Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 362 Promise to go to the company

Chapter 362 Promise to go to the company (2 more)
Seeing the girl's posture of insisting on going, Bo Zhongye narrowed his eyes and looked at her.

"Tell me the truth, what are you going to do in the company?"

Bao Zhongye's piercing eyes made Feng Qinqin feel guilty.

Feng Qinqin blinked her eyebrows and answered in a low voice.

"I, I don't want to do anything."

She is also cowardly enough, and he was frightened by him with just one look.

"Huh? Didn't want to do anything? Then why did you insist on going to the company with me?"

Feng Qinqin bit her lip and said.

"I, I just want to study in the sales department."

She really couldn't stand his eyes, and she had already revealed her purpose in just a few words.

Hearing this, Bo Zhongye frowned.

Why are you going to the sales department?

"Mom, hasn't she already designed all the clothes? I thought it would take a month at most. Mom's design is naturally her painstaking effort. I can't use my half-assed sales ability, which will drag my mother down." .”

Now that her mother has already designed it for her, she must maximize the costumes to the extreme.

After hearing what she said, Bo Zhongye understood what she meant.

But this is not something that can be learned in a month or two.

"You don't need to learn, just leave this matter to me, I will arrange professionals to go there, publicity, sales, and all aspects will definitely do a good job."

People in his company can pull a sales department to do this very well.

She doesn't need to worry about it at all.

"I don't want to, I want to go by myself, how many times have I said that I can't always be under your protection, I have to learn to grow."

Bo Zhongye was helpless.

I knew this girl was not easy to deal with.

"You want to do it yourself. Didn't I let you do it alone? Didn't I stop you when you said you wanted to open a branch?"

This girl opened a branch as soon as she said she wanted to open it. When she found out, nothing was ready. It was really useless for him to be a husband.

"You have to let my husband play a little bit, otherwise what would you marry me for?"

Feng Qinqin puffed her cheeks, she couldn't beat him.This happens every time.

But she just wanted to go.

"I don't care. I'm going anyway. If you don't let me go, then I can only find my elder brother. It's the same when I go to Feng's. As long as you don't worry, you can do it yourself."

Anyway, she is definitely going to study, if he doesn't want to, then she can only go to Fengshi.

"Dare you, can you go to Feng's place?"

That old fox Feng Wenjun might not have done anything when he saw her gone.

"Then you promise me to let me go to your company. I promise I won't cause you any trouble. You can work in your office. It's good that we come back together when we get off work."

Bo Zhongye had a headache, so he raised his hand and knocked on her forehead.

"What are you talking about? Am I worried that you will cause me trouble?"

This girl really doesn't understand his thoughts, if she dislikes her for causing him trouble, she won't be with her anymore.

Ever since they got together, the little girl had caused her a lot of trouble, but he felt that the more trouble he had, the more useful he would be.

Feng Qinqin knew that she would not dislike her for causing trouble.

"I just want to learn, don't you be angry?"

Feng Qinqin hugged his neck fawningly and shook his body.

"I know what you are worried about. I will definitely not let myself get hurt. Besides, in your company, are you still worried that I will be bullied?"

Besides, with her personality, is she that soft-tempered who would be bullied at will?
Bo Zhongye didn't think so, Qinqin had never been in the workplace, she didn't know there was too much darkness in the workplace, her mind was clear, and she couldn't see through those people at all.

If he promised her now, she would say that she would not go in as his wife in a while.

This is absolutely impossible.

"It's fine if I promise you, but you have to promise me one condition."

Feng Qinqin blinked, as long as she was willing to let her go and serve him one more time, she would also be willing.

"I don't need you to wait on me. As long as you go in as Mrs. Bo, you are here to learn."

As soon as Mrs. Bo's identity is revealed, I believe that people in the company will not use tricks on her.

Feng Qinqin puffed her cheeks and looked at him without blinking.

"Does it really have to be like this?"

He blocked all her words, and she didn't know what to say.

Bo Zhongye nodded affirmatively, held her waist tightly, then reached his hand towards her lower abdomen, stroking her tenderly.

"If you promise me, I will promise you to go. If you don't agree, you will stay at home."

The girl bit her lip and finally nodded.

"Okay, then don't make a big show of it. It seems like I'm showing off. You don't understand women's jealousy."

The reason why she wanted to go as an ordinary person was because she didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble. Once a woman really became jealous, it would be terrible.

Bo Zhongye laughed.

"You already have the capital to make others jealous."

The girl grunted, raised her face and bit him on the chin.

"Mr. Bo, you are too narcissistic."

"Well, I also have the capital of narcissism."

Feng Qinqin was completely speechless.

The man didn't say any more, he picked her up and twirled, both of them fell on the bed, and Bo Zhongye picked up the quilt and covered her.

"Go to sleep." 
 It's updated today.

(End of this chapter)

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