Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 367 Brother Zuo, You Are Finished

Chapter 367 Brother Zuo, You Are Finished (1 more)
Feng Qinqin really slept until 04:30!

When she woke up and saw the time, she was going crazy.

I hurriedly put on my clothes, put on my shoes and ran to the bathroom, went to the bathroom, and washed it.

Since she became pregnant, she has been urinating more and more frequently. If the doctor hadn't said it was normal, she would have thought she was urinating frequently.

Walking out of the lounge, he opened the door in a daze. As soon as the door opened, Feng Qinqin took a step back.

At this moment, Bo Zhongye was talking to an old man with a serious expression.

It was the first time for Feng Qinqin to see her husband at work. How should I put it, he was a little too serious.

The man frowned, pursed his lips tightly, and tapped his fingers on the table, seemingly thinking about something.

The old man on the opposite side looked at him nervously, without the slightest thought of being superior to him because he was older than him.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the two looked over at the same time, both startled.

Feng Qinqin gave a dry laugh, and stretched out his hand in a gesture of invitation.

"You say it, you say it."

Take a step back after each sentence, until the door is closed.

The door was closed again with a bang, and Bao Zhongye gave a low laugh.

The manager of the planning department sighed when he saw the sincere smile on the corner of the president's mouth.

The one just now must be their president's wife.

Just seeing the president's expression, he knew the relationship between the two. In other words, if the president could give him and his wife one-tenth of the good looks, he would be satisfied.

"Okay, you go back first, this matter will be done as you said."

Finally waiting for these words, the manager picked up the plan and stood up.

"Okay, President, then I'm leaving."

After finally waiting for this result, knowing that the president is going to talk to his wife, he will naturally not act as a light bulb here.

After the manager left, Bo Zhongye called out to the lounge.

"Come out, people have left."

Half a minute later, Feng Qinqin opened the door slowly, poked her head out and looked outside, and only after making sure that there was no one else, she came out.

As soon as she came up, Feng Qinqin walked towards him, sat down on his lap, wrapped her arms around his neck, and then bit his neck through the shirt.

"Why don't you wake me up, what time is it?"

We are all off work.

Bo Zhongye tightened his grip on her waist to prevent her from falling down.

"My son is going to sleep, why don't you let him sleep?"

Bo Zhongye has learned to be obedient. He used to like to talk about his daughter, but this girl was not happy. Now he talks about his son.

This girl sleeps until this hour at home, so she can't take away her sleep just because she came to the company.

Feng Qinqin pursed her mouth, her cheeks were pressed against his, and the hand that hooked his neck was getting tighter and tighter, so clingy.

Feeling the girl's dependence, Bo Zhongye's heart softened.

It's like this every time I wake up at home, hugging him and not letting go, yelling for him to sleep with her for a while.

"are you hungry?"

As he said that, the man wrapped his arms around her waist and easily touched her lower abdomen. He lifted the hem of her clothes with his palms and leaned over.

She is still too thin, she can be wrapped around her arms, what should I do if I don't have the strength to give birth in the future?

As if to cooperate with his words, the girl's stomach growled.

Feng Qinqin blushed, why did she get so hungry recently.

Bo Zhongye gave another low laugh, then leaned over and pecked her small mouth.

"Okay, pack your things and let's go home."

Feng Qinqin got off his body and shook her head.

"Don't you get off work at 05:30? Go to the sales department first."

From noon to now, she hasn't visited the office yet, and the staff still don't know what to say about her.

At least talk to the manager.

"No, I have already told Bai Zhongli that I will ask for leave this afternoon, and I will ask for leave in the afternoons from now on."

So no need to go.

"Ask for leave in the afternoon?"

Is this person making a mistake, or is there something wrong with her ears?

Bo Zhongye hummed lightly, got up and tidied up the desk, put on his coat, took her hand and was about to leave.

"I'd better talk to the manager, it's very rude."

Bo Zhongye ignored her words, pulled her up and left.

The two of them didn't go back directly to the Bo's compound, but took her to a restaurant. After eating, Bo Zhongye picked up a paper towel and wiped her mouth clean.

Feng Qinqin blinked, did this person take care of her like a child?

"Would you like to go to the movies, or let's go for a walk?"

It's been a long time since I took her to the movies.

Unexpectedly, the little wife was still unwilling, Feng Qinqin yawned, covered her mouth with her little hand, as if she could fall asleep if she was given a bed.

"No, let's go on the weekend."

It's already 07:30 and she's going home to sleep.

Bo Zhongye couldn't help but laugh, how could this girl sleep so well, she was going to sleep again after waking up and eating, did he raise a cute little fragrant pig?

"Okay, let's go home."

At eight o'clock, the two arrived home.

Everyone in the family has already had dinner, and everyone else should have gone back to their rooms to rest, only Qingqing and Bo Zhongwen are still sitting in front of the TV watching TV, but I don't know if Qingqing's dazed eyes are watching a TV series.

Why do you look unhappy again?

Could it be that he and Yi Zuo had a fight?
No way, it would be weird if you could get into a fight with that obedient look of Qingqing.

"Gently, what are you thinking?"

Bo Zhongye walked over holding his little wife's hand, and sat on the double sofa next to his sister.

However, there was no reaction at all, and the eyes were still on the TV, obviously not hearing his words.

If they hadn't seen an advertisement on TV, they wouldn't have doubted it.


Feng Qinqin called out.

Bo gently returned to his senses.

"Sister-in-law, what did you say?"

Bo Zhongye: "..."

Feng Qinqin: "..."

Bo Zhongwen also looked over here.

Bo Zhongye held his forehead speechlessly.

"What's going on, did Yi Zuo bully you?"

It must be, otherwise there is nothing else that can make my sister so sad.

Bo gently held back the grievance in his heart, forced a smile on his face, and said.

"Brother, it's nothing. I was distracted just now."

She couldn't tell her eldest brother that she was unhappy because brother Zuo sent her back because of business.

Like elder brother Zuo, there must be a lot of things waiting for them to deal with in official business. She should be more obedient like sister-in-law. There must be many such situations in the future, and she should understand.

And if she tells the reason for her unhappiness, the eldest brother will definitely think she is ignorant, right?

But she didn't know what was going on, she felt uneasy in her heart, and she didn't know where this uneasiness came from.

Maybe she is really too godlike.

Looking at her expression, Bo Zhongye and the others didn't believe what she said was true.

But I didn't ask too much, Qingqing never wanted them to ask too much about her and Yizuo.

"Okay, go to bed early."

The little wife was already sleepy when she was outside.

"Well, brother, go and rest, I'll go back to my room and sleep right away."

After everyone returned to their rooms, Bo Zhongwen immediately called Yi Zuo.

The phone rang several times before it was connected.

"Yizuo, what are you doing?"

Once connected, Bo Zhongwen asked.

"Third brother, I'm talking about work, what's the matter?"

Hearing Yi Zuo's tired voice over there, Bo Zhongwen pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.

"Third brother, what's the matter?"

A message that if you have nothing to do, you will hang up. Bo Zhongwen knew that he was busy, so he hung up the phone first after saying that he was all right.

at the same time.

In a private room of a hotel, Yi Zuo and Jiang Linhui sat facing each other, Yi Zuo's long legs were raised, but his eyes did not fall on each other's faces.

Today he came to see Jiang Linhui without telling Qingqing, Bo Zhongwen called him just now, it seems that Qingqing is unhappy at home.

That's right, it was agreed to take her to the movies, but it was delayed because of this matter.

"You mean let me help you out?"

Yizuo did not expect Jiang Linhui to find him.

As far as he knew, Wen Jing had already broken up with Jiang Linhui.

Now she even came to look for him, implying that she wanted him to help him.

Jiang Linhui nodded.

"Boss Yi, if you can help me, I will do whatever I need in the future."

Hearing this, Yi Zuo sneered, gave him a funny look, and asked.

"What reason do you have for me to help you? Just because of what you said on the phone?"

If he hadn't said that he knew the reason why Wen Jing broke up with him, and he would have told Qing Qing, did he really think he would come to see him?

Jiang Linhui didn't speak, but the expression on his face was obvious, that's what he meant.At least, he came to see him, didn't he?
If it wasn't because he cared, why would Yi Zuo allow him to threaten him.

Yi Zuo smiled, he really didn't expect Wen Jing to fall in love with such a man, he has no skills but narcissism.

"Okay, if you feel that you can afford my help to you, or if you can rest assured that I will help you in the future, then I can help you."

Now that I have come to see him, there will be absolutely no chance for him to speak again.

Jiang Linhui understood what Yi Zuo meant, but there was no other way. The only person he could turn to for help now was Yi Zuo, and no one else would help him at all.

As for Yi Zuo helping him, it is very possible, it should be said that there will be revenge, he can only bet on Bo Qingqing's position in Yi Zuo's heart.

"I've come to the end of the road, I don't care about the future, but I also hope that Mr. Yi can help me for Wen Jing's sake. Of course, since I did this, I must have made preparations. I have already told the news. Several people, if you want to take revenge on me, then I can't do nothing, don't you think?"

Jiang Linhui came to him now with the idea of ​​putting all his eggs in one basket, and if he fails, he will succeed.

There was a sneer on the corner of Yi Zuo's mouth, what he hated most was when others threatened him.

Well, he wanted to see who was faster.

Sooner or later, the meeting between him and Wen Jing will be known to Qingqing, paper cannot contain the flames, but he wants to tell Qingyuan himself about this matter.

He promised Qingqing that he would not see Wenjing again, but Qingqing's original intention was that he would not meet Wenjing just because he had feelings for Wenjing, he only did it for him and Qingqing to have a better life together in the future .

Believe that Qingwei will definitely understand.

Since this man is beyond his control, he needs to see how the hole cards in his hand can pose a threat to him.

"Okay, I'll help you."

At nine o'clock in the evening, Yi Zuo came out of the hotel, thinking of Bo Zhongwen asking him to call, after thinking about it, he stopped at a place with few people, found Qingqing's mobile phone and dialed it.

In the courtyard of Bo's family, Bo lightly took a shower and lay on the big bed, feeling a little sad.

She has been comforting herself for almost half an hour, but she is still very sad. She is really not understanding. Brother Zuo had a reason for not liking her at the beginning.

No, she needs to go to bed. Brother Zuo is busy with business. He wants to raise her in the future, not to see a woman.

What's so sad about her?

After thinking about it, I was about to go to bed. Just as I lay down, my phone rang.

Bo Qingwei shuddered, and when he picked up the phone and saw the display, his eyes lit up.

"Brother Zuo, are you done?"

"Well, I'm done."

The man's voice was faint, but Bo Qingyou could hear the tenderness inside.

"Gently, I'll take you to school tomorrow morning, get up early, and I'll take you to eat breakfast."

It is still very accurate to eat lightly. Because I am relatively thin, I have never lost weight. This habit is still very good.

(End of this chapter)

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