Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 333 Bo Qingqing's Conspiracy

Chapter 333 Bo Qingqing's Conspiracy (2 more)
On October 10, everyone got ready. Not only the four elders of the Bo family, but also Liu Ping and Lin Xiu came, and even Yifeng and his wife followed.

In order not to let Niu Feng stand in the way of Fangfang and her brother's progress in their relationship, Feng Qinqin refused to let him go on the grounds of letting him watch the store.

Several big family members drove several cars in a mighty manner.

When they were in the car, they said they would let their daughter ride in the same car with their husband and wife, but how could Bo Qingqing be with them, if they were together, she would not have the opportunity to be with Brother Zuo.

How could Zuo Yao not know her daughter's thoughts, she would never give them a chance to live together when they went out this time.

"Gently, come here, be obedient."

Bo gently doesn't move, so she doesn't want to go over.

"Mom, I want to talk to my sister-in-law, so please let me go with my elder brother."

Escaping from big brother's car is easier than escaping from parents' car.

That is simply the difference between [-]% and [-]%.

"I don't know what's on your mind anymore. Come here and stay with your parents honestly. You are not allowed to go anywhere!"

Hearing this, Bo Zhongye drooped his face, very sad.

The mother and daughter were in a stalemate like this, Bo Songyuan couldn't stand it anymore, and pulled his wife to the side.

"Okay, my daughter is getting older, it's good to be with young people, it's normal not to want to accompany us at such an age, we have a generation gap with our daughter."

Bo Songyuan is different from her, not so feudal.

"Okay, lightly, get in your elder brother's car."

Saying that, he took his wife's hand and left.

"Hey, let go, Bo Songyuan!"


Hearing his parents' voices getting farther and farther away, Bo smiled enviously.

When she reaches the age of her parents, she and Brother Zuo will be so happy.

He strode to the front of his elder brother's car, opened the door of the back seat and got in.

Seeing his younger sister coming over, looking like he finally got rid of it, Bo Zhongye shook his head and laughed.

"Why is Mom willing to let you come over?"

Bo gently fanned the air in front of his face with both hands, feeling relieved, then smiled at the elder brother and sister-in-law sitting in front, and said.

"It's not because of Dad's help, otherwise I will definitely not be able to make it through."

Bo Zhongye glanced at her, feeling helpless.

Fortunately, their father was more enlightened, otherwise the younger sister would have gone crazy.

"Brother, hehe."

Bo gently winks at Bo Zhongye, but don't make that flattering look too obvious.

Bo Zhongye knew exactly what was on her mind.

"Want me to let you go for a while?"


Bo nodded lightly, waiting for his words.

She knew that her eldest brother understood her best.

"Brother, I knew you would definitely help me, hehe, brother, you are the smartest in our family and the one who loves me the most!"

Bo Weiwei took the opportunity to flatter her.

Originally thinking that the elder brother would definitely agree to her, but the conversation changed.

"Well, yes, but you have to promise me that during the few days you go out, you can't go to Yizuo in the middle of the night, let alone spend the night with him, can you do it?"

Hearing the elder brother's words, Bo Weiwei was about to go crazy, how could he be like this!

"Brother, didn't you and your sister-in-law lived together before you got married? Now you still restrain me. You only allow the state officials to set fires and not allow the common people to light lamps!"

The eldest brother and sister-in-law slept on the same bed as soon as they met, and performed the ceremony of Duke Zhou.

She has been with Brother Zuo for so many years, let alone sleeping, she has not even slept in the same bed with Brother Zuo.

Thinking about it, she is also very rude.

She has always planned to sacrifice herself, but she never even took off Brother Zuo's clothes, let alone what she wanted.

After finally having a chance to camp, the eldest brother didn't let her plot evil.

"Can you be the same as your sister-in-law? I am sincere to your sister-in-law. From the beginning, I went to my sister-in-law with the purpose of getting married!"

Yi Zuo was kind to Qing Qing, and now it can be seen that he is sincere, but as Qing Qing's eldest brother, he would never let Yi Zuo succeed so quickly.

Also a man, he knows too well what he got too early and doesn't know how to cherish it.

Bo slightly shrugged his nose, then had an idea, rolled his eyes, and smiled again on his face.

"Okay, brother, don't worry, I will definitely not hand myself over so early."

No wonder!
Looking at his younger sister's sly eyes, Bo Zhongye knew that her agreeing to his request was just a stopgap measure.

That's all, let's go.

"Okay, you don't have to lie to me."

Bo Zhongye sighed, Feng Qinqin pulled his clothes to stop him from talking.

You are not too young at a young age, and you have ideas.

Since it's her decision, don't stop her.

The car met in the eastern suburbs, and as soon as he saw Yi Zuo's car, Bo Qingwei got out of the car and ran over, letting Bo Zhongye call her in the car without turning back.

Bo trotted lightly to Yizuo's car, the people in the car seemed to be waiting for her, the door of the passenger seat opened and quickly got in.

"Ah, brother Zuo!"

As soon as he got into the car, Bo Qingwen put his arms around Yi Zuo's neck, and hugged and kissed fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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