Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 349 Li Yuqing Appears

Chapter 349 Li Yuqing Appears (1 More)
On October 10th, Feng Xiao walked into Feng's Mansion wearing formal clothes for the first time.

Wearing a well-tailored suit, a dark gray shirt, a light blue aristocratic tie, and handmade leather shoes on his feet, there is a chill in his eyes, and the determination in his eyes is obvious.

Step by step into the elevator, closed the elevator door.

As soon as the elevator was closed, the surrounding employees began to discuss in low voices.

"Who is this person? I haven't seen him before."

"I haven't seen him before, but he looks so handsome."

"It's not an airborne employee, is it?"

"It would be great if it were, and we will have good luck in the future."

"Don't you find it strange that he can go up directly?"

This is what they focus on.

It must be a very important person.

"Yeah, that's weird."

The lady at the front desk listened to their discussion, but she didn't explain it. Is there any reason for the son to see his father?

The elevator stopped at the chairman's office, Feng Xiao stepped out of the elevator.

After a few steps to the office, Feng Xiao stopped.

He didn't know what would happen after he went in. In the past few years, his father had always acquiesced in his behavior of not coming to work in the company, and he only relied on [-]% of the shares to hold the annual dividends.

Dad never urged him to come to work, just because he didn't want him to take the credit away.

Now that he steps into this door, he may be about to enter the company, and what he will face in the future may be even more uncontrollable than this.

But it doesn't matter, this step always has to be taken out.

If he can't take this step, perhaps, it should be said that there will be a day when he can't even protect what he wants to protect.

Feng Xiao gritted his teeth, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Feng Xiao pushed open the door and went in.

The moment he saw his son, Feng Wenjun was still a little surprised.

This morning Feng Xiao said that he would come over today, he thought his son was just talking, but he didn't expect that he would actually come.

Feng Xiao walked to the desk and called Dad.

Feng Wenjun hummed.

"Come on, sit down first."

Consistent tone, consistent alienation.

Feng Xiao sat down opposite him, straightened his back and stared at him.

"Dad, from today onwards, I want to officially enter Feng's work."

In a word, like a thunderbolt, it hit Feng Wenjun on the head.

Feng Wenjun thought that he might be here for Yang Dan's business, or for the company's shares, but he didn't think that it would be because he wanted to work in the company.

Logically speaking, Ah Xiao should have come to work a long time ago and is familiar with the company's business, but he is not willing to part with the company, and he does not hope that one day Ah Xiao will steal his company.

However, his company will belong to him and his youngest son sooner or later, but he is still reluctant to let it go.

"Why do you suddenly remember working in the company?"

Doesn't he understand his own son? If there is no reason, he won't do it.

Feng Xiao's voice was light, neither slow nor urgent.

"Dad, I have always played a cynical role in front of you and everyone, just to give you a fulfillment. Haven't you been pretending not to know all these years?"

Hearing this, Feng Wenjun was taken aback.

Ah Xiao's words can be said to have expressed his thoughts.

He smiled lightly.

"Ah Xiao, this is all your own choice, and I didn't stop you back then."

Hearing what his father said, Feng Xiao felt quite boring.

There is no need to continue talking to my father anymore.

"Dad, if you like, I will work here in the future, please arrange a position for me."

"The position of president has always been vacant, so you should take it and take this opportunity to practice."

Feng Xiao stood up and bowed to his father.

"Thank you dad, I'm going to prepare."

Feng Xiao turned around and left.

After walking out of the office, Feng Xiao pursed his lips. His life will be very different in the future.

From then on, he was no longer that playboy who only knew how to play games.

After walking to the president's office, the assistant arranged by his father had already arrived and took him through the process of inauguration.

After finishing, he will be the president of Fengshi.

The assistant is a young girl who doesn't look very experienced.

Taking him to go through the process, she herself didn't quite understand.

Feng Xiao felt like laughing after he stumbled and finished the job.

It was really hard for his father to find this special assistant for him.

In order to stop him, it took great pains to set up obstacles for him.

Wang Lili was also a little embarrassed, and gave him a dry laugh.

"President, I'm sorry, I've only been here for a few days, and I don't understand anything."

It's fine if you don't understand anything, and now you don't even understand that the chairman asked her to be the assistant to the president.

The assistant to the president was not chosen casually, the chairman was too hasty in his work.

Without a hint of a smile on Feng Xiao's brows, he turned around and walked towards the office, saying as he walked.

"If you don't, learn it slowly. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you."

Just when Feng Xiao thought his father would not assign him a task, he received his instruction.

He said that he will prepare an orientation meeting for him in the evening, let him get to know each other with the senior management, and make progress in his future work.

Feng Xiao knew this was necessary, so he agreed.

The party at night was not as Feng Xiao imagined, and his father would be embarrassed, but in the end there was nothing, just getting to know some important people in the company.

After the party, his father assigned him a task.

"Ah Xiao, we have a cooperation with the Chen family. You can deal with it tomorrow. The only daughter of your Uncle Chen is handing over to you. Remember to be polite."

Feng Xiao: "..."

So, is this for him to go on a blind date or to discuss cooperation?

This is his first cooperation, and Feng Xiao didn't know whether he should be helpless or grateful for such a thing.

"Dad, am I your son?"

If so, I wouldn't treat him like this.

Feng Wenjun was so choked by him that he couldn't speak. He had worked hard for the cooperation of the Chen family for a long time, but he still couldn't win it. There was nothing he could do when he waited for this step. The only daughter of the Chen family liked A Xiao. Unable to talk to Feng Xiao, since he asked to come to work now, of course he has to take advantage of this opportunity.

"Ah Xiao, the main thing is to talk about work. After the cooperation is negotiated, you can make the daughter of the Chen family treat you according to your own wishes. As for whether you like her or not, and whether you will get married in the end, as long as she listens Your words are fine."

He didn't want his Feng Wenjun's son to marry only the Chen family's daughter. Although the Chen family was also very powerful, it was just on an equal footing with his Feng family, and it didn't help him much in his career.

"I heard that Qinqin asked you to make friends with the brothers and sisters of the Bo family recently?"

Feng Xiao was puzzled by his father's words.

"How do you get along with the young lady of the Bo family?"

Hearing this, Feng Xiao narrowed his eyes.

After guessing what his father meant, Feng Xiao laughed first.

"Dad, you are really greedy."

Just now he was talking about getting along with Chen's daughter, making her listen to him, and finally letting him please Bo Qingqing?

It has to be said that the reason why the Feng family can beat the Lin family these years is not without reason.

It's just that he really can't learn this trick, and he won't learn it.

"Qingqing is already engaged to Yizuo, and she will marry Yizuo after she graduates, Dad, don't even think about it."

Feng Wenjun disagrees.

"You've said it all, it's just an engagement, not a marriage. You can snatch her over. Qinqin kisses you. As long as you tell her that you like Bo Qingqing, as your sister, can she not help you?" ?”

Feng Xiao couldn't stand listening anymore.

He knew that his father was insidious, but he didn't expect it to be so insidious.

I really don't want to stay with him for a moment.

"Dad, I will try my best to cooperate with you. It's just a thin matter. You'd better not mention it again. If you still want Qinqin to forgive you."

On the morning of the 7th, Bo Zhongye and the others decided to play for another day and then went back.

Bo Zhongye did not expect that Ah Wen could stay by himself until now, and Ah Qing couldn't stand it anymore and left.

"Awen, you can go back tomorrow too."

Bo Zhongwen thought for a while, but did not give him a definite answer.

"Brother, let's talk about it tonight."

This time I will not drive when I go back, I will go directly by plane.

In the evening, Bo Zhongwen walked out of the hotel and went to the beach.

He took more than 1000 photos in the past few days, but none of them satisfied him.

It would be great if Qingqing appeared in the camera.

It's already night now, with thousands of lights on, but he doesn't know where.

One year, another year.

Whether she is willing or not, he will go to where she is, find her, bring her back, and stay by his side from now on, not allowed to go anywhere.

Bo Zhongwen picked up the camera again and took a picture of the endless sea. At this moment, he didn't know that there was a girl standing behind him.

The girl is about 1.6 meters tall, and only her outline can be seen in a dark place. The girl is looking at him deeply at the moment, and two lines of tears slipped from her eyes.

Third brother, will we be together?


She doesn't even know when she'll be back?

Maybe the date when she comes back is the day when the third brother gets married.

Li Yuqing couldn't bear to watch anymore, turned and left.

Brother, if you say that the third brother is here, it's up to me to come or not.

But, brother, what's the use of my coming, I can't see him.


Li Yuqing didn't go far when a familiar voice came from behind her.

Li Yuqing's body froze for an instant, she didn't dare to turn her head, she didn't know if there was someone beside her elder brother who she wanted to see but didn't dare to see.

Bo Zhongye walked over, stood in front of her, and fixedly looked at the girl he had grown up with in front of him. Bo Zhongye also had a brother-sister affection for Li Yuqing.

It's been a few years since we saw each other, Qingqing really lost a lot of weight.

It is not an exaggeration to say that she is skinny, if Ah Wen knew that she was so thin, he would definitely feel distressed.

Perhaps, Arwen has always known.

"Qingqing, since you're here, why don't you see him?"

There is no one else here, and he will not speak out, and Zhang Ma is not here.

Li Yuqing still didn't dare to look up.

"Ah Wen didn't come with him."

Bo Zhongye understood his concerns, and sure enough, after saying this, Li Yuqing raised her head.

"Brother, long time no see."

"It's been a long time."

Bo Zhongye sighed softly, since she didn't want to say more, then he didn't say much.

"Qingqing, you have to know that it's not an option for you to keep running away like this. Have you ever thought about how my younger brother has lived these past few years? Do you really have the heart to see him go on like this?"

Mama Zhang's feelings are feelings, but what about his brother?

Li Yuqing bit the corner of her lips, her eyes were red.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I'm leaving."

After speaking, Li Yuqing ran away.

Looking at the girl's trembling shoulders, I don't know if it's because she ran in a hurry or something else, but no matter what, Bo Zhongye didn't stop her.

It seems that her fate with Ah Wen has not come yet.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Bo Zhongwen came back from the beach.

As soon as he came back, he told Bo Zhongye to go back together tomorrow, Bo Zhongye glanced at him indifferently, his brother was still the same as before, it seemed that he didn't know about Yuqing's return.

"Okay, I see, you go back and rest first."

Early the next morning, the four set off to go back.

Once back, Bo Zhongye will go to Shanghai for a three-day business trip.

Feng Qinqin never thought that he would be on a business trip at this time, and hugged his waist not to let him go.

"Husband, can't you not go?"

Soon she will be pregnant for three months, and when the three months arrive, she will go to the maternity checkup, so she can't go alone.

"Fool, how can I let you go alone, I will definitely come back the day before."

He was more excited than anyone else when the little girl was three months pregnant, and she would definitely come back.

 Recommend my friend Yu Hehe's article "A Beautiful Wife is Hard to Spoil: Jiang Shao's Plan to Fall Down"

  Rough introduction:
  [Black Hearted Little White Lotus X Pseudo Cool President]

  If Gu Wanan is a wolf in sheep's clothing, then Jiang Beichu is a wolf in human clothing.

  Although their appearances are different, they are essentially the same, and neither is a character to be trifled with.

  When she was a child, Gu Wan'an was demerited for playing truant in group fights, and when she grew up, Gu Wan'an fought with Liu Xiaohua in the toilet and became a hot search.

  Overnight, Gu Wan'an became popular. Numerous netizens picked out that she is still a popular writer. Coupled with this good-looking face, Gu Wan'an was affectionately called the national sister.

  [-] words omitted here...

  This article is two-on-one, there is no limit to warm pets!Just click the text, welcome to jump into the pit.


(End of this chapter)

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