Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 364 Official Work

Chapter 364 Official Work (2 more)
In her position, being so humble is already very good.

But who knows if this is true.

A person like her who can marry their president without status must not be a simple person.

At the very least, there must be a kung fu of being charming.

This kind of person is also very good at acting.

However, Bai Zhongli is still very accurate in judging people, but I don't know how the CEO likes such a somewhat innocent girl.

The president has always been very powerful in his mind, and he has always believed that even if the president's future wife is not the daughter of a family, she will be someone who can help him in his work.

However, some time ago, the president publicly announced in front of all the dignified people in Tongcheng that his future wife, the head of the Bo family, was the girl in front of her who seemed to understand nothing.

It's true that Feng Qinqin is beautiful, but this beauty can't be eaten as food, right?
With such a large family business as the Bo family, the president will always be tired when he is alone. If he is just greedy for something new for a while, he doesn't know what will happen after a long time.

However, looking at the way the two got along just now, Bai Zhongli rejected his previous thoughts.

The girl in front of him may seem a little innocent, but she is not a weak master, nor is she an ignorant girl. At least from her demeanor, he can see that she is humble yet elegant, with a sense of humility. Natural aristocratic temperament.

Must not be an ordinary person.

"Madam, during this time, I will spend as much time as possible to teach you about sales. You can also communicate with some employees in our department."

As he spoke, Bai Zhongli pointed to two of them and said.

"Ma'am, this is Huayan, Anxi, and Zhang Jihui. If you don't understand something and I'm not here, you can ask them."

These three are the most qualified and experienced in their department.

Feng Qinqin looked at them, nodded slightly, and smiled.


"Hello madam, my name is Huayan."

One of the girls had a bright smile on her face, and she really had the face of a flower just like her name.

Feng Qinqin had a pretty good impression of this girl, so she had no choice but to blame her for being a face-controller, and she just couldn't help but want to talk to people who were good-looking.


Zhang Jihui and Anxi on the side also introduced, but the latter looked at Feng Qinqin a few more times during the introduction.

She really couldn't see what was so good about the girl in front of her that she would be favored by the CEO.

After everyone got to know each other, Feng Qinqin was dragged away by Huayan.

"Ma'am, our desks are next to each other."

Feng Qinqin followed her to sit on the chair beside the desk, and then she carefully looked at the layout of the office.

She hadn't come to work before, and it was the first time she came into contact with the place where the employees worked. Although it was not as grand as her husband's office, it was still very good.

"Huayan, are there so many people in each department?"

She always thought that there were only four or five people, but there must be more than a dozen people here.

Huayan nodded and said in a low voice.

"A lot of people are powerful, besides, the president is not bad for our salary."

Feng Qinqin's voice wasn't loud just now, but it wasn't too low. When she noticed that Huayan lowered her voice, Feng Qinqin didn't dare to speak loudly.

She looked at Huayan and felt that she was only 20 years old like her. Shouldn't she be studying in university like her at this time?

"Huayan, how old are you, why do I think you are so small."

Isn't it amazing to become a gold medal seller at this age?

Hearing this, Huayan pursed her lips and smiled, and when she smiled, there were two pear-shaped dimples on both sides of her cheeks, which were very pretty, Feng Qinqin wanted to see it more and more.

I don't know if such a beautiful girl has a boyfriend.

Huayan scratched her head in embarrassment, naturally she knew what she meant.

"Ma'am, I'm only 19 years old, do you think it's incredible that I became a gold medal salesman at such a young age?"

Feng Qinqin nodded repeatedly.

That's not what she thought.

Hua Yan: "I didn't go to college, but I started working hard when I was 17 years old. Many big companies didn't want me when they saw that I didn't have a degree. Fortunately, Zhuo Yuan doesn't only look at education, but also focuses more on strength. I After working in the branch for a year, I was promoted, and it took another year to become a gold medal salesman, I don’t even know how I did it.”

Speaking of which, Huayan also thinks she is great, but the most important thing is to meet a good boss, otherwise she doesn't know where to move her bricks.

Feng Qinqin understood, it seems that her husband still has good eyesight.

"Then I'll ask you any questions later."

Feng Qinqin explained the purpose of her visit, but she didn't say anything about her mother designing clothes.

It just so happens that she has a good impression of Huayan, she can reach this level in two years and she has a certain talent, she tries not to talk to Zhang Jihui, so as not to be known by her family's jealous king. To embarrass others.


The dimples on Huayan's cheeks reappeared, fascinated by Feng Qinqin's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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