Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 340 Wife, Pay Attention to Prenatal Education

Chapter 340 Wife, Pay Attention to Prenatal Education (2 More)
Niu Fang gritted her teeth.

"Brother Feng, I don't want to be here anymore, shall I go back with you? I don't know who else to play with here except you."

This sentence is true.

After Feng Xiao thought about it, it was indeed the case, Qinqin definitely couldn't care about her.

"Okay, then let's go back and pack our things and leave right away."

Seeing that he promised to take her back, Niu Fang was very happy, and obediently went back with him to pack her things.

It's just that when they returned to the tent, Bao Zhongye and Qinqin just came back. Seeing their haste walking, especially the anger in the elder brother's eyes, made Feng Qinqin a little uneasy.

Why did the two come back together? It couldn't be that Fangfang confessed to her eldest brother, and her elder brother was angry.

If this is the case, then she really thinks that her eldest brother is hopeless.

"Brother, why are you back? It's too early for dinner?"

Feng Xiao didn't expect Qinqin to come back so soon, how would he explain it to her.

Just now the housekeeper told him that Yang Dan went to his mother's room today and got a large rough stone from somewhere. No matter whether the rough stone is a treasure or not, it belongs to his mother and he cannot let Yang Dan take it away.

But he couldn't tell Qinqin and his mother about this matter. With Qinqin's temperament, he would definitely go to the Lin family. She was still pregnant, so he didn't trust her at all.

If mother knew, in order not to embarrass him, she would definitely say that it was just a rough stone, and she would be fine if she didn't want it.

No matter what, they must not let them know about it, and he will take it back with his own hands.

"Qinqin, you just came back, so I don't need to call you. I need to go back in a hurry. Fangfang said she has nothing to do here, so I'll take her along."

When Feng Qinqin heard that it was urgent, Feng Qinqin frowned. How could this sentence be so familiar? The last time my elder brother went to see her in the Bo family compound, he also said that there was urgent matter, and then she knew that it was Feng Wenjun who continued to return. Already have a son thing.

"Brother, did something happen in your house, and that woman acted as a demon in your house?"

If that's the case, she really wants to go back with her elder brother to compete with that woman who looks like her mother, dare to bully her elder brother, and don't see if she agrees or not!
Feng Xiao was speechless.

His sister is getting smarter and smarter.

Seeing the big brother's expression, Feng Qinqin knew that she had guessed right.

"Brother, just wait, I'll go back with you, damn it, I haven't settled accounts with her yet against my mother's face!"

Feng Qinqin thought that the woman must have been shaped according to her mother's face, otherwise how could she look so similar? !
Bo Zhongye on one side patted her on the shoulder and coughed lightly.

"Wife, pay attention to prenatal education."

You can't say such curse words now, the children will follow suit.

Feng Qinqin let out a breath, she was still very angry.

Anyway, she has nothing to do here, and she can't play, so she might as well go back with her elder brother.

Of course Feng Xiao wouldn't let her go back, not to mention that she no longer had anything to do with the Feng family, it would be embarrassing to go, even if she was pregnant, he wouldn't let her go.

"Qinqin, it's okay. Dad said he couldn't go because of something in the company, so let me go back and deal with it."

Feng Qinqin didn't believe his words. If Feng Wenjun wanted to give the Feng family to his eldest brother, he would have given it to his eldest brother. Feng Wenjun's temperament that regards money as his life, how could he let his eldest brother go back to handle official business.

Feng Xiao also knew that his excuse was too bad.

"Qinqin, it's really all right, don't you trust big brother?"

Feng Qinqin knew that he didn't want her to worry, but when she thought of her eldest brother returning to Feng's house, she was worried.

Feng Qinqin squinted her eyes after she glanced at Fangfang who was beside her eldest brother.

Is this an opportunity?

If Fangfang could be with the eldest brother at this time, then the eldest brother would definitely treat Fangfang differently.

"Well, I don't have to go back, but I have a request."

"Well, you said."

As long as she doesn't go back to Feng's house with him, it's fine.

"Then let Fangfang go back with you, let him go back with you."

Hearing this, Niu Fang was taken aback, and her cheeks immediately turned red.

Sister Qinqin knows that she likes Brother Feng, this is giving her a chance.

I don't know what Brother Feng will think.

Feng Xiao didn't know what was going on, since Qinqin had asked for this, he agreed.

"Okay, let's pack up and go back now."

During the interval between the two of them going back to pack their things, Feng Qinqin felt faintly uneasy, and she tore at Bo Zhongye's clothes.

"Husband, do you think that woman will bully my brother? Feng Wenjun will definitely not stand on the same side as my brother."

If that woman has no children, it's okay to say, that woman will give birth to a son by Feng Wenjun!

If there is a real dispute, the eldest brother has no advantage at all.

Bo Zhongye had also gone to investigate the identity of the woman, but Le Yuan was a bit busy at this time, and there was no result yet, and it would not be too late to deal with it when there was a result.

"It's okay, big brother is a big man, will he still be bullied by them?"

That would be too useless.

Feng Qinqin was worried that her elder brother's attitude of not fighting or grabbing would definitely be bullied.

I really hope that Fangfang can help her eldest brother this time, and it can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

(End of this chapter)

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