Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 339 Preservation

Chapter 339 Preservation (1 more)
The three of them had a delicious meal outside, and the rest had breakfast in the hotel.

Niu Fang didn't know that rich people were so particular about breakfast. They had bread, milk, steak, everything. If it was her, she would just eat a steamed stuffed bun and drink a cup of porridge.

Now that she has done so much, she doesn't know what to do.

Seeing this scene, Feng Xiao who was sitting beside her also thought it was funny, got up and filled a bowl of seafood porridge, and handed it to her.

"Have some porridge. I'm sure I'm going out to play today. I can't fill my stomach. If I get hungry later, I won't just come back."

Looking at the porridge she had never seen before, Niu Fang smiled at him.

Seeing that she had eaten the porridge, Feng Xiao brought her two more pieces of bread. Looking at the two pieces of bread that were not too big, Niu Fang felt that it was not enough for her to stuff her teeth, but she secretly looked at the others. It seems that she only ate a little bit, especially Miss Qingqing, who didn't eat much.

Although she wasn't full, she didn't move her chopsticks anymore.

Feng Xiao saw that she only weighed over 90 kilograms, so she shouldn't be able to eat much for being so thin.

While eating, Zuo Yao sized up her daughter and frowned.

Isn't your daughter's complexion a little too good today?

His face was pale and red, and he would secretly laugh from time to time while eating, as if he had stolen something delicious.

Well, it was indeed a steal.

Bo Qingwei can say that he is in a very good mood today, and he doesn't know when Brother Zuo left, probably no one noticed.

"Gently, are you cold today?"

Zuo Yao narrowed her eyes and asked.

Hearing her mother's question, Bo Qingqing's face suddenly turned red.

Mom won't see something?

He must have laughed too wildly.

Now she has a lot of hickeys below her neck. If her parents saw it, they wouldn't beat her to death.

"Mom, isn't this by the sea? The temperature during the day is lower than that at our house. I put on a sweater when I got up in the morning."

Bo Qingwei tried to behave as naturally as possible, no different from usual.

Zuo Yao saw nothing unusual about her, so she didn't think about it any more.

After eating, a group of people went to the beach to meet Bo Zhongye and the others.

After discussing it, everyone went to play their own things, and Feng Qinqin couldn't play anything when she was pregnant.

Especially seeing Fangfang and Qingqing went surfing, Feng Qinqin was very envious.

Seeing the little girl looking lonely, Bo Zhongye leaned over and hugged her.

"Okay, don't be unhappy, I'll take you to take a boat, sea fishing is also very fun."

Feng Qinqin pouted, still very unhappy.

"I want to go to the bottom of the sea to see many beautiful fish, and I want to find very beautiful pearls."

She has always heard that there are natural pearls in the shells, and she never thought about how lucky she would be, but she just wanted to see it, and it would be good to pick up some beautiful shells.

"Don't even think about going to the bottom of the sea. I'm sure you won't be able to go there. I'll accompany you in the morning, and I'll go to the bottom of the sea in the afternoon to find it for you. Don't worry, I'll definitely find it for you."

Feng Qinqin didn't want him to look for it, it might be dangerous, so I better not go.

"No one will accompany me when you go there in the afternoon. Let's go to the beach to collect shells in the afternoon. I want the colored ones, but I don't want the colorless ones. You also need to find conch shells for me."

Don't mention how lazy she is now, anyway, she just needs to be by his side. As for this kind of troublesome work, let him do it.

Of course Bo Zhongye agreed, and carried her to the sea boat.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, Niu Fang and Feng Xiao came back from surfing in the sea. Because Niu Fang was inexperienced and physically unable to keep up, Feng Xiao couldn't rest assured that she would go back alone, so he had to go back with her in the end.

On the way back, Niu Fang was also quite embarrassed.

It seems that she still needs to learn how to play, otherwise she will cause trouble for Bill every time.

"Brother Feng, in fact, you don't need to go back with me on purpose, I can play by myself."

She wants to go back and rest now.

Feng Xiaojun stared straight ahead without distracting his eyes in the slightest.

"It's okay, don't think too much, I don't know anyone here except my mother and Qinqin, as you can see, my mother and Qinqin definitely don't have time to accompany me, and it's meaningless to be alone. "

In fact, Qinqin doesn't need to bring him out every time he comes out. The big reason is that they are relatives, but part of the reason is that Qinqin wants him to get acquainted with Yizuo and the others, which will help him inherit the family business in the future. great help.

But he never thought about inheriting the family business. Now his father has another child. Although it is only two or three months old, when his father wants to completely give up the management rights of the company, it is estimated that the child will also be an adult.

By then there will be two heirs, and he doesn't want to compete with others.

Sooner or later, the company will not be his, so why should he try to get close to others because of this, not to mention, he has no use for it at all.

Niu Fang turned to look at him.

I always feel that he has a lot of things on his mind.

The girl hesitated, but finally asked.

"Brother Feng, do you have something on your mind? Are you unhappy?"

It's no wonder that Niu Fang thinks this way, Feng Xiao really hasn't been happy recently, even if he smiles, he's forced to smile.

"It's nothing, maybe I'm free."

Niu Fang: "..."

Well, he didn't want to say that she didn't ask.

Feng Xiao sent her back to the tent, and he went back. After returning, he just wanted to go to the beach to play alone.

Walking towards the beach step by step, I didn't notice that there was a little tail behind me.

Niu Fang tiptoed behind him, there should be more people visiting nearby, Feng Xiao regarded her as one of them.

She just wanted to see what was on Big Brother Feng's mind, and see if she could help her.

At the beach, Feng Xiao sensed that something was wrong, and suddenly turned around, and Niu Fang was caught straight away.

Both of them were stunned.

Niu Fang stopped in her tracks immediately, and stood there in embarrassment, grabbing the clothes on both sides with both hands, not knowing what to do.

Feng Xiao was also puzzled and looked at her with a frown.

"Well, Brother Feng, I'll come over to blow some air too."

Niu Fang pointed to the surface of the sea and smiled mischievously.

Feng Xiao frowned even more tightly.

blow hair?
Isn't such a big sun afraid of being handsome and black?
"Are you following me?"

Feng Xiao asked back, but the answer was obvious.


Niu Fang touched her face in embarrassment, and nodded embarrassingly.

"Brother Feng, do you have something on your mind? If you trust me, you can tell me. I won't tell others."

She just thought, if Big Brother Feng really has troubles, even if she can't help him, she can still be a qualified listener, and it will definitely be much better if some things are spoken out.

Feng Xiao closed his eyes, turned around and walked towards the beach.

As soon as he left, Niu Fang followed him.

The two sat on the beach by the sea, but Feng Xiao didn't say a word.

Niu Fang was quite disappointed, it seemed that Brother Feng didn't trust her.

After the two sat for a while, Feng Xiao's cell phone rang suddenly, but Niu Fang didn't look at it, and continued to play with the sand on the ground.

"What did you say?!"

I don't know what was said there, Feng Xiao stood up suddenly, Niu Fang was startled, and when he went to see him again, Feng Xiao's face was already pale.

She also stood up quickly, listening to his next words.

Feng Xiao held the phone tightly, the veins on the back of his hand were so obvious.

"Okay, I'll go back right away. Before that, you saved my mother's things for me. No matter what method I use, I won't treat you badly after I go back."

The other side should have agreed. Niu Fang only heard him talking, and he was in a fog, but she vaguely knew that something big had happened.

Feng Xiao hung up the phone and said something to her.

"Fangfang, I'm going home first. When Qinqin and my mother come back, you tell them that there is something urgent in the company that I need to deal with, and then go back first."

But Niu Fang didn't nod, she mustered up her courage and grabbed his arm.

"Brother Feng, what's the matter with you, is something wrong?"

Something must have happened, otherwise he wouldn't be in such a hurry, just now he said to keep his mother's things, is it Aunt Liu Ping's?

"Fangfang, I won't tell you anymore, I'll go back first, you have fun here."

This is his family ugliness, and he doesn't want others to know.

(End of this chapter)

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