to take good care of her parents in the future, and will not let them come back again."

She came today to give her a reassurance. If Feng Qinqin agrees, she will leave with her uncle and aunt and never come back again, but if Feng Qinqin does not agree, then she will only have them threaten Feng Qinqin up.

Hearing this, Feng Qinqin smiled, and the corners of his mouth curled into an evil arc.

"So you mean, if I don't agree, you won't take them away?"

It's really tempting.

However, she, Feng Qinqin, was never someone who would compromise so easily, and she disliked being threatened the most.

Seeing the affirmative meaning in Ji Yun's eyes, Feng Qinqin smiled even more joyfully.

"Okay, then you can let them stay here. It's not certain who will hurt who in the end."

Ji Yun's heart skipped a beat, feeling bad.

She just wanted to threaten her, but this time, she was threatened instead.

Feng Qinqin didn't want to embarrass her either, he never thought of hurting Zhenzhen's parents, but what Ji Yun said now really made her uncomfortable.

"Ji Yun, there is something I think you should figure out first. I, Feng Qinqin, did not do anything to offend you. Just because I am Bo Zhongye's wife, you all take turns to trouble me?"

First, there was a commotion on the day her family Mr. Bo proposed to her, and today Zhenzhen's father sent someone to smash up her shop again.

But what did she do wrong?
She is just Bo Zhongye's wife, and has nothing to do with Zhenzhen, now that Ji Yun is running over to threaten her again, it's enough.

Ji Yun was stunned speechless by her.

What Feng Qinqin said was right, but what they did was wrong.

Ji Yun bit his lip and had no choice but to show softness.

"Mrs. Bo, I know that today's conversation is a bit abrupt, and I shouldn't threaten you, but I also hope that you can see that I am also for my friend's sake, and don't be as knowledgeable as me. This is the only thing I have. Request, I hope you can agree."

As he spoke, Ji Yun landed on her stomach.

"Mrs. Bo, you will have your own child soon. I believe you can understand the feelings of Zhenzhen's father."

Feng Qinqin's eyes darkened.

Ji Yun's words reached her heart.

She thought about it.

"Don't you think your request is contradictory? You have said it all, and you will take them away, so he won't have the chance to hurt me, and then I don't need to intercede for him."

Ji Yun did this because he was worried that there would be accidents in the future.

"I can promise you, but I also have a bottom line. It is impossible to let him bully. If you are really for their own good, you should take them and never come back."

With Feng Qinqin's promise, Ji Yun was relieved a lot.

"Okay, I'll keep my promise."

Early the next morning, Bo Zhongye received the news that Ji Yun had left with Liu Bo'an and his wife.

The truth is finally over, Feng Qinqin also breathed a sigh of relief.

I really hope this doesn't happen again in the future.

Seeing that the National Day was approaching, Bo Zhongye thought that everyone would go out for a trip during this time.

In the evening, the two of them took a shower and lay down on the bed. Feng Qinqin found a comfortable place to lie down, with her small arms around his waist, her face pressed against his chest, feeling his warmth.

"Have you thought about a travel itinerary?"

It's true that Feng Qinqin hasn't gone out to play for a long time.

The eldest brother is not in a good mood recently, she wants to take him out for a stroll, and also let him relax.

Bo Zhongye's hand stroked along the curve of her body, the girl's skin was smooth and tender, the more she touched it, the more addicted she was, and she didn't want to move it away.

"Is there any place you want to go?"

Everything comes according to her idea, as long as she wants to go, other people don't care.

Feng Qinqin rubbed her head against his chest, thinking about where to go.

But after much deliberation, I didn't think of any good place.

"It's up to you to plan. I'm lazy. I'll go wherever you take me."

But the main purpose this time is to match up the eldest brother and Fangfang, this time she will not let Lao Niu go, so as not to make trouble when he goes.

Fangfang listens to Lao Niu very much, as long as he is around, all her plans will be disrupted by him.

Hearing her plan, Bo Zhongye shook his head and laughed.

"You are pregnant, and you still worry so much, don't you feel tired?"

Bo Zhongye raised his hand and pinched her little face.

Because of her pregnancy, she has been supplemented with nutrients during this period, and the flesh on her face has really replenished.

Feng Qinqin stared, raised her hand and slapped his hand away, feeling angry.

"That's my brother, of course I have to worry more!"

 The update is complete, good night, babies

(End of this chapter)

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