Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 357 Why Are You Worrying

Chapter 357 Why Are You Worrying (1 More)
Feng Xiao didn't get the news until the second day after Feng Qinqin was hospitalized. It was when Niu Fang came to deliver his meal at noon.

After eating, Feng Xiao put down his work and went to the hospital angrily.

I really don't blame him for being angry, this girl is getting less and less of him as a big brother, it's fine that he was the last to know about the pregnancy, this time she was sick and hospitalized, but he didn't know until the next day.

What made him even more angry was that if it wasn't for what Niu Fang told him, he wouldn't have known about it, and then she was discharged from the hospital quietly.

This is clearly a manifestation of not treating him as a big brother or a relative.

When Feng Xiao left, Feng Qinqin had just taken a lunch break.

Looking at his sister who was sleepy and heartless, Feng Xiao had no choice but to drag Bo Zhongye out of the ward in a rage.

"What's the matter?"

Wouldn't it be good to let her have a good pregnancy? It's enough to be sent to the hospital.

Bo Zhongye closed his eyes, looking into the ward from time to time.

It is estimated that the little girl will not wake up until 03:30.

"Brother, I haven't had time to tell you, it's because my sister is not sensible."

Of course Feng Xiao knew what was going on, and he didn't mean to blame Bo Qingqing, but if Qinqin had something to say to him.

"You guys call me big brother, I don't think you think of me as a big brother. If you don't tell me next time and let me know from others, I won't come!"

This time, he was going to be pissed off.

Hearing this, Bo Zhongye was also a little embarrassed, he forgot about it, besides, Qinqin will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, so there is really no need to tell everyone.

"Everything, I don't even know that my sister has been hospitalized since she was discharged from the hospital. What do you want my brother to do? Don't ask for it!"

Feng Xiao didn't like to listen to Bo Zhongye's words.

"Brother, it's our fault. We will tell you if something happens to Qinqin in the future. I was not at home when she had an accident yesterday. I was worried about her when I came back. I didn't consider many things thoughtfully enough, and I definitely won't in the future."

Bo Zhongye's attitude was so good that Feng Xiao didn't know how to lose his temper when he wanted to.

Speaking of it, he really has face, if it were someone else, Bo Zhongye wouldn't even bother.

"You said Qinqin will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, did the doctor say it's okay?"

Bo Zhongye nodded. He was originally discharged from the hospital the day after tomorrow. Qinqin said he didn't like it here and wanted to leave today, but he didn't feel at ease, so the two took a step back and were discharged tomorrow.

"That's right. Qinqin's temperament is not suitable for staying here. It's better to go back to cultivate. You'd better travel less in the future. Let's talk about it after she gives birth."

Feng Xiao waited here until his sister woke up, by then, it was already four o'clock.

Feng Xiao didn't even know that his sister could sleep like this.

"Finally woke up, I thought I was going to wait until dark."

This girl slept so soundly, she wanted to sleep sitting next to her.

Feng Qinqin opened her eyes in a daze, and saw her brother. She rubbed her eyes and called out to her brother, her voice was still hoarse as when she just woke up.

Feng Xiao laughed, this girl took her lunch break as sleep at night, she looked like it was just dawn.

If he hadn't been with her until she woke up, I would have thought it was morning.

I don't know where my sister got her luck. She spends her days in a honeypot. Her face is flushed. It's clear that Bo Zhongye has taken good care of her and she hasn't suffered any grievances.

Hearing the elder brother's joke, Feng Qinqin sat up and answered seriously.

"No brother, you won't wait until night, because I have dinner at six o'clock."

Feng Xiao was speechless, but she had the nerve to answer.

"It's four o'clock, are you still sleeping at night?"

Now that she sleeps so much, she must not be able to sleep at night, and Bo Zhongye doesn't care about her, just let her be like this?
Feng Qinqin still looked like he was not awake, and muttered.

"Sleep, I'll be asleep at 09:30."

Feng Xiao: "..."

Is she a pig?

Feng Xiao didn't know that pregnant women were sleepy, but he thought that his younger sister was also too sleepy. Did she eat and sleep every day?

"Where's my husband?"

After Feng Qinqin came back to her senses, she realized that there were only her and her elder brother in the ward. Where did his Mr. Bo go?
Bo Zhongye answered the phone and said that the company needed him to deal with something. He had been here for a few days and could spend the afternoon with Qinqin, so he let Bo Zhongye go back to work.

"I'll be back at five."

Hearing this, Feng Qinqin let out a cry.

Feng Xiao felt that it was not good for her to stay in the ward like this, so he simply took her out for a walk.

When the two came to the courtyard of the hospital, Feng Qinqin looked up at the setting sun that was about to set, and now the sun was setting faster and faster.

Thinking of Niu Fang's confession with him, Feng Xiao turned his face to look at his sister, and said with a half-smile.

"Qinqin, did you already know that Fangfang likes me?"

Not only that, he even felt that Fangfang would confess to her because her younger sister encouraged her to do it. Otherwise, with Fangfang's personality, it would be impossible to confess to him so quickly, at least she would wait for half a year or just say nothing of.

Hearing what elder brother said, Feng Qinqin's eyes lit up.

"Brother, you've become enlightened, and finally you can see that Fangfang likes you?"

Feng Xiao: "..."

Isn't he very enlightened, and he finally realized that he and Fangfang haven't known each other for long, okay?

Looking into the eyes of big brother Feng Qinqin knew what he was thinking.

"Brother, you should get along with girls more, so that you can understand the girl's mind." Feng Qinqin glanced at him, and the hatred in his eyes was obvious, "Brother, you always ask me , why Fangfang avoids you, do you know now?"

Presumably Fangfang has already confessed to her elder brother, otherwise, with her character that doesn't understand women's hearts, she wouldn't know it.

Feng Xiao really knew why Fangfang avoided him.

"You know why you didn't tell me?"

This girl is just watching a joke?

Feng Qinqin shrugged, with an expression of indifference.

"Why should I tell you?"

I can't see it, who is to blame?

Feng Xiao glared at her, so instead of telling him, he secretly encouraged Fang Fang to confess to him?

"Brother, tell me, do you have any thoughts about Fangfang?"

If there is, then I can't let the eldest brother get along with other girls anymore, it's good like this, Fangfang is so blessed.

However, if it's really boring, she has to introduce a girlfriend to her eldest brother, she can't just stay single like this forever.

Have an idea?
Feng Xiao thinks about it, he can't say no, it's just that he doesn't know if this feeling is what they call love.

When Fangfang confessed to him, he didn't reject him, but he was a little excited. All along, he was kind to Fangfang because of Qinqin's entrustment. Later, he felt that Fangfang was very strong and sensible, and he knew that he wanted to be her elder brother. She shares responsibility and knows what she wants.

Many people may think that she loves money very much, but even so, so what, she did not use improper means to obtain it, but the environment in which she lives is like this.

Maybe she doesn't look like a lady like Qinqin and Qingqing, but she has the strength that many girls don't have. Over time, his care for her is no longer because of Qinqin, but because he really loves her and just wants to Be nice to her.

So he didn't know what it was, but it was definitely not sympathy, because Fangfang didn't need sympathy at all.

It's not good for him to say these things to Qinqin, but to talk about it later.

Seeing that elder brother had this attitude, Feng Qinqin had an answer in his heart.

This means that she has an idea. Based on her understanding of her eldest brother, if she has no idea, she must reject it directly.

That's fine, let them get along well in the future.

"Brother, you can't be too close to other girls in the future, especially that Chen Meimei, what kind of girl, just hearing this name makes me feel goosebumps all over my body."

As she said that, Feng Qinqin wrapped her arms around her arms in a very cooperative manner, and shivered.

Seeing his sister's exaggerated reaction, Feng Xiao shook his head and remained silent.

When Bo Zhongye came back from work, Feng Xiao left.

In the evening, Dr. Xu gave her a detailed examination. After confirming that she was fine, she could go back tomorrow.

Bo Zhongye carried her back to the ward, took care of her lying on the bed, leaned over and kissed her on the forehead.

"You wait for me first, I will come as soon as I go."

Feng Qinqin immediately grabbed his arm and asked.

"Why are you going?"

It's time to rest.

Bo Zhongye sat down beside her and said.

"I'll ask the doctor what is better for you to eat when you go back."

Feng Qinqin let out an oh, and put down his arm. After this time, it seemed that she was clinging to him more and more. If he wasn't by her side for a while, he wouldn't feel at ease.

No wonder he said she looks like a child, she can't leave him at this moment, isn't she just a child?

Bo Zhongye went back to the duty room, because of Feng Qinqin's hospitalization, Dr. Xu had to be on duty these days.

Seeing Bo Zhongye go and come back, Doctor Xu wondered.

Hasn't she already said everything clearly?
"Mr. Bo, do you have anything else to do?"

Bo Zhongye sat down opposite her, his voice indifferent.

"Doctor Xu, my wife has been three months old, can she have sex now?"

Doctor Xu: "..."

Young Master Bo, you deliberately sent your wife away and came back again because of this, that appearance, that tone, and the seriousness of it. How can you wait for it?

Thinking of the first time Feng Qinqin came to check, it was because of too many sexual intercourses, and after only three months, he started to ask about it.

"Mr. Bo, if there is no fetal movement this time, it will definitely be possible, but your wife's fetus has just stabilized now, and it will take at least half a month before it will be ready."

Hearing this, Bo Zhongye wanted to beat Qingqing to death, ruthlessly.

After returning from the duty room, Bo Zhongye's face turned dark.

Her younger sister would really cause him trouble, it seems that he needs to cause a little trouble for her and Yi Zuo to relieve his anger.

Back in the ward, went to the bathroom to take a shower and put on a towel.

Seeing his complexion, Feng Qinqin's heart sank.

What's the matter, how come I found Dr. Xu once and came back like this.

When he lay down, the other side of the big bed moved, and Feng Qinqin slid into his arms.

The girl looked up, frowning at her.

"What's wrong with you, did Dr. Xu tell you something?"

It couldn't be that there was something wrong with the baby, Dr. Xu didn't dare to tell her face to face and then asked Bo Zhongye to go back and talk to him, right?

Bo Zhongye hugged her tightly, lowered his head and kissed her tender little mouth.

"You did say it."

Feng Qinqin is in a hurry, can this guy stop always kissing her to solve the problem.

Bo Zhongye sighed and said.

"It's nothing, I just asked the doctor about intercourse."

Feng Qinqin: "?!"

What is this!

Him, why did he ask these questions? !
After struggling with her for a long time and worrying for a long time, it turned out that this was the reason for his sad face.

I really want to kill him!

"You, can you stop doing something embarrassing?"

If he did it, he did it. Don't pull her up too, okay?

It's going crazy.

Unexpectedly, her man raised his brows, not aware of any embarrassment at all.

"Is there anything wrong? Confucius said that food is also sex!"

Feng Qinqin: "..."

If you want to do bad things, you just want to do bad things, and even brought Confucius here to reason with her, which is also drunk.

"Then you asked if there was a result?"

Seeing his unhappy appearance, Feng Qinqin knew that it must not be a good result. It is no wonder that the doctor would agree to her when she came here because of her fetal gas.


"What do you think?" Bo Zhongye asked angrily, "Go home and see how I clean up gently, and even climb into your bed to sleep. Only I can sleep in your bed!"

 Gentle: I'm going to run away!

(End of this chapter)

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