Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 378 Lower IQ

Chapter 378 Lower IQ (2 more)
Listening to her family Mr. Bo's words, Feng Qinqin lowered her head and remained silent for a while.

Looking at the top of the girl's head, Bo Zhongye sighed helplessly, and stepped forward to hug her.

"What's going on recently? Why do you always think too much?"

Being held in his arms, Feng Qinqin also wondered what happened recently?
It may be because she hasn't had sex with him for a long time, and what he said to the doctor this morning, she just started to worry that he will find other women when she can't serve him.

But here at this moment, nestled in his arms, Feng Qinqin felt like a fool.

She shouldn't be so suspicious of her husband.

"Honey, let's go see Mom."

Feng Qinqin tugged at the corner of his back with his little hand, and said softly.

Bo Zhongye knew that she had figured it out, but he still didn't know what was going on in her heart?

"Then tell me, what's going on these days?"

If he didn't say it, he would always be worried.

In the past two days, the little girl has quarreled with her several times.

Feng Qinqin muttered and couldn't tell why.

Bo Zhongye was helpless.

"Qinqin, is there something on your mind, can I rest assured?"

Feng Qinqin raised her head, her tone was a little aggrieved.

"I'm just worried that you will find another woman. I can't satisfy you now. Will you be unable to hold back one day..."

Feng Qinqin didn't say the following words, but Bo Zhongye understood.

After realizing this, Bo Zhongye wanted to laugh.

What are you thinking about.

Bo Zhongye pulled her shoulder, his voice was weak.

The two faced each other, and Bo gently pinched her chin with one hand, forcing her to look at him.

"Is that how you think of me?"

Feng Qinqin glanced at him, then lowered her eyes and said nothing, obviously acquiescing to his words.

That's not to blame her for thinking too much.

How much this man needs in this regard can be seen from the frequency of asking her before.

It's been three months since I asked her, so I don't know what it's like to hold back.

If a woman comes to her door one day, she will make mistakes, that is also possible.

Bo Zhongye was speechless.

Is this what she thinks?

"Fool, do you think I'm still socializing now? I even go to work with you."

Feng Qinqin didn't speak, feeling a little guilty.

"Okay, I'll take you with me wherever I go in the future, and it's even more impossible for me to go out at night. Do you think it's okay?"

Bo Zhongye coaxed her.

No matter what, it was his fault that he couldn't make her little wife feel at ease.

Feng Qinqin felt that she was being unreasonable.

"I didn't say I wouldn't let you out."

Entertainment is necessary.

"Okay, let's go see Mom first."

After Bo Zhongye knew the reason, he knew what he should do in the future.

"Okay, let's go."

Because the distance was so close, Feng Qinqin didn't ask for a car anymore, and Bo Zhongye took her by the hand and walked towards Lin's villa.

The environment here is quite good, there is a garden not far away, Feng Qinqin glanced over there.

There are quite a lot of flowers and plants.

"Husband, there is a garden here. Lin Shishuo really knows how to find a place."

Lin Shishuo was looking for this house, and one can tell from a glance that Lin Shishuo is a person who can enjoy himself.

"It seems that Lin Shishuo doesn't look like a mountain, but the city is deep. He doesn't look like a big brother. There is more than ink in his stomach."

Feng Qinqin understands what her family Mr. Bo means. Lin Shishuo has worked in the Lin family for so many years, and the Lin family and the Feng family have been fighting for so many years. It is not only Lin Xiu's credit, Lin Shishuo has worked a lot, and he has always been in the upper hand. .

"It's a pity, the character is not good!"

When Feng Qinqin thought of what Lin Shishuo had done, she felt that he was not a good person.

Bo Zhongye shook his head and laughed, raised his hand to rub her heart.

"It's not easy for Lin Shishuo either."

If Lin Zhiyou and Huang Qing hadn't been inserted in the middle, I believe Lin Shishuo would be as good to Qinqin as Feng Xiao.

It's just that this person has taken on too much.

Feng Qinqin knew that it was not easy for him, and she didn't think that his character was bad because he treated her badly.

However, in some things, Lin Shishuo did not do very well.

Certain things, of course, were Lin Zhiyou's affairs.

After talking, the two arrived at the place.

Feng Qinqin poked his finger and said.

"Go, I'll wait for you here."

Bo Zhongye patted her head, walked towards the Lin family's villa, and then called Liu Ping.

After a while, Liu Ping and Lin Xiu came out from inside.

Seeing them coming, Feng Qinqin quickly hid under a tree.

Liu Ping handed the lunch box to Bo Zhongye, and glanced not far away.

"Is Qinqin here?"

Although it is a question, but as a mother, I still know her very well.

This girl must be hiding.

Bo Zhongye smiled, and took the lunch box in her hand.

"Mom, give her some time."

Today is already an improvement.

Liu Ping nodded, she couldn't bear her daughter to hide for too long, so she talked to Bo Zhongye.

"Well, you should go back first, don't you still want to see Ah Xiao?"

Bo Zhongye said goodbye to her.

As soon as Bo Zhongye left, Liu Ping smiled towards the tree where Feng Qinqin was hiding, and pulled Lin Xiu back.

She worried that if she stayed here for a long time, her daughter would not dare to come out.

Seeing her mother and Lin Xiu going back, Feng Qinqin came out.

Seeing her hiding, Bo Zhongye didn't know what to say about her.

"Let's go, let's go see Big Brother."

It was already 06:30 when we arrived at Feng's, and Feng Xiao was indeed still in the office.

Feng's front desk didn't know Feng Qinqin, but he did know Bo Zhongye.

It was a bit embarrassing to know that they were looking for the president.

Young Master Bo came here to look for the president instead of the chairman, so the chairman will be unhappy if he finds out, right?

Seeing that this person secretly didn't want them to go in, Feng Qinqin frowned.

"I'll call your president."

With that said, Feng Qinqin went to the side to call his elder brother.

Bo Zhongye narrowed his eyes to look at the staff at the front desk, and sneered.

So, even a small employee can ignore Feng Xiao, right?

He felt uncomfortable at the front desk, so he took a step back.

"Brother, I'm here to see you. Tell the front desk quickly and let me go up."

Feng Xiao, who was still scribbling in the office, was stunned when he heard this sentence.

Qinqin came to see him?
"Are you under the company now?"

Feng Qinqin nodded, then thought that her elder brother couldn't see it, and said.

"I'm downstairs. I'll bring you the food that mom cooked for you, but the lady at the front desk won't let me go up."

The front desk lady looked at it and frowned.

This person is the daughter of the chairman's family that was exposed on the Internet a long time ago?

No, it should not be the daughter.

But isn't the chairman already divorced? This girl should have gone with her mother too.

How could she be with Bo Zhongye?
Hearing Qinqin's words, Feng Xiao knew that she was really here.

"You wait for me there for a while, and I'll go down right away."

Feng Qinqin walked over, took Bo Zhongye's arm, and said.

"Brother will come and pick us up in a while."

Bo Zhongye nodded.

Then, the man's eyes fell on the face of the front desk lady.

The latter took a step back in horror.

God, do you want to talk to the chairman, if the chairman knows that Young Master Bo met with the president privately but he doesn't know, she must be fired.

While thinking about what to do, Bo Zhongye's voice was cold.

"Although you are an employee of Feng's, as long as I say a word, you can't stay in the whole Tongcheng. You'd better think about whether to make this call."

Hearing this, the receptionist took another step back.

A pair of eyes stared at him fiercely.

How does this man know what she is thinking?
Feng Qinqin was also puzzled and asked him in a low voice.

"Honey, how do you know she's going to call, who is she going to call?"

Standing with her husband, she felt that she had lowered his IQ.

Bo Zhongye didn't say anything, Feng Xiao happened to trot over from the elevator.

"Qinqin, why are you here?"

Feng Xiao walked up to Feng Qinqin and stopped.

The eldest brother came, Feng Qinqin didn't worry about the problem just now, picked up the lunch box in his hand, and smiled mischievously at him.

"Aren't you working overtime? I've brought you food."

Seeing the lunch box she held up, Feng Xiao felt warm in his heart.

I was still angry with him on the phone just now, and now I am delivering food to him again, this is a relative.

"Xiao Li, this is my younger sister. I recognize it clearly. In the future, she will come and let her go up directly. Do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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