Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 363 Wall Dong

Chapter 363 Wall Dong (1 more)
The next morning, when the four parents of the Bo family learned that Feng Qinqin was going to work in the company, they became very calm.

As men, Bo Bingzhong and Bo Songyuan couldn't say anything, but Zuo Yao and Zhang Xiulan had nothing to say.

"Qinqin, are you sure you want to go? It's not long since you were discharged from the hospital?"

Zuo Yao is not at ease, this time it is because of her daughter Qinqin that she was admitted to the hospital, she is already very sorry for Liu Ping, she can't let Qinqin have an accident again.

"That's right, girl Qinqin, look, you can learn this sales knowledge anytime, and you can go to the company to learn after the child is born, okay?"

Zhang Xiulan and Qingqing are used to being gentle and pampered when they speak, and talking to their granddaughter-in-law is even more like coaxing a child.

Listening to her mother-in-law and grandma, Feng Qinqin couldn't say no, but she also wanted to go to the company to study.

"Mom, I'll take care of myself, I, I want to go."

The more the girl spoke, the lower her voice was, and she felt that she might not have a chance.

This was the chance she had a good talk with Bo Zhongye yesterday. After all the calculations, she forgot about the elders in the family.

Seeing his little wife's embarrassed expression, Bo Zhongye put his arms around her shoulders and said to his mother.

"Mom, grandma, since she wants to go, let her go. I will go with her. Don't worry."

Bo Zhongye also didn't want his little wife to be unhappy because of this.

Hearing this, Feng Qinqin secretly looked up at him, she really didn't expect that Bo Zhongye would speak for her, it was really strange.

Hearing what his son said, Bo Songyuan frowned, with a calm and forceful voice.

"Okay, just listen to Xiaoye, it's fine for Qinqin to go out for a walk."

Both her husband and son said so, Zuo Yao didn't stop her, but she still told her.

"When you're in the company, don't tire yourself too much, Xiao Ye. Don't give her too much work, and don't allow others to bully her. Do you know?"

Bo Zhongye nodded.

"Mom, don't worry, I won't stay in the company for too long, three months at most, and I won't go after the year."

She has no time after the next year, and there are still many things to do before graduation.

She believes that she will study well in these three months.

"It's okay, you will have a big belly after three months, and you will be busy graduating after the next year, so you will definitely not be able to come to work again."

Feng Qinqin nodded wildly.

She was already very happy to promise her to go.

"Well, Mom, don't worry."

After breakfast, Bo Zhongye took his little wife to the company.

On the way, Feng Qinqin turned to look at the man driving.

"Honey, you did a great job today!"

It's strange that he would stand on her side, standing on the same line with her, and the strange thing is that he is unwilling, but he still speaks for her.

Bo Zhongye glanced at her indifferently, and spoke slowly.

"I'm afraid you'll go back and cry again."

The little girl was holding on to hope. If she couldn't go, she didn't have to make trouble with him when she returned to the bedroom.

Feng Qinqin groaned twice and glared at him.

Really, if he still says such things, she won't praise him.

Thinking of something, Feng Qinqin looked at him again.

"By the way, have you told Le Yuan that I can go to work when I go?"

She is still very relieved that her husband is doing business.

"Well, Leyuan has already arranged for you. I'll take you to the sales department later."

The general manager of the sales department, Bai Zhongli, is a good salesman. In the future, the little girl can learn a lot of experience from him.

But no matter how much experience you have, you have to practice.

"You learn from him first, and he will try his best to teach you. After a month, he will find someone to sell our jewelry with you. You should study hard and try to learn it as soon as possible."

The sooner she learns, the sooner she can come back.

"Don't worry, I'm sure I can."

After a month is the time to see results.

After the two came to the company, Le Yuan was ready. Feng Qinqin accompanied Bo Zhongye and received the attention of many people along the way, which made Feng Qinqin feel embarrassed.

After finally walking into the exclusive elevator with Bo Zhongye, Feng Qinqin patted his chest.

"Husband, the eyes of your employees are so sharp."

Bo Zhongye raised his hand to touch her head, and smoothed her hair.

The little girl tied her long hair into a long ponytail today, revealing her slender neck, with her beautiful collarbone showing at the neckline. Bo Zhongye really felt that the little girl shouldn't dress up so beautifully.

Those men in the company didn't look at her like crazy.

"When you get to the department, you are not allowed to talk to other men, you know that!"

It made him uncomfortable to think of her talking to other people.

Feng Qinqin was yelled at by him inexplicably, and felt very unhappy.

"Why, you started talking about me before I arrived."

It's infuriating.

"Just do as I say, or I will take you home today."

Hearing his threat, Feng Qinqin pouted.

Hmph, don't talk if you don't say it, it makes her want to talk to other men.

Bo Zhongye took her directly to the sales department. As soon as they entered, Le Yuan, Bai Zhongli and the staff of the sales department stood in two rows, welcoming them.

"Welcome Madam President!"

Feng Qinqin was startled by the loud and orderly voice.

Was this pre-rehearsed?
Le Yuan came over and first bowed to Bo Zhongye, and then bowed to Feng Qinqin.

"President, Mrs. President, I have made arrangements, and my wife will work here from now on."

Feng Qinqin laughed dryly and said to Bo Zhongye.

"Then what, you go back."

He is here and everyone dare not speak.

This person has also been delivered, his face has been saved, and his goal has been achieved, so it's time to leave.

"No hurry, I will take you to see the office first."

If you don't see it, you won't worry after all.

As he spoke, he wrapped his arms around the girl's waist and was about to walk inside.

Feng Qinqin was extremely speechless, but she could only listen to his words and walk in with him.

The employees next to him were stunned when they saw the president's doting on his wife.

Who is this, such a good fortune, it's fine to marry their president, but also to marry a beautiful love, is this taking up all the good things in the world?
Just looking at the domineering one and the obedient one of the two is very harmonious, not to mention that both of them are prosperous and beautiful.

Some people are already jealous, but to a certain extent, the only thing left is envy.

After seeing her desk, Bo Zhongye was relieved.

"You've been to my office too. If you have anything to do, call me. If you can't get through, call Leyuan. Don't go up. I'll just come and see you."

Feng Qinqin felt that calluses were coming out of her ears.

Didn't you see the difference in everyone's eyes?
"You go first, everyone still has to work."

Feng Qinqin reached out to push him, but he half pushed her to the door. Bo Zhongye pressed her against the wall and leaned towards her.

Feng Qinqin: "..."

She blinked her eyelids, her voice trembling.

"You, what are you doing?"

Everyone is here, he doesn't want to kiss her, does he?

Le Yuan and the staff of the sales department heard the noise outside the door, how dare they go out, a few sharp-eyed people saw their movements from inside.

Mom, the legendary Bidong.

It's still the wall of their aloof president.

Even if the other party is not them, the heartbeat will continue to grow.

Ahhh, kiss me, kiss me now.

Aww, don't kiss anymore, my heart will break!

Bo Zhongye hugged the girl's waist, leaned over and kissed her small mouth.

"Okay, I'll go up first, and I'll come pick you up for lunch at noon."

Feng Qinqin covered her mouth with her hand and glared at him. Bo Zhongye smiled, then turned and left.

After Bo Zhongye left, Feng Qinqin patted her hot cheeks and walked back to the office.

Seeing her coming back, Le Yuan said a few more words to her before going back, and when he left, he glanced at Bai Zhongli, who nodded slightly to show that he understood.

Both Le Yuan and Bo Zhongye left, Feng Qinqin was a little embarrassed, she wanted to be an airborne staff silently, but in the end, the airborne was just an airborne, and she was so high-profile.

"Hello, Manager Bai, my name is Feng Qinqin."

Bai Zhongli responded quickly.

"Madam, these are the staff of our department."

After speaking, Feng Qinqin nodded to everyone and said with a smile.

"Hello, take care of me in the future."

Seeing her acting so unassuming, everyone has a different idea.

 Recommendation: "Hidden Marriage and Sweet Love: Husband V587" text/voiceless music
  Double betrayal by her husband and best friend, Su Guanqing met Qin Shaochen while her heart was broken.

  Qin Shaochen said: "Marry me, and Qin Hao will respectfully call you sister-in-law in the future!"

  The 32-year-old Qin Shaochen is a man of the hour in Ancheng, with a ruthless appearance, ruthless wrists, especially protecting his weaknesses, and most importantly, he is not close to women.

  I thought they were married by agreement.

  When this man pressed her down one night, Su Guanqing's brain short-circuited.

  "Mr. Qin, we agreed to get married by agreement."

  "There is nothing in the agreement that says that the husband and wife obligations cannot be fulfilled."

  Su Guanqing, "..."

  Su Guanqing always thought that she took advantage of a man like Qin Shaochen, but she didn't know that she had become the man's pocket three years ago.His love for her shocked everyone's jaws and blinded the eyes of scumbags. From then on, everyone in Ancheng knew that Qin Shaochen had a treasure in his palm.


(End of this chapter)

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