Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 369 Gently, Let Me Kiss Again

Chapter 369 Gently, Let Me Kiss Again (1 more)
Early the next morning, Feng Qinqin and Bo Zhongye got up and went down to eat, only to find that there was something missing from the table.

"Mom, how about gently, haven't you woke up yet?"

Seeing them coming, Zuo Yao explained while ordering Wang Ma to serve the meal.

"Wang Ma said that she got up at six o'clock that day and left. She must have been picked up by that boy Yi Zuo."

Bo Zhongye put the porridge beside his little wife, put some vegetables for her, and opened his mouth slowly.

"When I came back yesterday, she didn't seem to have lost her soul. She was picked up by Yi Zuo this morning. The attitude before and after this is enough."

Those who didn't know thought that Yi Zuo had given her ecstasy soup last night.

Zhang Ma, who was standing by the side, heard the words and didn't say a word. Wasn't she just drunk with ecstasy soup?
However, judging from Yi Zuo's actions yesterday, Yi Zuo is interested in Qing Wei.

It's just that when Qingqing came back so late, what happened outside, she had better hide it in her heart.

During the meal, Bo Songyuan asked about Qinqin's situation in the company.

"Qinqin, are you still used to it in the company?"

Feng Qinqin was biting a mouthful of steamed buns, but couldn't swallow them anymore.

Why aren't you used to it? I'm so used to it. I didn't do anything there, I just read the document for a while, and I slept all afternoon in Mr. Bo's lounge...

How dare she say that.

"What's the matter, I'm not used to it, are you too tired?"

Zuo Yao saw that she was having a hard time opening her mouth, so she gouged out her son's eyes indiscriminately.

"Xiao Ye, didn't you make arrangements!"

Bo Zhongye was blamed for no reason, and he didn't refute it.

"No, no," Feng Qinqin saw that everyone was looking at her Mr. Bo, and each of them had reproachful eyes, and repeatedly defended him, "Dad, Mom, no, I'm embarrassed to say."

Speaking, Feng Qinqin scratched her head in embarrassment and said.

"Well, I slept all afternoon at the company yesterday afternoon, and I just read the documents for a while in the morning..."

In the end, Feng Qinqin's voice became softer and her head was buried in the bowl.

Bo Zhongye pinched her little face.

"The food is going to be on the hair."

Seeing the actions of the two, Bo Songyuan and Zuo Yao were relieved, and Bo Bingzhong was stunned for a moment and then laughed.

"Okay, okay, that's what you should do, and you can't tire Qinqin baby."

Feng Qinqin: "..."

Accustomed to the pampering and pampering of her by the elders in the family, she felt that she was about to be spoiled.

"Okay, let's eat quickly, have dinner, and go to the company to sleep."'

Bo Zhongye said it jokingly, and then put a piece of broccoli for her in her bowl.

Feng Qinqin lowered her head, glanced at him with a half-smile, and decided not to argue with him.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, let's eat."

Zuo Yao glared at her son, and she didn't do anything right all day long.

After dinner, Feng Qinqin and Bo Zhongye went to the company together.

Outside, Le Yuan has arrived.

Seeing them coming, Le Yuan quickly got out of the car and opened the rear door for them.

Sitting in the car, Feng Qinqin glared at Bo Zhongye and asked in a voice that could only be used by the two of them.

"Why did you ask Le Yuan to come pick us up, what a trouble."

The time is already tight in the morning, so Le Yuan will definitely be busy.

If there is another girlfriend, the girl won't break up with him yet.

Bo Zhongye was indifferent, acting as if I was the boss and I had the final say.

Feng Qinqin didn't talk about it, and she couldn't get involved in work matters.

Le Yuan with sharp ears heard Madam's words, and said in a very grateful tone.

"Ma'am, I'm fine at home, and I don't have a girlfriend. It's fine to get up early."

Feng Qinqin blinked.

Does Le Yuan have a smooth ear?

Well, if I don't say anything, then she doesn't need to say anything.

When she arrived at the company, Feng Qinqin didn't ask her family, Mr. Bo, to send her off. She had already established herself in the department yesterday, so it should be said that she caused trouble...

It's better not to let him go, there are so many women's places, she didn't go to school yesterday afternoon, if he went and heard something he shouldn't have heard, it would be bad if he fired her in a fit of anger.

Sure enough, as soon as he reached the door, Feng Qinqin heard some voices.

"You see the president's wife hasn't arrived yet?"

Hearing this, Feng Qinqin's footsteps stopped, and a man's voice was very strange to her.

"Hmph, you've said it all. She's the wife of the president. She doesn't have to come all afternoon. How soon can you come straight to her?"

Heh, this voice is very clear to her.

(End of this chapter)

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