Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 365 Feng Qin Qin Li Wei

Chapter 365 Feng Qin Qin Li Wei (1 more)
Feng Qinqin looked at Huayan, no matter how she looked at it, she looked pretty.

"Hua Yan, do you have a boyfriend?"

If you don't have a boyfriend, Lao Niu can do it.

Huayan didn't go to college, but it doesn't matter.

As long as she has a good personality, and Huayan has been able to work hard on her own without a degree, she is definitely not a hypocritical girl who can't bear hardships.

Lao Niu has never had a girlfriend, and Huayan is so beautiful, so he looks three years younger than Lao Niu, so it should be no problem.

Huayan froze for a moment, then smiled.

"Ma'am, you don't want to introduce a boyfriend to me, do you?"

Ah ah ah~
The wife of the president must know Gao Fushuai.

Feng Qinqin nodded, she wanted to introduce.

"Ma'am, are you tall, rich and handsome?"

Huayan narrowed her eyes and looked at her with a smile.

As soon as the words fell, a cold snort came from beside him.

Hearing the ear-piercing voice, the two looked over at the same time.

Anxi looked at Hua Yan with contempt, the disdain in her eyes was so obvious.

"A high school graduate, but still want to marry Gao Fushuai? Let's see if he is Bai Fumei, and don't look at what kind of guy he is. He hasn't even gone to college, and he thinks that all he needs to do is curry favor with the president's wife. That's really fantastic, isn't it?"

After finishing speaking, Anxi sneered, and then his eyes fell on Feng Qinqin, holding back the unwillingness in his heart, and tried his best to smile.

"Madam, some people seem to have a good skin, but they don't actually have any ink in their stomachs, so Madam, it's better not to waste resources on some people."

Isn't it just relying on a face to climb onto the president's bed? What a show.

Even if married, there is a high possibility of divorce.

Divorce is nothing.

Hearing her words, Feng Qinqin smiled brightly. When she smiled, all the staff in the department looked this way.

Those sharp eyes and the cold expression on his face seemed to be able to freeze people.

At that moment, they seemed to see a second Bo Zhongye.

Before they could react, Feng Qinqin's pointed voice came over.

"Really, I also went to college, but why didn't I understand the meaning of your words, but I have heard that when compared with uneducated people, educated people want to do bad things It's even more frightening, Miss Anxi, do you think it makes sense?"

Today was her first day at work, and Feng Qinqin didn't want to argue with others as soon as she came.

It's just that now because of her relationship, Huayan is being ridiculed by others, and she can't bear it no matter what.

That's how she is. If Anxi was talking about her today, she would probably just turn a blind eye and close her eyes. But because she is afraid of her and hurts the people around her, she can't stand it. Hua Yan It's because I don't have much friendship with her, but this is not a reason for Anxi to bully casually.

Huayan didn't expect that she would help her. She was used to being ridiculed by Anxi in the department, so she didn't care anymore, but today someone stood up for her and said such comforting words to her.

Feng Qinqin's words were still ringing in everyone's ears, and Anxi was speechless because of her silence.

The woman who was still pretending to be weak in front of everyone just now started to take her under the knife and kill the chicken for the monkey to see.

Bai Zhongli and others saw Feng Qinqin's appearance of swearing at others without swearing, and finally forced them to admit that he was a person who endangered society. It seems that people can't just look at the surface.

"Ma'am, you are right."

After a long time, Anxi answered reluctantly.

How else can she answer, you can't conflict with her, unless she doesn't want the job anymore.

Feng Qinqin knew that she would say that, so she stopped forcing her and continued chatting with Huayan.

However, this time the conversation was about sales.

Huayan is a nice person, and while she was free at noon, she wrote a document based on her own experience, and then the two added WeChat to each other, and Huayan sent the document to her.

Feng Qinqin sent Bo Zhongye a message while she was writing.

"Honey, I'm going to have dinner with Huayan at noon, so you don't need to look for me, go back together when you get off work in the afternoon."

Huayan has helped her so much, she must treat him to a meal.

Look over there and the message will be sent soon.

"Yes, but only the two of you can go, don't bring too many people."

Bo Zhongye had some impression of Hua Yan, it can be said that he was a miracle.

Feng Qinqin sent an OK emoji.

After thinking about it, Feng Qinqin sent another message.

After seeing her expression, Bo Zhongye smiled helplessly, and also sent a love to you.

After receiving his message, Feng Qinqin stuck out her tongue at the phone mischievously, then put down the phone, and began to read the document Huayan sent her.

After seeing the document, Feng Qinqin knew that Huayan really put her heart into it, but she didn't understand many things.

"Hua Yan, you're great, I think you can give lectures on sales knowledge."

Feng Qinqin really felt that even college students with excellent grades were not as good as one-third of her.

Huayan scratched her head in embarrassment, she really couldn't bear such a big compliment.

Seeing her lack of self-confidence, Feng Qinqin didn't understand why she was so insecure when she was already very good.

At noon, Feng Qinqin and Hua Yan went to the hot pot restaurant next to the company.

Both feel that eating hot pot is more conducive to cultivating feelings.

The two ordered a spicy hot pot bottom. When Feng Qinqin saw the red pepper, she remembered that there was a little guy in her stomach, and this hot pot was absolutely unacceptable.

But everyone has already arrived here, so we can't go back because of her, right?

Huayan noticed her embarrassed expression and asked suspiciously.

"Ma'am, what's the matter with you?"


Feng Qinqin is embarrassed to say it, but she can't say that we don't eat hot pot anymore, let's go to something nutritious, shall we?
Forget it, the big deal is to eat less.

"No, it's okay, let's eat."

Hearing what she said, Huayan didn't think much about it.

After a while, the hot pot was delivered, and the smell made her drool.

Baby, baby, what a temptation mom has resisted for you.

Hot pot is best for two people, and Huayan is also trying to make up for her hypocrisy, so she started to eat it as soon as it was served.

After eating for a while, he realized that Feng Qinqin hadn't eaten.

"Ma'am, why don't you eat?"

Feng Qinqin pointed to her stomach and smiled.

"There is a little guy in my stomach, I can't eat too much, I just eat a little."

Huayan opened her eyes wide, her face full of disbelief.

"Ma'am, you, are you pregnant?"

It's hard to imagine, she's only in her 20s, not much older than her, and she's about to have a baby?

Feng Qinqin nodded with a smile, the happiness on her face couldn't stop.

"Well, it's been more than three months, so you should eat it, I'll just eat a little."

Only then did Huayan realize what she was struggling with just now.

"Madam, why don't we go to other places, now is enough time."

You can't starve her, this is the wife of the president.

Feng Qinqin waved her hands again and again, then smiled mysteriously at her.

"It's good to let me smell the fragrance."

During this period of time, she hasn't eaten according to her own ideas. She wanted to eat hot pot for a long time, but her family Mr. Bo refused, so she could only endure it.

"By the way, don't call me Mrs. Feng Qinqin, or Qinqin. If you are two years younger than me, I will call you Xiaoyan."

Since he felt that he was destined to be with her, Feng Qinqin didn't want her to be called Mrs. Madam, it seemed very strange.

How dare Hua Yan.

"Oh, it's nothing, so call me that. Some people call me a little lunatic because of my surname Feng."

Little lunatic?
Huayan was surprised.

Perhaps this title really fits the personality of the president's wife.

"Okay, Qinqin."

It's a bit awkward to say it out, I don't know if the wife of the president will live after she finds out that she is not old or young.

While she was thinking, she glanced out the window and saw the special assistant to the president walking towards her with a lunch box.

When he was thinking about how Le Yuan came, he had already walked over.

Seeing Le Yuan approaching, Feng Qinqin was also very surprised.

"Le Yuan, why are you here?"

Shouldn't she have lunch with her family, Mr. Bo?

Just when she was about to ask him why he came here with a lunch box, Le Yuan put the lunch box in front of her.

"Ma'am, the CEO said you can't eat hot pot. It's made by Wang Ma. You can eat this."

Feng Qinqin: "..."

Staring at the lunch box in front of her, the girl blinked, and then blinked again.

Do you want to?
She still thought about taking a few bites.

"The president said, you can't eat a bite."

Le Yuan bent slightly and added.

Hearing this, Feng Qinqin pursed her lips tightly and smiled at the corners of her eyes.

Her family, Bo Zhongye, really understood her.

"I see, I won't eat."

You don't know if I will eat again after you leave.

Looking at Madam's expression, Le Yuan thought that the CEO really knows Madam better.

"Ma'am, the president said that when you go back, he will check himself to see if you have eaten. If he finds that you have eaten, um, um, he may commit domestic violence."

Le Yuan couldn't say the original words.

Before coming, the president of his family said that if the wife is not obedient, she will be spanked when she comes back.

As for how to fight, he doesn't know, but it seems that Madam should know.

Feng Qinqin's cheeks were burning hot, this Bo Zhongye, speaking in such a nasty way in front of outsiders, wouldn't his face turn red and he wouldn't be out of breath?
"Understood, you go back, I just don't touch it."

It's enough to meet such a shameless husband.

I think Madam will never eat hot pot again.Le just left.

As soon as Le Yuan left, Huayan burst out laughing.

After a while, he pounded the table and laughed.

The hot pot restaurant was originally a very lively place, even if they spoke loudly, everyone would not take a second look at this side.

Feng Qinqin was embarrassed by her smile, glared at her, and said angrily.

"You started to laugh at me, don't you, now you know how shameless I am in front of your president."

Huayan smiled and shook her head.

What Le Yuan said just now must have been taught by the CEO, and every word he said made his wife utterly devastated, but it was precisely because of this that she could see that the CEO really knew his wife well, so he did this.

"Husband," Huayan said habitually, and then realized that she had called the wrong one, and immediately changed the way, "Qinqin, at home, is this how you and the president get along?"

One is domineering and the other is obedient, it's simply not too harmonious.

Feng Qinqin felt that she really lost face.

In order to prove that she is also very face-saving, Feng Qinqin stuffed a piece of fish tofu into his mouth.

"Look, sometimes your president can't do anything to me!"

However, after eating this piece, Feng Qinqin didn't dare to eat any more.

During the meal, Huayan thanked Feng Qinqin for standing up for her today.

Feng Qinqin pursed her lips and said helplessly.

"It's nothing. I'm also responsible for you. Otherwise, I wouldn't have clashed with the employees on the first day. I guess many people now think I'm playing big cards."

Speaking of this, Feng Qinqin asked her.

"What about you, I don't think you seem to want to compete with Anxi, and you are not a timid person."

Huayan raised her eyebrows, her face full of indifference.

"There are too many people who have the same idea as Anxi. Anxi is the most representative. Both of us are gold medal sales. She always thought that it was impossible to achieve such results with my education. She thought I was By what shortcut did she succeed, at first I argued with her, but then I didn’t want to argue anymore.”

It's really boring, she can think whatever she wants.

(End of this chapter)

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