Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 383 Stealing the Credit of Young Master Bo

Chapter 383 Stealing the Credit of Young Master Bo (1 more)
Feng Xiao looked at his father with a gloomy face not far away, and then at Yang Dan who was only concerned about fear, and suddenly sneered.

What a stupid woman.

He thought he would have to wait until tomorrow to expose her, but now it seems that he overestimated her too much.

It has only been two hours, and God has given him this opportunity, and God has really cared for him.

But in his opinion, his father will definitely come forward to solve this matter.

He let him solve it, and it will only become more and more exciting in the future.

"Dad, look, is Aunt Yang out of her mind?"

While speaking, Feng Xiao saw Yang Dan suddenly turned his head to look behind him, his eyes were more frightened than before.

Yang Dan got up suddenly, staggered, and fell into Feng Wenjun's arms, trembling as if he had entered an ice cellar.

She straightened her arm and pointed at Feng Xiao, her voice was incoherent.

"Wen, Wen Jun, you, look, ghost, Feng Xiao has come to seek revenge on me."

Feng Wenjun was in pain from being pulled by her, and his fingernails were pinched into his flesh.

"Yang Dan, wake up!"

Feng Wenjun sternly said in a low voice, it was outrageous.

Yang Dan became more and more timid after being scolded by him.

Feng Xiao looked at Yang Dan who was about to be scared to death, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

He turned to look at his father and asked meaningfully.

"Dad, tell me, am I a human or a ghost?"

Feng Xiao's eyes were so penetrating that Feng Wenjun was taken aback.

Whether he admits it or not, the son in front of him is no longer the ignorant Feng Xiao he was before.

Now he knows everything and has learned everything.

"Ah Xiao, your Aunt Yang is sleepwalking, don't be as knowledgeable as her."

This matter has been exposed in advance, he has to go back and ask for clarification before talking about it.

Of course Feng Xiao knew that his father was doing this as an expedient measure, so he immediately put on a magnanimous gesture.

"Dad, then Aunt Yang is really funny, I was joking with her just now." Feng Xiao finally glanced at the trembling woman in his father's arms, with a sneer in the corner of his eyes, "Dad, I have to talk about work tomorrow , let’s go to rest first, and I think you should send Aunt Yang to the hospital, you see, the illness is really serious?”

After finishing speaking, Feng Xiao smiled at his father, turned around and went back to his room.

Dad, it's good that you're on my side this time, if not, then naturally my son doesn't need to consider your feelings when he does anything.

Feng Wenjun took Yang Dan and walked towards the bedroom, this woman disturbed the good time of sleeping, it was really annoying.

It's just that what happened just now was too strange, and it can't be explained by sleepwalking and joking.

What's more, Yang Dan doesn't have sleepwalking, and A Xiao has no possibility of joking with Yang Dan.

Yang Dan was sitting on the big bed shaking violently at the moment, she was fully awake.

It was Feng Xiao just now, not a ghost.

But why did Feng Xiao come back safely?
Impossible, he should be lying in the hospital, accepting the shame of having disabled legs and losing his brother!
However, none of these things happened, and he came back safe and sound.

He's back, where are the two men?
where did they go

Now it's Feng Wenjun, he must have listened to what she and Feng Xiao said just now, and he will definitely interrogate her to the end.

She almost killed his son, will he let her go easily?

Yes, he will.

He had already saved her from the siege just now, so in his heart, he was biased towards her, right? As long as she admits her mistake, I believe Feng Wenjun will not ignore her.

"Yang Dan, tell me honestly what's going on!"

Yang Dan was so frightened that he backed away a little, almost lying on the bed.

"I, I didn't mean it, I just saw Ah Xiao threatening you, so I wanted to hurt him!"

Yang Dan's brain turned and he said the reason.

After a long time, after listening to Yang Dan's narration of what happened, Feng Wenjun stepped forward, and with a crisp sound, Yang Dan's face was knocked away, and his deep eyes were slightly vicissitudes.

"Yang Dan, have I told you not to touch my bottom line, do you know that Ah Xiao is my son, my own son!"

She really dared.

Once Feng Xiao lost his legs and his ability to reproduce, it would be the same as being useless.

Although Ah Xiao was not the child of his beloved woman, but after all, it was his own son who had been raised by him for more than [-] years, not someone else's!

Yang Dan was shrunk to the corner of the bed by his yelling, not daring to look at him directly.

"Me, I didn't succeed either."

"You still want to succeed?"

She should be glad that she didn't succeed, otherwise, he would really strangle her to death on the spot!

Yang Dan lowered his head and grabbed the bed sheet, not daring to speak anymore.

What should I do? Didn't Feng Wenjun help her just now, but this meeting turned out to be such an attitude.

"Wen Jun, please help me, just because of Ah Qi's face, Ah Qi can't live without his mother."

Instigating someone to commit a crime is also a crime, and he is also the mastermind, so he will be imprisoned!
Hearing her talking about her youngest son, Feng Wenjun's face softened a little.

They also have children, Yang Dan and Liu Ping look so similar, he has always wanted to see what their children will look like when they grow up, it can be said that he regards A Qi as his and Liu Ping's children.

"I will help you this time, if there is another time, I will not be able to help you."

It's okay for Feng Qinqin not to know about this matter, if she knows, with her temperament, she will definitely seek justice for her elder brother.

I hope Feng Xiao won't tell Feng Qinqin.

Yang Dan nodded repeatedly.

"I dare not, I will never dare again!"

Feng Wenjun looked at the woman huddled in a corner, and sighed slightly.

First Huang Qing, then Yang Dan, he didn't know why some people just couldn't see the situation clearly and always wanted to die.

"Yang Dan, let me tell you one last time, you can't afford to offend A Xiao, and don't think that getting rid of A Xiao's Feng family is yours. If you do this, you will only make yourself die faster."

How important Ah Xiao is to Feng Qinqin, I don't think he needs to say, everyone knows.

If Ah Xiao was gone, let alone Feng Shi, they would not be able to escape one by one.

"If you keep yourself safe, you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life, and I won't treat Aqi badly in the future, but Feng Shi, you'd better not think about it, unless you don't want to die."

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to keep her.

Early the next morning.

When Niu Fang woke up, she was already in the house rented by her elder brother.

Looking at everything familiar in front of her, Niu Fang suddenly remembered something.

How did she come back yesterday? !

Isn't she in Brother Feng's car?

Thinking of something, Niu Fang looked at her clothes.

It's okay, it's okay, it's still yesterday's clothes.

She got out of bed and opened the door, and her elder brother had already prepared a meal and was waiting for her.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Niu Feng looked towards her. At that moment, he really wanted to slap her to death.

"Go wash and eat, I have something to ask you later!"

Niu Fang thumped, grumbling inwardly, the elder brother was really angry.

This is what the eldest brother looks like when he gets angry, with a straight face and a posture of not entering the stranger.

It must have something to do with what happened when she came back yesterday.

Niu Fang snorted, and hurried to the bathroom to wash up.

When I came back again, my eldest brother had already started to eat.

Niu Fang tremblingly walked over and sat down opposite her elder brother.

"Brother, how did I come back yesterday?"

Could it be that Brother Feng carried it back?
Niu Feng glanced at her lightly, with a very bad tone.

"Eat first, and then settle accounts with you after eating!"

Niu Fang shrank her neck.

Well, it's a big deal.

After a hasty meal, Niu Feng pointed to the bowls and chopsticks on the table, clearly meaning to tidy them up.

Niu Fang pursed her lips and smiled, and immediately got up to clean up.

After tidying up, Niu Fang obediently sat back and called her elder brother obediently.

Niu Feng: "Tell me, what's the matter with you and Feng Xiao, do you have the right to ignore what I told you before?"

To be carried back by Feng Xiao yesterday? !

Can you embarrass him a little more!
Hearing this, Niu Fang raised her head and asked.

"Brother Feng came back with me in his arms?!"

God, he came back with her in his arms, not his back!

Niu Feng watched her react and was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

Just carrying her back once, why are you so excited?

"Why are you so excited, very moved?"

Niu Feng glared at her and asked her in a strange way.


Niu Fang didn't know what to say.

She was moved, but she couldn't say it.

Said that the eldest brother might come forward and shoot her to death.

"Tell me, didn't you not contact me before? Why did you go out together again and come back so late?"

Niu Feng didn't tell her what Feng Xiao said yesterday, but he just said that Feng Xiao was already moved to death when he came back with her in his arms. If he told her again that Feng Xiao said that he liked her, she might be in the next second. I'm going to faint.

Niu Fang's small mouth was tightly pursed, after thinking about it, she finally said it.

"Brother, I want to tell you something, you can't come and beat me."

Niu Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at her.

Whether to hit or not depends on the seriousness of what she said.

Well, Niu Fang took another step back.

"You can scold me."

Niu Feng was really going crazy.

"Say the point!"

"I confessed to Brother Feng!"

After speaking, Niu Fang closed her eyes and dared not look at him anymore.

For a second, nothing happened.

For two seconds, nothing.

Niu Fang narrowed one eye slightly to inquire about her elder brother's reaction.

As soon as he saw the look on the elder brother's face, he stood up suddenly.

Niu Fang quickly closed her eyes, and took a step back, almost falling off the chair in fright.

"Big brother, you said you wouldn't hit me."

As Niu Fang spoke, she covered her face with her hands.

Niu Feng paused as he stepped forward, and pointed at her nose, his whole chest trembling with anger.

What a skill!
Also go to confess!

"Niu Fang, tell me, who gave you the courage, ah, how did I tell you!"

Niu Fang resignedly listened to her elder brother's crusade without saying a word.

She knew that she had broken her elder brother's heart this time, but she also followed the decision she made in her heart, and she did not regret it.

Seeing his younger sister's appearance of accepting no matter what he said but not regretting it, Niu Feng was at a loss.

"Brother, don't be angry."

Niu Fang took her hand away and looked at him.

Although he talked about not letting everyone beat her, in fact the elder brother really wouldn't beat her. '

Niu Feng sighed.

"It seems that he didn't agree with you, so what are you going to do? Just keep wasting like this?"

Looking at the situation, Feng Xiao didn't nod his head yet, he just wanted to say this on purpose to listen to his sister's thoughts.

Niu Fang lowered her head and muttered in a low voice.

"Brother, I'm still young, I'll talk about it in a few years if Brother Feng still disagrees."

In a few years, Big Brother Feng will be almost 30 years old, right?

He will definitely be married by then.

He was married, so she would naturally stay far away from him.

But doesn't brother Feng still have a girlfriend?
Hearing this, Niu Feng didn't know what to say about her?
So, she meant to wait until Feng Xiao got married?
"Okay, I don't care about this matter, you can do whatever you like!"

In fact, there is no way to control it.

Niu Fang puffed up her cheeks and looked at her elder brother, then slowly moved towards him, put her arm around his, and looked at him flatteringly.

"Brother, are you not angry?"

"Is it useful for me to be angry?"

Niu Feng looked at her angrily.

"Of course it works. It will affect my mood. If you are angry with me, I will not be happy."

Her parents are gone, she only has her elder brother.

Of course she hopes that the person she likes can be accepted by her eldest brother.

Niu Feng's eyes dimmed, and he raised his hand to pinch her small face.

"Fangfang, we are each other's only relatives. Of course I hope you can be happy, and you have to understand what I mean. In my eyes, you can be worthy of any man, but I am more afraid that you will be wronged."

As soon as the words fell, Niu Fang stepped forward and hugged his neck, resting her head on his shoulder.

As she grew older, it had been a long time since she hugged her eldest brother like she did when she was a child.

Now she just wanted to hug her eldest brother tightly and not let go.

Niu Feng patted her on the back helplessly, and then pulled her back.

Niu Fang sat down beside him, and then promised.

"Brother, don't worry, even if Brother Feng refuses to agree, I won't be sad, I will find another suitable one, but, brother, I really like him, I'm still young, I want to fight for it."

Brother Feng's family background is very good, but she will try her best to keep up with him and help him in his field.

Over the past few days, he has discovered more and more that Brother Feng is really a warm man.

She's not even his girlfriend yet, uh, you treat her so well, if so, you will definitely treat her better.

"Fangfang, you will be happy."

Looking at his sister's firm eyes, Niu Feng said something.

After a month, I believe Feng Xiao will tell his sister about it.

Niu Fang scratched her hair and nodded.

But she didn't know the deepest meaning of what her elder brother said.

"Okay, let's clean up. The birthday party is going to be in the afternoon. Did you tell your classmates?"

Niu Fang nodded.

Then you have to clean up even more, the little lunatic is his own person, he can do whatever he wants, but he can't lose himself in front of outsiders.

In the courtyard of the Bo family, Feng Qinqin woke up and habitually touched the man beside him.

However, she was already lying in Bo Zhongye's arms, so she could feel it as soon as she touched it.

Feng Qinqin muttered something, but Bo Zhongye didn't hear it clearly, and grabbed her hand and put it on his waist.

"are you hungry?"

Bo Zhongye leaned over and kissed his little wife on the lips.

Feng Qinqin turned over and lay on her back, her eyes just wouldn't open.

"Honey, I'm so hungry."

This time Bo Zhongye heard what she said.

Hey, my husband is really hungry.

Bo Zhongye got up as if resigned to his fate, and the clothes of the two of them were scattered on the floor.

There are also two large and small underwear on his suit pants.

He bent down to pick up the clothes and walked into the bathroom and threw them into the laundry basket, then went to the cloakroom to get dressed, just after he was dressed, the little girl walked towards him wearing his shirt and hugged his waist from behind.

Bo Zhongye's body froze, and he reacted so quickly in the morning.

He felt like he was going crazy.

This girl is here to torture him.

"Honey, turn around and I'll fasten your buttons and tie."

As she said that, Feng Qinqin pulled him with both hands to turn around.

Bo Zhongye could only turn around.

Feng Qinqin stood on tiptoe, her eyes were still slightly squinted, and her little hands were dancing on her man's chest.

After fastening a row of buttons for her, Feng Qinqin still didn't open his eyes, and stretched out his little hand towards Bo Zhongye.

"Honey, tie!"

Bo Zhongye looked down at the buttons she was fastening, should he remind her to open her eyes to see how it is fastened before taking her tie.

"Honey, tie!"

Feng Qinqin, who didn't get the tie, got anxious and yelled.

Bo Zhongye sighed inwardly, so he had no choice but to bring a navy blue tie from the cloakroom.

The buttons were wobbly, and he could no longer imagine how the tie would be tied.

This girl has never tied a tie for him.

Sure enough, Bo Zhongye's idea came true.

The system is reversed...

Looking at some undone buttons, some undone buttons, and the reversed tie, Bo Zhongye was speechless.

Are you sure she didn't come to punish him?

Thinking it was fastened, Feng Qinqin smiled triumphantly. "I'm going to wash up."

With that said, he closed his eyes and walked towards the bathroom.

Bo Zhongye was terrified now, and hurried over to support her.

"Qinqin, watch your way!"

What to do if you fall.

Feng Qinqin was so unhappy at being yelled at by him, she managed to open her eyes without looking at him, and muttered something before leaving.

"I closed my eyes and fastened your buttons and tie, so why would you have trouble if you walk around?"

Saying that, she broke free from Bo Zhongye's hand and went to wash up.

Bo Zhongye was left alone in a mess in the wind.

My lord, would you like to turn around and look at the tie and button with your eyes closed?
Bo Zhongye shook his head, turned back, took off the tie again, unbuttoned it, and then buttoned it one by one.

When Feng Qinqin came back from washing, Bo Zhongye was already dressed.

After washing her face, Feng Qinqin was much more awake. She walked up to Bo Zhongye and looked at his tie.

She believed that it would be fine for her to button the buttons, but she had never worn a tie before, but she didn't expect that she could do it so well!
"Honey, I'm just amazing, look, I'm wearing a tie for the first time, and it works so well."

There was light in the girl's eyes, and she didn't know where the confidence came from.

But yes, from his meticulous tie.

Bo Zhongye really couldn't bear to dispel her fantasy.

He walked over and hooked his little wife's waist.

Feng Qinqin was only wearing his shirt and a pair of shorts underneath. As soon as the two got so close, the shirt was lifted up.

Bo Zhongye pinched her pretty buttocks and said.

"Yes, my wife is great."

Hearing what he said, Feng Qinqin became even happier.

"I'll tie it up for you every day from now on, shall I?"

Saying that, Feng Qinqin winked at him.

Bo Zhongye's smile froze on his face, and then he said hello.

However, he wanted to see if the little girl would tie him with her eyes closed tomorrow.

It would be fun if you opened your eyes.

"Honey, go wash up, I'll get dressed."

After speaking, Feng Qinqin pushed him to the bathroom, with a proud smile on her face, as if saying, look, I can also take care of my husband.

Bo Zhongye suddenly wished that she would tie him with her eyes closed.

After getting dressed, Feng Qinqin habitually went to get her phone and turned it on.

As soon as the phone was turned on, the WeChat notification sounded, and Feng Qinqin unlocked it to check.

I found out that it was a text message sent at nine o'clock last night.

After seeing the above information, Feng Qinqin's face changed immediately.

Brother met a gangster? !

This is the message she sent to Fangfang after she came back from Feng's, saying that her eldest brother is very lonely in the company by himself, and she hopes she can go and have a look.

Calculate the time, it is the time when Fangfang can reach Fengshi.

Feng Qinqin was so frightened that she almost lost her soul.

Brother, nothing will happen, right?

With trembling hands, he found the mobile phone number of his elder brother and dialed it quickly.

It rang several times, but no one answered.

Feng Qinqin was so anxious that she was on the verge of crying, when Bo Zhongye came out of the bathroom, he saw his little wife holding her phone with a panicked face.

He hurried over, sat down beside her, and asked.

"Wife, what's wrong?"

What are you doing to look so sad.

Feng Qinqin looked at him with her mouth pursed, picked up her phone, tuned to the WeChat message that Fangfang sent her, and showed it to him.

"Husband, will something happen to my elder brother?"

Now the phone can't get through, she is going to die of anxiety.

Bo Zhongye looked at the WeChat message he sent, and frowned.

It seems that Feng Xiao's cell phone is not connected.

"Call Niu Fang and see what's going on with her."

Since it was Niu Fang who sent it, he must have known about the situation.

Feng Qinqin immediately reacted.

Yes, you can fight Fangfang.

She was really confused.

Bo Zhongye picked up her cell phone, helped her find Niu Fang's cell phone number, and dialed it.

The call was connected quickly, and Bo Zhongye didn't give her the phone, but answered it himself.

In case something really happened to Feng Xiao, he was the one who heard it first, Qinqin still had time to reason.

"Sister Qinqin."

Niu Fang over there yelled, and Feng Qinqin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Niu Fang's normal tone.

It seems that there is nothing wrong, otherwise Fang Fang would have to die in a hurry.

The Bo Zhongye she thought of naturally also thought of it, and then he made a faint sound.

"I'm Bo Zhongye, what happened to the WeChat message you sent Qinqin yesterday?"

With no worries in mind, Feng Qinqin leaned over to listen to her.

Niu Fang suddenly realized, and only then remembered that she and Sister Qinqin sent WeChat messages yesterday.

Later, when the matter was urgent, she forgot to report to Sister Qinqin that she was safe.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to report to Sister Qinqin yesterday that I'm safe, Brother Feng is fine."

Hearing this, Feng Qinqin snatched the phone and asked.

"Fangfang, what happened yesterday, who wants to harm him?"

Niu Fang recounted what happened yesterday, and Feng Qinqin frowned.

She knew that the eldest brother had skills, but it seemed that the other party didn't know.

After hanging up the phone, Feng Qinqin was thinking, who is trying to harm elder brother.

The eldest brother has just been involved in official business, so the chance of offending his opponent is not high.

So, there is only one possibility.

Yang Dan!

The eldest brother went to the company and threatened her interests, so she wanted to get rid of him.

However, these are just her fantasies, without any evidence.

Now that those two people have entered the police station, she has a way to know.

"Husband, help me to ask, they must recruit."

If Yang Dan did it, then she would never let her go!
He really wanted to ask.

"Let's go down to eat first. Didn't the elder brother say that he would attend Niu Fang's birthday party? It's okay to ask him later."

Feng Qinqin thought about it too, and knew it in the afternoon.

During the meal, Feng Xiao called. After hearing his elder brother's voice, Feng Qinqin was completely relieved.

"I just went to the bathroom."

Feng Qinqin understood, it seemed that everything happened by coincidence.

"It's okay, brother, you can go to work."

Seeing her hang up the phone, Bo Zhongye picked up the phone and sent a text message.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the police station.

The two men never confessed. It must be that they thought Feng Xiao had no skills, so they wanted to extort a sum of money, but who knew that Feng Xiao was so good at it, he subdued him instead.

The police saw that the two of them said the same thing, and they insisted no matter what.

They have almost believed it, and this should be the truth.

This is the impression Feng Xiao gave to everyone, but no matter how useless the children of wealthy families look, they are better than ordinary people.

I really don't realize it.

Just as they were about to close the case, a person hurried outside and whispered something in the interrogator's ear.

Not knowing what the other party said, the interrogator's face changed drastically.

"This, how can this be good?"

The interrogator asked who came, and the other party nodded to him.

"Retrial, extraordinary people can only use extraordinary means, otherwise, we will not be able to pay the job."

Since the people over there said it, there must be a reason.

Even if there is no reason, there must be a reason.

The interrogator frowned.

"How about we let Young Master Feng come over, he must know about it."

The other person glanced at him like a fool.

"Eldest Young Master Bo has spoken out. Isn't the meaning obvious? Feng Xiao is now Young Master Bo's brother. If anyone in Tongcheng dares to touch him now, he is not someone we can ask if we want!"

What now?
I can only interrogate again.

The interrogator looked at the two culprits with sly eyebrows and asked again.

"What is your reason? I will ask you one last time. If you don't say anything, I may have to use special means."

No way, there are some people he can't afford.

Yesterday's two band pictures looked at each other.

What, obviously their reaction just now was to believe the words of the two brothers, why did they suddenly change their minds?
This is not right.

If they confess, then they really get nothing.

"But what we say is true."

One person pretended to be innocent, and the other immediately nodded in agreement with his words.

The mobile phone was taken back yesterday. I believe they can't make a call there, and they have already guessed that they missed it.

As long as the three of them refuse to admit it, they will be imprisoned for a year as an attempt to commit the crime, and then they will be released. After they are released, they can threaten them once and get money.

The interrogator glanced at them.

"This is the last chance I'll give you. If you don't tell the truth, we can only imprison you for life."

It would have been nice not to shoot them.


The two spoke at the same time.

"We just attempted to commit a crime, and we will be sentenced to one or two years at most!"

One or two years is too much!

"It's like this now. If you tell the truth, you may be able to achieve the one or two years you said and let you out, but if you still don't tell the truth, then we can only imprison you for life."

The two were terrified.

This is how to do ah?

The reason why the interrogator had such a big attitude before and after was because of the person who just came, he just whispered a few words, which had such a big impact.

Do they really have to tell the truth?
Looking at the expressions of the two, the interrogator felt that it was better to scare them, otherwise it would be a waste of time here.

"Xiao Li, take them away and lock them up with those who have been sentenced to life imprisonment. They will be sentenced at another day."

With that said, the interrogator stood up and made a gesture to leave.

The two men were terrified, and spoke first one by one.

"We say, we say!"

After shouting, both of them were terrified.

No matter how much money there is, they must have the opportunity to spend it. If they are locked up here for the rest of their lives, how can they have the opportunity to get money.

 There is another update, it may be very late, Qianqian has to revise the thesis first, babies will come and see it tomorrow morning.

  Once again, I recommend Qingyin Suiqin's novel, "Hidden Marriage and Sweet Love: Husband V587", you can go and read it if you are a baby of Wenhuang, during the PK period, there will be a lot of rewards

(End of this chapter)

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