Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 370 Apology

Chapter 370 Apology (2 more)
"You better stop talking, forget how she pissed you off yesterday?"

It was another girl's voice, which Feng Qinqin was not familiar with.

"Let me tell you what's wrong. She is a woman who relies on the president and does nothing. Who do you really think of her?"

Hearing this, Feng Qinqin really wanted to laugh angrily.

That's right, she is relying on Bo Zhongye, so what, come and bite me if you have the ability?
"Anxi, there is a reason why Madam doesn't come to work. Isn't your behavior of speaking ill of people behind their backs too bad?"

Hua Yan couldn't listen anymore. Only she knew about Madam's pregnancy. Madam didn't emphasize that she must not tell her, but Madam definitely didn't want her to talk about it.

It's normal for a pregnant person to be lethargic. Besides, she is the wife of the president. Even if she has this kind of capital, you can find one if you have the ability.

What she can't stand the most is this kind of woman who hates because of envy. It's enough to hurt others in the same place if her dream is obtained by other women.

Anxi glanced at her, the irony in his eyes was obvious.

"Oh, I really thought that I had a meal with someone, and if he said a word to you, he thought you were a friend. In their eyes, you are just a running dog!"

People like Feng Qinqin can marry the president, so why should they make friends with people of their class?

It's just wishful thinking, it's not about who is rich, who is useful to her and who makes friends.

Huayan frowned, too angry to speak.

She never thought that she could become friends with Feng Qinqin, but she admired Feng Qinqin very much. If possible, she would certainly be willing to be friends with her.

"Anxi, are you sure you can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour?"

After working with Anxi for a year and arguing with her for half a year, Huayan knows her too well.

Anxi is very proud, and has always wanted to marry Gao Fushuai. She has seen her pestering rich people for their mobile phone numbers many times, but she never succeeded. knew.

If she could be friends with Madam, maybe she would still want to use Madam to climb into the CEO's bed. After working for two years, she has really seen such a woman a lot.

Anxi did have such an idea, thinking that as long as she became friends with Feng Qinqin, she would have a chance to become Bo Zhongye's woman, but who knows, on the first day Feng Qinqin came, the two of them had a quarrel.

Now there is really no chance at all.

"I do not know what you're talking about?"

It is not a pleasant thing to be talked about centrally.

Feng Qinqin sneered, and strode inside.

"Good morning!"

As soon as Feng Qinqin entered the door, her refreshing voice spread throughout the department, not harsh, but pleasant to the ears.

Upon hearing this voice, Anxi's body trembled violently, and she suddenly turned her head to look. The person who came was Feng Qinqin, and then her face turned pale.

When did Feng Qinqin come over?

Did Feng Qinqin hear everything she said just now?
Must have heard it.

Seeing Anxi's frightened and frightened expression, Feng Qinqin sneered, this person is nothing more than that.

Seeing Feng Qinqin coming in, the people who had just participated in the discussion shut their mouths, not daring to look up at her.

Feng Qinqin thought it was funny, dared to say it, but dared not admit it?
Ignoring them, walked to Huayan's side, sat down, and turned on the computer.

"Huayan, good morning."

Feng Qinqin smiled sweetly at her.

Huayan was stunned by her smile. Yesterday Feng Qinqin's smile was restrained, but now her smile is generous and bright, not to mention her, even the way others look at Feng Qinqin at this moment has changed. up.

This is simply the legendary goddess-level smile.

The men in the department are used to looking at the women around them, seeing the smile of their president's wife now, they just feel that they have been looking at women for nothing in the past few years.

"It's so beautiful!"

A man couldn't help but sigh.

Anxi was also dazed by her smile.

It has to be said that Feng Qinqin has a face like a witch.

"No matter how beautiful a family is, there are masters. You men are frivolous!"

Since they were all offended, Anxi wasn't afraid to offend them completely. Anyway, judging by Feng Qinqin's reaction, Feng Qinqin heard what she said just now.

However, she wants to see if the president is willing to make decisions for his wife and fire her, who has been in gold sales for several years.

The man who was emotional just now shut his mouth in an instant, not daring to say a word.

Feng Qinqin looked at Anxi and sneered.

"Yes, men are frivolous, otherwise, they wouldn't look down on those who are particularly pure."

Feng Qinqin felt that Anxi was sick, and always forced her to tease her, and didn't dare to say a word after teasing her.

Don't do it if you don't have the courage.

Anxi was trembling with anger, so did she mean that no one liked her?

Seeing that her goal had been achieved, Feng Qinqin stopped looking at her.

But when he stopped looking at her, he felt panicked.

Damn, she's here to learn from experience, not to argue!

After arguing with Lin Zhiyou for so many years, she finally got over it, and she met such a person again!

How did such a person survive in the department?
Bai Zhongli, who came out of the office, saw this scene, frowned, and spoke in a cold voice.

"Anxi, come in."

After speaking, Bai Zhongli walked back to the office.

Seeing the manager's ugly face, An Xi bit her lip, knowing that the manager was angry.

That's right, compared with her, Feng Qinqin is of course more important.

Putting down the things in his hands, he got up and walked into the office inside.

Seeing Anxi leave, Feng Qinqin was still a little unhappy.

It seemed that she had seen too little of the world, and everyone else in the department seemed to be familiar with it. There must be such people everywhere.

That's right, there must be her problems in it, so don't worry about it.

Seeing her reaction, Huayan knew that Feng Qinqin was a girl who didn't eat fireworks. She had seen such things a lot.

"Xiaoyan, I have almost read the document you showed me yesterday. There are a few things I don't quite understand. Please explain it to me."

After thinking about it, Feng Qinqin stopped thinking about it.

Huayan smiled and said hello.

"Qinqin, what I sent you yesterday was the most basic stuff, and today I will write some more for you. If you can understand, I will take you to our company's jewelry store for an internship in a week. If you get started, there will be no problem in a month."

Qinqin, she wants to sell clothes, so she definitely can't study here all the time, the important thing is to practice.


Feng Qinqin couldn't believe that it could be done in a month, and the clothing store would be officially opened before Christmas or New Year's Day.

This is my mother's painstaking effort. She wants to rethink the name of the store, open a completely different store from before, and bring the clothes designed by her mother into Tongcheng, and then into the world.

Huayan nodded.

"Of course you can, but this month is just to let you know what you should pay attention to when selling. The real sales experience is what you sum up from the usual, so you can go back and accumulate experience slowly. Stay longer in the jewelry store."

However, she still thinks that she should open the store as soon as possible. Business opportunities are like becoming famous. You have to do it as soon as possible. Even if it is only a month late, you may be crushed by new trends.

This is the case now, the times are developing too fast, and it may be submerged one day later.

Feng Qinqin felt that what Huayan said was quite right.

"Okay, then I will listen to you."

The two discussed for a while, and Anxi came out of the inner office with a bad expression on his face.

The two ignored her and continued to discuss the issue.

Halfway through, Huayan was called to work, and Feng Qinqin was bored and flipped through the documents that Huayan had prepared for her.

Anxi glanced over there, gritted her teeth, got up and walked towards her.

While reading the document, Feng Qinqin felt someone standing in front of her, and frowned when she saw the shoes and clothes under her feet.

Slowly raised his head to look at her.

"Is something wrong?"

If it's okay, she doesn't want to talk to her.

For some unknown reason, An Xi blushed so much that she looked angry.

It seems that Bai Zhongli trained her hard just now.


While she was thinking, An Xi bowed at [-] degrees to her and solemnly apologized.

Feng Qinqin immediately stood up and took a step back.

She never thought of asking someone to apologize to her, besides, this is not a big deal in the first place, why should it be so solemn?

(End of this chapter)

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