Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 377 Being Locked Out

Chapter 377 Being Locked Out (1 More)
"Honey, do you think I've been annoying recently?"

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head first, feeling a little frustrated.

Not to mention the eldest brother and her family, Mr. Bo, even she felt that she was annoying.

Every time she got angry for no reason, this time she was even more angry with her eldest brother indiscriminately, and even made her brother worry, so she called her family Bo Zhongye.

They are all busy, but she still has to give them trouble.

She is the one who is looking for trouble.

Bo Zhongye tightened his arms around her waist, but he didn't dare to hug her as tightly as before.

"If you say you are a fool, you are really a fool."

Now that she is pregnant, she can't do many things, so she doesn't wonder.

It is not unreasonable for the doctor to say that the mood of pregnant women changes quickly.

Anyone who can't do anything will not be happy in his heart.

"I know I'm just thinking about it. Big brother doesn't want to worry you. Even when he called me just now, he didn't tell me about his situation in Fengshi. He just didn't want us to worry."

But it seems that he really needs to help Feng Xiao.

It is said that the cooperation between Feng Xiao and the Chen family has gone bad, and it seems that his situation in the Feng family will become more and more difficult in the recent period.

Feng Qinqin also knew about his cooperation with the Chen family. The elder brother would never marry the daughter of the Chen family.

"Husband, I, can I ask you a favor?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Bo Zhongye's expression changed.

He fixedly looked at the girl in his arms, with an ugly expression on his face, without saying a word.

Seeing his expression, Feng Qinqin's heart pounded.

Is her tone just now wrong? She seems to be too polite.

"Honey, are you angry?"

Feng Qinqin hugged the man's waist and shook his body.

Bo Zhongye glanced at her and asked.

"Then am I your husband?"

Hearing this, Feng Qinqin lowered her head and twirled her fingers, looking innocent.

"Why didn't you speak?"

Bo Zhongye thought it was funny to see how guilty he was and did not dare to raise his head to face him.

Feng Qinqin continued to stir her fingers and said softly.

"Well, of course you are my husband."

It's not a matter of the company, she's too embarrassed to intervene, besides, Zhuoyuan International is not hers, it was created by several generations of the Bo family's hard work, how could she have the nerve to ask him to help big brother.

"Why didn't I see that you regarded me as your husband, huh?"

Feng Qinqin bit her lip, raised her head, looked at him with a pair of bright eyes, and then raised her head to kiss his Adam's apple.

"Yes, I really do!"

Feng Qinqin had no choice but to seduce her.

"Oh, don't be angry, am I not embarrassed?"

Bo Zhongye pinched her chin, lowered his head and pecked it lightly, sighing helplessly.

"Don't you just want me to help elder brother? What's so embarrassing about it? You are now Mrs. Bo, not Miss Feng. Zhuo Yuan also has a part of you, you know?"

Not to mention that she is his wife now, even when they were not married before, as long as she asked, he would not refuse.

Feng Qinqin looked at him in disbelief, but then she thought about it again, her Mr. Bo is so smart, he must not understand it after thinking about it.

"Then you can help him, there is nothing I can do anyway."

She really doesn't know anything except picking clothes and selling clothes.

Now the eldest brother is in trouble, but she can't help him with anything.

"Fool, I've been looking for special help for him these few days, and I'll tell you that Feng Xiao is my brother, and he will go much smoother in the business world in the future."

Feng Wenjun is a profit-seeking person, I believe he is waiting for him to say these things to the outside world.

But he might be disappointed, he didn't say that he is the son-in-law of the Feng family, which has a different meaning.

Feng Qinqin felt that this was the best solution.

"Well, let's go to the company to see the elder brother later, and bring some dinner made by my mother before we go."

"it is good."

After finishing speaking, Feng Qinqin picked up her mobile phone and called her mother, asking her to go back early today and cook some food for the siblings.

After hanging up the phone, Bo Zhongye thought about it and discussed it with her.

"Qinqin, why don't we go to Lin's house?"

Qinqin would definitely not enter the Lin family's villa for taking meals. It has been a long time, and Qinqin still doesn't want to go in.

Although the mother-in-law didn't say it, she must feel uncomfortable, right?

Feng Qinqin froze for a moment, and withdrew from his embrace.

The two did not speak for a long time.

She didn't say anything, and Bo Zhongye wasn't in a hurry.

"It'll be a while, I don't want to go in now."

When she thought of entering that strange environment to meet her relatives, she felt very repelled.

She knew that she would eventually take this step, but not now.

Hearing what she said, Bo Zhongye didn't force her either.

I believe that when the baby is born, the little girl's mood towards her parents will change a lot.

"Well, okay, then let's go and see how the decoration of the villa we bought is going well?"

It has been renovated for so long, it should be possible to live in years ago.

Thinking of that villa, Feng Qinqin regained his energy, hugged the man's waist, and said.

"Then let's go and have a look. We'll get the food after we finish."

Downstairs, Zuo Yao was instructing Wang Ma to cook, and seeing the two of them coming down, the daughter-in-law was still holding her bag, and she seemed to be going out.

Zuo Yao walked over and asked.

"Qinqin, are you going out?"

"Mom, I'll take her to Lin's house to see Mom, and I won't come back for dinner at night, so you don't have to wait for us."

Zuo Yao oh oh twice.

"Go to Lin's house? Xiaoye, remember to buy some gifts before you go, don't go empty-handed."

It was the first time for the two of them to visit Liu Ping at the Lin's house. It seemed that Qinqin had figured it out.

"No need, Mom, we'll just get something outside the door."

Zuo Yao was stunned.

Uh, why not go to their house?

"Oh, that's fine, you go."

Zuo Yao didn't care anymore, Qinqin wanted to open her heart to accept the Lin family, and it wasn't just a matter of a day or two.

Qiao Wu was called back to drive again.

The car drove to a villa near the Lin family villa and stopped.

Bo Zhongye took care of his wife and got out of the car, while Qiao Wu stayed in the car wisely.

Feng Qinqin only heard him say that the villa is here, and this is the first time seeing him today.

The overall look is retro, but it also combines some elements of Western Europe.

"Husband, did you find someone to design this?"

Bo Zhongye laughed.

"Fool, how long has it been? Even if I have the ability, it is impossible to design and build the house in such a short period of time."

Knowing that this girl likes retro styles, it happens that this house fits her requirements very well.

It can be regarded as a kind of fate, and the structure inside is also very good.

"Would you like to go in and have a look?"

Feng Qinqin nodded wildly.

She was already looking forward to what it would look like inside, um, she just wanted to see what kind of surprise her Mr. Bo would give her.

"Go, I'll take you in."

Walking to the door, Feng Qinqin looked up at him.

"Take out the key and open the door."

Bo Zhongye smiled, picked up her index finger, and pressed it on the fingerprint.

The door opened.

Feng Qinqin looked at her fingers, and then at the opened door, feeling amazing.

"How do you know my fingerprints?"

Bo Zhongye: "Your fingerprints are all over my body."

Feng Qinqin's face instantly flushed red.

After thinking about it, Feng Qinqin closed the door again. When Bo Zhongye was puzzled, the girl took his index finger and pressed it on the fingerprint.

the door didn't open...

Feng Qinqin paused.

Is it not this finger?

Feng Qinqin changed her thumb again and pressed it.

Not open...

Feng Qinqin felt a leaf floating above her head.

Bo Zhongye watched her try his fingers one by one, but the door didn't even open.

"Your fingerprint input times have exceeded, and you cannot enter again today."

Feng Qinqin: "..."

Bo Zhongye: "..."

Damn, what the hell is this!

Can't get in?

Feng Qinqin quickly put her index finger on it.

The door is as solid as if glued to the wall.

Feng Qinqin looked at him not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"Are we going back?"

Bo Zhongye shrugged, meaning he couldn't get in today.

"Why don't you record your fingerprints?"

Otherwise, it's all in now.

Moreover, this is their home, what's the matter with only her fingerprints.

After thinking of countless reasons, Mr. Bo's voice came from above her head.

"I just want to tell you that from now on, this is our home, and it's up to you to decide. If you let me in, I'll come in. One day I make you angry, and you push me out of the door, and you can Punish me severely?"

Feng Qinqin: "..."

What should I do if I am very moved?
Why does her family, Mr. Bo, treat her so well.

But this is the home of the two of them, so what's the matter with only her fingerprints.

Even if she gets angry with him in the future, she won't push him away, what if he goes outside to find a coquettish bitch.

"No, when you have time, you record your fingerprints, and I will never give you a chance to find other women!"

The little girl said it swearingly, as if it really happened.

"Why are you looking for other women? The one in my family is already giving me a headache."

Feng Qinqin opened her eyes wide suddenly, unable to believe her ears.

She, she gave him a headache?
Also, still have a headache?

All the emotions just now were washed away by these words.

"You just mean that I'm annoying and give you a headache?"

Feng Qinqin asked again.

Bo Zhongye felt bad.

I said the wrong thing again.

"No, your husband definitely doesn't mean that. What your husband means is that my wife has already squeezed me dry, and I'm sure I won't have the strength to face other women."

Hearing this, Feng Qinqin narrowed his eyes and asked again.

"So you are powerless?"

"En." Bo Zhongye nodded, not realizing that his little wife had set him up.

Hearing his answer, Feng Qinqin instantly became furious.

"So you just have that heart. Is it because I can't serve you now? You have both heart and strength!"

Simply unbearable!
"No, no!"

Bo Zhongye waved his hands again and again, no, why did he fall into this girl's trap?

Didn't she say that she was stupid for three years after being pregnant? How did she become smart again?
"Hmph, I want to go home," Feng Qinqin yelled at her angrily, and then said, "No, I'm not going home, I'm going back to the dormitory today, go find the coquettish sluts outside!"

With that said, Feng Qinqin lifted her foot and was about to leave.

Bo Zhongye: "..."

Coquettish bitch?

The corner of Bo Zhongye's mouth twitched, and he quickly pulled her back.

"Fool, you are still angry when you set me up. Also, what a coquettish bitch, with such a beautiful wife at home, how wrong I am to think about other women."

In fact, what he didn't tell her was that the women outside were no different from men in his eyes, they were just a different noun from men.

Feng Qinqin pouted, not wanting to talk to him.

Why did she set him up, then he had to think so in his heart, otherwise how could he jump in.

Seeing that she was still unhappy, Bo Zhongye leaned over and kissed the girl's pouty pink lips.

Feng Qinqin didn't expect him to kiss her. Does this person want to seduce her?

She is not so superficial!
Where did Bo Zhongye give her a chance to be distracted, to see the gap she wanted to avoid, he thrust his tongue straight in, the tip of his tongue pressed against her jaw, he drove straight in, entangled her uvula, and entangled her.

Feng Qinqin lost her temper after being kissed by him, and was angry that she was indulging in his kiss, so she raised her foot and stepped on his instep.

Bo Zhongye continued to kiss her more deeply as if he didn't feel any pain.

Feng Qinqin couldn't withstand his attack and was completely lost in his kiss.

After the kiss was over, Bo Zhongye kissed the girl on the lips again.

"Don't think about it too much in the future, what other women, there is nothing, only you, do you know if there is any!"

Pregnant women like to think too much, he doesn't want his little wife to suffer from depression.

(End of this chapter)

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