Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 382 Really Wonderful

Chapter 382 Really Wonderful (2 more)
Feng Xiao just looked at her like this for a while, but he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

He no longer knows what his feelings for Fangfang are, or, in fact, he already has feelings for Fangfang.

Whether he admits it or not, this is the truth.

But, how would he tell her?

Now is really not the time to talk about it, there are a lot of things going on at home, and confessing to her at this time will undoubtedly drag her into the whirlpool.

Forget it, talk about it later.

Looking at the time, it was almost twelve o'clock, it's better to wake her up, it's not comfortable to fall asleep in the car.

"Fangfang, Fangfang?"

Feng Xiao poked her face.

Sensing the itching on her face, Niu Fang raised her hand and patted his hand away.

"Mom, brother, don't call me, let me sleep for a while."

As he spoke, he tilted his head and fell asleep again.

Feng Xiao: "..."

Falling asleep so easily?

Feng Xiao stopped calling her, opened the car door, got out of the car, went around the front of the car to the passenger seat, opened the car door and leaned over, put one hand through her armpits on her back, and the other hugged her thigh, gently Loosely picked up the girl.

The girl was very obedient, feeling the warmth, she even burrowed into his chest, but Feng Xiao didn't make it clear.

Feng Xiao put her arms around his neck so as not to wake up due to discomfort.

Feng Xiao came here once, and he still remembers the way.

Walking to the second floor, it was the place where the brothers and sisters rented a house.

Feng Xiao bent one leg, fixed the girl's body, and knocked on the door with one hand.

The door opened, and Niu Feng appeared at the door.

Seeing the man standing outside the door, Niu Feng squinted his eyes. When he saw the girl in his arms, his expression changed instantly.

"Can I go in? Fangfang is asleep."

Niu Feng looked at his younger sister who was sleeping like a pig, and was furious.

It seems that this girl has deafened her own words, right? !
No matter how angry I am in my heart, I have to wait until my sister enters the house.

"I'll carry her in, you just wait outside the door, I have something to tell you."

After finishing speaking, Niu Feng took his sister from his arms, turned around and strode into a room.

Feng Xiao froze in place.

What's wrong with Niu Feng? Did he eat explosives?

Niu Feng came back quickly, and his expression became even worse when he walked over.

After closing the door with a slam, Niu Feng dragged Feng Xiao to the stairs.

"Brother Feng, what do you mean?!"

Niu Feng didn't care who Feng Xiao was, he was going to die of anger.

Did he tell Fangfang that he would try not to associate with him in the future?

This is good, not only came and went, but also was carried back.

As a brother, can he not be in a hurry!

Fangfang is his only younger sister, he can't just watch Fangfang suffer what Qinqin suffered before, can he?
Hearing Niu Feng's question, Feng Xiao finally understood.

Did you know about him and Fangfang?

That's why you're telling him this?

"I don't mean anything, I just want to be with Fangfang."

After saying this, Feng Xiao couldn't believe that he said it, but after saying it, his mood improved a lot.

Finally let go of one thing.

Niu Feng looked at the man in front of him and was speechless for a long time, but he couldn't speak.

Niu Feng was so angry that he turned around several times, finally turned around and looked at Feng Xiao.

"Brother Feng, do you know what you're talking about?"

This is not something that can be said casually, this is his sister's whole life, he can't be sure that her sister will have a boyfriend in this life, but he hopes that all the people with his sister are people of the same class as them.

However, Feng Xiao was really not suitable.

Whether it is social experience or family, it is not suitable.

"Niu Feng, of course I know what I'm talking about." Feng Xiao looked at him with a serious expression, "I only realized my feelings for Fangfang today. I like her and I want to be with her. I hope she can be with her in the future." Live like a princess if she wants to."

"However, I haven't told her what I think. I know a little bit about your concerns. It's that Fangfang will be wronged when she arrives at Feng's house. I can also assure you that what you worry about will never happen."

Before, for the sake of family harmony, he didn't want to seal the clan.

Now, for the sake of Fangfang, he can also refuse Fengshi.

It's just that the Feng family must be his now.

"Niu Feng, give me one month. Within one month, I will get all of the Feng family, and I will remove all obstacles between me and Fangfang. Before that, I will not confess my love to Fangfang. But before the Spring Festival, I will definitely let Fangfang meet my parents as my girlfriend."

Hearing Feng Xiao's words, Niu Feng narrowed his eyes.

He didn't have much contact with Feng Xiao, but he knew from the little lunatic that he was a very responsible man.

He is in a difficult situation now. As an elder brother, he certainly hopes that his sister will be happy. Feng Xiao is indeed a very good man, but he is not sure whether his sister can really be happy.

"Brother Feng, you are the big brother of the little lunatic, so naturally you are also my big brother. The little lunatic and I can be said to be close buddies, but I love my younger sister more. Can you understand what I said?"

Of course, Feng Xiao understood what Niu Feng meant. Niu Feng didn't want to embarrass them because of his relationship with Fangfang, and neither did he.

"Niu Feng, there are many uncertainties in the future. I can't say that Fangfang and I will always be together. However, I have identified her, and it is her. I am definitely not the one who will give up voluntarily in the future."

Niu Feng pursed his lips.

Forget it, what else can he say?

Fangfang likes him, and Fangfang deserves such a good man, so what else does he care about?

"Okay, Brother Feng, remember what you said to me, for a period of one month."

After Feng Xiao left, Niu Feng went back and opened the door of his younger sister's room. The younger sister was still sleeping soundly like a dead pig.

Fortunately, Feng Xiao is a gentleman, otherwise he would have been dismantled and swallowed up. How could he have such a heartless sister?

In the Feng family villa, after Yang Dan took care of Feng Wenjun to sleep, he sneaked to the balcony with his mobile phone.

It's past twelve o'clock now, things should have been done, right?

The phone calls.

No one picked up.

Yang Dan frowned.

play one more time.

Still no answer.

Yang Dan realized something was wrong now.

Why don't you answer the phone?
Could it be that he went out to wander after the task was completed?
Didn't you promise to call her when it's done?

Thinking that she would never be threatened again, Yang Dan called again, but no one answered.

When she was about to dial the fifth time, the door of the living room opened suddenly.

However, why would the door in the living room rang? In this house, apart from them, only Feng Xiao had the key.

Thinking of this, Yang Dan was taken aback.

Is it Feng Xiao? !

Without thinking any more, Yang Dan ran down.

As soon as he reached the stairs, he saw Feng Xiao walking upstairs step by step.

Yang Dan immediately froze in place.

How could Feng Xiao come back safely?

This is impossible!
The people she hired are very reliable!
When he reached the corner of the stairs, Feng Xiao saw her, and he pretended he didn't see her, and he didn't take the initiative to talk to her until he walked to her side, and Feng Xiao glanced at her.

"Aunt Yang, you seem surprised to see me. Are you wondering why I can come back? Standing in front of you?"

Yang Dan nodded subconsciously, then opened his eyes wide, and shook his head hastily.

Feng Xiao took a step closer to her and whispered softly.

"Aunt Yang, don't you see that I'm a ghost?"


Then a shout sounded throughout the villa.

Yang Dan clasped his head in his hands, squatted on the ground, trembling with fright, and started talking nonsense.

"Feng Xiao, you, you go away, I didn't harm you, you go away!"

While talking, Yang Dan used his hands to drive away.

She couldn't say anything else, and wanted to leave this place quickly, but she didn't even dare to move.

Seeing her frightened appearance, Feng Xiao sneered, and then the sound of footsteps came from the bedroom.

Father heard the movement and came over.

Then he wants to see today, in his father's eyes, is he the new wife or his son the most important?
"Aunt Yang, I'm already a dead person. What are you afraid of me doing? Before those two men killed me, they told me that it was your order?"

"No, no, I didn't let them kill you. I just ordered them to kill you. You were killed because you resisted. You can't blame me, you go!"

After saying this, Feng Xiao looked at his father's expression.

It can be described as wonderful.

 It's the last day, the evaluation ticket and the monthly ticket have been handed in, la la la la la la

(End of this chapter)

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