Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 352 Gourmet feast

Chapter 352 Gourmet feast (2 more)
After returning from Feng's Mansion, Niu Fang returned to her dormitory in a daze.

There was class in the afternoon and she didn't go to class. She was alone in the dormitory at the moment, so she was stuffed under the quilt, thinking about her confession.

She was very bold when she was in Feng's Building just now, but when she came back she felt like a fool, how could she say so many things, and she didn't know how she said it.

Brother Feng must think that she has no girl's reserve at all. After all, she must be a shameless girl in Brother Feng's eyes.

Will Big Brother Feng look down on her because of this?

No, no, if he thought so, then he wouldn't agree to her to bring him food.

Yes, definitely didn't hate her.

Niu Fang was thinking wildly in the dormitory, and Feng Xiao, who was sitting in the CEO's office of Feng's Building, was not much better.

All afternoon, Fangfang's confession to him filled his mind.

Is he gentle?
Will he be the most suave man in the world?
This is really the first time someone commented on him like this. It was true that he was nice to her. Before that, it was because it was Qinqin's entrustment, but later he really wanted to be nice to her.

She said that she had seen him lose his temper. Could it be that she was talking about the confrontation between him and Yang Dan the last time I went home with him?
Feng Xiao shook his head and laughed. '

She's really a little girl, so what is that, it's just one aspect of him.

However, as soon as today's incident happened, he also understood the reason why Fangfang avoided him in the first place.

This is because I like him but dare not tell him, so I avoid him.

Thinking about Qinqin's actions all the time, every time he travels, he will be with Fangfang, and today he asked Fangfang to bring him meals. His sister must have known about it a long time ago.

No wonder my sister used that tone every time she talked about Fangfang with him.

This younger sister of his is eccentric.

It seems that he is going to train his younger sister well.

Jiang Linhui's game company, a man sitting in a chair, holding a photo in his hand.

Why did this Wen Jing leave without saying a word? Even if she was disappointed in him, she should tell him.

I sent him a message directly, saying to break up, and then it was gone.

When I went to find her the next day, I found that she had left with her family.

What is the reason for this? Is it true that you want to break up with him and never see each other again?
This is not acceptable, his company still needs her to build a bridge with Yi Zuo.

It seems that Yi Zuo still doesn't like Wen Jing enough, otherwise he wouldn't be with Bo Qingqing, regardless of Wen Jing's life or death.

That's right, the Yi family is very powerful, but compared to the Bo family, it's still far behind. Once Yi Zuo marries Bo Qingqing, according to the importance Bo family attaches to Yi Zuo, it's definitely not bad for Yi Zuo.

Which man can refuse the temptation of power?

Jiang Linhui sneered.

Wen Jing, you just leave like this, do you want to make Yi Zuo complete, but I won't let you succeed.

Even if you leave, I will use your last bit of value to get what I want.

He will definitely develop the game company and become a prominent figure in Tongcheng.

Bo Zhongye has already been away on business for a day, and he won't be back until two days later. At night, Feng Qinqin was lying on the big bed by himself, counting the time with his mobile phone and making video calls with him.

Seeing that it was still early, Feng Qinqin took out the storybook and began to tell the baby a story.

After a story was told, Feng Qinqin yawned.

I touched my stomach, and there was a small lump here. I don't know if it's fat or pregnant, maybe it's both.

"Baby, look, you have grown up, and your mother has gained weight. I don't know if your father will dislike me."

There was no movement, Feng Qinqin was a little bored.

When will the baby have fetal movement?
Feng Qinqin tapped her chin with her little hand and talked to herself again.

"Your father is not with me, so you can stay with me, and you can't talk to me, even if you can't talk or move."

Still no movement.

Feng Qinqin pursed her lips, feeling very bored.

It's not yet the month, so naturally there is no fetal movement.

The voice of the wechat video rang, and Feng Qinqin quickly brought the phone over.

Sure enough, it was Mr. Bo from her family who called.

She swiped her finger to answer, and Mr. Bo's handsome face appeared in front of her eyes.


Feng Qinqin called out sweetly.

"Honey, are you done?"

Bo Zhongye's body was about to crumble after being called out twice by her husband.

Leaning forward, his face should be stuck on the screen of the phone, so that he can let her see it well.

Just as he was about to say that he was done with work, the girl over there said something disgusting.

"Honey, your face is so big!"

Bo Zhongye: "..."

What is the purpose of that extremely disgusting tone?
He has a big face, but it's not because he wants her to take a good look at him.

"It doesn't matter if I have a big face, as long as my wife has a small face."

The temper of a pregnant woman is always unpredictable, and now that he is not by her side, if she gets angry, it won't be him who cries and feels distressed.

Feng Qinqin was pleased by his words.

Her husband can talk.

Feng Qinqin had a proud little appearance, and accepted his approval with peace of mind.

"Well, my husband has a lot of face!"

Bo Zhongye didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and traced her facial features on the phone screen with his fingers.

Noticing his movements, Feng Qinqin's heart felt sweet.

"Honey, I talked to my son just now, but he ignored me."

Bo Zhongye: "..."

What happened to his wife?
Without him by her side, she lost her mind.

Talk to her son as soon as she talks, and wait for her son to talk to her. It's not even a month yet.

"Is it because I'm not here, you feel lonely?"

It seems that he wants to work as soon as possible and try to go back the next morning.

Feng Qinqin pouted, feeling a little pitiful.

"I can't sleep without you."

I was used to being hugged by him to sleep, but suddenly he left, and I really didn't feel used to being here by myself.

"Good boy, I'll definitely go back the day after tomorrow." Bo Zhongye comforted her softly, and then said, "If you really can't sleep, I'll ask Qingqing to accompany you later."

He was really worried that she lived in a bedroom by herself.

Feng Qinqin shook her head, but she still didn't want it.

"Made me like a child."

If the mother-in-law and the others knew about her, they would definitely say that she was a child who couldn't grow up.

Can't sleep without a man, like a child.

"Aren't you my baby?"

Bo Zhongye said something, and his tone was full of indulgence.

Feng Qinqin: "?!"

What the hell is this?


"Have you ever seen a baby conceive a baby?"

"Well, giant baby."

Feng Qinqin: "..."

This person is really, what exactly do you want to say to her!

"I want to say, you are my baby."

There was a smile on the corner of Bo Zhongye's mouth, and the love and pity in his eyes couldn't be stopped.

"Tick me up again, you will know that I can't stand your teasing, you did it on purpose."

Yes, he did it on purpose.

"Honey, take off your skirt and let me see."

Bo Zhongye said suddenly.

Feng Qinqin suddenly opened his eyes wide, staring at him roundly.

What did this man say? !

Let her undress? !

He, how could he say such a thing.

"You, why don't you take off your clothes!"

Feng Qinqin held back for a long time before she could say a word.

Through the phone screen, Bo Zhongye could see the little girl's flushed cheeks.

"Okay, since my wife wants to see me take off my clothes, then I'll show her my clothes. After all, I'm a wife slave."

Feng Qinqin was speechless immediately, she knew she was playing a hooligan, she was not Bo Zhongye's opponent at all.

A man's skin is thick, like a city wall.

"You, you are shameless!"

In Feng Qinqin's anxiety, her voice became whiny, like a little girl.

Hearing the girl's voice, Bo Zhongye's body became even hotter.

"What do I want to do with my face? My wife's body is the most important thing."

Feng Qinqin suddenly didn't want to talk to him anymore.

Bo Zhongye tensed up helplessly. He couldn't help it after only one day.

Especially thinking of her graceful body, her body felt hot.

"Hey, take it off and let me see."

"I do not want!"

She doesn't want to.

In the end, he was still tempted to take off his clothes, and he looked at it all over. In the end, the man even took off his own clothes, insisting on her to look at them.

It's not okay if she doesn't look at it, and I even zoomed in for her to see.

Feng Qinqin blushed dripping with blood.

"I'm done watching, I don't want to."

Knowing that he is big, she has always known it, so there is really no need to read it anymore!

He could really use the word ferocious to describe it.

"Baby, open your eyes and take another look."

Feng Qinqin shook her head.

Don't look at her, her body will go limp.

"I won't tell you anymore, I'm sleepy, and my baby and I are going to bed."

After finishing speaking, Feng Qinqin stopped talking to him, cut off the video call, and buried her face in the pillow.

This Bo Zhongye really broke her lower limit again.

Really can do anything.

The phone dinged, and Feng Qinqin picked it up and saw the word "good night" on the WeChat page.

Hmph, this stinky man, she won't call her tomorrow, nor answer his calls, so she won't be so anxious about him.

A good night's dream.

When I woke up the next day, it was already high in the sun.

Feng Qinqin packed up and got up, and went downstairs.

As soon as he reached the corner of the building, he heard Yi Zuo talking to his family members.

When Feng Qinqin walked down, Liu Ping saw her, and quickly came over to help her over, and at the same time told Mama Zhang to heat up the food.

"Sorry Mom, I got up late again."

Ever since she was pregnant, her mother-in-law has taken away her alarm clock, and she is not allowed to use her mobile phone to set the alarm clock, which made her wake up very late every day.

"It's not too late, you wake up early enough. Your mother didn't get up until eleven o'clock when I was pregnant. Your grandma is still very supportive."

Feng Qinqin scratched her head in embarrassment. Anyway, every time she got up late, her mother-in-law could always give her some reason to excuse her.

This is really my mother-in-law.

"sister in law."

Yi Zuo called out to her.

Feng Qinqin looked at it, nodded, and then looked at the happy face sitting next to him.

"Sister-in-law, you got up so late without my elder brother, did you have a phone conversation with my elder brother yesterday?"

Bo Qingqing's joke was unintentional, but it made Feng Qinqin blush instantly.

It’s really talking on the phone, or a feast of food...

Seeing his sister-in-law's face flushed and blushing, Bo Qingyou knew she was right.

However, looking at sister-in-law's expression, it's not as simple as a phone call.

"Sister-in-law, tell us, brother was not with you yesterday, what were you doing on the phone?"

Bo Weiwei squinted at her, and the smile in his eyes was obvious.

"Gently, your sister-in-law is going to eat."

Seeing Mama Zhang coming, Zuo Yao thought about her daughter's words.

Her daughter is not good at speaking, and her sister-in-law also makes fun of her.

"Qinqin, come, eat first, ignore your sister, just talk nonsense."

Feng Qinqin smiled awkwardly, took the food from Mama Zhang, and ate it by herself.

During this period, Zuo Yao glared at her daughter.

Bo muttered a few words in a low voice, but everyone didn't hear clearly.

After dinner, Bo Qingqing and Yi Zuo went out.

Seeing her daughter getting happier and happier day by day, Zuo Yao felt relieved.

"Qinqin, if you have time, please help mom persuade Qingqing, don't be full of thoughts about Qingqing, if you say she looks like this, she will definitely be bullied by Yi Zuo in the future."

Hearing this, Feng Qinqin didn't think so, but Yi Zuo was sincere to Qingqing.

"Mom, I think you are really worrying too much. You haven't seen how much Yi Zuo cares about Wei Wei. I don't think Yi Zuo will hurt Wei Wei."

If Bo Qingqing knew that Feng Qinqin spoke for her like this, he would hug her and praise her again.

 Recommend friends.

  Jun Ye Xiao Chong: The cute wife is the queen of the movie
  Author: Jia Ni
  [Strong and proud woman VS domineering black man with a one-on-one pair of clean and sweet pet articles]

  The domineering, black-bellied, paralyzed and cold-faced man Cheng Zhan raised his enemy's daughter Xiao Moyun from a little assistant who was hunted down by everyone to his wife of a major general and made her into a standard soldier. The ace queen of quality and superior kung fu.

  In the barracks, she is a female iron-blooded warrior. Her dual identity makes other female warriors envious, but no one can match her.

  In the film and television industry, she turned into the Queen of the Ever-changing actress again.Her double identity made those Hua Shao women jealous, but no one dared to shake her in the slightest.

  In Cheng Zhai, she is the real one.

  In Cheng Zhai, she is the little girl who is envied by everyone in the empire and spoiled like a princess by her husband.

  This is a passionate and sweet article with a military career and elements of the entertainment industry with a little bun. The introduction is incompetent, please move to the main text.


(End of this chapter)

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