Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 356 Lin Xiu's Cooking Is Delicious?

Chapter 356 Lin Xiu's Cooking Is Delicious? (2 more)
Yizuo couldn't sit still when he heard that Qingqing was crying.

"Gently, where are you, I'm going to find you now."

This girl didn't know what she did wrong, and she couldn't explain clearly on the phone. He wanted to hurry over and see what trouble she caused.

No matter what she did wrong, he will help her.

"I am at the hospital."

After hanging up the phone, Yi Zuo picked up the jacket on the chair, grabbed the phone and car keys and ran out.

Bo Qing sat on the bench for a long time, and 10 minutes later, Yi Zuo drove over, and when he got out of the car, he saw the girl sitting on the chair with her head bowed.

Yi Zuo locked the car and ran over.


Yi Zuo sat down beside him, put his hands through her armpits, hugged her on his lap like a child, and held her in his arms.

Feeling the familiar breath, Bo gently raised his arms to hook his neck, and put his small face against his.

"Brother Zuo, why are you so fast?"

Although she felt that the time was quite long, it was only about 10 minutes.

Yi Zuo freed one hand to pinch her chin, facing her.

"Don't worry about you, what's going on, tell me."

Biting his lower lip lightly, Bo said.

"I kicked my sister-in-law in the stomach while she was sleeping and she almost had a miscarriage."

Yi Zuo: "..."

This, this really, really left him speechless.

But fortunately, Feng Qinqin is fine, no one will blame her, it's just this girl who blames herself.

"Okay, it's okay, isn't your sister-in-law okay, don't blame yourself too much."

It's the same for Qing Qing, knowing that she doesn't sleep well, she still shares the same bed with Feng Qinqin.

This is nothing at all, if something happens, Wei Wei will regret it to death.

Don't say there's something wrong, even if it's all right, she regrets it now.

Now no one complains about her, it would be nice if someone scolded her a few words, but everyone is comforting her.

Comforting her, she felt even more guilty.

"Fool, they are all your relatives, so naturally they won't blame you, even if your sister-in-law's child is gone, they won't blame you either."

"Bah bah bah!"

Bo Weiwei retorted anxiously, thinking of such a hypothetical she would be afraid, he had a pair of moist eyes.

"You are not allowed to say that, my sister-in-law will be fine."

Yi Zuo laughed, pinched her chin with his fingers, and lowered his head to touch her forehead.

"You said that my sister-in-law will be fine, so stop blaming yourself."

After saying that, Bo Qingwei felt better, resting his head on her shoulder, and said.

"Brother Zuo, let's go to the supermarket to buy something for my sister-in-law, and see her later, okay?"

That's all she can do, it seems.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Feng Qinqin woke up at noon, and Bo Zhongye called Dr. Xu to check her up.

This time, Dr. Xu knew the identities of these two people. Why didn't she expect that these two people were the richest man in Tongcheng?

I really didn't see that the two of them didn't look like the richest man in Tongcheng at all, especially when Bo Zhongye asked her about the precautions for pregnant women, they were just a husband who loved his wife deeply.

Now that I know their identities, and come to communicate with them again, Dr. Xu is really a little Alexander.

"Well, Mrs. Bo, Mrs. Bo's body is fine. After two more days of observation, if there is nothing wrong, you can go home to recuperate."

Feng Qinqin thought that Dr. Xu must have known their identities, otherwise she wouldn't have such an attitude.

I didn't tell her before because I didn't want her to be like this, but now it's really like this.

"Doctor Xu, you should call me Qinqin as before. Mrs. Bo seems so distant."

Doctor Xu smiled, that's all she would say.

I have been a doctor here for so many years, and when people with a little money and power come to her, they are either pregnant women yelling or men pretending to be big names.

In fact, they are just a little famous in Tongcheng.

No wonder people say that people with real status will not show off to outsiders, because they are very respectful and have good conduct.

"Doctor Xu, everything will be fine from now on, right?"

Bo Zhongye was worried that this time it would affect the child.

This time is a good period for fetal development, and this time I don't know if the child will have sequelae.

Doctor Xu understood what he meant and smiled.

"Mr. Bo, I have done a detailed inspection, and nothing will happen. I just need to pay attention to it in the future. This kind of thing can't happen again."

Bo Zhongye nodded, there would never be a second such thing, this time he was scared to death.

Doctor Xu thought for a while and said again.

"Your wife's health is not very good. I think you all know that it is not easy to be pregnant. I know that you Bo have a lot of things, but I think children are more important. In the future, try to put children first. Well, that means there are only six or seven months left.”

Bo Zhongye told her that he frowned, that a big man was really ashamed to be said so by others.

"okay, I get it."

Feng Qinqin thought it was quite interesting watching her husband being scolded by others.

Bo Zhongye probably hasn't been preached like this before.

"Okay, if there's nothing else, I'll go to work first, and if there's something else, just ring the bedside bell."

At noon, Bo Qingwei and Yi Zuo arrived first, and bought a lot of toys together.

At the beginning, I went to the supermarket to buy some nutritional products for her, but when I arrived, Bo Qingwei was fascinated by the things in the baby nursery.

She likes those bottles and jars, as well as those little toys for playing house, and clothes, so she bought all the ones she liked in the end.

Looking at the toys and clothes in the ward, Feng Qinqin remembered that when she first found out she was pregnant, her elder brother also bought her a lot of toys, filling the living room, and filling up the ward again today.

Before the baby was born, the presents could fill a house.

"Looks like I can save another sum of money on toys."

Feng Qinqin was joking with her.

Seeing that it was time to eat, Bo Qingqing and Yi Zuo didn't stay here any longer.

"Sister-in-law, it's time for Auntie to bring you food in a while, so brother Zuo and I will go back first."

"You can eat here, don't you like the food made by your aunt?"

Bo Qingwei giggled, how could she have the face to eat the food cooked by Aunt Liu Ping now?

"Okay, let's eat here. Every time my mother brings a lot of rice, it's always bad to throw it away. You don't want to waste her heart, do you?"

Feng Qinqin understands Qingqing's thoughts, and she doesn't want Qingqing to be alienated from her because of this matter.

Bo thought about it lightly, and finally nodded,
Sister-in-law is right, they are relatives in the first place, so naturally relatives don't care about so much.

After a while, both Bo Zhongqing and Bo Zhongwen came to see Feng Qinqin. After seeing the toys and clothes in the ward, they laughed and learned what Qingqing said when she was in the emergency room.

After listening to Qingqing's childish words, and adding that Bo Zhongqing added fuel and jealousy when he was studying, everyone bent over with laughter.

Yi Zuo couldn't help laughing too, but when he saw his little girl was so ashamed that her head was buried in the ground, she coughed lightly and said to the others.

"Stop laughing, what's so funny."

After speaking, he himself couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth.

He still beats and scolds, and buys toys for him. The toy buying thing is done, and he just waits for the baby to be born and be beaten and scolded by him.

"Gently, then my son will take advantage of it, hahahahaha..."

Feng Qinqin couldn't help it, and wanted to smile.

Bo lightly raised his head and glared at her, annoyed.

"Sister-in-law, you are teasing me. When the baby comes out, it's not certain who will hit who!"

Bo Weiqing raised her chin arrogantly, she is the aunt of the little guy in the future, and she can let him beat and scold him, she is not bad at beating and scolding him.

As soon as these words came out, the others laughed again.

Yi Zuo is also worried about the IQ of his future little wife.

Bo Weiwei knew that he had said something wrong, so he quickly shut up.

"Hmph, you just think I'm stupid."

Yi Zuo stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms, with a doting tone.

"Who said my family is stupid, my family is very smart."

"Well, Brother Zuo still has vision."

The others couldn't bear to watch it any longer. Feng Qinqin also realized at this moment that everyone must have reacted in the same way when she and Bo Zhongye showed their affection in front of everyone.

When Liu Ping and Lin Xiu came to deliver the food, they saw everyone talking and laughing. They walked in and put the food on the table.

After the juniors greeted each other, Bo Zhongqing and Bo Zhongwen left first, while Bo Qingqing and Yi Zuo stayed for dinner.

This time I cooked a lot of food, Feng Qinqin got out of bed, and several people ate together.

After pregnancy, her taste has changed a bit, and she likes many things that she didn't like before.

After seeing the bamboo shoots on the table, she became so greedy that she picked up a piece and stuffed it into her mouth.

Seeing Qinqin picking up the bamboo shoots, Lin Xiu became nervous, clenched his palms tightly, expecting her reaction.

"Well, Mom, the bamboo shoots are delicious, please make them for me again tonight, they are really delicious."

With that said, Feng Qinqin took another piece.

Well, although the taste of bamboo shoots is very strong, it is not greasy, and it is really delicious.

"Really, it's delicious?"

It was not Liu Ping who answered her, but Lin Xiu who had been waiting for her response.

Seeing Lin Xiu's expression of surprise and disbelief, Liu Ping smiled at the side.

It took Lin Xiu a long time to cook three dishes and one soup. Today he finally felt that he could do it, so he dared to bring it over for his daughter to try.

It seems that Qinqin likes it very much.

Feng Qinqin was stunned for a moment, whether this dish tastes good or not is none of his business, as if he made this dish.

"Of course my mother's cooking is delicious."

As he said that, Feng Qinqin picked up the fried minced garlic next to him and ate it with relish.

"Okay, okay, as long as you like to eat, I will make it for you at night."

Lin Xiu felt happier than ever at this time.

It turned out that the happiness he wanted was to see his daughter eat his food and be able to happily say it was delicious.

Feng Qinqin paused with the hand holding the chopsticks, a look of disbelief leaking from his eyes.

This, this meal is, he made it?
No, didn't mom make it?
Feng Qinqin couldn't believe that Lin Xiu could cook? !
Casting a questioning look at her mother, Liu Ping smiled back at her.

"Your Uncle Lin is fine at home. He said he wanted to cook for you. He made the bamboo shoots, minced garlic and fried beans, and this tomato and egg soup was also made by your Uncle Lin. Try it."

Feng Qinqin blinked, turned her face to look at Lin Xiu again, closed her eyes, and suddenly didn't want to eat.

However, it is indeed delicious.

Seeing that his daughter still doesn't treat him well, Lin Xiu doesn't mind, as long as he gives him a chance to treat her well.

The others didn't say anything when they saw this scene, anyway, they were used to it.

After eating, Bo Zhongye carried her to the bathroom, and then carried her back to rest.

Liu Ping still has to go back to the store to look at the store. Recently, she has some inspiration, and she can go back to design and design, and maybe she can produce works.

"Qinqin, let's go first, and come back to bring you food in the evening."

Feng Qinqin, who was lying on the bed, didn't reply immediately, thinking that she just ate up all the bamboo shoots and fried beans, and also drank a lot of tomato and egg soup, she must have given Lin too much face.

She hates herself for not being up to date, but she still can't be so impatient when facing her mother.

"Okay, then slow down when you go back. If you feel tired, don't go to the store. Anyway, Niu Feng is watching over there."

"Okay, mom knows, so I won't go in the afternoon."

She was really tired today because of her daughter.

She won't go to the store, maybe she can publish pictures today.

(End of this chapter)

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