Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 341 Failure

Chapter 341 Failure (1 more)
No matter how worried Feng Qinqin was, Feng Xiao took Niu Fang back.

On the way back, Feng Xiao could feel that he was driving much faster than when he came here.

Niu Fang felt that the car was about to fly from the ground.

Niu Fang was really worried about him. She couldn't drive, and she couldn't help him. At his speed, it seemed that something would happen.

"Brother Feng, why don't we rest for a while, your complexion is not very good."

Not only is it not very good, it can be said to be very bad.

It has already been driving for almost three hours, and it will take another three or four hours to reach Tongcheng, so it is not an option to continue like this.

"It's okay, let's rest in another hour."

He knows his own state, and it is best to only drive for another hour, otherwise he will really be tired of driving.

Seeing him persist, Niu Fang had nothing to say.

After more than an hour, Feng Xiao finally stopped the car at the rest stop.

The two got out of the car and went out to drink some water. After thinking about it, Niu Fang couldn't do this.

Don't go back yet, the lives of the two of them are gone first.

"Brother Feng, why don't we buy a ticket and go back by car, or we can call a driver instead."

It's not that she's afraid of having an accident with him, she just doesn't want him to have an accident.

Feng Xiao frowned, that's fine, he already felt a severe headache when he just rested.

"Okay, let me call a substitute driver, otherwise it will be troublesome to put the car here."

Besides, they still had to take a car back after they went back, it was too much trouble without a car, and he didn't have his own assistant like Bao Zhongye and the others.

After this incident, Feng Xiao suddenly had a different concept of power.

He has always been indifferent to scrambling, thinking that money is something outside of the body, enough is enough, there is no need to covet so much.

But now it seems that without power and money, it is really difficult to do things.

If he held the power of the Feng family like Bo Zhongye and the others, perhaps he would not rush back in such a hurry today, at least, Yang Dan would not have the guts to do such a thing.

Isn't the reason why she is so unscrupulous now because he only has [-]% of the Feng family's shares.

It seems that after going back this time, he should think about it. In his eyes, power is indeed not a good thing, but without power, people will be trampled underfoot.

Seeing that he agreed to call the price, Niu Fang was relieved a lot.

It was already eight o'clock in the evening when I returned.

Feng Xiao sent her to the gate of Tongcheng University, but Niu Fang didn't go down.

"Brother Feng, didn't you promise Sister Qinqin that you would take me back together?"

She was really worried and must go with him.

Feng Xiao pressed his forehead with a headache and sighed helplessly.

"Fangfang, this is my family business, it's not convenient for you to go."

My father has that temperament again, if Niu Fang goes back with him, I don't know what he will think, maybe he will embarrass Fangfang in the future.

Hearing this, Niu Fang froze for a moment, looking very disappointed.

"That's right, I have nothing to do with you guys, Brother Feng, then I'll go back first."

Brother Feng was right, her status was embarrassing, and she couldn't help her if she went there.

With that said, Niu Fang unbuckled her seat belt, opened the car door and was about to go back.

Hearing her words, Feng Xiao felt uncomfortable. Thinking of Qinqin's request, he closed his eyes and said.

"Fangfang, come back with me. After the matter is settled, I'll take you out for dinner."

She didn't eat at noon, and she must be starving now.

Forget it, let's take her to dinner first, and then go after eating.

After the two had dinner, they went back to Feng's villa.

When the car arrived at the door of the house, Feng Xiao didn't intend to open the car door and go out immediately, so he told Niu Fang first.

"Fangfang, after you go for a while, remember not to talk nonsense, just stand aside."

Niu Fang nodded vigorously, as long as he was not bullied, she would never talk nonsense about money.

At the same time, inside the Feng family villa.

The housekeeper and Yang Dan confronted each other, while Feng Wenjun sat on the sofa helplessly.

"Yang Dan, put the things back."

Today he went out to talk about work, and the family affairs will not be known until he comes back.

Remembering what A Xiao had said to him before, he also agreed, but it didn't take long before something happened.

Sure enough, people are always dissatisfied.

Yang Dan bit his lip, and looked straight at Feng Wenjun, the crystals in his eyes looming.

"Wen Jun, I'm your wife, don't the things at home belong to me?"

It's fine if he didn't give her a diamond ring when he got married. He said that he never thought of giving her a ring. Well, she doesn't have to care. Anyway, after he dies, everything in the Feng family will be hers.

But now, she can't touch anything at home.

What kind of mistress is she!

If she continues to endure like this, what status does she have in this family!
Look at the servants at home, they all know that they are against her!

Feng Wenjun didn't look at her, and said calmly.

"I remember I told you that you can't move the two rooms here, did you take my words as a deaf ear?"

Feng Wenjun's voice was cold, and Yang Dan took a step back in fright, but the rough stone in his hand didn't loosen even a bit, on the contrary, it became tighter and tighter.

"Wenjun, I am your wife, the hostess of this family. This is what you gave her. She doesn't want what you give. I want it. Isn't that okay?"

"I never gave her a rough stone from Ali, and she never took what I gave her. Similarly, I can't let others take her things."

He didn't do anything to Liu Ping, at least he wanted to keep her things.

other people?

Yang Dan seemed to have heard a big joke.

She was his wife, but he said she was someone else, so that old woman was his lover, right?

"Master, are you back?"

Seeing Feng Xiao's return, the butler hurried over and took the luggage from him.

The housekeeper was also taken aback when he glanced at the girl beside him.

The butler has not been here for a long time, if the young master is not good to him, and Yang Dan is more domineering, he will never take care of this matter.

Feng Xiao glanced at him and nodded slightly, told him to put the things back in his room, then walked up to Yang Dan, lowered his eyes to look at the rough stone in her hand.

"Aunt Yang, give me my mother's things."

The man's voice was neither soft nor heavy, without a trace of warmth.

Hearing this, Yang Dan grabbed the original stone with his hand and stared fiercely at the man in front of him.

"This is mine, I won't give it to anyone!"

Aunt Yang!
Niu Fang on the side widened her eyes when she heard Brother Feng's words.

Could this woman be Brother Feng's stepmother?
My God, she really doesn't understand the life of a rich man. This woman hasn't become a big brother yet, right?

Hearing Yang Dan's words, Feng Xiao sneered, then raised his head, his eyes were as cold as the twelfth lunar month.

"Aunt Yang, I don't want to have a dispute with you on this matter. You are an elder and my father's wife. I respect you, but please also respect me."

"This is my mother's stuff, I have to take it back!"

Feng Xiao's tone was uncompromising, leaving no room for her.

Yang Dan was so angry that she clenched her arms tightly. If it wasn't because the rough stone in her hand was so precious, she would definitely smash it to pieces.

"What if I don't give it?"

Let's see what he can do to her, anyway, she is already Mrs. Feng, she doesn't believe it, she still can't beat him!

"Not much. If Aunt Yang doesn't want your son to lose some of the property of the Feng family in the future, you don't have to give it to me. Let's wait and see."

Now Feng Xiao finally knew that his blind retreat would only give those greedy people a chance to bully him.

Why did Yang Dan marry into the Feng family? Wasn't he still interested in his family's property?

Her purpose must also be property. If there is no such thing, then the meaning of her coming here is gone.

Yang Dan was so angry that he couldn't say anything, you didn't say anything for a long time.

"Feng Xiao, do you think I'm afraid? Just you, what ability do you have? A prodigal son who only plays games all day long, do you think you can beat me?"

"Shut up for me!"

Feng Wenjun, who hadn't spoken since his son came back, stood up abruptly, trembling with anger.

"I'm not dead yet! You're starting to covet my company, aren't you!"

Feng Wenjun felt that he had really failed.

 Babies, the rewards have been distributed in the afternoon

  "Farm Ruffian"

  Ruan Yuanyuan became a remarryer who remarried with her mother, and was forced to separate her family.

  Facing the pungent step-sister, she stared lewdly at her body: If you dare to bully my mother again, I will marry you, spend your dowry, and oppress your brother.

  Seeing the handsome man falling into the water, Ruan Yuanyuan saw that he had no strength to throw up, so she went down to save him, and confidently beat and touched his chest roughly, and sighed: Although the hand feels good, but the appearance is too attractive; my For the life-saving grace, you can repay it with money!
  Ruan Yuanyuan used her fists to deal with top-notch bullies when she made a fortune and went to a well-off life. If she could move her hands, she would not speak. She firmly believed that life lies in movement.

  The tsundere husband came to the door: Who made you so round and cute, made me just want to hug you, just want to be by your side, rubbing round and squishing.

(End of this chapter)

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