Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 372 Pampering to the End

Chapter 372 Pampering to the End (2 More)
Feng Qinqin distributed business cards to them one by one, then sat down and said.

"This is a clothing store I opened. If you like it, you can come here in the future. I can give you a [-]% discount."

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback, and took a look at the business card in their hands, and it turned out to be the proprietress of the information station!
No, it should be the female boss.

Moreover, this information station is not an ordinary clothing store, it is a well-known clothing store in Tongcheng in only three or four months.

The way she looked at Feng Qinqin again had changed.

Who said that a girl must be a strong woman, like the president's wife has her own small shop, and it is still running well, in their opinion, this is better.

"Ma'am, is this really your shop?"

someone asked.

Feng Qinqin nodded, but smiled.

"I only have women's clothing in my store, you can buy it for your girlfriend."

Bai Zhongli told his wife when he saw his wife, so he didn't hide anything.

"Madam is about to open a new store. You come here to learn. You can tell Madam what you know. Maybe Madam can give us a [-]% discount in the future!"

Hearing this, Feng Qinqin nodded.

Yes, anyone who tells her useful sales knowledge can give it to them for free.

Seeing so many people's attitude towards Feng Qinqin getting better and better, Anxi felt very jealous.

In just one morning, Feng Qinqin won over people's hearts, and she never thought that Feng Qinqin opened the store at the information station.

A meal was spent amidst everyone's praise and appreciation for Feng Qinqin. For Anxi, it was undoubtedly a torment.

"Manager Bai, let me go out for a while."

She really couldn't stay any longer, and didn't want to stay longer for a quarter of an hour.

Bai Zhongli has worked with Anxi for so many years, so he knows her personality somewhat.

I used to go out to catch rich men-in-law, but now I can't stand everyone being so enthusiastic about my wife.

As a colleague for many years, it seems that she really needs to have a good talk with her, otherwise, if she is not careful, she may really take a detour.

After dinner, at exactly two o'clock, a group of people drove back to the company.

Back at the company at 02:30, as soon as he arrived at the department, he saw that Bo Zhongye was already sitting in Feng Qinqin's seat and organizing documents for her.

Seeing them coming back, Bo Zhongye didn't get up, but reached out to Feng Qinqin.

Seeing this scene, everyone walked back to their seats in a sensible manner.

Feng Qinqin walked over and stood beside him, her eyes fell on the paper documents on the table.

"You asked Leyuan to print it?"

Quite attentive.

Bo Zhongye stood up, picked up the document in his hand, put his arms around her waist, and asked softly.

"Why don't you think I printed it?"

Feng Qinqin's face flushed instantly when he held her.

This person doesn't care about time and place at all.

A lot of people are watching here?
Feng Qinqin twisted her body, trying to break free from his embrace, but the man's strength was not strong enough for her to break free.

"Did you still print it?"

He just doesn't have the time.

Seeing the interaction between the two, everyone in the department was envious.

Seeing Bo Zhongye and Feng Qinqin flirting openly, Anxi clenched her hands so tightly that her palms were about to bleed.

When Feng Qinqin was thinking about how to get him out of here, a man's low and mellow voice came from his ear.

"Of course it's me," Bo Zhongye replied lightly, "Also, didn't I tell you that you can't touch the computer and mobile phone now, did you take my words as a deaf ear?"

Hearing this, Feng Qinqin was shocked.

He went to print it?
She always thought he was the one giving orders, and he couldn't do such trivial things as printing things.

"I've already tidied it up for you. Let's go back and look at it. Let's go to lunch break first."

If you can eat a meal until this time, you must be sleepy.

Noticing everyone's expressions, Feng Qinqin tugged at the corner of his clothes and said softly.

"Let's go back first."

It's already 02:30, and I guess I'll sleep until night.

Bo Zhongye watched her start to feel drowsy, held the document in one hand, bent down and picked her up by the waist.

Feng Qinqin quickly hugged his neck, and was carried away by him with a blushing face.

As soon as the two left, the department exploded.

"Oh my god, isn't this too pampering?"

A woman exclaimed.

"It's more than that. Have you heard that the president personally printed the documents for his wife and organized them for her? When did the president be so patient?"

It's embarrassing to say it, the president's attitude has simply brought pampering to a new level.

"Also, the president hugged me just now, ahhh, I think the person he hugged was me."

A girl squinted her eyes lewdly, imagining that she was that person.

"Also, didn't you notice an important point?" A woman seemed to have discovered a big secret, "The president actually said that the wife is not allowed to touch the computer or the mobile phone, but you think, why can't you touch it?"

"And, the president also said that he wants to take his wife to take a nap?!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was attracted.

Huayan was sweating for Qinqin at the moment, it seemed that she couldn't hide the news of her pregnancy.

 Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, babies, have you seen the demon mother's slaying male sex, it's very good, have you seen it, the goddess of thousands, hahahahaha

(End of this chapter)

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