Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 360 Are you going to marry her?

Chapter 360 Are you going to marry her? (2 more)
After Feng Xiao came in, he said "Dad, I'm back" and planned to go upstairs to rest. He really had nothing to say to his father.

"Ah Xiao, come and sit down."

Feng Wenjun stopped him.

Feng Xiao paused, turned his head to look at his father, then walked over and sat down on the sofa next to him.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?"

The voice is like a stranger, and now it's more like a subordinate relationship at work.

"How is your job going?"


Isn't that the same thing at work? He was assigned such a special assistant, and there was no one in the company to help him. He was the one who struggled alone.

"How are you getting along with the daughter of the Chen family? We need to confirm the cooperation as soon as possible. We will start work after the year. I will give you two weeks to get the cooperation project. Don't delay our work after the year. .”

Feng Xiao didn't answer right away, he had already decided to give up on this cooperation, and he had already started preparing for the development of the game.

It's just that he can't tell his father about this idea. If his father wants to test him or deliberately doesn't want him to succeed, he will probably suppress him because of this. Therefore, he can't reveal too much before the matter is confirmed.

"Dad, I'm still trying to cooperate with her, let's talk about it in two weeks."

Recently, I haven't learned much about business, but I have learned a lot about deceiving people.

But I think these little tricks of his will be seen through in front of his father.

Of course Feng Wenjun could see it, but he just didn't want to expose him.

"Okay, I look forward to your good news."

"Dad, I want to recruit a special assistant. I have asked the HR department to send out the recruitment information. I will personally select it tomorrow. I hope you can agree."

Feng Wenjun frowned.

"You want to recruit an assistant? Don't you have an assistant? Are you not satisfied?"

Of course Feng Wenjun knew that the assistant he sent was inexperienced, he just wanted to see how capable Feng Xiao was.

He had already expected that Feng Xiao would recruit an assistant, but he didn't expect to wait until now. Could it be that there is a specific person?
Or was it Bo Zhongye who arranged for him?

However, the possibility of the former is relatively high. According to Feng Xiao's personality, he would not bother Bo Zhongye.

Seeing his father's innocent look, Feng Xiao wanted to laugh.

He didn't know how his father did it. Perhaps after staying in this position for a long time, he would gradually become such a person, including him.

"Dad, of course I'm satisfied with the assistant you found for me, but she's still too young after all, she has a lot of things to do, and it's inappropriate to work overtime, so I want to find a male assistant, so that I can use it more comfortably."

Hearing his son's words, Feng Wenjun raised his eyebrows unexpectedly. He really didn't expect that A Xiao had learned so much experience in dealing with things in just these few days, and what he said was irrefutable.

"Okay, it's just an assistant, come here at your convenience."

But looking at his son like this, Feng Wenjun really wanted to laugh.

He really didn't like talking to girls as before, it's just that a female assistant made him so uncomfortable, but this reminded him of the girl who came with Ah Xiao that day.

He had forgotten about it.

"Ah Xiao, is the girl who came with you last time still in touch?"

That girl knew right away that she wasn't Miss Qianjin, Feng Xiao would marry a famous lady in the future, not an ordinary person could marry Ah Xiao.

"Dad, what do you want to say?"

Feng Wenjun didn't speak.

"Are you trying to ask me what I think of that girl?"

Feng Xiao knew that the matter between him and Niu Fang would not be hidden for too long, he didn't want to tell his father, but if he didn't, his father would definitely find out about Fangfang.

"Dad, was my mother a lady when she was young?"

Feng Wenjun narrowed his eyes and looked at him, not understanding what he meant by asking this question.

But he knew that the mother he was talking about was Liu Ping.

"Since you are not a lady of the family, you also married her, and I believe that even now, in front of the supreme power and your mother, you would still choose the latter, wouldn't you?"

Feng Xiao knew that his father didn't care about anyone in his life, he only cared about his mother.

Feng Wenjun was stopped by his question, and now he knew what his son meant when he asked him.

"You like her, you want to marry her?"

Feng Xiao shook his head.

"I don't know either. I just want to tell you that I won't marry someone I don't like for the sake of my family's career, and I don't want you, father, to make things difficult for her."

The relationship between him and Niu Fang is not what he thought, and Niu Fang is also helpless. If her father takes action against her, then she really has no power to resist.

Feng Wenjun smiled and understood.

"Okay, don't worry, I won't trouble her, and I won't force you, but I still hope that you can try to communicate with Bo Qingwei."

"Dad, didn't I tell you that Wei Wei and Yi Zuo are dating, do you think I can get in?"

Even if he could get in, he wouldn't go. He didn't want to break up other people's marriage.

Yi Zuo?

He didn't think Bo Qingwei and Yi Zuo would go on, they were both spoiled by their families, so they wouldn't take care of each other.

(End of this chapter)

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