Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 379 I'm sorry for myself

Chapter 379 I'm sorry for myself (1 more)
The three of them went back upstairs, and Feng Xiaoyao led them to the small conference room.

Feng Qinqin frowned and asked.

"Why don't you go to your office, is there some ulterior secret?"

As she said that, Feng Qinqin still looked aside seriously, although she didn't know where her eldest brother's office was at all.

Feng Xiao shook his head helplessly at her, what kind of secret could he have.

"Don't you want to eat? The small conference room is more spacious."

The main reason is that his office is too messy, not like a president's office, but more like a warehouse, or, um, a printing factory.

The three of them went to the small meeting room and had dinner. Neither brother nor sister mentioned the unpleasantness that happened on the phone.

Feng Xiao thought, Bo Zhongye must have said something to her.

"Brother, how do you know Fangfang's birthday?"

She was very curious. According to Fangfang's personality, she might not take the initiative to speak out, but according to her elder brother's personality, it was even less likely that she would take the initiative to ask.

Moreover, it is impossible to ask so timely.

Therefore, she still believes that Fangfang is more likely to speak up on her own initiative.

Feng Xiao saw that his sister must ask why, so he could only answer her.

"I asked her some time ago, and she just said it's tomorrow, and I'm fine, so I went to have a look."

He couldn't say that Fangfang took the initiative to tell him to let him go to her birthday party.

A girl has no face to hide from.

Feng Qinqin opened her eyes wide and looked at her elder brother in disbelief. She was tongue-tied for a long time before she could say a word.

"Brother, brother, why did you become so active, say, are you interested in Fangfang?!"

If there was still a hint of uncertainty before, it is completely certain now.

A man actually asked a girl about her birthday after she confessed to him, and even put down her work to attend her birthday party. Even if the eldest brother said he didn't like Fangfang, she wouldn't believe it!
Feng Xiao looked at Bo Zhongye helplessly, and said.

"Bo Zhongye, don't you care about my sister's gossip?"

What are you used to?
Bo Zhongye looked indifferent, and put his arms around the little girl's shoulders, as if I just wanted to pamper her and he didn't care.

"This is my wife's nature. I will take care of this nature. Is this still my wife?"

Hearing this, Feng Qinqin triumphantly hugged his waist, and cast a provocative look at her elder brother.

It seems to be saying, look, my husband spoils me that much!

Feng Xiao, who watched the two show their affection: "..."

Can you stop treating a single dog like this?
Before he had eaten, he was already stuffed with dog food.

Looking at his expression, Feng Qinqin was very proud.

"Envy, if you're envious, hurry up and find a girlfriend?"

Feng Xiao was speechless, his sister just wanted to tell him that it was time for him to find a girlfriend.

"Okay, let's eat."

After eating, Feng Xiao still didn't escape being visited in the office.

Feng Qinqin insisted on going, there was no other way.

However, after seeing her eldest brother's office, Feng Qinqin was stunned for three seconds.

Then he burst out laughing, and finally laughed uncontrollably.

The two men looked at her and laughed, each of them was speechless.

In the end, Bo Zhongye was worried that she would pass out of laughter, so he walked over and hugged her waist, led her in, and sat on the sofa.

After sitting on the sofa, Feng Qinqin still couldn't stop laughing. She pointed her beautiful fingers at the scattered papers around her, trembling with laughter.

"Brother, your company's printing office is here, ahahaha..."

After finishing speaking, Feng Qinqin laughed again.

Feng Xiao: "..."

Bo Zhongye: "..."

Is it so funny?

Can laugh like this.

Feng Qinqin laughed for a while, and found that Mr. Bo and her eldest brother were sitting on the side with expressionless faces.

She stopped laughing, blinked and asked.

"Why don't you laugh?"

Bo Zhongye and Feng Xiao looked at each other, but they still didn't think there was anything funny about it.

Feng Qinqin glared at them.The words are full of contempt.

"Boring people! Don't even laugh when it's so funny."

Bo Zhongye and Feng Xiao who heard her mumbling: "..."

Well, they are boring people.

Seeing that it was almost eight o'clock, Bo Zhongye proposed to go back.

"Brother, I'll take Qinqin back first, she should rest."

Most importantly, today is a special day.

How long had he waited for this day.

Feng Xiao thought that Qinqin really wanted to go back to rest, so he didn't try to keep her.

Before leaving, Feng Qinqin looked at the large stack of documents on his eldest brother's desk, frowning tightly.

"Brother, don't be too busy at work, you still need to eat and rest," Feng Qinqin told him angrily, "Brother, there are so many people in the company, what's wrong with you ordering them around? Didn’t Wenjun not recruit capable assistants, you just call his assistant and ask him to do it, if he doesn’t do it, he will be fired!”

I still don't believe it, a president can't subdue the employees in the company!
Hearing this, Feng Xiao said that his younger sister has the demeanor of Bo Zhongye.

That's what killing decisions are all about.

Even a big brother like him admires that aura.

Bo Zhongye was also frightened by his wife's aura.

"Okay, let's go home."

As soon as the news comes out tomorrow morning, I believe Tongcheng people's attitude towards Feng Xiao will change a lot.

Feng Xiao sent them off, and everyone in the company had already left work.

Looking at the empty floors and halls, Feng Qinqin was very upset.

The company has always had employees working overtime, and the president went home to rest. It's good here, and it's the other way around!
After all, Feng Qinqin held back the thoughts in her heart, forget it, the eldest brother is already in a difficult situation, so let's not talk about this matter.

On the way back, Bo Zhongye saw his little wife with a sad face, and comforted her.

"The news will be announced tomorrow. Big brother won't be so busy after a few more days."

He is already looking for a suitable assistant, and when the time comes, he will directly parachute to Feng's and send it in his name. Feng Wenjun will definitely not have any objections.

Feng Qinqin nodded, that's the only way to go.

But looking at it like this, it may take eleven o'clock for the eldest brother to finish his work.

Well, why don't you call Fangfang to lie to her and improve your relationship.

Thinking of this, Feng Qinqin bit her lower lip and smiled slyly,
As everyone knows, after the two left, two men wearing masks who seemed to be cleaning staff pushed two large boxes over.

Back home, it was already 08:30, and everyone had gone back to their rooms to rest.

As soon as he entered the door of the living room, Bo Zhongye picked her up by the waist and strode upstairs.

"Honey, remember to call me tomorrow, let's go to work."

"it is good."

After speaking, listening to the sound of the girl sleeping soundly, I almost laughed.

This is the second sleep.

However, she forgot that tomorrow is Saturday, so she doesn't have to go to work at all.

Niu Fang sneaked out of the school dormitory after receiving a call from Sister Qinqin.

Brother Feng must be very lonely alone in the company, there is no one to help him.

If she was going, she might be able to help him pack his things, as long as he wouldn't cause trouble for him.

When they came downstairs to Feng's company, a cool wind blew over.

Niu Fang hugged her arm and rubbed her little hand on it.

It's really getting colder.

She should wear something thicker.

Niu Fang shuddered, took out her mobile phone and called Feng Xiao.

At the same time, in the president's office.

Feng Xiao confronted the two men.

Not long after he sent Bo Zhongye and Qinqin away just now, these two ugly men with knives in their hands broke into his office.

Feng Xiao looked at the two of them. Even though they were both wearing masks, he could guess that these people should be sent by Yang Dan, right?

"You want to kill me?"

Feng Xiao looked at them and asked.

The two men shook their heads.

They didn't want to kill him, they wanted to depose him.

"Boy, as long as you chop a few knives on your own leg and cut up your brother, maybe our two brothers can spare your life."

The task they received was not to kill anyone, as long as the man couldn't stand up and give birth, they would complete the task.

Hearing this, Feng Xiao was even more sure that Yang Dan sent him here.

Once he can't leave, he won't be able to work here in the future. As long as he has no heirs, the Feng family will always belong to her son.

He didn't want to talk about some things so quickly, but since his brother-in-law found out and sent them to him, and now someone wants him to kill off his children and grandchildren, if he doesn't tell them, he will be sorry for himself.

(End of this chapter)

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