Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 334 Everyone Has Boyfriends Who Can Show Their Love

Chapter 334 Everyone Has Boyfriends Who Can Show Their Love (2 More)
Seeing the couple standing and talking without back pain, Zuo Yao became angry.

The point is what might their son do to his daughter today?

After being told by Zuo Yao, Ke Qian didn't lose her temper.

Anyway, it's not their son who suffers.

Seeing her rascal look, Zuo Yao stopped talking.

This man did it on purpose!
"Okay, let's take care of our parents and go up to rest."

Bo Songyuan tugged at his wife's arm, they still don't care about young people.

Zuo Yao didn't want to refute her husband's face in front of outsiders, so she had to go back with him to take care of her father-in-law and mother-in-law to rest.

"Husband, you can call Qingqing later, can't you let her mess around and know?"

The daughter still listens to what the husband says.

Bo Songyuan said he knew, but he didn't know whether the call would be useful or not.

Seeing how Zuo Yao and Bo Songyuan defended their daughter, Lin Xiu was quite disappointed.

If Qinqin had grown up by his side since she was a child, she wouldn't have been taken away by Bo Zhongye without her knowing.

Liu Ping stared at him.

"what happened?"


I just envy Bo Songyuan, who can take care of and protect his daughter like this.

Here, a few big men set up a tent by the grove, and three girls opened the room with their heads down to fight the landlord.

Feng Qinqin looked there from time to time, but she didn't expect that Mr. Bo would set up a tent.

She always thought that Le Yuan arranged for Mr. Bo to go out and live.

Seeing how obsessed she was with Bo Zhongye, Niu Fang couldn't help laughing.

"Sister Qinqin, you haven't seen enough of being with Mr. Bo all day long."

Feng Qinqin ignored her jokes, bowed her head and started playing cards.

"You, I don't understand. When you are with my elder brother, you will know. This lover, I can't get enough of it!"

Niu Fang's face turned red when she teased her.

"Sister Qinqin! I have nothing to do with Brother Feng! Don't talk nonsense."

Seeing Fangfang blushing, shy and eager to defend herself, Feng Qinqin's smile trembled wildly, and she forgot to play a card.

"Sister-in-law, do you mean Fangfang and Brother Feng?"

She didn't know why, there was something else going on here.

"No, Miss Qingqing, I have nothing to do with Brother Feng!"

Niu Fang waved her hands anxiously.

Ah, I can't let them know that she likes Big Brother Feng. If they know, then Big Brother Feng will know too. How embarrassing it will be when we meet.

"Oh?" Feng Qinqin smiled slightly, looked at Niu Fang, and said, "Fang Fang, you really don't like my brother, then I won't help you."

After finishing speaking, Feng Qinqin shook her head, sighed and secretly watched Niu Fang's reaction.

"Hey, I'm sorry for my plan. If I had known that your elder brother would come, I would have risked being scolded by your elder brother!"

Niu Fang pursed her lips and stopped talking.

Forget it, brother won't be happy.

Seeing that she stopped talking, Feng Qinqin stopped.

"Okay, all three of you come here, the tents are already set up."

After Bo Zhongye and the big men set up the last tent, they shouted at the three of them.

This sentence just solved Niu Fang's embarrassment. She put the phone in her pocket and stood up.

Don't worry about things that don't belong to you, it's useless to worry about them.

The three girls walked to the tent and looked at all kinds of tents, especially the last one was heart-shaped and pink, which looked really warm.

Bo Zhongye walked up to Feng Qinqin, pointed to the last pink heart-shaped tent, and said.

"This is ours, do you like it?"

When Bo Zhongye said this, Feng Qinqin's eyes lit up.

The most beautiful ones here turned out to be theirs.

"Well, it looks good, husband, you are amazing!"

Feng Qinqin was happy, and Bo Zhongye also felt in a good mood.

The eight of them set up a total of six tents. Bo Zhongye and Feng Qinqin must have lived together, and the others each had one. However, they didn't know where Yi Zuo lived in the end.

"Brother Zuo, is that ours?"

Bo gently walked to Yi Zuo's side, pulled his arm and asked, feeling very disappointed.

The best-looking ones are for the eldest brother and sister-in-law, and she really wants them too. 
Yi Zuo smiled, pointed to the one next to Bo Zhongye, and said.

"Next to your elder brother is mine, next to me is yours."

His is relatively ordinary, with no shape, but the light tent is a rabbit.

When he said this, Bo Weiwei was so happy that he giggled, this is also very beautiful.

"Brother Zuo, you are the best!"

As she spoke, she hooked Yi Zuo's neck and tiptoed to kiss him on the cheek.

The three brothers of the Bo family couldn't bear to watch.

When the tent was just set up, the big men had already argued for a while, and in the end the three brothers of the Bo family were not as thick-skinned as Yi Zuo.

However, only the three brothers knew whether it was impossible to stop it, or for some other reason.

Seeing that Sister Qinqin and Sister Qingqing are flirting with the person she loves, she suddenly feels so timid.

Sister Qingqing always took the initiative to confess her love to Yi Zuo, why couldn't she?
However, if she confesses her love, Brother Feng will be terrified, right?

(End of this chapter)

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