Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 371 Prying the corner of the wall

Chapter 371 Prying the corner of the wall (1 more)
Feng Qinqin didn't expect that it was just a trivial matter that would cause it to this extent.

It was originally a dispute between women, but now that Anxi bowed and apologized to her, not only did she appear to be immodest, but she also felt that she was using her identity as the president's wife to overwhelm her.

This made her very uncomfortable, and it didn't mean that she felt guilty. A woman like Anxi obviously did this for her own work, but she felt that it was not that simple.

Now, the staff in the department all looked at them, all looking like she was bullying others with power.

Feng Qinqin frowned. I don't know if she was too dark in her heart. She always felt that Anxi did this on purpose, to make her look bad, to make everyone think that she was a bully and difficult to get along with. If so, everyone would be unwilling to get along with her She got along.

Regardless of whether it was her villainous heart or not, Feng Qinqin walked over, her tone as gentle as possible.

"Why are you apologizing to me?"

After asking, Feng Qinqin smiled, but felt a little helpless.

And at this moment, Anxi's mouth curled into a sinister smile, which was quickly replaced by my pitiful expression.

If Feng Qinqin hadn't seen it, she would have thought she was dazzled.

It turned out to be a showman.

"Madam President, I know I was wrong. I will never talk nonsense again. I will be very careful."

She said the last sentence on purpose. She didn't want to say it to Feng Qinqin, but to the people in the department.

Tell them that Feng Qinqin is not easy to mess with, so don't talk to her, lest you get burned.

This undoubtedly isolated Feng Qinqin.

Listening to her words, coupled with her pitiful expression, Feng Qinqin felt that while she was smart, she also felt quite tired here.

She has such a little cleverness, if she thanked herself for having such a little cleverness, she saw Anxi's tricks.

It's just that this woman is really hateful.

Is it fun to do this?

Squeeze her out?
Hehe, she has never been short of friends, and she is even more uncommon for the so-called paper-like friendship here.

"Anxi, do you mean that I used Bo Zhongye's name to bully you?"

Feng Qinqin's rhetorical question made Anxi feel ashamed.

She wanted to pretend to be pitiful, but she was also a proud person. She admitted that Feng Qinqin bullied her in front of so many people, but after being bullied, she still had to apologize to this person. Wasn't she the one who was ashamed?

But if you don't say that, it means that she just made trouble for no reason.

She always thought that Feng Qinqin was just a pretty woman, but she never got the upper hand in these two confrontations.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Feng Qinqin sneered.

"Anxi, what is your plan? I still don't know. You think I haven't worked before, so I don't understand your little thoughts?"

Oh, that really disappointed her, she knew a little bit.

"Also, as you can imagine, I relied on Bo Zhongye to come here, I relied on my face to be with your president, so what, this is my blessing, not everyone has it .”

As soon as Feng Qinqin's words came out, Anxi's face turned pale.

Yes, this is indeed her blessing, which no one else could wish for.

Now, the eyes in the department looking at Anxi are different from before.

The president's wife is right, she is marrying their president, it's her, not anyone else, let alone Anxi.

Thinking about it, after the president's wife came over, it was Anxi who was nagging all the time, like a resentful woman, but she was actually jealous.

What's more, after the president's wife came, she didn't have the airs that others said. Even today, Anxi spoke ill of her behind her back and hurt her in a strange way. She didn't really care about Anxi, but Anxi was always aggressive.

Noticing how everyone looked at her, Anxi turned angrily and returned to her seat.

When Huayan came back, the turmoil had just ended, and when she came in, she saw Anxi looking angry about to explode, and Qinqin was sitting on the seat to read the document.

Is this what happened again?

Huayan walked over, sat down, looked around, and asked in a low voice.

"Anxi is causing you trouble again? Didn't the manager tell her to go over and have a talk with her? Why don't you change it?"

Seeing Huayan came back, Feng Qinqin first smiled, then shrugged and said.

"Who knows, she started to bully me after she came out." Speaking of this, Feng Qinqin still had no breath in his chest, "No, why do you think I offended her? What did I do?"

It was because of this Feng Qinqin that she was so angry, and she didn't bother her much, she was the one who provoked her every time, and she still looked reasonable but was bullied, could she not be angry?

Knowing the cause and effect, Hua Yan laughed.

This is Anxi's usual style of dealing with things, pretending to be pitiful.

"Don't be as knowledgeable as her. Just do our job well. Besides, you won't be here after a week. Who will see who in the future?"

Hearing this, Feng Qinqin pouted.

That's right, she hasn't been here for a long time, but even though it's only for a while, she doesn't want to leave a bad impression on the people in the department.

After all, she represents her family, Mr. Bo, and everyone's opinion of her is the opinion of Bo Zhongye.

After she left, her family, Bo Zhongye, could blame her again.

"Xiaoyan, I would like to treat everyone to a meal. How about lunch?"

Huayan thought for a while and said.

"Well, this is okay. I'll tell you about it later, but I still don't want to eat hot pot."

After speaking, Huayan laughed first.

Yesterday, Qinqin ate a piece of fish tofu in a large pot of hot pot, and only gave her the rest.

Hearing this, Feng Qinqin also laughed.

"Okay, if we don't want to eat hot pot, then let's go to the Yanwu clubhouse."

The Yanwu clubhouse is luxurious enough, and the food cooked there is also delicious, it is a good place to treat guests.

Huayan also knew about the Yanwu clubhouse, and she went there once during the year-end party of their department, and a dozen or so people spent [-] to [-] yuan.

However, Qinqin probably didn't care.

"Yes, but if you want to go to the Yanwu clubhouse, I'm afraid it won't work at noon today."

All private rooms need to be reserved.

"It's okay, my Mr. Bo has two private rooms there."

Go and see first, if there is a vacant box, that's fine, if not, go to Mr. Bo's at her house.

Huayan thinks about it too.

"Okay, then I'll talk to them later."

Because I was worried that everyone would not be able to make arrangements in advance, Huayan went to talk to everyone after discussing it.

Hearing that the wife of the president wants to treat guests, no matter if there is something to do or not, everyone will definitely go.

Anxi didn't expect that Feng Qinqin would invite them to dinner, so whether she should go or not.

The Yanwu clubhouse is a common place for aristocratic men to go in and out, and every time they go there, there will be one more chance to catch a wealthy son-in-law.

Huayan looked at her, and instead of asking, she spoke to everyone.

"Then we'll all go after get off work."

Everyone else nodded, Anxi didn't nod but didn't refuse either.

Huayan returned to her seat, Feng Qinqin looked at her and asked softly.

"Anxi is willing to go? Don't you need to ask her what she means?"

Huayan shook her head.

"Don't worry, even if her enemy invites her to the Yanwu Club, she will go."

That was her chance to catch a wealthy son-in-law, so it's no wonder she would give up.

Feng Qinqin looked at her, then retracted her gaze, and her gaze was fixed on the table.

Even though it was only two days, she discovered that Huayan is not an ordinary person, she is good at observing people's character, not to mention that she can accurately read the other person's mind, but she can also see nine out of ten.

It's really a pity that such a person doesn't go to school, but her current working ability doesn't require her to go to school anymore.

She was thinking whether she should stay here for a while and learn more from her.

In fact, these are not more important. What is more important is that she used to feel that she was quite calm and performed well when facing other people's provocations, but compared with Huayan, she seemed a lot more impetuous.

Well, she suddenly had a bold idea in her heart, she asked.

"Xiaoyan, would you like to work in my shop?"

As soon as the words were said, Feng Qinqin felt that he had said too much, a talent like Hua Yan must work in a big company like Zhuo Yuan.

Huayan didn't expect Feng Qinqin to say that, she couldn't believe it.

"You really want me to go?"

Qinqin is also fun enough. When she came to her husband's company, she would poach someone without saying a word. The president must feel very relieved to know.

Feng Qinqin nodded frantically when she heard that there was something going on.

"That's right, my shop is actually not bad, and the salary can be opened by you, and I will accept it."

Huayan didn't expect Qinqin to take it seriously.

"Okay, no problem, but where is your store?"

The house she rented was near the company, and she lived here alone. If it was far away, it would not be safe to come back at night.

"My store is called an information station."

Feng Qinqin said the name of the shop, and when she heard her shop name, Huayan froze for a moment.

information station?
Isn't that the shop she always goes to?

It's not very far from here, but it's not close either.

"Qinqin, you really opened the information station you mentioned, but I didn't see you when I went there?"

As far as she knew, there was only one information station clothing store in Tongcheng, which opened a few months ago, and the clothes inside were very fashionable, but when she went there, it seemed that a young and beautiful aunt was there.

"That's my mother, it should be the place you mentioned."

Indeed, her time in the store is relatively short, and her mother is there most of the time. Now that she is pregnant, she goes even less often.

But she didn't expect Huayan to have been there.

After confirming, Huayan nodded.

She is very willing to go, although the current store is small, compared with Zhuo Yuan, it is several levels behind, but there is a lot of room for development, she likes challenges the most.

Now that Qinqin has come to learn about sales, she also knows that she intends to develop the store.

"No problem, but I have to find a good house nearby first. I'm a timid person, and I'm afraid to come back alone at night."

She is helpless here, and no one knows when she is being bullied.

Seeing that she agreed, Feng Qinqin stepped forward and hugged her happily.

"Thank you Xiaoyan!"

She thinks the matter of the house is easy to handle. There are two rooms upstairs.

"Xiaoyan, if you don't mind, I can ask my partner to show you the place where you live after get off work in the afternoon, which is upstairs from the store."

Niu Feng lives upstairs. As far as she knows, there is another house upstairs, which is just right for Xiaoyan to live in.

Huayan's eyes lit up immediately, of course it's good.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a room upstairs.

"Okay, I'll go take a look this afternoon."

As for resigning, I believe it will be easy to handle.

Feng Qinqin couldn't be happier when her wish came true.

At 11:30 noon, Bai Zhongli and Bo Zhongye greeted each other and said they were going to a party.

Bai Zhongli knew about the president's wife's pregnancy, so naturally he didn't dare to set the time at night.

Bo Zhongye didn't say much, he just told him not to let Feng Qinqin eat what he shouldn't eat.

When they were assembled, Feng Qinqin found that Anxi really came, and Huayan's expectation was really good.

A group of people drove three cars, and it was already twelve o'clock when they arrived at the Yanwu clubhouse.

There happened to be a private room for 15 people, Feng Qinqin settled down directly, after entering, everyone started to order food, Huayan ordered some food for pregnant women.

The meal was fairly harmonious. During the meal, Feng Qinqin picked up the water glass in front of her and stood up.

"I'm very happy to come to the sales department. I came here to learn from you. I'm not very good at talking. I hope you can take care of me in the days to come."

With that said, Feng Qinqin took out a dozen business cards and handed them out to them one by one.

 Mr. Bo: Wife, I asked you to study, why are you prying my corner?
  Feng Qinqin nodded her lips with her little hand, and murmured for a long time.

  "Husband, let me help you take a bath tonight."

  Mr. Bo: "Okay"

(End of this chapter)

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