Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 348 Finding the Pearl

Chapter 348 Finding the Pearl (2 more)
Her family, Mr. Bo, is still very powerful. He said he would find a house nearby, and he did.

But it still needs to be renovated. She should be able to move in for a few days in the sixth or seventh month of pregnancy.

Liu Ping was very happy to hear that Qinqin could live near her.

"The Bo family agreed?"

You shouldn't agree so readily, right?

"We haven't told them yet. We're staying for a few days. When Bo Zhongwen and Bo Zhongqing are married and they have children, they won't care about us."

Besides, the Bo family compound is big, but after all, there are too many people, and the parents are too busy. When they want to move out, they will not have any objections.

Liu Ping didn't think so, but she didn't force it, as long as Qinqin came to live here for a few days in a month, she was already satisfied.

Suddenly, she began to understand why Lin Xiu wanted him to have a baby.

If you have a child, you can stay with her at home.

After more than an hour, Bo Zhongye boarded the boat, and Feng Qinqin came out of the room.

Seeing that he was coming up and was still wet, Feng Qinqin quickly took out the spare clothes and handed them to him to put on.

"Why did you come back so late?"

She was waiting anxiously.

Bo Zhongye took the clothes and changed them in front of her, watching him remove the wet clothes, Feng Qinqin's heart ached.

Take it back in a while and wash it for her.

Do his laundry?
Bo Zhongye never thought that her little girl would say such a thing, if she didn't say it, he wouldn't know that she could do laundry.

"What! Why don't I know how to wash clothes anymore, so I don't know if others do the laundry for me at school."

Really, the first time I wanted to be nice to him, but this man still said that about her.

"Huh? Then why did you think of doing my laundry?"

This girl hasn't washed his clothes yet.

Feng Qinqin raised her chin towards him and said.

"Mom said, I've treated you too badly. If you want me to treat you better, then I'll treat you better."

The tone was very forced, but the corners of the mouth were slightly raised.

Bo Zhongye really loved her arrogant appearance.

No wonder she said such things today, it turned out that her mother said that to her.

Feng Qinqin nodded her chin, squinted her eyes, and asked him.

"Honey, am I really being unreasonable to you, and what's more, am I being very bad to you?"

Thinking about it, it seems so, but she thinks that she is also good to Mr. Bo.

Can't be considered bullying?
Bo Zhongye was stunned for a moment, then heard the little girl speak softly.

"If I keep doing this, will you hate me?"

My mother said that no matter how deep the relationship is, there will be a day when it will be wiped out. She is wondering, will Mr. Bo lose patience with her one day because of her unreasonable troubles?

No, it seems that she will be gentler with him in the future.

Bo Zhongye guessed some reasons now, it must be because his mother saw him go to the bottom of the sea to find pearls for him.

Bo Zhongye put his arm around her shoulder and said in a low voice.

"Fool, I am willing to do anything for you, where do you come from so many ideas?"

He just wants to be nice to her, it's as simple as that, maybe he will be impatient in the future, but let's wait until he is impatient.

I don't think that day will come.

Feng Qinqin pouted, knowing that he would coax her.

"I'll call mom, let's go back to eat."

After saying that, Feng Qinqin went to look for Liu Ping in the room, and the three went back together.

On the way, Bo Zhongye saw that she didn't mention anything about the pearl, so he didn't mention it either, because he couldn't find it, and it seems that he will have to come again in the afternoon.

After lunch, Bo Zhongqing said that he was going to leave tomorrow, but Bo Zhongye looked at the third child first.

"Awen, are you not going back?"

Bo Zhongwen shook his head.

"Brother, I have nothing to do when I go back, so I won't go back, let's talk about it in a few days."

How many days will it take?
"What are you doing here?"

There was nothing for him to do here either.

"Brother, this place is very good, I just want to stay here for a few more days."

He just hoped that he could meet Qingqing here, it was his wishful thinking.

After the meal, Bo Zhongye took Feng Qinqin to rest. After Feng Qinqin fell asleep, Bo Zhongye tiptoed out of bed.

After walking out of the tent, Bo Zhongye went to see Liu Ping.

"Xiao Ye, why didn't you go to rest?"

Didn't he rest with Qinqin?
Bo Zhongye walked over and sat down beside her.

"Mom, I'm going to go to sea. Qinqin doesn't know. She wakes up in a while, and I'm worried that she will be anxious. Tell her for me, just say I'll go and look around, and I'll be back in a while."

Liu Ping frowned.

"What are you doing at sea?"

"I didn't find any pearls this morning. I'll go and have a look later."

Now that she has promised her, she will definitely find it.

Liu Ping was stunned, then laughed.

"Xiao Ye, don't spoil her all the time. It's just a pearl. If you want it, buy her one. There's no need to go to the bottom of the sea to find it."

"It's okay mom, I'm fine, you go and see her later, she should wake up in more than an hour."

Seeing that he insisted on going, Liu Ping didn't stop him.

"Okay, you go, you can't go for too long, Qinqin must be worried if he doesn't see you after waking up."

Bo Zhongye fully agreed.

An hour after Bo Zhongye left, Feng Qinqin woke up.

When she woke up, the man beside her was gone. Feng Qinqin grunted, put on her shoes and walked out of the tent.

The dazzling sunlight shot towards her, Feng Qinqin covered her eyes with her hands.

Seeing her daughter coming out, Liu Ping hurried over.

"Qinqin, why are you awake?"

It's only an hour.

"Mom, where is my husband, why is he missing?"

This man, he didn't tell her where he was going.

Liu Ping rolled her eyes.

"I'm still standing here as a living person. When you see me, you ask your husband. Mom is angry."

Liu Ping pretended to be angry and didn't even look at her daughter.

Feng Qinqin knew that her mother was complaining for herself, so she took her arm and smiled at her.

"Mom, you're still jealous of that stinky man Bo Zhongye, he's not even as good as a single hair of yours."

With that said, Feng Qinqin raised his other hand to touch her hair.

Liu Ping slapped her daughter's hand off speechlessly, and said angrily.

"Let me see the truth of your words."

"One hundred percent!"

Feng Qinqin made a comparison with scissors.

"I believe you."

"Then mother told me, where is my husband?"

"Zero points!"

Feng Qinqin: "..."

My mother, do you want to be so serious?

But my mother has such a cheerful personality now, and I know how to bicker with her.

One look at her character is better than before.

"Your husband went looking for pearls for you, and said he didn't find them this morning."

Hearing this, Feng Qinqin's heart was bubbling with sweetness, but he froze again later.

He went and didn't talk to her. If he didn't find it, he didn't find it. She didn't have to.

It was already six o'clock in the afternoon when Bo Zhongye came back, Feng Qinqin saw that he came back wet again, so he quickly picked up the clothes and handed them to him.

"Why did you come back so late, didn't you tell mom that it would be soon?"

He said he would come back in an hour, and he came back after three or four hours. Isn't it just a pearl, can't it be okay if she doesn't want it?

Bo Zhongye didn't answer her question, nor was he in a hurry to change clothes. Instead, he spread his hands, and a bright pearl appeared in Feng Qinqin's sight.

"Honey, I found it for you, does it look good?"

The hand holding the clothes was tight, Feng Qinqin looked down at the pearl in his hand, and at the moment his hair was wet, his heart trembled suddenly.

Then, Feng Qinqin threw away his clothes, stepped forward and hugged Bo Zhongye's body.

Being hit by her like this, Bo Zhongye took a step back in shock, and quickly hugged her in fright.

"Why are you so frizzy, you still have one in your stomach, and you just bumped into me like this?"

Feng Qinqin let go of his arms around his waist, raised her head and looked at him.

"Did you find the present just for this?"

Bo Zhongye finally changed into the clothes in her hand, then picked her up and walked into the tent.

"Honey, don't you take a shower?"

If he doesn't answer, she won't ask. Isn't the fact right in front of you?
This man has always been like this, willing to do anything for her.

"Go take a shower after dinner, let's stay in a hotel tonight, just go back and take a shower."

They had been living here for several days, and Bo Zhongye was still worried that she would not be able to bear it, so it was better to stay in a hotel in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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