Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 381 If you touch your feet, you will be responsible!

Chapter 381 If you touch your feet, you will be responsible! (one more)
"How long do you want to hug me?"

Feng Xiao looked down at the little hand that the girl hugged his waist without knowing when.

Are girls' hands so pretty?

White and tender, the ten fingers are long and thin, like jade fingers, very delicate.

At this moment, the girl clasped his waist tightly with her two small hands, as if she would not let go.

Hearing Feng Xiao's voice, Niu Fang woke up suddenly.

Looking down at the intimacy between her and Brother Feng, Niu Fang was going crazy.

He took a sudden step back, lowered his head, and dared not look up with his eyes closed.

She, what did she do!

She, how could she hug Brother Feng's waist, and still, she couldn't let go!

She must be crazy!

Oh my god, Brother Feng doesn't think she did it on purpose, does he?

She really didn't do it on purpose, maybe because she was too scared to see the police, she didn't know why she hugged Brother Feng at all.

"Feng, Brother Feng, I, I didn't do it on purpose."

After hesitating for a long time, Niu Fang only gave such a lame reason.

She really wanted to slap herself a few times.

I didn't do anything wrong, why should I be afraid of the police, shouldn't I feel that the police have a sense of security?
But she just felt that Brother Feng felt more secure.

Looking at the girl who lowered her head and bit her lip, not daring to look at him, she looked very remorseful.

Feng Xiao couldn't help laughing. He just scared her, and she was frightened. Could it be that if he gave her a knife now, she could cut off her own hand to show her innocence?

Feng Xiao walked over and said with a smile.

"So timid, how did you have the guts to come up just now?"

Those two men were talking to her on the phone. They knew it was dangerous up there, but they still came up.

I wasn't scared when I saw the gangster, why did I get scared when I saw him and the police?

Niu Fang lowered her head and rubbed her fingers.

"Then I'm worried that you can't handle it alone?"

It's sad to think about it.

Because it's off work, all the elevators are closed, only the exclusive elevator is still open, but she doesn't have an elevator card.

On the [-]th floor, she climbed up.

She doesn't even know how she climbed up, and now her legs are starting to feel numb.

As a result, as soon as he came up, he killed the two gangsters.

She didn't even know what the meaning of her coming was?
"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have come. I don't even have an elevator. I'm almost exhausted."

Climb the mountain in one breath, one step and two steps, no wonder you are not tired.

Feng Xiao: "..."

Suddenly remembered that the elevator seemed to be closed.

Here, did she run up?
Thinking of this, Feng Xiao squinted his eyes and looked at the girl who was a step away in front of him, his heart was turbulent.

Fangfang really cared about him and liked him very much, otherwise, she wouldn't have come to rescue him when she knew she was in danger.

It must be because he usually doesn't know anything, and he feels that he can't beat those two men, so he came here.

Niu Fang twisted her fingers nervously and bit her lip, like a child waiting to be punished.

In the future, Big Brother Feng must think that she is a frivolous girl. It's over, she's over.

Seeing the girl biting her lip all the time, there were teeth marks on her lips.

Doesn't it hurt?
"Stop biting your own mouth, otherwise you will bleed."

Feng Xiao said helplessly, then walked over and grabbed her arm.

Niu Fang didn't know how she got there. Looking at the extra hand on her arm, there was only one thought in her mind.

Brother Feng held her hand again!

Yes, hold her hand!
Just now he was wrapping his arms around her shoulders, and now he is holding her hand again, what does Brother Feng mean by that?

Doesn't he know that there is no physical contact between men and women?

Moreover, it's easy for her to have unreasonable thoughts when he treats her like this!

Feng Xiao pulled her arm to the sofa, asked her to sit down, and then took off the girl's shoes...

During the whole process, Niu Fang was sluggish.

Knowing that Feng Xiao's hand touched the sole of her foot, Niu Fangteng stood up instantly.

It's cool, it's so cold on the ground.

The cold woke her up.

Niu Fang stood barefoot on the ground, Feng Xiao still maintained a half-kneeling posture, his hands were frozen in mid-air, and then slowly raised his head to look at the girl.

Niu Fang stood there with her face flushed, her body trembling uncontrollably, and her left atrium was beating violently. At this moment, it seemed that all the blood in her body was pouring into her brain.

Her head was going to explode, her head was going to be out of order, she seemed to be unable to hear or see anything outside.

She thought she might be crazy.

If she hadn't been barefoot, she wouldn't have imagined that it was Brother Feng who took off her shoes and pinched her feet?
The physical contact just now made her disbelieve what happened today, so now Brother Feng's behavior has already scared her.

Feng Xiao stood up, and Niu Fang subconsciously took a step back to prevent their faces from touching each other due to the close distance.

"Sit down and let me show you how your feet are doing?"

Twenty floors is not an easy task, and you must be exhausted climbing up.

If you don't look at it now, you may be so painful that you won't be able to walk tomorrow.

Hearing this, Niu Fang suddenly opened her eyes wide!
After understanding what he meant, Niu Fang waved her hands again and again.

"No, no need, I'll just take a look for myself, it's okay, just take a rest for a while."

Niu Fang was going crazy.

Did Brother Feng treat her too well today?

Besides, she is not a rich young lady, so this little tiredness is nothing to her. Just take a rest and lie down in the dormitory tomorrow.

Feng Xiao glanced at her, his tone was impatient.

"sit down!"

I don't know if tomorrow is my birthday, if my body hurts from exhaustion, can I have a happy birthday?

Niu Fang bit her lip and looked at him.

Can a girl's feet be touched by any man?
Does Brother Feng know that if you touch a girl's feet, you are responsible for her?

"Stop biting yourself, do you want to bite off your lips?"

Niu Fang: "...Oh."

"sit down!"


Niu Fang finally sat on the sofa, and Feng Xiao held her little foot with one hand.

The girl's feet were really small, just like her hands, very white, tender, and soft, and he could hold them with one hand.

The man's fingertips were pinching somewhere on the soles of her feet, and the comfort from the soles of her feet made Niu Fang forget what she was doing, and even said what she hadn't dared to say just now.

"Brother Feng, do you know that if you touch a girl's feet, you will be responsible. Girls' feet are not allowed to be touched by men casually."

Feng Xiao, who was patiently massaging the soles of her feet, suddenly heard these words, his eyes were still fixed on the girl's little feet, and the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously. obvious.

"I don't know, I haven't heard of it."

There was an uncontrollable smile in his voice when he said this.

But Niu Fang only cared about what he said, never heard him laugh or not.

Never heard of it.

"Oh fine."

Since you don't know, can I stretch my feet over?

After thinking about it, Niu Fang chose to shut up.

After massaging for about 5 minutes, Feng Xiao's hand moved towards her calf again.

The girl's calf can hardly be seen to have a calf, it is very thin, very straight, and very beautiful.

Feng Xiao suddenly remembered that when men talk about women, they always talk about legs, some women have a pair of straight legs that are enough for a man to play with for a lifetime.

If these legs were wrapped around a man's waist, it would definitely feel ecstasy.

Which man does not have dirty jokes in his heart, even a man who seems to be honest has this kind of cognition in his heart.

However, when he thought that these beautiful legs were wrapped around other men's waists instead of his, Feng Xiao couldn't express his annoyance.

It's just annoyance, the annoyance of wanting to tear that man into pieces.

Niu Fang didn't know what he was thinking, but just watched his patient movements, feeling a little wronged in her heart.

It's okay to touch her little feet without feeling it.

But, but, her legs are so beautiful, doesn't Brother Feng feel anything?
After massaging her, Feng Xiao stood up.

Looking at the diamond watch in his hand, it was already ten o'clock.

At this time, the school is about to be closed, so let's send him back first, because today's work is over.

"I'll take you back first."

Hearing this, Niu Fang was stunned.

It's over, I want to send her back, but what is the purpose of her coming, just to perform climbing stairs and let Brother Feng give her a massage?

Then she might as well not come.Net trouble for him.

"Brother Feng, I'll go back by myself, you can do your work."

The gate control time in the school is 11:30. In fact, she can help him for a while, but he let him go. She should go back. If you don’t send him a meal, you won’t come over. It’s just causing trouble for him. .

If she didn't come today, Brother Feng might start working after he brought down the gangster. That's good, he was massaging her feet and legs.

Could it be that she really has no allure to Brother Feng at all?
It's still late at night, isn't it the best time to have an affair?

But Brother Feng's reaction was that he had no idea about her at all.

Feeling so frustrated.

The sorrow of being a woman.

How could Feng Xiao let her go back in the middle of the night alone.

"Wait for me first, I'll pack up and send it to you."

As he said that, Feng Xiao walked to the desk, it was really too messy, even if he put it one by one, it would take a while.

Niu Fang thought for a while, then walked towards him and stood opposite him with a desk in between.

"Brother Feng, tomorrow is Saturday and I don't have class. I can help you here. If it's late, I don't have to go back to school. Just send me to my brother. He has a room there."

The main reason is that she is not sleepy when she goes back now, and she is also playing with her mobile phone when she goes back, so why not help him organize his things here.

Looking at the mess in the office, like collecting waste paper, she can help him tidy it up.

Hearing this, Feng Xiao stopped packing his things and looked at her.

Could it be that little girl Qinqin and Fangfang who told her to come and help him, so that they could cultivate their relationship?

No need to guess, it must be, that is, what her sister can do.

"Okay, then you can see what you will do, we will go back at twelve o'clock, do you think it is okay?"

He didn't refuse anymore, he couldn't finish the work today, and he didn't know what to say when he went to see the client tomorrow.

Seeing that he agreed, Niu Fang was overjoyed and nodded repeatedly.

Time passed quickly. I thought it would be finished at twelve o'clock, but it turned out to be a quarter past eleven.

Feng Xiao put down the pen in his hand and looked at the girl who was still busy.

The office was really messy, and it took a while to clean it up, but after Fang Fang tidied it up, it was much better.

Feng Xiao laughed when he remembered what Fangfang said today that he would be responsible if he touched a girl's feet.

She must be very helpless to his answer, and it must be very sad.


Will Fangfang feel sad because of his rejection and ignorance?

Thinking that she would be sad, Feng Xiao also began to feel uneasy.

Realizing his uneasiness, Feng Xiao was startled.

Why is he upset?

Is it because Fangfang will be sad?

It's also incredible.

Chasing away the thoughts in his head, Feng Xiao walked over, stood behind the girl, and said in a low voice.

"Fangfang, are you ready?"

After seeing her tidy up the last stack of documents, Feng Xiao spoke.

Niu Fang turned around and nodded.

"Well, it's packed."

"Then go back."

The two went downstairs, and in the elevator, Niu Fang began to feel sleepy.

It should be because I am too tired today, I usually go to bed at twelve o'clock.

Get in the car and start the car.

Not long after driving out, Niu Fang fell asleep.

Seeing the girl's sleeping face, Feng Xiao squinted his eyes, then turned his gaze away and continued driving.

The car stopped at the door of the clothing store.

Feng Xiao went to look at the girl in the passenger seat again, she seemed to be sleeping soundly.

How about not waking her up?

(End of this chapter)

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