Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 337 Delivery

Chapter 337 Delivery (1)

Bo Qingwei was so angry that she wanted to scold someone.

The second brother and the third brother are relying on them being her elder brothers, so they dare not argue with them, right?
"Second brother and third brother, let me go!"

pissed her off.

Bo gently shook off the hands of the two, staring at them beggingly.

The brothers froze at the sister's movements.

Both were very injured.

Seeing the sad expressions of the two brothers, Bo Qingwei's heart skipped a beat. Thinking of her reaction just now, she felt that she had gone too far.

"Second brother and third brother, I'm sorry, you don't want to be slightly angry."

Saying that, Bo gently tugged at the corners of their clothes, bowing his head and admitting his mistake.

Behind Yi Zuo and Feng Xiao watched the scene, Feng Xiao dragged Niu Fang away first, the two outsiders should not watch the fun here.

Sending Niu Fang to her tent, Fang Fang's tent was next to Bo Qingqing, Feng Xiao looked down at her and asked.

"Are you afraid yourself?"

Niu Fang shook her head.

Even if she was afraid, he wouldn't accompany her.

"Brother Feng, go back and rest, I'll go first."

Feng Xiao looked at her and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Okay, go and rest, I'm leaving too, call me if you have anything to do," Feng Xiao joked with her, "It's better not to call Qinqin, she doesn't care about it now on you."

Hearing this, Niu Fang was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

"Brother Feng, it turns out you can joke too."

Feng Xiao smiled lightly and remained silent.

"Brother Feng, then I'll go to rest first."

Niu Fang got into the tent, Feng Xiao stood there for a while and then left.

Here, Yi Zuo gently pulled Bo into his arms, protecting her behind him.

"Second brother and third brother, don't force her all the time."

The two men threatened him first, and then they began to threaten him gently again.

"Awen is not as old as you, don't bark!"

Bo Zhongqing replied angrily.

Yi Zuo was speechless.

"Okay, I'll go back to the tent by myself, please stop arguing."

Bo gently shook off Yi Zuo's arm, walked around the two elder brothers, angrily opened the tent and got in.

Really pissed her off.

Bo Weiwei got angry, and the three men outside were embarrassed.

Bo Zhongqing didn't expect it to be like this. He touched his nose uncomfortably and discussed with his third brother.

"Why don't we go back and rest."

Bo Zhongwen nodded, looked at Yi Zuo not far away, pursed his lips and left without saying anything.

After the two brothers from the Bo family left, Yi Zuo shook his head.

He knew it would not be so easy, and it seemed to be true.

He took out his mobile phone, found WeChat and just wanted to send a message to Qingqing, the little girl called her.

Yi Zuo quickly stepped aside to answer.


"Brother Zuo," just as Yi Zuo's voice fell, Bo's soft and cheerful voice came from over there. It didn't look like a little girl who just got angry, "Brother Zuo, after an hour, my brothers will all fall asleep." Now, let's go to the grove, you must go."

Hearing this, Yi Zuo was a little dumbfounded.

This little girl is so cute, those who didn't know how she looked just now thought she was really angry.

"Okay, in four or 10 minutes, you can rest in the tent for a while, and I will call you when we leave."

Hanging up the phone, Bo gently threw himself onto the soft quilt, stared at his feet indiscriminately, and let out giggles.

Worried about being overheard by others, Bo Qingwei stopped her movements for a moment, but Yi Zuo, who was closest to her, overheard her.

Seeing Qingqing being so happy, he treats their relationship without hesitation, laughs when he is happy, and feels sad when he is not happy. He should also look like she is in love like her.

Yi Zuo heard Bo's soft laughter, and Niu Fang in the middle naturally heard it too.

There was a wry smile on the corner of her mouth, if only she was as brave as Qingqing.

She took out her phone and found Feng Xiao's phone number.

After thinking for a long time, the index finger stayed in the message dialog box for a long time, and the sentence "I like you" also lay there for a long time, but it has not been sent out for a long time.

Niu Fang smiled. After all, she didn't have the courage to delete the words of the confession, and then lay on her back on the quilt, staring at it, smiled helplessly, and re-entered the information of the two of them.

At the same time, when Zhen was about to go to bed, the phone rang.

Feng Xiao frowned, who would send him a message at this time, no, it should be said that only Qinqin and 10086 would send him a message, his friends usually call.

He picked it up and saw that it was Niu Fang who sent it.

The content of the message is very simple, only one sentence.

"Brother Feng, good night."

Feng Xiao frowned, what did Niu Fang send him such a message?
It seems a little ambiguous.

But I still said good night, and I didn't care anymore.

However, this time it was a bit difficult to sleep.

No matter what, he felt that Niu Fang had something wrong with him.

But he just couldn't feel what was wrong.

Could it be that he likes him?
Feng Xiao shook his head, no, they are not in the same age group.

He must be thinking too much.

Niu Fang thought that Brother Feng would reply to her letter, but she didn't expect it to be such a simple word.

The girl sighed, are you going to suffer from insomnia today?
Bo Qingwei waited in the tent for more than half an hour, but he still didn't hear from Brother Zuo.

Time flies so slowly, the brothers are already asleep, they should be able to go out.

The phone rang, and seeing that it was Brother Zuo calling, Bo Weiwei was very excited.

"Brother Zuo!"

Bo called softly, and Yi Zuo was already standing outside her tent.

"Gently, come out, I'll wait for you outside."

Presumably because he was afraid that the people around would hear him, Yi Zuo purposely lowered his voice.

"Yeah, I'll be right out."

Following his example, he lowered his voice, hung up the phone and sneaked out of the tent in a pink dress.

As soon as he came out, he ran directly towards Yizuo, jumped up in twos and wrapped around his waist, buried his head in his chest, ummm, like a pet of Sahuan.

When Bo gently climbed up, Yi Zuo held her hips with his hands, holding her firmly in his arms.

"Brother Zuo, let's go."

Bo gently raised his head, the smile on his face was so beautiful that Yi Zuo was taken aback.

"it is good."

Yi Zuo was walking in the grove with the girl in his arms, and Bo Qingqing even hooked his neck, hanging on his body like a kitten, so obedient.

Yi Zuo kept walking, and when he was about to walk out of the grove, Bo gently raised his small face to look at him.

"Brother Zuo, where are you taking me?"

"It'll be here in a while, lie on my shoulder and rest for a while."

Hearing what he said, Bo Qingqing didn't say much, anyway, he wouldn't sell her.

Yi Zuo hugged her, walking steadily, and walked out of the grove in a short while. Seeing that he was going farther and farther, Bo Weiwei didn't know where Brother Zuo was going to take her.

She remembered that Dali didn't have brother Zuo's real estate, it was too far away from Tongcheng.

However, no matter where you go, it is also very happy to be hugged by Brother Zuo like a child.

If possible, she really hoped that brother Zuo could hold her and walk on all the time, that would be great.

It wasn't until he reached a sea view villa that Yi Zuo put down the girl in his arms, but Bo Qingqing just couldn't get up because of him.

"Brother Zuo, where is this place?"

As soon as Bo Qingqing's feet landed on the ground, she jumped on Yi Zuo's body again and again. Yi Zuo had no choice but to catch her again and hug her firmly.

Lying on his body, Bo Qingwei felt that his field of vision was much wider. He looked around the villa, but there was nothing but weeds and flowers, and there were no houses within 30 meters away.

Yi Zuo walked inside while hugging her.

"This is my friend's villa. I called him just after I got back, and he said that he hadn't lived in the villa here, and it happened to be sold to me."

Bo Qing is happy, it seems that Brother Zuo also has plans.

"Brother Zuo, if Big Brother and the others know that we have run away, will they come and look for us?"

Yi Zuo raised his head and kissed her on the cheek.

"Well, we will turn off our mobile phones after a while, so they won't find us."

Hearing this, Bo Qingwei smirked.

Brother Zuo also has such willful moments.

 There is one more, eleven o'clock.
(End of this chapter)

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