Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 351 Assuming It Never Happened

Chapter 351 Assuming It Never Happened (1 More)
When Feng Xiao came over, he saw two girls muttering here and didn't know what they were talking about.

He walked over, sat down beside his sister, ordered two cups of coffee and another cup of milk.

When Feng Qinqin heard that her elder brother asked for milk, she knew who it was for.

Hey, now she actually drank what the little girl drank.

After the coffee and milk were delivered, Feng Qinqin turned his face to his elder brother and took a look, then asked,

"Brother, why do you come to work in the company?"

Don't play games anymore.

Feng Xiao took a sip of coffee and said in a slow tone.

"They are all in their twenties, and they are standing at thirty. Of course, I have to work hard in the past few years."

Feng Qinqin didn't believe the elder brother's words. He hated the company so much and hated people fighting openly and secretly, but he was willing to come to work in the company. Something must have happened.

If she didn't guess wrong, it should be the ghost of that woman Yang Dan.

Seeing Brother Feng like this, Niu Fang knew that he must have been stimulated a lot that day, especially when the woman said that he could only play games, which was really hurtful.

"Okay, my eldest brother is going to be thirty, but do you know that the major issues in your life should also be resolved?"

Since the elder brother didn't want to say it, well, she didn't force it, she really shouldn't be in charge of the Feng family's affairs.

Upon hearing this, Niu Fang's face turned red.

Sister Qinqin is too straightforward.

Not knowing how Brother Feng would answer, the girl lowered her head and sipped her coffee, listening carefully to the next words, for fear of missing something.

In the end, Niu Fang's body froze when he heard Brother Feng say that his father had given him an opportunity to get close to those daughters.

"It's too much, him!"

After hearing these words, Feng Qinqin was so angry that she almost threw her glass.

How did he come up with this Feng Wenjun?

It's fine to design that Miss Chen, but I still need my elder brother to break up Yi Zuo and Qing Qing.

It's just shameless.

Why are you so despicable!

"Brother, don't listen to him, it's too much!"

Feng Xiao smiled, raised his hand to stroke her head, and said dotingly.

"Don't worry, I will solve the company's affairs by myself, and I will never take my own happiness into account."

He also has no interest in breaking others down.

Feng Qinqin believed in her elder brother, and he would never do such things that he despises.

However, now that this matter has been mentioned, Feng Qinqin feels that it is necessary to tell his eldest brother about his lifelong events.

"Brother, you see that you are already at work, shouldn't it be time to think about your girlfriend?"

Niu Fang clenched her fingers, but she didn't dare to think any more.

The daughter of the Chen family?

Although she didn't know who the daughter of the Chen family their brothers and sisters were talking about, she also knew that she could be on an equal footing with the Feng family. Even the father of such a daughter would look down on her, let alone her.

The sliver of courage I had just now is gone now.

No matter what Brother Feng's answer is, she will not be one of them.

"Furthermore, I will definitely get married before the age of 30, so don't worry."

He also knows that his lifelong affairs must be resolved, but he has never met anyone he has feelings for.

Well, it seems that the eldest brother really has no feelings for Fangfang, and he didn't even look at Fangfang when he spoke just now.

Seeing that the time was almost up and the girl was fine, Feng Xiao took out the rough stone he had prepared in his pocket and handed it to her.

Looking at the things in elder brother's hand, Feng Qinqin was taken aback, and then smiled happily.

"Brother, you really spent a lot of money, where did you get it?"

Feng Qinqin took it from his hand, looked at it carefully, and knew that the thing in his hand was not a fake.

Besides, the eldest brother will not give her a fake.

On the contrary, Niu Fang looked at the rough stone in her hand, her eyes darkened, she knew that it would not be easy to get this rough stone back from Yang Dan's hand.

Feng Xiao closed his eyes and did not tell her the truth.

"I didn't give this to you. It belongs to my mother. I found it when I went to clean up my mother's room yesterday. It's of no use to me. I'll leave it to you."

It just so happened that my mother was designing clothes for Qinqin. If it was a high-end dress, it could be inlaid with some diamonds. Even if you don't need such good things, it can be used as a sign in the store.

Feng Qinqin shrugged her small nose, she really didn't expect her mother to have such a good thing.

That's right, my mother is Lucky's designer Sheng Yi back then, so I'm sure she has these things.

"Brother, my mother is really great, but I can't ask for this thing by myself. When you have a girlfriend, I will use this to customize a diamond ring for you. It must be unique!"

After speaking, Feng Qinqin looked at Fangfang who was at the side, and said with an idea.

"Brother, you have just started working. You must not be used to the food in the company. Yes, you must not be used to it. Let Fangfang bring you food at noon in the future. My mother will bring it to you after it is ready. Ok, deal."

Feng Qinqin talked a lot, and didn't give the two of them a chance to interrupt.

Niu Fang suddenly raised her head to look at Feng Xiao, a sense of shyness emerged from her heart.

Brother Feng would definitely not agree, and Sister Qinqin might be disappointed.

"Okay, that's it, but it's good for Fangfang to come here once in a while, she still has to go to school."

As soon as these words came out, both Feng Qinqin and Niu Fang were stunned.

Is this a promise?
"Brother Feng, I will come over often to deliver meals to you in the future!"

Niu Fang spoke without thinking.


Feng Qinqin couldn't help laughing out loud.

Fangfang is simply too much fun, and it is a perfect match with the sullen personality of the eldest brother.

Niu Fang's face turned red from her laughter, while Feng Xiao didn't know why her sister was laughing.

This girl became neurotic after pregnancy, Feng Xiao thought she was neurotic again.

"Okay, you guys play here, I'm going back to work."

"Okay, okay, go, Fangfang will deliver food to you in a while."

Feng Xiao nodded her head speechlessly.

"There's nothing right, huh?"

Feng Qinqin made a face at him.

After Feng Xiao left, Feng Qinqin glanced at Niu Fang.

"Fangfang, it's up to you in the future. You have to know that there are not many opportunities. The important thing is that you let him know that you like him!"

The man chases the girl's compartment mountain, the woman chases the man's compartment yarn, and the eldest brother is someone who has never been in a relationship. It must be easy to capture.

"But Sister Qinqin and Ms. Chen don't even like her, so with my family background, I will look down even more."

"That's Feng Wenjun's idea, not my elder brother's idea. My elder brother is not such a superficial person!"

That bastard Feng Wenjun would do some unconscionable things, he didn't care what other people thought, he only cared about money.

"Okay, Fangfang, I can only help you so far. Why are you so careless? If this continues, when will the two of you blossom and bear fruit?"

She really couldn't stand it anymore.

Give her an answer if she can succeed, if not, she can find another one for her elder brother, how big is this!
"But if I confess, Brother Feng doesn't like me, will he never talk to me again?"

It turned out that I was worried about this.

This should not be the case, but maybe in the future, Big Brother and Fangfang may hide from each other.

"No, don't I understand my elder brother? As long as you confess to him, I assure you, elder brother will be very happy."

Feng Qinqin spoke nonsense with her eyes open.

Anyway, she'll see her elder brother's reaction first.

Niu Fang was dubious, frowned and said nothing.

Then she will try?
Feng Qinqin and Qiao Wu went to the new store before returning to the compound.

Now the new store is on the right track and has started to make money, but it is not as much income as the first store.

Mom hasn't designed clothes yet, but she needs to find a manufacturer first.

I happened to talk to my mother today and return the rough stone to her to see if my mother can use it.

When they came to the store, Feng Qinqin asked Qiao Wu to go with her, and the two people outside stayed outside.

After handing the original stone to her mother, Liu Ping was surprised when she saw the original stone.

Isn't this her rough stone?

"Mom, my brother found it when he was cleaning your room. Let's see where you use it."

Liu Ping put it away and make a diamond ring for the two children in the future.

The mother and daughter discussed the matter of clothes design. Liu Ping has no inspiration recently. It may be that her life is too comfortable, and it may be that she has not designed for a long time.

"Mom, don't worry, anyway, with you in our store, we can definitely become a big hit!"

One day she will let the people in Tongcheng know that she, Feng Qinqin, is also capable.

It seemed that she was going to learn some management knowledge. Thinking of this, she suddenly had a thought, should she work in the company's sales department for a few months?

In two days, she will be three months pregnant, and the fetus has stabilized, so she can work for two or three months.

When her family Mr. Bo comes back, she must discuss it with him.

After separating from Sister Qinqin, Niu Fang went back to school and thought about Sister Qinqin's words on the bench in the campus.

Should she really tell Brother Feng about her feelings for him?

After staying here for a long time, Niu Fang suddenly stood up.

Confession is confession, who is afraid of whom!
In the worst case, he was rejected, and then he was scolded by the elder brother.

Isn't that the way it is, who hasn't had a love affair yet.

At 11:30 noon, Niu Fang went to Yunhai Community, got the meal cooked by Aunt Liu Ping, and took the bus to Fengshi Building.

Feng Xiao was quite surprised when he received a call from Niu Fangang.

It was delivered on the first day.

He closed the file and went down to find her. Niu Fang was waiting for him in the reception room downstairs.

Feng Xiao walked over and sat down, smiling at her.

"Fangfang, don't be in such a hurry, send it if you have time, and don't come here if you don't have time."

"It's neither busy nor busy."

As long as he wants, she can come for three meals a day.

Feng Xiao smiled, and didn't say anything more about this matter.

"Did you have meal?"

Niu Fang shook her head, she was only focused on bringing him food, she hadn't eaten yet.

"Then let's eat together."

Niu Fang pursed her lips and smiled.

Yes, you can gain strength when you are full.

After a while the confession was rejected, she could run a little faster.

After the two had eaten, Feng Xiao stood up and was about to see her off.

Niu Fang cleaned up the dishes, lowered her head and said in a low voice.

"Brother Feng, what are you doing now? I want to tell you something."

After saying this, Niu Fang tugged at the hem of her clothes nervously, worried. If Brother Feng said something happened, when would she have the courage to confess again?
So, Brother Feng, please give me a few minutes.

Feng Xiao thought that he needed his help with something, so he agreed to her.

"Okay, then let's go out first."

Niu Fang went out with him to a rest place not far from the company.

"Fangfang, is there anything I need help with?"

Niu Fang tightly held the lunch box in her hand, her boldness just now seemed to have disappeared.


Seeing that she didn't speak, Feng Xiao called out again.

Niu Fang raised her head abruptly, staring at the man in front of her with clear eyes.

Feng Xiao was stunned by her hot eyes.

Why did Fangfang look at him with such ambiguous eyes, which made him a little confused.

"Fangfang, what's the matter with you today?"

"Brother Feng, I like you!"

As soon as Feng Xiao finished speaking, he heard the next words.

As soon as these words came out, both of them were stunned.

Niu Fang almost said this with her eyes tightly closed, and she didn't even dare to open them now.

The words buried deep in her heart were finally spoken at this moment, and Niu Fang felt her heart was about to jump into her throat.

Brother Feng must have been terrified by what she said, what should I do, should she continue talking.

Feng Xiao was indeed frightened by her words, did Fangfang know what she was talking about?

Niu Fang's heart was broken, she didn't care, she was going to talk, anyway, it's already been said.

"Brother Feng, the first time I saw you, I felt that you were different from other men and my male classmates."

"It seems that you are very kind and gentle to everyone, especially when you stand with Mr. Bo and the others. I think you are the most gentle man in the world. It must be very happy to be your girlfriend."

"Later, you taught me a lot of things, and you never looked down on me because of my bad family background, especially when you gave me a mobile phone, you were really the best person to me besides my family."

Regardless of whether he was entrusted by sister Qinqin or not, these results will not change because of the reason.

She just fell in love with him.

No matter what he thinks of her, she has already said it anyway, and in the end, he can just figure it out.

Anyway, she broke the pot and fell.

Feng Xiao was already overwhelmed by what she said.

It's not that there are no girls who have confessed to him, since junior high school, but the girl in front of him is the girl he has been taking care of.

For some reason, somewhere in my heart trembled.

He didn't know how to answer her.

Yes or no, it doesn't seem right.

"Fangfang, I, I may not be as good as you said, I also have a temper, all you see is me in disguise, maybe when I lose my temper, I will be scarier than Bo Zhongye and the others, you still laugh, man things you don't understand."

Fangfang is still young, he doesn't mind age, but he is worried that Fangfang's fascination with him is just for a while, just because he helped her, just because he was kind to her, this is not love.

He doesn't understand how bad a man is, nor does he understand a man's heart, and she doesn't even know whether she is grateful or in love with him.

After understanding what he meant, Niu Fangyou raised her head, anxious to explain, not paying attention to her current predicament.

"Brother Feng, it's not what you think. I really like you. I don't care about your other things. I have seen you get angry, but I just like you!"

Feng Xiao blinked and was speechless.

"Brother Feng, it doesn't matter if you don't like me, and I'm not worried that you like me, maybe you won't like me in the future, it doesn't matter."

Anyway, she has already said it, that is, Brother Feng just don't talk to her in the future.

"Brother Feng, I still have class in the afternoon, so I'll go back first. I'll come to deliver your meal tomorrow at noon. If you don't want me to come, then I won't come here in the future."

Feng Xiao: "..."

Should he agree or not.

He should refuse, but if he refuses, he just can't open his mouth.

In the end, he agreed to her.

"Let's take it as what happened today. You haven't said it, and I haven't heard of it."

Only in this way, he really couldn't say the words of rejection, and what's even more frightening was that he still had the urge to agree.

When it didn't happen?
So this means that you don't care about her anymore?

But the underlying meaning is that he doesn't like her anymore.

Well, I'm very disappointed, but it's better than Brother Feng ignoring her in the future.

"Brother Feng, I'll leave first, and I'll let you know if I can't come at noon tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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