Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 361 From Feng Qinqin's Waiter

Chapter 361 From Feng Qinqin's Waiter (1 more)
Feng Wenjun still felt that he could fight for it.

"Try it, you have to know that as long as you are with Bo Qingqing, the Bo family will definitely not treat you badly."

In the Bo family, there is only one girl, Bo Qingwei, who usually treats her like a baby. Many people know this.

Feng Xiao simply didn't want to talk to his father.

"Dad, you only want me to get close to Qingqing now, so have you ever thought about how the Bo family and Yi family will think of me?" Then, Feng Xiao said again,

"Aren't you afraid that they will take the opportunity to suppress our company?"

Now Qinqin has nothing to do with their Feng family, and they don't need to worry about Qinqin's face at all.

This sentence successfully dispelled Feng Wenjun's inner thoughts, A Xiao was right, it was a dangerous move.

"Dad, Qinqin and I still have a tinge of affection, no matter what, Bo Zhongye will not help me, but if I listen to you and step in with Bo Qingqing and Yizuo, do you think Qinqin will still have a sympathy for me?" Well, I have also considered it, Dad, you can think about what is good for us. "

What Feng Xiao said made sense, and Feng Wenjun couldn't refute it.

Feng Xiao also wanted to use this idea to completely dispel his father's thoughts.

"And, Dad, you don't know that, the girl I brought back that day is Qinqin's best friend, a very good friend, if I'm with her, do you think Qinqin will treat me badly?"

Feng Xiao had forgotten this before, as long as Fangfang was Qinqin's friend, his father would not do anything to her. Father was still very afraid of Qinqin, and he would not take the initiative to provoke Bo Zhongye.

Sure enough, Feng Wenjun raised his eyebrows when he heard this.


If that's the case, he's fine with it.

Feng Xiao knew that his father's reaction was like this, and he sneered in his heart, and he also started to become like this.

Learned to calculate, learned to lie.

If it weren't for what he thought in his heart, he would almost believe what he said.

"Dad, don't worry about this matter, just leave it to me, please trust me, I can take care of the company."

He believes that he has this ability, but it will take a while.

Feng Wenjun nodded.

"Okay, you can just watch over the matter of recruiting assistants, I won't interfere."

Feng Xiao got up, thanked him, said good night, and went upstairs.

After Feng Xiao left, Feng Wenjun took out his mobile phone and made a call, ordered him to investigate a person, then hung up.

If what the son said was true, then of course he had no objection.

At the same time, the Bo family compound.

After dinner, Bo Zhongye and his wife went back to the bedroom. While her Mr. Bo was taking a shower, Feng Qinqin sat cross-legged on the big bed, and tapped her chin with her little hand.

How can Bo Zhongye agree to let her work in Zhuoyuan's sales department?

Now all she can go to is her family Mr. Bo's company. She can't go to both Feng's and Lin's. Her identity is too embarrassing. If she goes to another place for a day, her family's Mr. Bo will definitely know and arrest her personally. That would be ugly.

So after thinking about it, she can only go to Zhuoyuan. In this way, her family Mr. Bo can also go to work. I believe that under his nose, he will not refuse, right?
When Bo Zhongye came out of the bathroom, he saw his little wife sitting in the middle of the bed with her head bowed, her legs crossed, looking like a young monk who had to chant scriptures when she didn't want to.

He walked over, stood in front of the bed and didn't leave to go to bed, but wiped his body clean, making sure there were no water drops before going over.

Sensing someone coming, Feng Qinqin knew that her family, Mr. Bo, was back.

The girl raised her head and looked at the man with a smile on her face.

"Honey, let me blow-dry your hair."

As he said, he bent his legs and was about to get out of bed. Before Bo Zhongye realized why his little wife was so enthusiastic today, he saw that the little girl had come over with a hair dryer.

"Honey, sit down, and I'll blow dry your hair."

Saying that, Feng Qinqin took Bo Zhongye's arm and made him sit by the bed. Just as he was about to turn on the hair dryer, he was controlled by the man's big hand.

Afterwards, the water fan in his hand was taken away and placed on the bedside table, and Mr. Bo hugged her body and sat on his lap.

Bo Zhongye put his hands around her waist, looked up at her face.

"Why are you so enthusiastic today?"

The little girl has never blown his hair before, but he already felt very happy doing his laundry some time ago, why is that today?

Feng Qinqin pouted, trying her best to hide her guilty conscience.

"Can't I blow my husband's hair? If not, then I won't do it."

After finishing speaking, she turned her head away pretending to be angry so as not to look at him.

Seeing the girl's arrogant and lively appearance, he held her face in both hands, leaned in front of him, bowed his head and kissed the corner of her lips.

"I'm sorry that you will be tired. It's just a blow-drying. I can do it myself."

Not to mention that he didn't want her to do things when she was not pregnant, not to mention that she is pregnant and has just returned from the hospital, so he can't make her work hard.

The corner of the girl's mouth that was successfully smoothed out into a smile.

"It's okay, my mother said it all, I'm too bad for you, as a wife, I can't even take care of my husband, so I have to learn to take care of you."

It is true to ask him to do something, but this sentence is not false.

Thinking about what her mother said to her, she really seldom did anything for her family, Mr. Bo.

He only washed his clothes once, and he packed his things by himself when he was on a business trip. Feng Qinqin felt that Bo Zhongye might have returned from a troublesome marriage.

Therefore, no matter what the purpose is in the future, she should learn to take care of her man, and she cannot and only let him take care of her. Such an unbalanced love is not acceptable.

Amused by her slightly immature words, Bo Zhongye kissed her eyebrows and asked each time she kissed.

"What do you want to do to me, baby, just blow your hair?"

He doesn't need this girl to take care of him, she was still a child, ten years younger than him, and now she has given him a child, so he should be more tolerant.

"Then I can do other things too. I'm already washing your clothes. I'll wash all your clothes in the future, okay?"

As she said that, Feng Qinqin kissed him on the side of his cheek without restraint.

"Husband, do you think I am very obedient?"

Bo Zhongye: "..."

The little wife must have something to do, otherwise she wouldn't do this with her usual personality.

"Okay, then you can help me dry my hair."

Of course he would cooperate if the little wife wanted to do this. He sat down properly, picked up the hair dryer and handed it to her.

Feng Qinqin started to blow his hair as if he had found a treasure.

However, Bo Zhongye found out that he had done something wrong. Was this girl blowing his hair or torturing him?

The girl's slender fingertips ran through his hair, those fingers were incredibly soft, directly hitting the softest part of his heart.

The man's hair is relatively short, and the girl's hands are more dexterous, so Feng Qinqin was able to blow it up for him in a short while.

Finally, Feng Qinqin stroked his hair for him, looked down at him face to face, and then said with satisfaction.

"Well, well, it's handsome!"

Putting the hair dryer back, Feng Qinqin walked over, and as soon as he got to the bed, his body was pulled into his arms by Bo Zhongye.

Being imprisoned, Feng Qinqin was not pretentious, wrapped his arms around his neck, and pressed his face against his chest.

"Honey, look at how obedient I am, promise me one request."

Bo Zhongye knew something was wrong with this girl.

But he wanted to see what made her take it so seriously.

"Let's listen first, and I'll see if I can promise you."

At this time, he couldn't promise her casually.

Feng Qinqin pursed her lips, knowing that it would not be so easy.

I believe he won't readily agree when she speaks out.

"Honey, I want to go to work with you."

Hearing this, Bo Zhongye raised his eyebrows, what the hell is this girl thinking.

"I'm not going to work now, I'm staying with you at home."

"You, a big man, will be ridiculed at home all day long! Also, am I not with you?"

Feng Qinqin continued.

"Who dares to laugh at me, unless it is not wanting to live."

Bo Zhongye rolled her eyes and said angrily.

"But I want to go!"

The girl has a strong attitude.

Mom has already designed the clothes, and she is waiting for the manufacturers to make them before they can be sold. But this time is different from the past. This is my mother's hard work. She wants to maximize the effect of these clothes.

Therefore, she must go to the company to work and study.


(End of this chapter)

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