Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 358 Can you close the chapter just now?

Chapter 358 Can You Take Back What You Just Said? (2 more)
Hearing that her family, Bo Zhongye, was extremely serious and really wanted to go back and beat her up lightly, Feng Qinqin was really speechless.

It was really sex that made him lose his heart, and he didn't even recognize his own sister, whom he loved all the time.

However, if you want to come to this period of time, you really suffocated him, right?
It was only over 20 days when she found out that she was pregnant, and she hadn't had sex for two months. It was a great torture for him, a man who usually only wants to get rid of her when she comes to her aunt.

She still remembered that before he went on a business trip, he told her that he could do it after he came back. As a result, he encountered such a thing as soon as he came back. Well, it will take a while. It seems normal for him to feel aggrieved.

Thinking of this, Feng Qinqin couldn't help laughing.

Hearing her gloating voice, Bo Zhongye's face darkened completely.

Before the man got angry, Feng Qinqin hurriedly climbed onto his body, avoiding the contact between his stomach and him, and hugged his neck tightly with both hands, his face was close to him, like a kitten Rubbed on his face.

"Okay, don't be angry anymore. Qingqing didn't do it on purpose. She blamed herself very much. If you train her again, do you want her to live?"

Unwilling to be reconciled, Bo Zhongye cupped her face with both hands and kissed her fiercely.

Since you can't do it, you have to get through your mouth addiction.

The lips kissed by him were numb, and the small tongue danced with his long tongue in the mouth. For a moment, the chest was full of his breath.

It wasn't until the girl was almost out of breath that Bo Zhongye let her go, and after letting her go, he bit her little mouth that was red and swollen from his kiss.

Feng Qinqin covered her mouth with her painful little hands, and looked at him angrily.

"I kissed you all, and you still bit me!"

Sure enough, men are not satisfied in this respect.

Bo Zhongye chuckled and hugged her arm tightly.

"Just a kiss is enough, don't you know how hard I endured it?"

Of course she knew, if it wasn't for knowing, she wouldn't have indulged him so much.

"Okay, I see, how about I help you?"

It's true that it's been too long, and she doesn't want him to endure too hard.

That's only her helping him. '

"OK then."

Bo Zhongye reluctantly responded.

Feng Qinqin looked up at him, and looked at him carefully. She just wanted to see how shameless this man was. She helped him, but he acted like he was just helping him.
"Then what will help me, I decide."

Feng Qinqin was speechless again.

"Can I take back what I just said?"

Bo Zhongye: "I can't."

When she didn't say it.

The next morning, Feng Qinqin woke up feeling like her lips were going to be split.

Feng Qinqin sat up, thinking about what happened yesterday, her face blushed.

This stinky man knew how to bully her, and he would never let it go when he got the chance.

Those who don't know think she hasn't let him have sex for how many years?
After getting dressed, she went to the bathroom to wash up, and when she came out, she saw that Mr. Bo had bought breakfast and came back.

Bo Zhongye put the breakfast on the table, walked over and bent down to pick her up.

He carried the girl to the table, hugged her on his lap, and lowered his head to peck her little mouth.

"Mom said that I couldn't come here today because I had something to do, so I went out and bought breakfast to see if it was delicious."

As he spoke, he took a steamed bun and handed it to her mouth. Feng Qinqin opened his mouth to hold it, and chewed it with his little mouth.

"Is it tasty?"

Feng Qinqin nodded.

Still delicious.

"Where did you buy it? It's delicious."

Bo Zhongye raised his hand to wipe off the corners of her mouth, and then reported the name of a breakfast restaurant.

"I asked a friend who knows a lot about food, but it's a bit far away from here. If you want to eat, I'll buy it for you tomorrow."

My friend said that this store is good, but there are too many people passing by, and the queue takes a long time, so he went there at five o'clock, and it took more than an hour in line to buy it.

Feng Qinqin didn't expect him to wait in line for such a long time. If it was used for work, he wondered how much money he would earn.

"Don't go alone in the future, let's go shopping together."

Feng Qinqin could even imagine the scene of him queuing up alone.

"Okay, eat more if it tastes good."

He said so, but he would not let her go shopping with him so early, but it is very reliable to let Le Yuan go.

After returning from the hospital, Feng Qinqin and Bo Zhongye discussed preparing a baby room for the baby.

"Husband, you see that the baby's gifts are almost filling up the whole room, let's find time to decorate a baby room."

Bo Zhongye looked at the things in the room, and the gifts brought by Qingqing and Feng Xiao could fill a room.

Looks really worried.

"The baby room is simple, even if we don't know whether it is a girl or a boy, what should we do if the arrangement is wrong?"

Why don't you ask the doctor if it's a boy or a girl in a month and then arrange it.

"No," Feng Qinqin retorted, "Let's not ask, and keep a little bit of mystery."

If it's twins, then ask, but if it's a baby, don't ask.

As for the baby room, let's arrange two.

The girl raised her head and wrapped her arms around his waist, wrapping her whole body around his body.

"We will have children in the future. I figured it out. We need at least four children, um, or five children. Therefore, two baby rooms are not redundant at all."

The girl's eyes were bright, and she didn't mean to be joking at all.

Bo Zhongye was frightened by her thoughts.

Four or five children?
This girl really dares to think.

"Do you think it's so easy to have a baby without fear of pain?"

Feng Qinqin's face turned pale, and he raised his hand to beat her on the back.

"Why do you say that, I was already very scared."

This man is really, how much courage did she muster to have such an idea.

Bo Zhongye patted her head helplessly and said.

"Don't think so, give birth if you want to, don't give birth if you don't want to, there's no need to set goals for yourself, if you want, just one."

He married her just to be nice to her, not to make her have a hard time having a baby.

"No," Feng Qinqin shook his head, "I just want to give birth, I want many, many babies, think about five babies, who look like us, running in the yard, how enviable the scene is .”

That's what Feng Qinqin thought. She was not the kind of girl who didn't want children.

Well, Bo Zhongye didn't talk to her about it anymore, he just thought it was quite interesting, men want their wives to have children and their wives don't want to have children, but here he does the opposite.

"Okay, I'll find someone to arrange it this afternoon."

As soon as the words finished, Feng Qinqin stretched out her index finger and shook it.

"No, no, no, we have to clean up by ourselves, so that the baby can feel our love for him."

Hearing this, Bo Zhongye burst out laughing.

How do you feel about the big kid who hasn't formed yet?

But he would still listen to her.

"Why can't I feel it? Doctor Xu said that the fetus will start to move in four or five months. Besides, I tell stories to the baby every day. He is very clever."

After speaking, Feng Qinqin touched his stomach and said proudly to him.

On the matter of the baby, Bo Zhongye had never spoken well of her.

"Okay, when you wake up from your lunch break in the afternoon, we will find two rooms next to our bedroom to clean up."


Because of Qinqin's fetal gas, everyone in the Bo family paid close attention to her safety. Taking advantage of her break at noon, Bo Songyuan called the staff and changed the carpet at home to a non-slip red one. blanket.

When Feng Qinqin woke up, the ground was all red.

Seeing this posture, Feng Qinqin frowned.

This posture is too big.

Also changed the carpet.

"Husband, did you ask me to change it?"

She turned her face to look at the man beside her, who shook her head.

That's not what he meant.

It must have been changed by my mother.

The two went downstairs and sat down next to several parents.

It was a long time since Bo Bingzhong and Zhang Xiulan saw that their children could stay with them at home.

"It's better to marry a daughter-in-law. Before this, when will Xiao Ye stay with us old men and old women at home?"

Feng Qinqin was a little embarrassed by what grandma said.

"Grandma, look at you. When I didn't go to my daughter-in-law, you forced me to marry a daughter-in-law. Now that I have a granddaughter-in-law, you are jealous of your granddaughter-in-law again."

Feng Qinqin bumped him with her elbow, cast a glance at him, and said in a low voice.

"What did you say?"

 Emmmmm, Qianqian remembered that there were still several couples of beautiful wives from a wealthy family that hadn't been consummated yet. Qianqian decided to wait for this book to be completely finished, and there will be more episodes about beautiful wives.

  Qianqian took a look, there were three teams in total.

  1. Shangguan Yi & Xu Xiaoxiao

  2. Gu Hao & Nao Nao
  3. Meng Haiye and Ouyang Nai.

  I don’t know if the babies who have watched Meijiao Wife want to watch it, if they want to watch it, Qianqian will consider writing it, and leave a message for the CP you want to see, Qianqian will see how many people want to watch, hahaha, there will be no ?
(End of this chapter)

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