Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 342 Fighting Wisdom and Bravery

Chapter 342 Fighting Wisdom and Bravery (2 More)
He failed thoroughly in matters of love, but he did not expect that he would fail in the same way in terms of relatives.

He is still capable of running the company. His youngest son is only three months old, but his wife and eldest son are planning to rob him of his property.

Yang Dan was frightened by Feng Wenjun, and lowered his head to realize his mistake.

But he dared not speak any more.

Her only backer in the Feng family is Feng Wenjun. If she offends him, then she really has no chance.

Compared to Yang Dan's fear, Feng Xiao was much calmer.

He looked at his father, word by word, neither humble nor overbearing.

"Dad, what did you promise me before Aunt Yang came?"

Feng Wenjun didn't speak, he couldn't catch up.

This incident was indeed his mistake.

"Dad, did you give the thing in Aunt Yang's hand to Mom?"

If yes, well, he has nothing to say, now that the hostess is Yang Dan, he can ignore it.

However, in his impression, his mother had never received gifts from his father, and this rough stone was undoubtedly kept by Qinqin who didn't see it when he packed his things.

Feng Wenjun was speechless for a while.

This rough stone should have been collected by Liu Ping when she was a designer.

"Since it's not, please keep your promise to me and ask Aunt Yang to give me the things."

Feng Xiao pressed her every step, and Yang Dan also saw that the things in her hands were not given to the woman by Feng Wenjun, but they were already in her hands, how could she be willing to give them back!

"Yang Dan, give him the things."

Feng Wenjun's voice was weak and he felt very frustrated.

Niu Fang looked at what happened in front of her eyes, and then contacted their conversation, and guessed the whole story.

I didn't expect Brother Feng to live in such a state at home now.

Although Feng Wenjun is on the side of Big Brother Feng on the surface, but in his heart it is not the same thing.

Also, that woman is too shameless.

Holding Aunt Liu Ping's things and saying such shameless things.

She really wanted to help Brother Feng, but her status was embarrassing, so she couldn't say anything, she could only stand beside him silently, hoping to comfort him in a while.

It was also at this time that Niu Fang realized that not all rich people lived so happily.

Compared to such intrigues, she still feels that her little home is warmer.

At least that's true love.

Things have developed to the present, even if Yang Dan doesn't want to return the things to him, he can't do it anymore.

She was sure that if she didn't return it today, Feng Wenjun would drive her out of here.

Reluctantly, he handed the thing to Feng Xiao, who reached out to catch it, and glanced at her faintly.

"Thank you Aunt Yang for your cooperation, but I think it's better for me to explain some things in front of your face."

Yang Dan looked up at him, only to hear his voice faintly.

"I think it must be that my dad didn't tell you. It's okay. I'll tell you in person."

"You can take anything from the Feng family villa, I don't care, but you are not allowed to touch my mother's room, my sister's room, and my room. If you do, I'm sorry, next time I will directly Drive you out, I will do what I say, and I hope we can get along peacefully. I think, Aunt Yang loves my dad so much, you will definitely not make it difficult for him, and you will not let him think that you married into the Feng family What I'm looking at is the property of the Feng family."

Feng Xiao poked at his father and Yang Dan's sore spots with every word, and sure enough, Yang Dan's face turned pale when he said these words, and Feng Wenjun's face was also grim.

It can be said that Feng Xiao knew his father better than Yang Dan. What his father valued most was power, and whenever this was touched, his father's reaction would be great.

Yang Dan knew that she had gotten into trouble, and Feng Wenjun must be wary of her.

Compared with a piece of rough stone, she is of course looking at the property of the entire Feng family.

"Wen Jun, I didn't mean that. Since it belongs to Aunt Liu Ping, I'll just give it back to her. It's my fault today. Can you forgive me?"

Yang Dan's entire chest was pressed against Feng Wenjun's body, and his hands were also poked towards his chest.

Seeing this scene, and Yang Dan's voice, Niu Fang felt goosebumps all over her body.

This woman is really disgusting.

How did such a delicate voice come out? It's a vixen.

In front of so many people, Feng Wenjun didn't like to get angry, but his self-esteem was satisfied. A large part of the reason why he was with Yang Dan was because she looked like Liu Ping, and part of the reason It's because she is really obedient and knows how to give him face at the right time.

Feng Xiao sneered when he heard the aunt Yang Dan was talking about.

"Aunt Yang, you call me Auntie Mom, and I also call you Auntie, so what should you call my Dad?"

Yang Dan: "..."

I still want to turn a corner and say that my mother is old, that's enough, she is young, but she is not yet married to a man who can be her father!

Yang Dan moved uncomfortably in Feng Wenjun's arms, feeling extremely embarrassed.

Originally, he wanted to scold that woman for being old, but Feng Xiao refuted it back. It's really disgusting!

(End of this chapter)

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