Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 336 Hope Shattered

Chapter 336 Hope Shattered (Contest)
Bo Zhongye never thought that she had already thought about things three or four years later, and even thought about having a second child.

Although he really wanted to have more children with her, he didn't want her to work so hard.

"Let's talk about the second child later."

"No!" Feng Qinqin immediately snapped back, "I want to have a football team!"

Bo Zhongye: "..."

Suddenly, I feel that the identities of the two of them have been transferred. Isn't it always the man who wants to have a football team and the woman who doesn't want to have it?

and also.

"Aren't you afraid of pain?"

He didn't want her to be in so much pain that she would die or live, just to see why Yi Zuo's father didn't let his aunt have a baby.

Hearing this, Feng Qinqin's face instantly collapsed.

"Why do you keep talking about what I'm worried about?"

The girl's voice was low, and the fear in it was self-evident.

Feng Qinqin was already terrified because of the childbirth problem, but for the sake of her 'soccer team' dream, she forced herself not to think about it.

Every time she thinks about it, she comforts herself, and when she sees three or five children of her and Bao Zhongye in the yard, how sweet that scene is, and then she will not be afraid anymore.

Bo Zhongye's heart ached so badly, he put down the fish in his hand and hugged her on his lap, and gently stroked her back with his broad, strong and safe hands.

"Don't be afraid, I will go in with you when you give birth."


Feng Qinqin refused.

She saw on TV that the women who gave birth in the delivery room screamed so miserable, the sweaty ones were so ugly, and they wore makeup during the filming. They are not the women on TV who gave birth without makeup , wouldn't it be even more ugly.

She didn't want Mr. Bo to see her ugly side.

"You wait outside the door, I can."

The last sentence is clearly lacking in confidence.

She didn't say anything, and Bo Zhongye didn't know what she was thinking, but he didn't refute it either. When the child was born, he would definitely go in together.

A sea breeze blew over, and Feng Qinqin shivered.

Bo Zhongye immediately wrapped her tightly around her, unbuttoned his suit, and made a gesture to take it off and put it on for her.

"Is it cold?"

Feng Qinqin nodded, and stopped him from taking off his clothes with his hands.

"I'm a little sleepy, let's go back and rest."

He can't be sick. Once he gets sick, she doesn't know what to do.

"Okay, let's go back to bed."

When the two returned, the pheasant was gone.

Bo Zhongye glared at the two younger brothers, wondering if his wife hadn't eaten yet.

Receiving the big brother's gaze, Bo Zhongqing hurriedly took the chicken leg he had reserved and handed it to his sister-in-law as if offering a treasure.

"Sister-in-law, I specially left this for you."

Feng Qinqin didn't want to eat. She just felt sleepy just now, but now she was so sleepy that she felt as if she could fall asleep when she fell asleep.

"Give it lightly, let's go to rest first."

Saying that, resting his head on Bo Zhongye's arm, he walked towards their tent.

Holding the chicken leg in his hand, Bo Zhongqing secretly slandered his elder brother, then walked to his sister and handed the chicken leg to her.

Bo gently caught it, finished eating it in two or three bites, took out the tissue in the bag and wiped his mouth.

"Sister-in-law and elder brother went to bed so soon, don't they play anymore?"

She still wants to play a game.

Bo Zhongwen patted her head, pampering her.

"Today, everyone is exhausted after traveling and traveling. Let's rest first and play tomorrow night."

"Oh fine."

Thin slightly lost.

"Okay, let's go, the second brother and the third brother will take you back."

Saying that, Bo Zhongqing came over from one side, took his sister's arm, and was about to send her to the tent.

Looking at this posture lightly, there seems to be something wrong.

Why did the second and third brothers send her back to the tent?

She still has a lot to say to Brother Zuo.

"Second brother, third brother, I still want to stay outside for a while."

Bo Zhongqing ignored her words, took her arm and walked straight into the tent, speaking in a voice that only two people could hear.

"Gently, if you dare to sleep with Yi Zuo today, Yi Zuo's arms and legs may be gone tomorrow."

When Bo Zhongqing said this, he acted like a normal person, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was very indifferent, as if he wasn't the one who said those cruel words just now.

Hearing what big brother said, Bo Qingwei's complexion immediately turned bad.


She stopped in her tracks, shook off her second brother's arm, glared at him angrily, and said in a very small voice.

"Second brother, you can't do this! Brother Zuo is your future brother-in-law!"

Bo Weiwei felt that she was going crazy.

How long has she been planning, she just wants to dedicate herself, but the second and third brothers are making trouble here.

Ahhh, can she sever ties with them first, and then come back after her dedication is successful?

"You also said that it is in the future."

Bo Zhongqing didn't give her the slightest chance.

Bo gently closed his eyes, and in the end had no choice but to pin his hopes on the third brother.

"Third Brother..."

Bo Weiwei looked at the third brother on the other side pitifully, and acted like a baby with him, hoping that he could stand by her side.

Bo Zhongwen: "Gently, go to sleep."

Hope was dashed in an instant.

 Well, here comes the problem.

  Was the light dedication successful?

  A succeeded

  B didn't...

  Those above the scholar level can participate. The first three correct answers will be rewarded with 188 coins, and the latter answers will be rewarded with 88 coins.

  Hahahahaha, do you guys dare to guess?
  "Ace of the Army: The Owl's Wife is Hard to Tame" Feng Jiu

  Chu Yu, the female devil who was respected and kept far away by everyone on the road, was killed and died tragically in a careless move, and was reborn as a useless illegitimate daughter-Jiang Xiao.

  Say she has big breasts and no brains?Oh, she is amazingly talented.

  Said she was weak and deceptive?Oh, she is cruel and never soft.

  All the way to abuse the scum and slap the face went smoothly, and accidentally won the first prince of Z country's military circle.

  She said: I am a small-minded person, I will take revenge if I have a grudge, and I will never suffer. Even if I sleep with a man one day, I will do it!

  Cheng Yan is the youngest young marshal in country Z, but he is selfish and domineering.

  He said: I am the most domineering and powerful, especially for that woman. One day, I will crush her!

(End of this chapter)

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