Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 366 Don't eat hot pot anymore

Chapter 366 Don't eat hot pot anymore (2 more)
Hearing what she said, Feng Qinqin understood a little.

Just like she had been arguing with Lin Zhiyou for so many years, she was very excited at the beginning, but in the end, even saying one more word to Lin Zhiyou was worthless.

"I agree with your idea. To treat jealous people is to slap them in the face with indifference."

Hearing this, Hua Yan smiled.

"I just think it's meaningless to argue with her. I have to work every day and think about how to do my job well. If I spend more energy thinking about how to argue with her, then I'm too tired. .”

At first when she and Anxi argued about this, they were evenly matched, but after a long time, she felt that she was stupid.

Feng Qinqin liked this girl more and more.

"By the way, do you have a boyfriend?"

Feng Qinqin asked this question again, she really thought it was quite suitable for Niu Feng.

Huayan blushed and shook her head.

Because she didn't go to college, her parents told her to go on a blind date and find a similar man to marry. However, she didn't have a degree, but it didn't mean she was going to marry someone she didn't like.

Besides, marriage is a major event in a lifetime, and she will never just marry someone just because of her parents' ideas.

Besides, she is only 19 years old, the good times have just begun, and it is still early to get married.

Now Qinqin asked her if she had a boyfriend, presumably she wanted to introduce him to her.

"I don't want to have a boyfriend yet, let's talk about it in two years, when I'm 21."

Qinqin must not know an ordinary person, she is unattainable.

Hearing her like this, Feng Qinqin let out a cry.

What a pity.

Well, she couldn't pull the red line if she wanted to.

However, Feng Qinqin realizes that she has been too free recently?

I am so free that the teacher wants to be a matchmaker.

Things with Big Brother and Fangfang were not settled yet, but she started thinking about Lao Niu again, she must be too free.

After dinner, Huayan and Feng Qinqin went back together. On the way, Huayan was always paying attention to Feng Qinqin's pace and the people around her.

I'm afraid that she will be injured by accident, a small employee like her can't afford it.

The two of them hadn't reached the entrance of the sales department, Hua Yan blinked her eyes, how quiet the corridor is, usually the department is the busiest at this time, with constant talking.

Isn't it a little too quiet today? It's so quiet that it can be described as serious.

Curiously, she walked to the door, and when she saw the man sitting in the Qinqin seat next to her, Huayan stopped in fright.

Feng Qinqin naturally saw it too.

Why is this person here?
She didn't call him again.

Seeing his little wife approaching, Bo Zhongye got up and strode towards her.

Feng Qinqin didn't go any further, and Huayan walked into the office tactfully.

Pulled by Bo Zhongye, Feng Qinqin thought he just wanted to talk to her in the corridor, but he almost reached the end of the corridor, and he didn't see any intention of stopping.

"Honey, where are you taking me?"

It's almost the elevator door.

Bo Zhongye answered her with actions, opened the elevator, walked in with his arms around her waist.

The elevator door closed, and Feng Qinqin did not move.

"It's been a busy morning, you're going to take a nap."

Bo Zhongye answered her lightly.

Saying that, Bo Zhongye leaned over in front of her and smelled it.

Feng Qinqin's heart suddenly tugged.

This person's nose can't be so sharp, can it?

Could it be that she ate hot pot?
But don't smell it.

Feng Qinqin blinked her eyelids, the space in the elevator was already small, she was so nervous, if he noticed it, she wouldn't be spanked by him.

Bo Zhongye saw the girl's guilty conscience clearly, and knew that this girl couldn't control herself, she must have eaten a little.

Thinking that she had always eaten blandly during this period of time, she didn't bother with her anymore.

The two returned to the CEO's office, and Bo Zhongye led her to the lounge.

Take Feng Qinqin to bed, take off her pants and top, and help her to lie down.

Feng Qinqin was in a daze the whole time, what kind of trouble was this posture of resting at home?

"No, I'm your employee and I'm here to work."

Not here to sleep.

Didn't she sleep until four or five in the afternoon?
Then she can go straight to get off work.

"What kind of job do you do? You are an employee and also the mother of my child. Be obedient and forget what the doctor said. You must have enough sleep."

Fengqinqinnunu made a small mouth, okay, listen to him.

"Then you can sleep with me for a while, I don't sleep well by myself."

She got used to his company, as long as he was around, she could fall asleep in a while, and if he wasn't around, it would take a while to fall asleep.

"Okay, wait for me, I'll close the door."

After closing the door and returning, Bo Zhongye went to bed and hugged her, saying.

"No more hot pot in the future."

Feng Qinqin suddenly raised her head to look at him, her big eyes were bright and round.

Do you really know? !

She opened her mouth to refute but couldn't speak out, and ended up covering her eyes with her hands.

"Go to sleep."


Is this irrelevant?

Thinking of the conflict with Anxi this morning, it's better not to talk to him, the matter between women should be resolved by themselves, if he finds out in the future, then let's talk about it.

(End of this chapter)

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