Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 376 Is It Too Annoying

Chapter 376 Is It Too Annoying (2 more)
Seeing the young master and his wife enter the compound, the pace of action is still a bit fast.

There was a wry smile on the corner of Qiao Wu's mouth.

The young master seems to be jealous.

Seeing that his wife is quite happy now, there is really no need for him to be here anymore.

Perhaps, he should leave.

The eldest brother and the others are not here, and there is no need for him to stay here alone.

Feng Qinqin came back with Bo Zhongye, Zuo Yao greeted her as usual after returning, and then let Wang Ma serve the meal.

Bo Zhongye handed the computer to the housekeeper and told him to put it in his bedroom.

During the meal, Zuo Yao asked about the results of the reexamination.

Feng Qinqin put down the chopsticks in his hand and said.

"Mom, it's all right. Dr. Xu said that he will go for a reexamination next month."

Hearing this, Zuo Yao was relieved.

He wanted to say something to his son, but swallowed the words back to his lips.

Forget it, her son has held back for such a long time, so she doesn't care about it.

In the afternoon, Feng Qinqin called Feng Xiao.

"Brother, tomorrow is Fangfang's birthday!"

Worried that elder brother didn't know, as soon as the phone was connected, Feng Qinqin said that way.

Feng Xiao is preparing for work tomorrow morning, and tomorrow afternoon he has to prepare a gift for Niu Fang, so this afternoon is very busy.

When I received my sister's call, I thought it was something important, but in the end I told him that Fangfang's birthday was coming.

Feng Xiao rubbed the center of his brows, his sister was really worried about his lifelong affairs.

"I already know, and I'll be there tomorrow night."

Already know?
She already knew about Fangfang's confession. Could it be that Fangfang told her elder brother that it was her birthday?
"Brother, are you two formally dating?"

If not, brother's attitude is wrong.

Feng Xiao looked at his hands and frowned as he couldn't handle the official business until eight o'clock.

"Qinqin, I have a lot of work right now, we'll talk about it tomorrow night when we arrive at Niufeng's apartment."

Feng Qinqin knew that he was busy, but felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. Previously, her elder brother always put her first. After a phone call, no matter what the elder brother was doing, he would chat with her.

Now, because of work, she has to hang up her phone.

"Brother, don't you have a special assistant?"

Her family, Bo Zhongye, is not so busy. Leyuan basically knows everything, and there are many employees in the company.

Hearing the grievance in his sister's tone, Feng Xiao realized that he just refused to chat with his sister.

"Qinqin, are you angry?"

Also, the attitude just now is too different from his previous attitude.

It is normal for a sister to feel disappointed and wronged.

Feng Qinqin bit her lip.

The grievance is certain.

Now the eldest brother doesn't want to chat with her because of business, and he won't answer her calls in the future.

"It's okay, brother, I'm going to eat, you can do your work."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Feng Qinqin sat on the bed in a daze.

Anyway, very unhappy.

Here, Feng Xiao looked at the phone that was hung up, feeling disappointed.

Why did he talk like that just now?

Qinqin was pregnant, and her mood was easy to change, but now she felt so sad.

Thinking about it, she still found out Bo Zhongye's cell phone number and dialed it.

Feng Qinqin was sad on the bed, when Bo Zhongye opened the door and walked in.

As soon as Bo Zhongye came in, he saw the little girl sitting in the middle of the bed with her head drooping, looking bored.

Sure enough, as Feng Xiao said, this girl was sad.

Bo Zhongye walked over, took off his shoes and got on the bed.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

Bo Zhongye went to bed and hugged the girl from behind.

Feng Qinqin turned around and took a look, her little face was not at all energetic.

Duladula talked about what happened with the eldest brother just now, and finally said.

"Husband, will you be the only one who treats me well in the future?"

Look, my mother has Lin Xiu, and my elder brother doesn't want to chat with her now that he has a company. After that, if he marries Fangfang, he won't treat her as well as he did before.

Bo Zhongye sighed, lowered his head and kissed her small mouth.

"Fool, my mother is married to Lin Xiu, but you must be the first in her eyes." As he said, Bo Zhongye stroked her cheek with his fingertips, pampering her tenderly, "Besides, you definitely don't know Big brother's situation in Fengshi, since big brother went to Fengshi, Feng Wenjun arranged for him an assistant who knows nothing."

Feng Wenjun was deliberately embarrassing him, and sent him such an assistant, which was equivalent to having him do everything by himself.

Feng Xiao hadn't worked in the company before, so it's no wonder he wasn't busy.

Hearing this, Feng Qinqin blinked her eyes. She had thought that it would be difficult for her eldest brother in the company, but she never thought it would be so difficult.

This Feng Wenjun is a bastard, the eldest brother is his own son.

How could it be so difficult for him.

"Just now, my elder brother called me. The general meaning is that he dare not call you anymore. He is worried that you will be angry, so he asked me to come over."

Feng Xiao's guilt was very obvious on the phone.

Hearing what he said, Feng Qinqin bit her lip and asked.

"Honey, am I annoying recently?" 
(End of this chapter)

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